Fitness: Snatch Segment Deadlift + Snatch + OHS
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: Snatch 1-1-1, then 90% x 1 x 2
Work up to a heavy snatch in 3 attempts, then perform 2 singles at 90% of today’s best snatch.
Back Squat
Fitness 3×5 LP
Performance 70%x8x4
Post loads to comments.
e 1/6
Babysitting services during Strength Cycle
Things We Want to Know
- Are you running the Brooklyn Half Marathon? Head over HERE to tell us if you’re running on May 17. Plans are in the works for a post-race celebration, so we’ll make sure to update you here and on the event page re: final festivities. Let us know about your races, CFSBK! We want to be your biggest fans!
- We’re hosting another movie night soon. What do you want to watch? Come at us with suggestions in the comments!
- Say hi and welcome back to Captain Osorio, who returns to us today. Yahoo!
Olympic Coaching Tips: The Snatch in Slow Motion Team USA
Increase in Arch Height from Running in Minimalist Shoes Dr. Nick’s Running Blog
Artist Rachel Sussman Photographs the Oldest Living Things in the World before They Vanish COLOSSAL
The Confidence Gap The Atlantic
Purple. Rain.
Last dragon
Awesome picture!
Love that photo!
Worked on three-position snatch (high, below the knee, floor) – 53, 58, 63x1x2, 68x1x2
Took a little while to settle down and hit all of the positions, but I think this will be a great practice for me. Lately I've received helpful cues from coaches and other members on this movement, so I'm getting more confident with every exposure.
Also, I appreciate the performance warm-up. I felt relaxed and able to get through all of the work without rushing. When it came time for work, Melo was available for help and questions, so it was the best of both worlds (autonomy and coaching).
HBBS (83×5, 103×2) 113x5x5
Felt gnarly at first, even though it's kind of light. Improved as I went on.
Start of my third cycle seems like a good time to start posting. 6am.
Snatch Complex: 2x1x85
Weight felt fine throwing it up there, but I wasn't getting under it well. OHS also fine when I wasn't going too far down. Good help from Christian on DL posture – will have to work on that Sunday.
LBBS: 3x5x145
Felt good but not 'easy.' Checked the calculator and it says that's 90% of my 5RM calculated from last cycle's 1RM, so maybe started a little heavy. Not sure if I should try going HBBS for upcoming weeks, but it seemed like too much to decide on the first day back from a cold.
2k row cashout @ 8:00
Breaking Away
Welcom back DO
Fight Club
Super Troopers
Risky Business
Welcome Back
**BK Half**
Movies: Layer Cake, Super Troopers, Get Him to the Greek, Old School
DO: Haben sie jetzt Deutsch sprechen?*
6am with McTuro
Hit 165# on my snatch working with Brad. Got a little wobbly in the midsection towards the end but remembered to push out at the top and managed to not fall over.
Did 225# for 4 sets of 8 on the backsquat working with Peter and Brad. I think Brad said it best, "32 reps of backsquat is like running a 5k", referring to both leg fatigue and total time spent on the rack.
I chose to row the 2k instead of run. I promised myself that I will chose rowing whenever it is an option (even though I love running) in order to try and not suck at it so much.
Have a great hump day folks.
*Thank you Google Translate.
Forgot to set my alarm this morning, so I'll be joining the PM strength cycle tonight.
Movie night: Game of Thrones season finale, please!!!!
Escape from New York
The Princess Bride
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Welcome back DO!
Back in the gym for the second time in as many weeks, hopefully the beginning of a pattern.
I did Wednesday's work in my basement:
3×5 bench @ 105. This is 70% of 150 which is not my 1RM (165) but it's been a loooong time since I benched. Then, fitness WOD with a 2-pood KB because somehow our 1.5-pood has disappeared (how one loses a kettlebell I don't quite know…). So I did 8 swings/8 burpees. 6 rounds even. Burpees on my super-dusty basement floor kind of sucked.
