Rope Climb 101
Come play on the ropes. Perform no more than 10 ascents, fewer if you’ve never been up the rope. WEAR LONG SOCKS TODAY!!!
AMRAP 15 minutes
5 Handstand Push Ups (one AbMAt is okay)
10 Pull Ups
15 Pistols (alternating legs)
10 Box Jumps
10 DB Push-Up to Renegade Row
10 V-Ups
Post notes and Rx to comments.

Fish Class Wrap Up
Last Sunday, CFSBK and our new CSA partner Village Fishmonger sponsored a fish cooking class. VFM’s very own fish cutter Carolyn Koch, along with the gym’s CSA manager Michele K., led six participants through a variety of techniques and recipes, including scallop ceviche verde, broiled monkfish with Dijon mustard and thyme, bacon-wrapped monkfish, and Jacques Pepin’s monkfish à l’Américaine. Afterward, everyone enjoyed a lovely spring supper with wine and a whole lotta fish!
Here’s what CFSBK’s Katie M. had to say about the class:
“I’ve used the same two basic recipes for all fish for all my adult life (poach or bake!) and this class was a great afternoon expanding my toolkit of easy options. I left not only able to make more delicious recipes, but also left realizing that solely eating seafood from Trader Joe’s was perhaps not the ideal situation, either ethically or taste-wise. I’ll be joining the fish CSA for the chance to get those scallops (to make that amazing ceviche) alone! It was great to get to know other CFSBK-ers, learn from Michele and Carolyn from the seafood CSA, and eat some amazing food. If another cooking class option ever comes along, I highly recommend it.”
Many thanks to David for agreeing to sponsor the materials for the class, and to Carolyn for dedicating her Sunday afternoon to SBK. Asta took some great photos and you can see more on Michele’s blog. If you are interested in an opportunity to learn more about cooking fish, please email mignyc [at]
- Happy birthday, Prem M. and Yoshi S.!
- Belated but wholehearted CONGRATULATIONS to Aileen H. who ran her way to the top of CFSBK’s lady leaderboard with her 5K time last Saturday of 24:01. Aileen has been part of Michael O.’s Endurance Program, where they’re all crushing their goals!
- Remember that CFSBK’s Clothing and Book Swap is THIS SATURDAY from 2-4pm! Bring at least five items (make sure clothing is clean and preferably on hangers) and arrive at the 2pm start. Any leftovers will be donated to the CHiPS shelter and Dress for Success. Let us know what you are bringing!
Mind Over Milkshake: How Your Thoughts Fool Your Stomach NPR
Klokov D + Annie Thorisdottir + Aegidius: Isabel Complex YouTube
Maybe They’re Not THAT Bad: Personalities in the Gym Catalyst Athletics
Photo of the Day: Best of March National Geographic
I cannot make the Saturday clothing swap, but I have lots of good stuff, gents. Plenty. I guess you'd have to be about my proportions obviously.
Shoes – 10.5 give or take. I do have some to go.
Sportscoats – I don't really know here…44? 46? somewhere in there.
Suits – Same, figure 36/30, maybe a bit longer
Neck 16 to the plus.
primarily custom stuff, would be good for any professional event, if the fit is right.
Hit me up if these are your numbers and are interested. Normally I ship it through friends to Mexico but I'd be happy to share here if someone can use.
I forgot to post my name up on the white board: 5 rounds + 6 rows, using 20# d.b. & 20" box jump. This was hard – I was actually wishing for more box jumps.
Rope climb this was fun. But a warning to other climbers: the long socks were helpful but I did manage to burn the back of my upper thigh on the descents. so long pants might help.
Thanks for the love Kate! Super excited to make the 5k leaderboard. This is a 40sec PR from my fastest 5k and 2+ minutes faster than the beginning of Michael O's endurance program 6 weeks ago! Looking forward to the BK half coming up ๐
I have a programming question.
I was at another CF for 6 months before coming to CFSBK. I was getting pretty good at my HSPU and my pistols but still need 2 ab mats for HSPU and pistols I need a little assistance to get to full depth and keep my balance. I haven't done either move since starting here in January.
