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3 Rounds NFT of:
400m Row
400m Run
25 Unbroken Hollow Rocks
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General Informed Freestyling
A common theme from Mobility WOD is the idea of “informed freestyling”. Basically, when you’re mobilizing, instead of remaining static and settling into a singular position, you’re actively moving around trying to loosen up the tissue and hunting for other restricted areas. I’m a huge fan of total body informed freestyling in response to or as preventative maintenance for general stiffness. One way to approach this is extensive DROMs, but my bias is towards ground based movement. Ideally this is accompanied by a foam roller, straps and a lacrosse ball. More often than not, a mobility rx is reactive and targeted towards tissue you know is tight and preventing you from getting into positions you want to achieve. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and probably the way you should spend most of your time stretching out. The problem however, is that sometimes it’s at the expense of a more generalized approach to soft tissue health.
Lets start with the mindset that general stiffness is not normal and that you can do something about it. To make an analogy, if you walked around hungry all day, a light would go off in your head to do something about it. We don’t often listen to our bodies in the same way when our joints feel creaky and muscles feel stiff. This should be a huge red flag that you need to spend a little more time doing generalized restorative movement. Here are some quick benefits of a short total body movement session:
- Increased blood flow = Increased nutrient transport and hydration to all your tissues
- Excess metabolites are pushed into the lymph (think of it like “cleaning” an area of excess junk)
- Synovial fluid is pumped into your joint capsules, lubricating them
- With dedicated a breathing strategy and a modest pace, you can increase parasympathetic nervous system activity and decrease anxiety
Okay so how do we do it? Well there’s no one right way to do this and how you’re feeling that day should dictate your session but here are some general guidelines.
1. Set aside some time and space to move. 10-15 minutes should be enough to feel a lot better, I often put on a record and go at least until one side finishes. My preference is before bed since you can attack a whole day’s worth of stiffness and it’s a great way to unwind mentally. In terms of space, I love love LOVE my square36 mat. Yoga mats provide insufficient area to move around on and I constantly have to reposition myself or the mat. (use the discount code cfbrooklyn36 to get $10 off a S36 mat!).
2. Start low and work high (or vise versa). Start by doing some D-Dog calve marches, manually rolling your feet around, stretching out your toes, maybe using a LAX ball on your feet. Gradually work upstream spending more time in areas that feel tight. Use stretches you remember from Group or Active Recovery class, make stuff up, work basic splits, twists, bends and be creative. You’ll undoubtedly find positions that feel great and areas that are tight. Keep your breathing consistent and deep.
Here are some videos from our buddies at Body Tribe that might give you some more ideas:
Quick Mobility Play
Tav’s Brutal Recess
Staying Loose
3. Pepper in some Foam Rolling, LAX work or band stretches. You might even start here and then get into the informed freestyling. If you’re not sure what to do, take an Active Recovery class!
4. End with some deep breathing laying flat on your back, drink some water then go to bed!
Related Videos:
Gil Hedley: Fascia and stretching: The Fuzz Speech
Always Be Mobilizing
Informed Freestyling Always
What are you most looking forward to about the approaching nice weather?
4 Things Astronauts Can Teach You About a Good Night’s Sleep
The Universe of Everything Zen Habits
Are you an elite CrossFitter, statistically speaking
Hey CFSBK, I know this is not an online marketplace but I just bought a pair of weightlifting shoes and they dont fit. I was going to send them back but if you have ever tried returning something to Eastbay you know why I decided to just try and cut my losses.
They are the adidas Powerlift Trainer 2 Black/White/Red
Size 13
I paid $89.99 and have only worn them to 1 class. Would take $70 or best offer. If anyone is interested, shoot me an email djsyrjanen (at) hotmail (dot) com
6 am with Jess and DO. After a week off fighting a cold, it felt very good to be back in the gym this morning – though it's surprising how quickly my body gets back to hating/resisting the early morning wake up. Got up to 135# on the clean & jerk. This is a PR for me by 10 lbs, so I'm pretty happy with it. The row/hollow rock/run workout felt good, if chilly. I was pleasantly surprised at being able to get through the last round of hollow rocks unbroken without too much trouble.
C&J: I guess I can only technically say I got to 113, which is the weight I've stalled at forever, although I did finally clean 118 in very ugly fashion. (I proceeded to press-out the jerk, so I can't call it a C&J PR, although I guess I can call it a clean PR.)
I need to get out of my own head. It's like some part of me deep down decided I was going to fail, no matter how much I told myself I had it. Sigh.
Yesterday 7:30pm, today 7pm
LBBSq on the perf. side, worked up to 220, 235, 245 and then ran out of time, that's a PR by 55# since the last time I did a 1RM. I might've had another 5-10# in me, but what do I know.
WOD; DLs @185# and 24" box step ups and downs, this weight was a mistake, my lungs were burning and I was trembling by the end I hated every second of the 6:22
C+J worked up to 125×2, did not have it in me to push it any further, back is smoked. I noticed that I wasnt even getting under the bar, just catching at full extension, and Jess pointed out that my split is sooo not happening.
