Press 1-1-1
Push Press 1-1-1
Jerk 1-1-1
Take about 25 minutes to work up to a 1RM for all three lifts. Try to keep increasing the weight as you go and stay strict to your three attempts meaning a missed lift counts as an attempt. Any version of the jerk is permitted.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for max reps of:
:40 Thuster 115/75
:20 Rest
:40 Burpee
:20 Rest
Post total reps completed and Rx to comments.
It all starts with the air squat
- We’ve got a new post on Inside the Affiliate about how we run our weekly intro classes. Did you take an intro class at CFSBK or somewhere else? Let us know about your experiences in the comments section!
- Thank you to everyone who came out to the free meditation workshop yesterday!
- Happy birthday, Rebecca G-C!
Welcome Coach Whitney!
As many of you know, CFSBK has been fortunate to take on resident Yoga maven and CrossFit superstar Whitney H on board as the newest member of the CFSBK coaching staff. We’ve been working with Whitney to get her ready for group classes since the beginning of the year and she’s already exceeded our expectations in terms of professionalism, compassion and ability to spot movement issues and correct them. We couldn’t be more excited about having her on staff and know all of you will come to enjoy her presence as part of our team. Read below to learn a little more about “Dub Hub”:
Whitney’s love for movement started early in life. She began ballet at the age of three and went on to participate in (and occasionally win) national dance competitions throughout her teens. This passion continued into her college years, and she received her BFA in Dance from the University of Illinois. It was there that she first studied anatomy and kinesiology, as well as started a yoga practice.
Whitney is a Level 1 CrossFit Trainer and a Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT-200HR).
Don’t forget to get your 14.4 submissions in by 8:00pm tonight!
2nd Annual Crossfit Thump Throwdown Recap
Area Man’s Emotional State Completely Dependent On Outcome Of Professional Sporting Event
Hey any ladies want to try the mayhem in the meadowlands SCALED division for Sunday May 4th I would love to go and participate the cost is 166 per person for a team of 3 email me at
Don't worry about transportation we can pick you up at the gym and drop you off
Congrats Whitney! Another great addition to the coaching roster.
Congrats Whit!! I took Saturday's class (non-Open chipper) with Whit and was impressed already! We had quite a large group with a very small amount of space and she kept us organized, and was super patient with questions (I had more questions than i thought i would coming back to group classes after 4-5 months of strength cycle. Thanks again!)! Looking forward to more classes with Coach Dub-Hub! I love fish tacos too!!
Also, read the title of article above as "2nd Annual Crossfit THUMB Throwdown". I expect to see thumb wrestling in 14.5.
Congratulations to Whit! She is a fantastic yoga teacher and I had the pleasure of taking class with her last Monday. I was so impressed with how comfortable she already was taking on the role of coach, and how pro she seemed in instructing the movements we were working on that day. You go sister!
I was out of the gym yesterday and today with some shoulder pain (I've been ignoring some nagging pain for a couple of weeks and it finally caught up with me) and a full blown head/chest cold that stated developing Saturday night. Hopefully back sometime this week. I'm excited for the last WOD in the Open! (read: I'm excited for the Open to be over)
Great addition to the coaching staff! Looking forward to more classes with Whitney.
Congrats Whitney!
Feel better, Wonder Twin! You need to heal up in time to beat me at 14.5 (which I am still convinced is going to be 25 minutes of burpees).
So many numbers to log today.
Press: 80, 90(PR), 93F. I bet I could hit more than 90 if I were resting a full 3-5 minutes between reps.
Push press: 90, 95, 105. Should have gone heavier on this — I'm pretty sure I've done more than 105 before.
Jerk: 105, 115, 120(PR)
WOD Rx, 33 thrusters and 42 burpees. This was awful. The rest felt like an eyeblink of time!
6am. Press: 165, 185, 195. Push press: 195, 215, 225. Push jerk: 225 (ran out of time). Push press felt super strong today. 225 went up without problem. Still not dropping down enough for push jerks. The rep at 225 had a bit of press out. Metcon was all sorts of awful: 39 thrusters and 52 burpees. Seems likely we'll see these movements in the open wod this week and I'm now dreading it.
I've taken one class with Whitney coaching. She is already my favorite.
6am with NickDowell. Press – 88# PR!, Push Press – ran out of time, went to 100#. I decided to do the WOD rx'd but my shoulder is now regretting that. The thrusters were heavy after all of that press work and it felt like there was no rest between the two movements. 74 reps.
Congrats Whit! Looking forward to taking your classes!
Congrats Whit! Looking forward to your coaching!
Hot damn, Peter. Did you just strict press above bodyweight?!
Congrats Whitney!
Made up 14.4 at Brodie Park CrossFit in Austin this morning. Nice staff and well organized classes.
I had the benefit of know what most people at CFSBK had done going in, so my game plan was to get to the MU with about 1:00 left and hope to get a few. Felt pretty smooth til I got to the cleans, which were way tougher than expected. Did a set of 5, decided that was a bad idea, and then went 5 singles, rest a few seconds, 5 singles, etc the rest of the way.
Got to the MU with 1:15 left or so, but not feeling so hot. Got 2 and missed 1. Could probably have pushed it a little harder there and gotten a couple more, but still pretty happy with 182.
I only got 2 reps less than Dan L?!
I feel redeemed in my 14.4 performance!
10am class
Press 155-170-185 (F) Tried tying my long ago PR or the second time in 6 months. I guess I have a new, lesser PR (175 from last time) to work with. I did weigh a bit more when I hit that 185 and it was on the heels of a powerlifting meet. #smallguyproblems
Push Press 195-205-215. Felt good.