The way I read the programming today, I need to do fitness since I'd need assistance on all of the performance movements. Normally I want to do fitness, but today I want to do performance so I can practice these moves. I assume these might be seen a lot on Thursday gymnastics WODs this cycle and I'd like to work on them. What is the recommendation for this situation?
Shout out to my mom doing her ring rows —
That was my first time trying to climb a rope in my life – good times!
I know that there have been rope climbing clinics in the past – hopefully CFSBK can set that up again. I'd love a chance to practice some more.
congrats aileen!!!
hope i can make it out tonight for rope climbing, i could never do it as a kid for our presidential fitness test at school and was jealous of everyone who could because i was the least athletic person ever. would love to take a stab at it!
8am with Fox.
Flipped class with the WOD first, followed by rope climbs.
5 rounds even on the performance WOD, with one mat for the HSPUs. I'm wondering if one mat even does anything giving all the weight pushing down on it. Maybe it's time to try without them. Fell off the wall after three reps in the final set. Pull-ups unbroken.
Pistols were the absolute best they've ever been today — again, perhaps it took diving off the deep end to see how much I could do.
Got some great tips from Fox on the rope climb. The "knees to chest" cue I've gotten previously was nowhere near as clear or efficient as it is to think about going into the L position on the rewrap.
Can anyone recommend some slow cooker recipes? Some links would be great. Just got one and haven't used it yet, would love some tried and true to start if possible. Thanks!
I've made a bunch and posted recipes.
Go to thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com and type "slow cooker" into the search bar.
NO, the Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker book by Beth Hensperger is very good. Not Paleo, but many of the recipes fit into Paleo or can be easily adapted to become that way.
Nom Nom Paleo also has quite a few good ones.
WOD today at the 10Am class with Jess
6Rds +3 HSPUs. I used a mat and held on at times for the pistols. I think I will ditch the mat as well because its not giving me that much "padding" which is what I want it for.
Pistols I wish I had my lifting shoes after the fact.
Rope climbs were fun.
7am class.
I did performance like this: strict HSPUs + kipping pull-ups + assisted pistols. The pistols were a strugglefest, but I felt good about the other movements. I got 6 rounds and change.
6am with MeLo and Lady Fox
Did 6 rounds + 1 Pistol on the Perf WOD. Got a little caught off guard by having to do it first instead of rope climbs, but otherwise it was a fun one. My pistols are getting better but they were definitely the hardest part of the workout for me.
Rope climbs were a blast and MeLo gave some great instructions. Speed climbing is fun even when you arms are fried from doing a bunch of pullups. ๐
6am. Perf WOD with rack assisted pistols: 8 rounds + 1 HSPU. Both HSPU and pull-ups felt strong. Both unbroken except for one round of HSPU where I came off the wall after 4 reps due to balance. Still can't do a pistol. Have the strength, but not the flexibility at the bottom. Feels like I'm close with the right leg, though. Rope climbs were fun.
Here is today's installment of Why I Love CFSBK:
When I was 9 years old, my school built a new gym that had a rope for climbing. I couldn't make it all the way up the rope, which was devastating to me as a tomboy raised with Free to Be You and Me 70s feminism coursing through my little veins. (The nuance that I missed at the time was that although girls could do anything boys could do, that didn't mean that EVERY girl could do ANYTHING that boys could do.)
Today, roughly 30 years later, I climbed a rope all the way to the top. Sweet.
I participated in the cooking class on Sunday. Although I learned a lot, it's a good thing I was there to eat about 5x what everyone else ate or there would have been too many left overs. The ceviche was amazing!
Many thanks to David for sponsoring the class, Michele for hosting and Carolyn for teaching. This was a very cool way to spend a Sunday afternoon and will most defiantly sign up for something like this again!
– Mario
In Annapolis for the week and dropped in at Annapolis Crossfit a couple of times. Without knowing it, name dropped DO's name and got the drop in fees waved for the week. I wonder what else I might get for free name dropping DO in other places, say a bar…
Yesterday was a 3-position clean work followed by a descending ladder of cleans and unbroken DUs.
Today, 4 rounds of 3min AMRAP of 15 pull-ups, 15 burpees and slam balls for remaining time.
I dropped DO's name in Thailand once and got a free… never mind.
4:30 class
A few climbs up the rope. Believe it or not it's the first time I've been to the top at Degraw street. I hate the rope.
