Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3
Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
If you’re going to need a spot, let us know. All heavy singles should be spotted.
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15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225/155
Box Jumps 24″/20″
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ed kettlebell swings his way to fitness
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Body Image & Bodyweight in Weightlifting Cathletics
Some Advice That Changed My Whole Career Cathletics
The Low Bar Back Squat Bar Position Starting Strength
Ive been in Plymouth Ma this week and checked out 2 boxes, Galeforce and Baystate Crossfit. At Galeforce, I attended a mobility class which focused on shoulders and back taught by a very knowledgeable PT. Its a small gym but looks good. I went to Baystate this am for a 6:30 class with just 1 other person. The storm kept most everyone away. A really big gym. We warmed up, then did back squats – 5 x 7 at 80%. Cashed out with double under work and some stretching.
Back squat – 135×5, 225×3, 275×1, 315×1, 335×1 (PR 10)
Really happy with any squat PR, since they are hard to come by for me.
Metcon in 3:29 Rx'd. Was a little disappointed in my performance on 14.3. I think I was too conservative and left a bunch of reps on the table, so I took this opportunity to push my limits a little more.
6am with McDowell and Arturo
One of the more bizarre QODs in recent memory from Ro followed up by some classic McDowell wit was a great way to start the day.
Squats felt good today. 135-185-225-245-280(PR)-285(PR) The last one actually moved well but I went a little too far forward when I was standing it up so I decided to call it there. Good to know that I have more in me. I think 300# is just around the corner.
WOD in 6:14. First round of DLs unbroken and then I fell into sets of 3 as fatigue swept in. Started jumping up to the box but I think the squats got to me because I clipped the box and almost fell so I switched to step ups.
6am with McTuro
LBBS: fitness 3x 95, 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215 (PR)!
I hit a one rep max of 210 at TTD in Jan, so Arturo helped me to recalibrate what my new 1 rep max might be (240) after the sets of 10 I've been doing this cycle. I was thinking I'd hit around 205 or 210 going in to it, but glad Arturo suggested 215. The first rep felt good, but I started to get soft in my back for the second and third. Really happy with my progress here.
WOD – I was excited to see this again and glad the ladies rx was in fact 155 and not 255. Finished in 4:06, all unbroken, jumping up and stepping down on the box jumps.
mgtm – The neighborhood value drop down in the form defaults to Park Slope, but the submit button does not recognize Park Slope as a selection.
6:30AM with Jeremy
Worked up to:
LBBQ 95lbs 3×5 – all too shallow, my mobility issues are beginning to show their ugly face.
BP 60lbs 3×5
Cleans 58 lbs 3×3
I totally had WOD envy today ☹
PS I already presented a formal complaint to McDowell, but I'll say it again. I was NOT loving Calypso Wednesday.
LBBS: kind of disappointing 5×45, 5×135, 3×185, 225, 245, 265, 295, 315(failed). I hit 315 at the start of the cycle, so kind of a bummer, se la vie.
Wod: 5:15ish I was surprised how heavy the DLs felt.
6 AMer.
Squat: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225, 245, 265, 275, 295. I've been trying to retool my squat and fix some hip issues and these felt smooth and pretty fast.
WOD in 5:46 rx'd. I think I could have done this faster with step ups, and I wanted to switch, but I wanted the stimulus of jumping. The DLs felt heavy, a tough combo with jumping.
Thanks, I fixed the survey regarding the Park Slope option.
Thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey so far! Please keep those responses coming!
Squats went: 110×3, 115, 120, 125, 130. 130 is a pr by 10# but I should have went for 135. it was hard to tell, started feeling heavy at 120, but then 130 was no problem, just a little slow on the third rep. This wod was kinda awful for me. My deadlifts break down quickly, so i had to slow it down – and dropped several reps from the top – 7:15 with 123#, jump up step down on the 20", did step ups on the round of 9.
10am with Jeremy.
Got up to 140 on the last set of LBBS. Last one was real hard so probably the right weight for today.
Did the WOD at #135 for Deadlifts, Jump up and step down. Finishes in 4:38. Deadlifts felt so heavy!
10am class
Worked back up to 335 for a single on the squat, both an accomplishment and a disappointment. It's good in that my back felt good, no spasm, and the bar had good speed. It's frustrating though that it's 50 lbs off a PR and I've been sort of spinning my wheels in the same area for a long time now. Humble pie. Call the waaaambulance. Good lifting with Dan H. Seems like forever since I've shared a bar with him.
WOD went well, I maybe took a bit of frustration out on it. 3:24 Rx'd. Right away in the round of 12 I knew this would hurt. BJ were step up/fall down style that worked well for me in 13.3. Only the 15 and the 3 were unbroken on the deads, did the 12/9/6 with very short rest breaks. Finished :02 behind the fairer (darker?) and sexier Fox.
Congrats to Dave E on hitting 4 wheels! Atta boy.
10am class with Jeremy
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×1)
215, 225, 235PR, 245f
-so damn close with 245 but I just ran out of gas and I guess strength. Was more than halfway up but I just couldn't finish the lift. Still able to hit a 5# PR but I know I've got 245 in me.