Today, 6am with McTuro. Likewise it's been at least six months since I snatched. (Maybe it's time to start keeping a consistent training log? 5 years into crossfitting? you think?) Shoulders were freaking out. Stuck low, topped out at 75 on the fitness complex.
HBBSQ–on McDowell's advice, went for a heavy 5 set to see where I should be for the cycle. Got to 185. HBBSQ is my new favorite thing. Dorsiflexion-a-go-go. Thanks McDowell for the excellent form tips.
Cash out run in 9:00. Easy and BREEZY. Oof.
The princess Bride
Fear and loathing in las Vegas
Tuesday, 5:30pm with Jeremy. Bench, 70# x 8 x 4. This felt pretty light, strong and crisp, but as Fox predicted, my "boobies" are sore today. I want a heavier bench, fo realz. Gonna git it this cycle! WOD was 6 rounds plus 4 burpees rxed and was much harder than it looked on paper. Shoulders were en fuego. Then I had the incomparable Ryan Joyce for a one on one Pilates class – so much fun!
Today, 8am with Ro. Last week I hit a 93# snatch (a 5# PR) after four missed attempts. Today I hit it on my first attempt, then went for 98# and hit it on the third try – boo yah! I cannot believe I have added 10# to my snatch in a week, things are finally clicking I guess. As Laura Mc would say, now I want a "hundo". I would like to point out that McDowell was present for both of these PRs, which makes me think his coaching may have something to do with it…I guess I'm gonna need him around every Wednesday this cycle. Basically, I get the same cue all the time: I need to be faster getting down under the bar. Faster faster faster. Having McD and Ro and Bob all watch and cheer me on on that last attempt was definitely part of the magic. Then, HBBSQ, 105# x 8 x 4 – woof. That's some volume. Then ran a nice easy mile in the sun, 9:02. Feelin' swole.
Yes to the BK 1/2.
Some great movie suggesitons (that Appolonia movie, The Warriors, Raiders, Escape…). I'd add Mad Max, Rocky, and Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke.
Welcome back, DOs. I hope you had great times. Can't wait to see the ink.
Samurai Cop (strongly in the "so bad it's good" camp)
The Rock
Holy Mountain or El Topo. Let's get really weird.
i was gonna say the warriors!
a jodorowsky movie would be good if we were all tripping on acid.
i vote Over The Top or Warriors.
Worked up to 165 on the snatch – failed 176 twice. Feeling a little off so far on the snatch this cycle.
220x8x4 was a grind – got some really helpful tips from Arturo on positioning for the HBBS though
Movie: Man Bites Dog
The Lion King..not kidding
-Good Will Hunting
-Dead Poet's Society
-Fight Club
-Remember the Titans
-Dumb and Dumber
Fun night last night in the B Cycle–hit a 3×5 PR on the back squat at 315.
It seems like a lot of us are pushing the threshold slightly earlier in the cycle than normal, which is a nice and unexpected foray into new territory.
Quick question for the hivemind: Wife Juno and I are headed to Portland, OR for a family vacation next week.
I know you probably can't swing a silkscreened canvas tote without hitting a Crossfit gym but are there any standouts we should definitely drop in on? Is there a CFSBK doppelganger?
(Also is it worth going to Loprinzi's or is it just a crowded mess?)
10am with Jeremy. Lots of teachers in attendance…hooray spring break!
I'll echo KMo in my approval of the split performance and fitness warm-ups. The 12-18 minutes left to lift feels nowhere near as rushed as it used to.
95×2, 115×2, 135F, 135, 145, 155, 167.5 (PR), 150×2
Wondered if it was going to be one of those days after the fail at 135 (which was very forward). Did a much better job punching up into my three heavy attempts. 400lb Olympic total is definitely happening this cycle.
45×5, 135×4, 185×3, 220x8x4
More mentally than physically challenging. Took three breaths before reps 1-5, then an extra one before 6, 7, and 8.
