Fitness: Clean Segment Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor then perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean segment deadlift.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 90% x 1 x 2
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk in 3 attempts, then perform 2 singles at 90% of today’s best lift
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 LP
Start light enough to leave room to go up by 5-10 lbs for the next 5 weeks.
Performance: 70%x8x4
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Cool Things Happening Today
- Jayson S.’s day of birth! Happy birthday, Jayson!
- CFSBK’s Clothing and Book Swap from 2-4pm! Bring at least five items (make sure clothing is clean and preferably on hangers) and arrive at the 2pm start. Any leftovers will be donated to the CHiPS shelter and Dress for Success.
- Flex in the City at 69th Regiment Armory in Manhattan. If you want to be a super fan, track our athletes’ scores HERE. GOOD LUCK to everyone who is competing!
Olympic Coaching Tips: Clean and Jerk in Slow Motion Team USA
The Side of Rich and Hillary Froning Most People Don’t Get to See Michael Haning
Things You Can Get Rid of & Things You Can’t Catalyst Athletics
This Is Big: Scientists Just Found Earth’s First Cousin The Atlantic
V. Late OG post
**Something was way off with my shoulder mobility. Kept dumping them forward.
Clean and Jerk-Max
Some Planks W/25 kg
9am crossfit reebok Barcelona – no sign of jay or Adele!
Going to other boxes really makes me appreciate the organization and programming at CFSBK, which I take for granted since I've only ever crossfitted here. They were very nice at this box, though I never learned the instructors name – there were no introductions. After warm ups she announced 4 Wods – but we only completed 2 of them. Kind of strange Wods also – 4x1min row then 3 minutes DU/3 minutes T2B… Anyway it made me appreciate how much gets done at cfsbk and how much sense it all makes.,I stayed afterwards for open gym and did some light snatches and c&j
Matt Katz and I have a fair amount of stuff we'll be bringing to the swap, and unfortunately not enough hangers. Is okay if we bring nicely folded things?
Cleans: 95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 145
Front squats: 165x8x4
Yoga & 10am class this morning. 2nd yoga class this week, and so far so good on doing stretching on my own as well… hopefully over time I'll get some more lower body & hip range of motion.
I went too heavy squatting on Tuesday – still sore today, and really felt it doing a modified version of Thursday's workout on my own.
Today's fitness clean & jerk complex up to 153, both cleans at that weight were fine but I'm short-changing the jerk when it gets heavier, landing really shallow. This is 40# shy of my PR but I want to work out the jerk positioning better before I go heavy again. It feels really great when I hit it right so at least there's feedback. Also, I'm solidly a fan of the 33# bars for Olympic lifts now.
Last week's front squats at 185# were easy, today's at 195 were pretty hard – definitely feeling my 5th day "on." I've been trying to lock in that bottom-of-the-squat feeling with pauses, but Whit came by and told me I should be working on a bounce instead since this is accessory work for the c&j. Makes total sense.
Skipped the cashout because tomorrow is Michael's running club and I'd like to at least try to not be fried when I get there. Lesson for next week: don't go crazy squatting.
11am Class
220 – 231 (slight press out) – 231 – 240
240 is 2 lbs off a PR and felt great. Arturo continues to be my "O-Lift Whisperer" with great eyes and cues. Felt awkward at first to get my front foot out so far but the 240 went up and locked out better than most lifts above 220 lately. Also it seems that a small breakfast does wonders for my lifting. Good old fashioned oats with cinnamon, butter, and vanilla whey plus espresso and cream. Great lifting with Michael A today, who I sort of tricked into a 20lb PR! Kilograms!
FSQ based off 275
This was awful and I was so glad when it was over, but my clean ain't going up unless my front squat does. My legs feel so much better than they did this morning.
Cash Out with 40kg and hollow rock to give my elbows a break.
Also, that's really great shot of Eric locking out a jerk. We should all strive to look that solid. Look at the rest of the shots in that series on our Flickr and see what good positions he's in. Impressive work, Eric!
Just wanted to give Mare a shout-out for organizing the clothing/book swap today! I went home with quite a haul — very excited to have such a huge wardrobe refresh for no $.
1pm class
Clean and jerk
Worked up to 205
Missed 215 due to these little legs
Front squat
Did the cash out with 20 hollow rocks instead of toes to bars
Used a 2 pood bell for the first 3 rounds then the 36k for the last two
Afterwards I wanted to go rock climbing but they're doing renovations which means there was much less wall space available for their Saturday rush so I came back and jumped in on McDowells conditioning instead
For time:
1000m row (4:01)
50 thrusters, 45lbs (unbroken)
30 pull-ups (unbroken)
Got the Fran arms after this. If I could row a lot faster and not have it crush me I would have a very impressive jackie time
Today was a mehhhh kind of training day for me. I guess I was due for one, since I've had a lot of stellar days and PR's as of late! can't win em all.
warmed up pretty quick since I had let a lot of barbell drills during class. This was a mistake. I didn't take enough time to get the positions and movement locked in, as well as my mental game. anyway…
63×2, 83, 103, 123F, 123 (crappy jerk); then down to 113x1x2
None of these felt very put together. cleans got better as I went along, but my left shoulder was feeling very cranky again and it was throwing me off. all my jerks were wonky — dip was too slow, then too jerky; footing too narrow. blah. some pain in my shoulder joint. once I hit 123, I knew it wasn't worth pushing.
75×5, 95×3, 105x5x3
I did this weight for 3×3 last week and it was super bouncy so I figured I'd start here for the cycle. Sticking with fitness here since my front squat is hardly maxed out at this point. Weight was good.
Cash Out: didn't have much time so did 150 DU's in as few sets as possible (4). Biked home and then took Penny for a little walk/run. Ditched out on dance rehearsal tonight, which I feel lame about but I am sore and a bit run down from a full week. This gave me the time to come home and do a MUCH needed one-hour yoga practice at home and a 10 minute meditation.
Up in Maine and visited CrossFit Beacon this morning.
It was there 2nd anniversary and they had a special WOD on tap –
"EST. 2012"
In 12 minutes:
Double buy-in of a 20 cal row and 600m run
Then AMRAP of:
4 deadlifts (185/135#, scaled 135/95#)
19 kb swings (53/35#, 35/26#)
20 overhead plate lunges (45/25#)
14 box jumps 24/20", 20/16")
I did 1 round + 46 reps. The lunges were the hard part.
Thanks for the shout-out Fox! Also for Asta for capturing these action shots!!