Fitness: Deadlift 3 x 3 LP
Should be able to add about 10 pounds to last week’s number.
Performance: Power Snatch 80% x 2 x 5
Based off this week’s heaviest single.
Post loads to comments.
e 1/6
For Time
400m Run
40 Alternating DB Snatch
40 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
800m Run
Jenna J. getting swole with her wall balls
Happy Sunday, CFSBK! Enjoy the sunshine!
Quick Test: Is It Your Shoulders? mobility|WOD
Episode 153: Olympic Lifiting Mobility Part 1 mobility|WOD
3 Yoga Poses to Increase Overhead Shoulder Mobility Breaking Muscle
The Overhead Squat Is a Punk: Advice from Experts on How to Make It Better Breaking Muscle
Happy Easter everyone!
Today's WOD
"La Sagrada Familia"
3 expression
Un racion de jamon iberico
Followed immediately by:
10 rounds NFT
10 air squats
10 push-ups
2 minutes Low Plank
"Bring Sally up …" Active squat
See you soon!
I meant espressos!
8am. I was the only one working the performance lift so I got a private snatch session with Fox. Worked the tall snatch instead of power snatch because I've been having lots of trouble getting under the bar recently. Weight in kg: 40×2, 40×2, 45×2, 50×2, 55×2, 55×2. Got a good cue about pushing me knees forward at the bottom of the catch so that my weight doesn't shift too far back. About half the reps felt nice and solid which is a big improvement over recent exposures. WOD @ 65#: 13:33. Burpees felt like they went on forever.
Deadlift 220x3x3. Only a 5# jump from last week, but last week felt pretty damn heavy and we still have four more weight jumps to go.
WOD 14:44 with 25# DBs/20" box. I thought this was Rx because SOMEONE *coughArturocough* said we were supposed to divide 1/3 BW by 2 to get to our DB weight. Fox later informed me that this was not the case. I KNEW those snatches felt too light! That being said, I'm not sorry, because I've been dealing with some inflammation in my left forearm since snatching on Tuesday, so I suppose being accidentally too conservative means I didn't aggravate that.
Now I want to eat all the things.
Noon class
Power Snatch
Was jumping forward a bit today. Got to remember to get my shoulders back.
WOD with 65# and 24" in 13:00
Tried to stay with Rickke again. Didn't, again.
Ran to noon class with Miss Penny, who always makes me go faster! 1.7 mile warm-up.
95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 175x3x3
5# jump from last week. Staying conservative to start out and build this over the next 6 wks without losing my back.
Good coaching from Noah today: I was jerking tension out of the bar as I pulled it off the ground. Instead: find ultimate tension and squeeze the click out of the bar, then take a breath, then push through the heels. Subsequent sets were much better and easier.
-Put the little lift under my whole right foot. I can tell that this is very different for my back and particularly my left leg/hamstring. Will continue and see how things progress.
WOD in 14:47 @ 35#, from the ground. 45# would've been 1/3 BW.
-In retrospect, could've done 40# and probably kept a similar pace. (20-10-10)
-burpee box jumps got my HR way up and was very much out of breath. Tried to stick to 10 at a time, but definitely rested with hands on knees a bunch.
Walked home with Penny and an iced coffee — great to enjoy the sunshine!
Strength Cycle
Today was a good day for me. Maybe it was the 100% Paleo -Zone compliant breakfast I had- trying this for a week to see if it helps with the inflammation in my shoulders. Maybe it was my brand new turquoise weightlifting belt!! ๐ Or the sunshine? I don't know. Something happened and everything felt good.
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 170 x 5 (oops- forgot I was still warming up) 185 x 5 x 2, 185 x 10
45 x 5, 55 x 4, 60 x 2, 67.5 x 3 x 2, 55 x 10.
Power Clean
33 x 3, 53 x 3, 73 x 3, 83 x 3 x 3.
1pm with Arturo and Noah…
Got up to 155# on my dead lift….felt good!
WOD in 15:42 with 20# DB and 20" box. Tried the 25# DB but couldn't keep it organized up top so dropped to 20…had a hard time catching my breath for the 800m but got through it ๐
OG for another heavy Russian Squat day.
95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 275×1 295×1 305x3x3
That's 10lbs over my previous 1RM for 3×3. Hell yeah. Second rep was harder than the third on each set for some reason but they all went up. Next week is more uncharted territory.
Snatch grip RDL
135×5 185×5 225x5x4
Getting these off the floor is the hardest part.
Theb messed around with some max height jumps and some handstands. Still like 4-5in shy of being able to hit 10'. I wish I was a little bit taller…
Made it to 9am class with the Foxes. So appreciative of this weather and of getting an opportunity to get this work-out in.
Power snatches at 68#. I've been missing the snatch exposures so far. This seemed about right. Focused on hip contact, full extension, chest up. Feeling rusty.
Work-out in 12:43.
35# DB snatch from the floor. I'm somewhere between 35# and 40#. Definitely will do 40# next time. 20" box and strict push-ups on the burpees. The 2nd run felt slow, but I had some room to pick up the pace at the end.
Spent the day in high heels for the first time in a while. Can't imagine what my calves are going to feel like tomorrow.
Happy to make it to OG after a long weekend of out town.
Power Snatch (33, 43×3, 53×3) 63x3x5
Power Clean (33, 63×3, 73×1) 88x3x5
Push Jerk (33×5, 53×3) 63x3x5
FSQ (33×5, 63×3) 90x3x5
Of all things, power cleans felt the worst. I like Lauren's word "rusty" – the power cleans felt rusty.
Snatch-Max for the day, then 85% of that 1×3
**Snatches have been off the last two training sessions. I have been trying to tinker with some technique and I think I have thrown something off. ๐
Clean and Jerk-Max for the day, then 85%that x1x3
308M(missed clean, WTF)
Front Squat 80%x3x3
Training has been hard lately. My wrists hurt (both of them) and my left hand is torn. The program for the next two weeks is pretty brutal. Time to dig in and get some work done.