WOD was surprisingly fine, which can only mean I didnt push it hard enough.
Glad to be back with the 7am-ers.
8:30 with MeLo.
Third straight time I've been in the rack by the bands for HBBS testing. Was determined to get a better result than the last two attempts. Lifted with new guy Greg.
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255, 275, 295, 305 (PR), 315 (PR).
315 took a good 5 or 6 seconds to stand up. Super happy with this result after totally collapsing under this weight last time I tried it.
WOD Rx'ed in 5:31. Heavy DL workouts still get in my head — happy to get through this with my back feeling good, even if I wasn't a speed demon. Jumped up and stepped down on all attempts — I find the one-leg bias of step-ups more fatiguing than jumps.
6am. Clean & jerk: 205, 225F, 225F, 225F, 205. Made the clean on the first attempt at 225, and then utterly failed to get down on the jerk. Note that I push pressed 225 on Monday, so this is all lack of technique. Then missed the next two cleans at 225. A bit frustrating as I normally own 225 for cleans. Posterior chain felt weak today. NFT work was tough.
love the mobility stuff, thanks!
What do I look forward to with the warm weather? Pitchers and catchers! I love the coaching stuff. Especially the older kids. I leave those games emtionally exhausted.
Ironically, it's so busy with all of these teams, that I look forward to Father's day, when it's over. After that, golf, golf, golf. As often as possible. And beach. as often as possible.
Summer is the best!
AM Oly/Squat session w/ DO
High Hang Snatch Doubles
40×1,1 50×1,1 60×1,1,1,1,1,1,1
132×5 198×4 255x4x6
Didn't get grindy until the last rep of the last 2 sets. 255x5x6 on Tuesday is going to get interesting.
Halting Snatch Deadlift
Had to use straps for these as my thumbs felt like they were going to explode after the first rep in hook grip.
I'm most looking forward to being able to get some sun on my arms and legs (and occasionally torso), walking/jogging through the park, eating and drinking outdoors, getting back to shopping at the farmers market…
Missed the QOD until just now. My answer is: There's nice weather coming? I'll believe it when I see it.
(But frozen mochas at Nunu are going to be high on my list. OMG, so delicious.)
What are you most looking forward to about the approaching nice weather?
BEING OUTDOORS!!!! #CabinFever #SickofWinter #NewBeginnings
Appreciate and enjoyed the write up today, but what's this about "put on a record and go at least until one side finishes?" Record? Side?
Some good links today too! Zen Habits is a great little article and find. The sleep article was good too… I've been trying to clean up my sleep hygiene over the last 3 weeks.
Nice weather? When? Where? Really?
10am with Jess
Worked up to 103 and managed the clean at that weight but failed on the jerk both times. Managed 98 for the jerk. I have a lot of trouble getting under when I jerk.
NFT work was good and just what was needed.
Nice weather – I am most looking forward to simply going outside and not dreading it!!
I am looking forward to the absence of cold. So far, this spring has proved to be a waste of perfectly good jorts and tank tops. Also, motorcycle.
As a statistics nerd I really liked that link about the statistics of CrossFit.
I have often wondered about the trade-of between weight/reps and intensity, especially because I'm a short and light weight guy. Take Fran for instance: is it better to do Fran at a weight that has you clocking in around the 7-8 minute mark, or should you be scaling it down to make it a 4 minute effort? Obviously slogging through Fran in 15 minutes is not the point of that WOD, but what about the range between elite times of around 2:30 and upper-range "normal" 8 min? What's the sweet spot for effective training there?
6am with Jess and DO
C&J–everything felt fine up to 205, then failed to clean 225 a few times. I generally have 225, so a mild bummer because my jerk felt pretty good.
3rds NFT was fine although my jorts were totally inappropriate for the run.
10AM class with lady fox.
C&J: drills @ 33#, 63#
83# x2, 103, 113, 123, 128 (5# PR!!)
This is really exciting! got up to 123# a few weeks ago, and then split jerked 128 out of the rack on Monday night, so was super stoked to hit the clean at 128 and then to not eff up the jerk. Used a weight belt for the first time on this lift, and I think it was a good help, esp. b/c my whole body felt a bit sluggish, sore, and tired from heavy squat and heavy deadlifts last night! This has become my favorite lift, and is really a mixture of keeping my mental game strong so I focus on the mantra of cues I need and then taking a leap of faith — believing that it's going to go up.
NFT wod was just what I needed to keep the blood flowing without pushing too hard. Did about 5 minutes of handstand practice afterward, pec stretch, couch stretch.
My favorite thing about Thursdays is that I teach at 8am yoga class and a 12:30pm yoga class. And in between I come lift heavy things. It feels all the more like fight club that way.
Great links today. I've started occasionally setting an alarm as a "HEY, GO TO BED!" reminder at night, as I have a long-standing tendency to stay up way later than is appropriate, even when I'm tired. I set it for about 45 min before I want to be in bed so I can close my computer, shower, and settle in.
I got a drink in my hand, I got my toes in the sand……
Re: Sleep
I highly recommend F.Lux to people who are looking at computer screens late at night. I have to say my brain has needed way less time to calm down since I started using it.