Cash-out row in 7:47 @ 20spm. Then practiced overhead walking lunges for Mayhem. Shoulders are tired now.
Question for the coaches: after watching the slow-motion snatch video, I noticed that the lifter doesn't get his knees out of the way at all, and that the bar is traveling "over" them on the way to the high hang. I know that the bottom position can be affected by limb length, mobility, etc., but "knees out of the way" is a cue I'm hearing during segment deadlift on the snatch and clean. (Or, at least I think I've heard it.) Is this faulty technique or is something else I don't understand at play here?
6am. Snatch (kilo bar): 114, 134, 144, 154, 164, 169 (PR), 145, 145. A 5# PR, yay! And yet I don't think I hit a single legit squat snatch all day. My body has some mental block around dropping on the snatch. I think I need to take a few steps back and do some remedial high-hang snatch work. On the plus side, my pulls felt snappy and strong and I probably have another 10# or 20# in my snatch if I can just drop under the f***ing bar. Back squats: 205x8x4. 2K row for the cash-out.
Great noon class
Snatch (kgs)
82 kilos (180lbs) is a 2 kilo PR and it felt great to hit it. A cue from Arturo on Saturday to finish my pull by getting my shoulders behind the bar made all the difference. Thanks, Ro!
First set felt slow. Got much faster and bouncier after that.
1 mile NFT in the sun.
Strength Cycle last night.
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 180 x 5 x 2, 180 x 10.
In the warm-up sets I tried placing the bar higher to alleviate my shoulder pain- they are both hurting now- but that felt all sorts of weird. First time doing a rep- out ever. It was hard but good. My ninth rep was definitely a bit shaky and I found it difficult to stay braced throughout, but Jeremy talked me through it and told me when to stop. It was nice not to have that responsibility as I may have stopped sooner, had I been left to my own devices.
45 x 5, 55 x 3, 60 x 2, 67.5 x 4, F, 67.5 x 4, F, 67.5 x 3.
I have no real will to grind through reps on this lift right now- those fifth reps could probably have happened if I had really pushed but my left shoulder wouldn't allow my brain to tell the rest of me to do it.
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 215 x 3, 230 x 2, 240 x 5.
* * *
The Princess Bride. Always and forever.
@Ryan-I just watched the beginning of the Snatch video. You're right, that animation is horrendous and shows the bar moving forward off the floor and around the knees…just plain wrong. There is a phenomenal video (with bar path tracing) of the Russian lifter Ruslan Albegov (won SIlver in the +105s in London) in slow mo for both the snatch and clean and jerk.
Check it out.
Last day of Training out in LI thankfully. I miss SBK.
Clean and Jerk @70%x1x3
10 dips
250M row
rest 10 sec.
Behind on my blog participation. Great interview with Whitney yesterday.
I never considered being vegetarian. Although, until frequenting this fine establishment (the gym), I only ate meat about twice a week and in small quantities. I had always been partial to vegetables, fish and any and all wheat products.
When I started training with David in 2011, I asked him how I might change my eating habits to support my fitness goals. He said less sugar, less wheat, more protein. He qualified that by protein he meant things with heads.
It was simple advice that over time became surprisingly easy to follow. Now that I'm eating more things with heads than ever before, I am much more aware of how those things arrive on my plate and what kind of footprint they leave behind.
Really hoping I make it in to snatch tonight.
12pm group class with Ro and McD:
Performance Snatch:
(25kgx3, 30×3, 35×2, 39) 40, 42, 44kg
-all were caught a little high except the last one at 44 (96.8lbs) which was a complete power snatch. Then dropped weight and did 35kgx1x2. A little less than 90% but they felt fast and were actually full snatches.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)
-damn that's alot of reps. my quads were feeling like jello as early as the 3rd set. didn't use my belt for these and it was kinda nice.
DIY 1mile run with Sir Fox. Brooklyn half training at its best.