3:22 rx'd
-all dl's unbroken. all box jumps bounding. had to no rep myself once when I fell off the top of the box.
7am with Ro and McD.
Hit a PR on LBBS for the first time in a very long time due to some niggling back problems. Really pleased to hit 4 wheels and put 405lbs in my locker. Thanks to Ro and Dan for spotting and encouraging me.
WoD in 4:17. Kept up with Dan for the first round – probably a mistake as my second set of DLs were broken into 6 and 6. Did step up and jump downs as I've realized I can be far more efficient and far quicker doing that than jumping up and down. Its also way less taxing aeorbically than jumping up. Still pretty pleased with the time.
Holy crap @Dave congrats buddy, I'm sorry I missed it, gotta shuffle my ass back to the 7am sessions where all the excitement is.
Like Fox, I had a good/bad workout today:
I'm keeping along in my 2X10s as a way to build back from injury. A bit freaked of a 1RM right now, plus it's been an interesting mental exercise for me. Squats are now officially in ohshit territory.
275x10x2. Definitely a PR for 10, pretty close to a PR for 5. Calculator puts my theoretical 1RM at 366.5, which is a lie. Was a grind mentally, but bar speed stayed pretty consistent. Great encouragement and tips from Ro and McD- hearing familiar voices at the halfway mark really helped to just hunker down for the last 5 reps. My back felt pretty taxed from organizing the squats, which led to:
WOD: Did 8 DLs and 225 and called it. No pain, but my back was feeling angry, and ready to get angrier.
(At this point McDowell threatened to text the Foxes to tell them I skipped conditioning.)
Planned to do 5 250M erg sprints as penance, then realized I had a new FND cycle starting at 1, so today's workout ended up being 20 squats and 1 250M row. ELITE.
I am on Noah's elite team for sure. 2.5 weeks of sickness plus a long work trip to Kenya (which was AWESOME) = resetting the squat clock. I'm doing Wendler at a 2351RM, which is a number I hit once, maybe a year ago? Need a better workout tracking system, Kaiser.
Today, in my basement: 150×3, 170×3, 190×6. Did not push it on the rep-out, and yet it felt hard. Then, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 bodyweight DL and pushups: 7:16 @ 160#. This felt awesome, oddly.
Strength Cycle .
180 x 5 x 3
Somehow managed to not get completely freaked out during the first set this time and it went pretty smoothly though I did load the bar with 5# less on one side for the second set but we won't talk about that. Third set still moved quickly even though it didn't feel like it.
Bench Press
90 x 5 x 3- pretty confident at this weight.
200 x 5- also quite easy- this was where I started last cycle and Jeremy said we will be adding another 15# next time.
21 chin-ups- 5,3,1,3,3,3,3- mostly C2B.
Ran (jogged, really- 27 mins) 5K on Monday just because it was sunny and I still felt bad about skipping it a couple of weeks ago. It was fun and I think I will try to do this once or twice per week.
Went for acupuncture again on my shoulder this morning and it feels much better, but there is good chance I will be skipping 14.5. Bumped into Keith while I was there. Always fun to meet SBKers in random places.
Noon class with McDowell and Arturo
Was very tired this morning due to 2 year old waking me up (for the gazillionth time!) in the middle of the night…I almost did not work out today, but I forced myself and was pretty damn happy to have done it!
65×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120×3 (PR)….I'm guessing based on other folks' comments that after doing 3 reps five times, we were supposed to try to find our 1RM. As usual, I misunderstood and stopped after doing my fifth set of 3reps to find a heavy weight. if I was able to do 120×3, my 1RM must be more than that, which boosts my confidence in lifting. : )
Finished in 4:56 all unbroken with deadlift @ 105lbs and jumping up and stepping down on a 16" box….could have gone for the 20" box but decided to scale down on box and go "heavy" (for me) on the lift.
8am class today was small.
I went too conservative on my back squats. I should have tried for the PR at the first rep not the 4th. I ended up going past my PR and hitting 250 for my last rep. This after burning a lot of reps earlier that I should not have. I might have been able to go past that :-/ Oh well, next time.
The WOD 4:39 with 185#s and 24" I went unbroken the first set then broke the sets into 1/2s since my legs were shot from squats and I could feel my back was tired.
Tried acupuncture for the first time today. It was an interesting feeling. Will try it again next week.
Squats, partnered with the awesome Willie and Rickke.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2
Work: 255, 275, 295 (This last one was a real fight, 10 lbs below my old PR. Called it at this point. Disappointed at not making it to a PR but whatever.)
WOD @185lbs, 24' box. Finished in 5:54
Back squats 305×1, new PR with 5 lbs. Hit my last PR at the beginning of this cycle, so I guess this Wendler thing really works. Wod rx’d in 4:18 with step ups. Fun wod.
I like how testing out PRs is aligning with the end of the Open. It's a nice way to cap everything off. And everyone is always super supportive on these days – walked out with a big smile on my face.
