Kristin H teaching her weekly Pilates class at CFSBK.
Come on down tonight at 7:30pm for some Hard Core Fun!
- Rich Fronings 14.4 Video Rich clears one whole round, plus the row and gets 17 toes to bars in round 2.
- Happy Birthday, Jared K!
Shoe Storage Update
CFSBK has commissioned local artisans, BLKWD inc to build out some new, sturdier shoe storage units for the coat room. Once the new racks are finished we’ll install them and have a dedicated cubby system where folks will be assigned specific stations for their Olympic lifting shoes to live. Unfortunately, the coat room isn’t big enough to hold Everyone’s shoes, and we ran into the problem of shoes beginning to take over where bags needed to go. Our solution is to have a limited number of slots that people pay a $5 monthly charge to store shoes in. We’ll be announcing a lottery system for first crack at shoe storage reservations at the gym.
Bring Your Bike Out of Winter Hibernation!
Springtime weather is around the corner and CFSBK wants to help you prepare for bike riding season! Bicycle Habitat will be bringing their basic bike maintenance class from their 5th Avenue shop to 597 DeGraw specially for CFSBK, 2:30p-4p on Saturday, April 5. Course will include:
- Flat repair tips, including time saving techniques and ways to ensure a successful repair.
- Basic brake and gear adjustment, including familiarity with barrel adjusters.
- Maintenance tips like drivetrain lubrication and proper tire inflation.
- Checking for signs of wear and an overview of bike safety checks.
- Time for open Q&A.
You’ll be able to roll in your own bike to use as an example during the class! The class will be more instructional in nature, but bring any bike tools you already have in case there is time for tinkering! $10 per person, class is capped at 25. Sign up and pay in advance at the Front Desk by April 3.
Clothing and Book Swap at CFSBK
Did you know that an average of 70lbs of textiles per person and 54 million tons of paper goes into landfills each year? Tread a little more lightly and get some spring cleaning in by joining the first ever CFSBK clothing & book swap 2-4p on Saturday, April 19 after group class. Bring your gently used adult (casual and professional) and children clothing and books to swap with other members. Sign-up in the comments section of the event page and let us know what you will be bringing!
Week 4 CFSBK Men’s Leaderboard
Week 4 CFSBK Women’s Leaderboard
The Way You Do Anything… Elisabeth Akinwale
The Athletic Mind, Part 1: The Role of Perception in Athletics Breaking Muscle
WU 1 or 2
Back Squat
Performance 1-1-1-1-1
Fitness 3-3-3-3-3
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225/255
Box Jump 24/20
*10 Minute Cap
ok we need one more lady to join Kayleigh and I for Mayheim in the medowlands! Again its 166 a person and the scaled wods aren't bad just you tube last years event and check it out. My email is
So, here I am, riding the train to work reading Men's Journal. I find an article about CF and whether it is too "dangerous". At the end of it is some real solid CF advice from some CF guy named David Osorio. Spot on, brother!
Finally! I women's work weight is heavier than the men's on a wod…. 225 v 255. ๐
Ha, Asta, I noticed that too. Fortunately it is actually 155, although Fox busted my chops about the Rx being 100# more than what I had on the bar this morning ๐
BSQ 185, 205, 215(PR), 225F. Jess noted that I might have had that weight on another day, and I agree. I think I psyched myself out about "OMG TWO WHEELS." But I'll still take a PR.
WOD Rx, 5:30. Fun!
And now, I have a question for those of us who WOD at 6, 7, or 8 AM — really, those who come to class within an hour of waking up in the morning. What, if anything, do you eat before class? I've been doing morning WODs on an empty stomach for 3 years now, and it always used to be fine — in fact, I didn't WANT to eat anything lest it come back up. And it was fine, but lately — like the last few weeks or so — I've been really hungry right when I wake up in the morning. Doesn't seem to matter what time I ate dinner the night before, either.
So, I would welcome breakfast suggestions from those who have figured out what you can eat that works well so close to a WOD.
6am with Jess and McD
Lbbs: 225, 245, 265, 275(PR), 265F
WOD Rx in 5:31
One day I'll tear through these like Brad and Peter did today ๐
Thanks everyone for reminding me to tighten up.
I'd like to sign up for the bike maitenence class but am out of town, can you hold me a spot and I'll pay tomorrow?
@Stella, for 6am classes during the week I don't eat anything before class. I'm usually not that hungry and a big class of cold water will suffice. I do eat the moment I get home though.
For 8am classes on the weekend I'm up early enough to have a banana and coffee beforehand which helps.
Not sure if this it good or not but I have never been able to work out well on anything other than an empty stomach. The exception would be before Murph Day or Fight Gone Bad where I know my glycogen levels would need to be topped off in the morning.
My two cents anyway.
Really interesting post by Elizabeth Akinwale. I love her – I've read her blog before and liked what she had to say a lot.
Stella – me personally I can't eat anything before a morning class. if for some reason I wake up super-early and have time, I might have some coffee and/or a glass of water with a teaspoon of BCAA powder ("purple wraath") Any heavier food too close to class gets in the way of my working out.
@Stella. Coffee black during class. During the week, I don't eat anything until 9:30 – 10 a.m.
6am. Back squat: 285, 305, 315, 325. Thought the 325 tied my PR, but records show my PR is actually 335. Felt good though. And I was 10# heavier when I hit 335. Metcon Rx in 4:16. Did step-ups and drop-downs for the box jumps. Felt much better than 14.3. It's so much easier psychologically when the reps go down each round.