10am with Jeremy
Snatch – worked up to 63 on the mid-hang snatch. Tried 68 and failed a few times. I am really hoping to improve my snatches this cycle.
HBBS – Tried to do 135 but realized after 1 set of 5 this was too heavy. Did the next 2 sets of 5 at 125.
1 mile run NFT. Chilly this morning but it was perfect running weather!
Only 31 days until the Brooklyn Half, yikes!! Very cool you are doing a cheering section!
Bullit. The French Connection. The Great Escape. Bullit.
tropic thunder.
breakfast club.
nick parish youre an animal, say hi to winston for me
8am class with Arturo. Snatch was feeling pretty good, which was surprising considering that I just returned from three days at a family resort with the kiddies where I ate soft serve ice cream with every meal. (Yes, that includes breakfast. It was really good.) 58# felt very solid; now just need to start adding some weight. Didn't go crazy on HBBS (95#) so I could give myself somewhere to go this cycle. Cash out row took 9min, then I added on pull up practice.
Movie – I'm always up for the The Warriors. Although lately I've been wanting to see a documentary called Ping Pong about really old people who compete in table tennis. One of the featured players is 100 years old. No joke.
I haven't seen it in a while but…we should watch Tony Jaa's Tom-Yum-Goong (The Protector)! There's a great super long uncut fighting sequence:
Lifted in the office for a heavy Russian Squat Cycle day. Didn't go so well, mostly psychological I think.
95×5 135×4 205×3 255×2 288×4,3(M) 285×2(M) 275×4 280×4
Supposed to be 288x4x4 today. The second miss at 285 got me discouraged but 275 went up OK and 280 might have been the best set of the day. Going to keep to the program and hit the 95%x3x3 in the Gym at OG Sunday where the setting and vibe will help me through.
Front Rack Rev Lunges
45x5e 95x5e 115x5ex3
Clean Pulls from Blocks
135×3 225×3 250x3x3
For movies, lots of great options mentioned already: The Princess Bride, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Goonies… I guess with summer coming I'm in the mood for some classics. I'll add What About Bob which is still one of my favorite movies of all time to watch over and over.
What About Bob? Genius! I second that!
The Monster Squad
Question for the snatch. I was able to work up to 83# today, a PR for me, but that was with a power snatch and not completing a full squat. I didn't feel stable enough to keep going down in my squat, but was happy to make it. I know as the weight gets heavy, it's all the more important to get under as fast as possible. So here is my question for this cycle: should I try to stick to only doing full snatches at a weight, or continue to go up in weight if the bar is moving well overhead, but I'm not getting low enough? Thanks!
Oh, and important matters: Princess Bride, Dodgeball…
Loprinzi's is awesome, and not crowded during the day. (I've not been in the evening.) Extra points if you figure out how some of their custom made machines (built in 1962) work.
5:30 with McDowell and Ro. Performance snatches at 63-63-73-83-93-98f-98. Dropped to 83#, failed the first one, and made the second one. This is the best I've felt doing this lift in many, many months. all credit goes to McD for the correction. I had been so focused on the third pull, but it appears that the actual problem was that I was shooting my butt up too soon in the pull off the floor. Once I fixed that, dropping fast into the squat at the end happened without my even thinking about it. Exciting!
Performance hbbs at 155#. Holy hell that's a lot of squats. My left leg was quivering uncontrollably in the last set. These are supposed to feel hard, right?
Mile run (didn't keep track of time) sucked the wind right out of me, but it felt beautiful to be out in the sun.
movie: the adventures of buckaroo bonzai, across the 8th Dimension.
12noon, with Arturo & McDowell
snatch: just showing up to a class with overhead work is an achievement for me. I'm still struggling with shoulder mobility; my squat with overhead weight is just an inch or two. But it's a start.
back squat: low bar, starting at 135 headed up to about 160's or so by the end of the cycle hopefully.
welcome back DO.