6am with David and Jess
C&J: 165, 175, 185, 195(press out), 195F
For some reason I don't get down enough on the jerk when the weight gets heavy. Got some good ideas from David on how to train this. Also, good partner comments from Chris P helped get my cleans together on this, and they all felt pretty easy.
NFT WOD: Hollow rocks unbroken, but man they were hard. Rows were around 1:20 and my best run was about that too. Skipped the last run.
Which brings me to the QOD: I'm looking forward to/anxiously fearing some track work this spring and summer at McCarren Park near my office. There's nothing quite like a familiar monostructural workout to put the fear into me.
OH… as for the warmer temps, looking forward to enjoying long walks and time outside with Penny the pup without being angry at how cold it is, iced coffee, getting back on my BIKE (it's been over 5 months :-/ ), grilling on my back patio, and eventually surfing!!!
Really pleased with the workout today. Thanks to some coaching tips and motivation from DO, and the watchful eye of Jess, was able C&J 175#. Certainly a PR, and it felt pretty good.
The 3 rounds NFT was nice and sunny for the noon class. All around good day.
4:30 class
Clean and Jerk
Was going to go 235 and then 245 for a PR but ran out of time. 240 is a few pounds off a PR but felt better than anything I've done above 225 in a while.
Ran 2 easy miles with Jess in lieu of the programmed NFT since we seem to have just realized that we are running 13.1 in less than 2 months.
4:30pm class with Whit
(83, 103, 123, 133)
143 failed the jerk. silly miss and just overthought the lift.
163 failed the jerk. bar way out in front…could have saved it but didn't try.
163 epic fail of the clean, like fall to my knees to catch it bad. I rushed this attempt because we were running out of time so I wasn't really ready to hit it.
-the make at 153 was the most solid. David cued me to keep the dip and jerk as one movement and that really helped.
Finished with 6 boring laps around the block for an easy 2 mile run. My low back started to feel a little tight again but not as bad as after the 5k a couple weeks ago. Who's idea was it run the Brooklyn half again?
QOD: I'm most looking forward to not having to wear layers and sweatpants and thick socks…and to opening the Gate!
Hollow rocks-75
6:30, my first class with Whitney coaching. Thought it was great, really crisp instruction.
Partnered with Laura MC for clean & jerks. My heavy jerks were all kinds of ugly, BUT cue the death metal, I made a 28# jerk PR with 193. My old clean PR is 195, but I think if I tried this again after some rest I could go a little heavier than 193. I missed a 205# push jerk on Monday but now I think I must have psyched myself out.
GYOB moment: I don't know why I'm getting stronger, my gym attendance has been spotty this cycle and mixing in running is leaving my feeling slightly broken and with a voracious appetite at all times, like I ate dinner twice yesterday and still woke up starving at 3 am last night. And I ate lunch twice today. BUT I'm happy to be making progress! (this must happen to other people, right? Mixing up your routine -> insomnia + incredibly hungry?)
I can't wait to be outside, people watching and seeing everyone walking around smiling!
Made up the lifts from McDowells programming
High hang Snatch
Snatch Grip Segment Deadlift
Bench Press
6:30 w/ Ro and Whit
Both fails were on the clean. On the first one, I didn't finish the 3rd pull, and on the second one I nailed the catch, ass to grass, and then just couldn't get myself up out of the hole. Clearly need to do more front squatting to full depth. 153# is a c&j PR, and matches my old clean PR. Felt nice and crisp.
And then I kind of sandbagged the NFT work.
I'm looking forward to biking to Fort Tilden, jorts, gin&tonics, and stone fruits. NOT looking forward to 14.5.
6AM with David & Jess
1×75; 2×95; 2×115; 1×125; 2×130 (PR)
– The clean felt pretty good, no real complaints there. The last couple start to get a bit slower. I was working on committing to letting the bar rest in my hands (with my hands open).
– The split jerks were my real work in progress here. Most of them felt off-balanced which is why I did a few reps at the same weight to try to get it to feel right.
– I eventually got a few decent split jerks in. I did PR but it felt… cheap and dirty.
– My legs felt like dead weight. Needless to say I moved through this slower than I would have liked.
– Can't wait to be outside more but more specifically start swimming again in hopes of competing in a triathlon soon-ish.
Worked on some of my favorite things today.
C&J – 113, 123, 128, 130 clean, jerk fail. Unfinished business.
Handstands and dips – have to keep doing these.
Snatch practice – petered out a bit, but things are clicking, cues are building on one another. Need speed.
Overall, things seem to be moving in the right direction.
I had 3 hours of sleep last night. I plan to try out a wind-down routine tonight …again.
Strength Cycle
185 x 5 x 3
57.5 x 5 x 3
Chin-ups x 26
I could have kept going. Need to work in sets of 5 next time.
Disappointed as 14.5 looks like fun and I think I actually could have done fairly well at it but I'm out because I can only imagine what it would do to my shoulder.
Oh well. Such is life.
Best of luck everybody and have fun!