LBBS: 45×5, 135×3 165×1, 185×1, 205×1 (PR), 210F
Very excited about this and the many other PRs that were happening at the 530 class! And to top it off 3:29 on the WOD Rx-ed. I kind of loved 14.3 and was really excited when I saw this. I admitted to Nancy that I just wanted to chase Lady Fox's time before we started, and I feel pretty good about the results.
For those with a dog:
6:30 p.m. with McTuro. Long day, you guys. Hope there was nap time in there.
Hit 335# for a single. Ties old PR. Saw stars on the long way up so, you know, it wasn't gonna get any bigger than that today. At 315#, POP, busted Noah's weight belt. IN HALF. Crowd sourcing the answer to this–
The belt was a victim of:
a. my incredible strength and tuffness.
b. my way-too-much-beer diet leading to mega gut expansion at bottom of squat.
WOD: 4:15 @rx
(psych on crowd sourcing. I know the belt was victim of the beer. Sorry noah.).
LBBS in my garage
last week i tied my old PR with 185# but raised it 2 for a heavy 3.
today, 180 – 185- 190(PR) – 195(PR!!) I was going to push for 200, but I had no spotters (was going to ask my 9 year old daughter, but…..)
7:58 Shit fest
DL @155# bc it's bodyweight and thought it was heavy enough (It was!!!!)
Box Jumps @ 24" decided that i'm never going smaller than 24" anymore and went with Jump up/jump down bc I really want to get better at these.
I also did this outside, in my backyard, and it was cold and real WINDY. made the box extra fun.
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 155×1, 175×1, 190×1 (5# PR!)
At Tough Titsday in January, I hit 180 and missed 190. Hit 185 a few wks after that, so happy that Wendler this cycle seemed to pay off and I got this up. All in all, it was certainly heavy but felt like a good fight. slowed down the middle of the drive up, and just kept pushing knees out and chest up! I'm gunnin' for 200#!
WOD: 4:44 RX'ed
Happy that I was lined up behind Kayleigh for this, as her lightning pace made me stay on top of my own (much slower) pace. First 15 unbroken, then 4, 4,4, 5-4, 3-3, and 3. Box jumps bounding first, fourth, and fifth round. The other two were quick step ups.
Back got a little soft towards the end, but not outrageous.
Had some awesome structural integration work done earlier today. All up in my shoulders, lats, ribs, etc. Intense and very helpful!
Chris Artis, my belt will always be your belt.
I like to read Elwell's posts in his accent (in my brain) and I always chuckle. Nice job with 405 capitan.
– Press: 73; Push press: 103; Split jerk: 123.
This all felt very comfortable. Been feeling sick and wanted to save something for the thrusters, but I regret not attempting to break any records on these presses. I'm looking forward to trying to push jerk something really heavy sometime soon.
– 105 reps on the work-out rx. 67 burpees, 38 thrusters. Hmmm.. I'm noticing a skill gap.
– LBBS: 45×5; 95×5; 135×3; 165×2; 185×1; 195×1; 205 Nope!
So slow on the descent and decided at the bottom that it wasn't going to happen, went soft and bailed. Booo.
– Work-out: 5:59 rx. Box jumps went quickly, but those dead lifts got tough.
Heavy night.
Haven't posted in a while and I need to get back to it.
Did 335 on the squat and it went up well. Not a lifetime PR but a CFSBK PR and thats all the counts right now.
This WOD was made for me. Did everything RX'd and unbroken with almost not rest. Stepped up and dropped down for the box jumps. Finished in 3:35, very happy with that.
45×5; 95×5; 135×5; 165×3; 185×3; 195×3 (Failed)
– The 165 and 185 felt good. The last rep on the 185 started to feel heavy but I got it up. The 195 was more of a mental challenge than anything else. I got through the first rep and it was heavy but then on the second I heard my knee click (I've been having knee issues recently so that was distracting) and I lost focus and everything went soft, very soft.
4:34 @ 135 DL; 20" Box
– I really need to work on my DLs. They feel very weak. Glad I went unbroken but overall the experience of feeling like my DLs are weak overshadowed this WOD.
6:30 class
45×5 95×4 145×2 195×1 210×1 220×1(pr) 230×1(pr)
That last rep felt fast. I would have liked to try for one more attempt, but we ran out of time and I didn't want to make a scene.
WOD rx'd in 3:55. Jumped up and stepped down from the box. I am intrigued by the step up jump down thing I'm seeing people do, but I figure I can still use all the jumping practice I can get.
I squatted today too, so what the hell, I'll post too… did sets of 4 at the globo though, not triples…
Squat: 325×4, 365×1, 335×4, 335×4, 325×4
All had 1-2 left in the tank. (well, the first set had at least 3 left and the last set probably only 1)
This was 10 pounds up from last week and felt way better. Decent place to be in 2nd week for "volume-ish" lifting.
Halting Deadlifts: 265x8x2
These were really too light, but my low back was pretty much toast after the squats. First time doing these in quite a while….