As another follow up to Ryan's comment about the first pull of the snatch. Here is a much more in-depth video analysis by Don McCauley(MDUSA coach).
I am pretty sure DO posted this a couple months ago.
7:30 tonight. Perf snatch, again couldn't move up past 78#. Same helpful cues again from McD, but tonight wasn't my night. Pulling too soon before hitting my knee and falling forward, not punching up, etc. Still glad to have the extra time to work though.
HBBS, 120x8x4. This was 5# more than felt safe in my mind and with my numbers, but I'm glad I hit it. Lots to work on here too, staying tight, bouncing more out of the bottom, chest up.
Mile run and for whatever reason, I was able to go fast and increase my speed on each lap. Wish I had timed this one. Seeing a few stars now though.
I will be a cheerleader at the BK Half; I second all the votes for Fight Club; and WELCOME BACK, DAVID!
Really enjoyed the links on the blog today! Especially the article about the change in foot structure after shifting towards minimalist shoes. I've had issues with flat feet and didn't realize there was anything you could do aside from orthodics until a yoga teacher told me a few years ago that you could develop the muscles in your foot. I switched to minimalist shoes shortly after and haven't looked back since.
I also really related to the Atlantic's article on the confidence gap. There's some very interesting points in there and it's a nice personal reminder for me to continue to be more vocal/confident, especially at work.
Make up post from yesterday – 6am with McDowell. I feel like I really just need to focus on technique for the snatch this cycle and kept the weight low at 63lbs. Got some great pointers yet again from McDowell, this time on shifting my weight towards my toes for the first pull. LBBS 185x5x3 these didn't feel as smooth as when i did 10×2 last cycle, which McDowell helped me realize that I was going a little bit too low on the first two sets, so I adjusted for the last set and it felt much smoother. Fun to squat with Alex. Nice little 1 mile cashout run to boot,
I'm going to go with the Princess Bride too because it always comes up in conversation and it's been so long since I've seen it I can't remember it. At all. I think I saw the theatrical release or something, it's been forever…
Read some Greg Everett and watched a few oly competition videos on youtube this afternoon.
great times at 5:30pm tonight, working with Strong Laura with guidance and coaching by McDowell "welcome to PR city" Myers.
Snatch (perf):
warm-up @33#
63, 63, 73, 83, 93 (F. got soft and didn't reach up), 93, 98, 103 PR!!! (5#)
Then, 83x1x2
-Focused on the info McD gave me last week: starting with the bar further fwd, weight towards back of ball of foot, then shifting it back during the first pull. Starting position feels much more correct now (butt lower, chest up, more vertical torso).
-Caught the lighter ones a bit high and rode them down; so still can practice getting down fast in the third pull.
-On 103, I actually don't think my feet moved out at all into the receiving position. It felt like I just kept a narrow stance, which felt fine at the bottom of the squat. Worth investigating.
-Have added 10# to my snatch in 2 weeks.
LBBS: 70%x8x4
45×5, 95×5, 120×3, 132x8x4
-wow. that's a lotta reps. heartrate was up. finding the balance between trying to get it over with quickly and not rushing through. this mostly felt like an endurance battle to create tension, stay tight, keep midline stability.
-didn't wear a belt. felt that I really had to work for staying braced — in a good way.
-all things considered, it felt heavy, but they were all moving quick.
1 mile run: took a stopwatch with me since I was the only one out there by the time I finished squatting.
1st lap: 2:52
2nd lap: 2:47
3rd lap: 2:31
Time: 8:10
started out easy and "conversational," and then figured I was feeling good and I should just pick it up a bit. focused on falling fwd with momentum and not overextending spine.
Movies: I'll second The Great Escape, Princess Bride, Raiders, Old School. Also, American Psycho.
If we watch the princess bride I will bring so many snacks.
Snatch – partnered with Willie:
75, 95 ,105, 115, 120
Squats: 205x8x4