Perf WOD
9 rounds plus 5 HSPU
Tried to keep up with Rickke. Didn't.
6am with Jess & Melissa
Rope Climb was fun!
WOD: 5 rds + 9 push ups….the push up with renegade rows were tough. My hands started to hurt in round 3.
Hooray for gymnastic Thursdays!!!
thanks slow cooker peoples!
4:30pm class
Tried every which way to talk myself out of not going to class today. But then, I realized at 3:20pm that I should just suck it up and go. I knew that Chris and MeLo were going to be there so I came. So glad I did! It ended up being a super fun class with a bunch of 'all-stars' as Coach Whit described us. If you haven't seen Rickke's rope routine, you're missing out. ๐
Rope Climbs…
-got up a couple times with the Spanish wrap which I'm used to. First time trying the Russian/Military/Speed wrap today and didn't go far because my hands were pretty beat up by then. Great to practice this though!
Performance WOD:
6 rounds plus 5 hspu + 1 pullup
-hspu's all rx'd kipping and unbroken except for one round when I fell of the wall after 3.
-subbed 5 c2b pullups instead of reg pullups to prep for a competition on Saturday. first 3 rounds unbroken then in 3-2 for the latter sets.
-PISTOLS, rx'd! I really thought I was going to have to do a rack-assisted pistol like normal, but I was able to do them by just holding onto my toe as I went down. I've never done this many pistols so I'm expecting to be extremely sore tomorrow but I'll take it. I guess all of the HBBS has really helped me with this! Still need to work on getting a better bounce out of the bottom and eventually I should be able to do these without holding onto my toes.
Overall, pretty happy with today considering I didn't even want to take class today! Thanks SBK!
Strength Cycle
Back Squat
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 155 x 3, 175 x 6 x 3.
Tried less weight with the bar in a higher position which felt much easier on my shoulders but will take a bit of getting used to, balance-wise.
Bench Press
45 x 5 , 65 x 5, 75 x 4, 90 x 2, 102.5 x 2, failed 3rd rep.
90 x 5, 90 x 10.
Chin-ups. 25 reps in 3 x 5 then 4, 1, 3, 2. I felt heavier today.
Overall not feeling the best today. Nothing a solid night's sleep and some strict zone eating won't remedy ( chocolate happened)
It was fun watching everyone climbing the ropes today and I enjoyed reading about peoples' experiences. Major WOD envy.
Did a little mashup of Wednesdays and Thursday's workouts today, spaced 7 hrs apart.
Snatch: 80KG, 82M, 82M, 74, 74M, 74 (Sloppy session, but tied a PR, which means I should be able to push past it if I'm crisp)
HBBS: 230x8x4. Felt good. I think taking the 2x10s pretty deep last cycle prepared me well for this. Good bounce, good pace, never really slowed down.
School break, then:
WOD: RXed, 6 rds flat. Took my time on this, mostly used it to practice and play around with kipping my HSPUs, which are still a major weakness. 30 total under some metabolic duress is a big win for me. First 10 PUs were C2B, the rest were butterflied mostly, and mostly unbroken until my hands got hot towards the end. Pistols felt fine, but legs were getting a bit smoky after squatting earlier. Fun WOD, would like to take another crack at it sometime.
Lots of fun teaching and playing on the rope today. I hate it too, but always fun to go outside the comfort zone.
9 rounds, I need some tiger balm STAT!
Congratulations Aileen!
Fun 8:30 class w Noah. Love rope climbs. Amrap was a good one. Muscles were feeling pretty fresh after 2 days off with some solid mobility and much needed yoga.
9 rnds + 4 hspu. Hspu felt fast, pistols were moving, and even had some unbroken sets of pull-ups. But my kip swing is huge, and I wonder if that's why my hands suffer. Broke it down into sets of 3s and 2s in the last few rounds to make sure I didn't tear.
At the end Ken suggested I try climbing the rope w/o legs and I was surprised to get about 4 fist over fists before giving up. Actually seems doable someday. Never would have thought it possible. Thanks Ken!
I almost didn't make it to class tonight for the 3rd day in a row due to forces beyond my control, and I was feeling very frustrated. Felt great leaving tonight!