@Stella, I have 2 large glasses of water and an espresso before class. Caffeine is a mild appetite suppressant. If I eat anything substantial I get nauseous.
I've always said my life would be easier if I could stand the taste of coffee ๐
Yesterday's work. press: 120-135-140 push press: 135-155-160 jerk: 160-170-175
Presses felt good, as did the push presses, but I have a tendency to want to jerk them. Jerks were kind of ugly. I need more practice before going up in weight.
I was introduced to the "Rollie vertical egg cooker" last night. Google it. You will not be disappointed.
6am class today, thanks to Jess and McDowell for letting me make up Sunday's workout. I've been working hard on my snatch and wanted to keep the momentum going (I had to miss Sunday's).
Hit 95# for 3, 135# for 2, 155# for 1, failed an attempt at 165#, got some great tips from McDowell and Fox and hit my last attempt at 165#. PR for me from the mid-hang. Still feels awkward to start from the position but getting under the bar quickly has helped a lot.
Got 14:10 for the WOD, splits were 1:57, 6:00, 10:10, 14:10. Wore my running shoes which helped with the pavement but not the freezing cold air. ๐ Did my pull-ups unbroken across the sets.
@Stella, regarding food, I've been working out at 6am for about ten years (6 on my own, 4 at crossfit) and have only ever had a cup of coffee and 2-3 glasses of water when I wake up. I find that working out early while fasting works for me; if I'm super hungry (meaning I had a small dinner) I will occasionally eat half a banana with some almond butter. I do a progenex post-workout shake on the walk home and then cook breakfast before work.
Stella- this is totally not paleo but I know you are mostly Zone right now so this might work.
Lately, I make sure I get at least one block I before I work out. I know I go to later classes than you, but quite often, it is first thing for me too. I really believe it has made a huge difference to my lifts.
I make a big batch of oatmeal and keep it in the fridge and reheat in the morning. I add some dried fruit or honey to sweeten, cinnamon and coconut oil. For protein, I'll grab a hard- boiled egg or some low fat Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. I find that these are easy things to swallow first thing in the morning.
I usually have coffee and/ or green or white tea. If you hate coffee, there are still so many great teas which I am sure you probably drink already. But if you need recommendations, let me know. I am a tea addict.
@Stella I feel like i'm one of the few that Must eat before early AM workouts – if i don't i start to feel weak during the wod. I do overnight oats like this – 1/4c rolled oats soaked overnight in the fridge in almond milk (about 1/2c), with 1/2 T chia seeds, cinnamon, stevia – then in the AM i melt in 1/2 T coconut oil. I eat about 45 min before class starts. It's just enough that I don't feel like i'm eating a meal at 5:15 in the morning, and i know i have enough fuel to burn through.
Make-up post from yesterday's 8:30 with Noah.
I love lifting days like this — something about the ascending bar and variety of movements, I guess.
Came in with a variety of benchmarks, some recent, some old, and some from when I was significantly heavier.
PRESS: 135 – 145 – 150 (PR tie)
145 was a total grind — got up on my toes somehow, my quad locked up afterwards. 150, comparatively, felt much easier (though challenging). I braced down better pre-lift, and stayed in my heels the whole time. 150 is my all-time best from last March, when I was 13 pounds heavier. I last tested this at the start of the year and could only manage 145.
PUSH PRESS: 165 – 185 – 205 (PR)
This is a 10lb best for me. It got stuck for a second but unstuck quickly.
SPLIT JERK: 210 – 220 – 230 (PR)
Took some getting used to the hand position taking this from the rack and not from the floor initially, not that my legs were complaining. 220 felt like the most solid jerk I'd done in a long time, and Noah said I had decent depth under the bar on 230.
WOD: 85 reps (38 and 47) — I always aim for consistency on these, thinking that it helps me build stamina. Thrusters were 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, practicing pauses at the top; burpees were 10, 9, 8, 9, 11.
10am with Jess. Did yesterdays Press work.
Press: 63, 68, 73 (PR)
Push press: 78, 88, 93 (PR)
Jerk: 93, 98, 100
WOD โ scaled to 58lb Thrusters – got 45 thrusters and 54 burpees = 99. It hurt. A lot.
Belated congrats to Whit!!
That Froning really makes it look so easy. I can't decide whether it's an inspiration or makes me want to quit.
Make up post from yesterday's 7:30pm with Noah and Ro,
Press 115, 120, 125F
PP 125, 135, 145
PJ 145F, 140, 145
My first monday this cycle without hurting my back, still taking it easy during my recovery.
WOD, this was just ugly, and decided to just do 3-4 thrusters per round to keep the energy on the burpees, and got 79 reps.
@DO for tomorrow's workout, if we have been on fitness LP all of this LBBS cycle, do we have to continue on that program or can we test our 1RM with the performance program?
I am an idiot and forgot to submit my score for 14.4 until 9 p.m. last night โ after submissions were closed. Sadface.
@Amy W, I'll put you down for the bike class!
@Amy W, I'll put you down for the bike class!
70%x1x5 (203#)
70%x1x5 (242#)
Stella, for me it is a coin toss between eating and not eating before morning class. I always chug a couple of glasses of water. If I do eat something, it is a handful of raw almonds. It seems to do the trick till I get home. Then I proceed to eat last nights leftovers; and then something breakfast related, such as coffee, eggs and greek yogurt.