Push Jerk – 215 (F) and called it quits. Didn't feel right.
WOD was awful.
45 Thrusters and 50 Burpees Rx'd,
Which is more complimentary, congratulations to Whitney or congratulations to the gym for hiring Whitney? Congratulations in any event.
14.4 do-over at Reebok 5th ave open gym. I got through the cleans about a minute faster than Saturday but I was only able to get 1 good M/U in the 90 seconds left. I normally don't post, but I wanted to make sure the Fox knows my score is legit and I didn't petulantly imput the 181 I would've had on Saturday had he not no repped my M/U.
Congrats, Whit! You're already an awesome coach. Can't wait to take classes with you!
6am today with NIckDowell
Fun class, with a press PR of 10 lbs
Press: 115, 125(PR), 125
Push Press: 135, 145, 155 (I think?)
Push Jerk: 155, 175(PR I think?)
then ran out of time
WOD was all kinds of awful. Thrusters Rxed went to hell like this: 10, 5, 4, 3, 3. Burpees were relatively fine, I got 64 of them, for a total score of 90 reps.
I predict a thruster ladder on Thursday with sets of burpees thrown in. It's going to suck.
Wuddup CFSBK-ers. I've been absent for a few days. I'm sure you've missed my posts.
Here is what I have to say about the workout today…
I did the 8am with McDowell. I worked with Jessica again for Press, Push Press and Push Jerk. Slowwwwwwllllyyy I am becoming more and more comfortable taking weight OH. For the press, we worked up to 65# 1RM. I attempted 70# like a boss and FAILED like a boss. Then I tried 68# and also FAILED. For the push press, we did 72# 1RM. Probably could have done more, but we had to move on to the jerk in the interest of time. Our push jerks maxed out at 78# – also could have broken 80#, but didn't have time to attempt. Next time I AM LIFTING 80 LBS above my head. It's happening…but for now, it's just a figment of my imagination.
WOD. Scaled my thruster weight to 43# so I could MOVE. FAST. I ended up completing a total of 57 thrusters, and 53 burpees = HOLLER! I was happy with this…but I do wonder…when will I be able to play with the big girls and Rx my workouts? The Rx just always seems so far fetched right now. Baby steps.
12pm class:
Press: 92.5, 97.5, 102.5F
-tried going for a 2.5# PR but it wasn't happening.
Push Press: 115, 125, 135
-no problem on any of these
Push Jerk: 145
-walked out with 155 and didn't even give it a go. just didn't feel like it would be worth it. Left shoulder is not happy, and since I knew thrusters were in the wod, I didn't want to push it.
14.5 as rx'd. 😉
Thrusters: 52 total. 12 the first round then 10 every other round.
Burpees: 53 total. 12 the first round then 10 every other round except the last when I got 11.
-I hated every second of this. And hate that we're going to see these movements on Saturday. I'm predicting heavier thrusters though. 95# for ladies, 135# for dudes. Burpees over the bar. It's all gonna suck real bad.
Also, Welcome officially Whit! Very excited to have another lady on board!
5:30 class with DORo. Taped up my gimpy hands and made a lot of PRs today, which is exciting!
Worked with Jess B and superstar coach Whit.
Press: 93-103(pr!)-108(fail)
Push press: 108-113-123(pr)
Split jerk: 133-143(pr) then ran out of time for a 3rd attempt. I thought I was going to fall right over on that last jerk.
The WOD was painful. I got 55 reps on the thrusters, and 49 on the burpees. Really dreading 14.5.
5:30pm with David and Ro
Press: 73, 78F, 78. PR (haven't tested much previously). Glad I gave 78# a second go. Just needed to get more braced and commit.
Push Press: 83, 93, 103. Also a PR. very exciting.
Split Jerk: 113, 123, 128!! 5# PR from my last time testing out 1RM on C&J.
Squeaked this one in a bit over our time allotment; thanks Jess and Laura for letting me go. My last two jerks were definitely caught in a short stance and slightly overextended in my trunk. Get back foot further back and stay tight.
WOD. Was dreading this since I saw it posted. I know I need to change my mind and get over it, but I loathe thrusters. Did this at 65# for the sake of moving well (isn) the whole time and not cranking my shoulder.
Thruster: 11, 8, 8, 7, 7 = 41 (I definitely wrote 51 on the board cuz my math sucks, whoops!)
Burpee: 12, 12, 12, 12, 13 = 61
Total = 102
Thanks for all the nice words of welcome today! I'm thrilled to be a part of this community and to learn from and work alongside such incredible people.
Snatch Pulls
Jerk Dips
I had the pleasure of having Whit as a coach last week, great addition to the already stellar team!
Still babying the shoulder while I'm trying to get my mobility to a workable state.
Press 45×5, 75×3, 85×1, 95×1, 100×1
Push Press 105×1, 110×1, 115×1
Push Jerk 120×1, 125×1, 135×1
WOD @ 115 Clean/Burpee's
10, 8, 8, 8, 8 (42) cleans
11, 10, 10, 9, 11 (51) burpees
*52 reps on the thrusters, I mean
Congrats Whit!
Hmm felt good to be in on a Monday again, I think/hope I'm finally getting re-acclimated to running.
My strict press went way up while I wasn't looking, I'm psyched. Hit 130 for press, 150? 155? for push press, and 195 for push jerk. Failed at 205, cry cry.
Decided to "go for it" and try the WOD rx since I won't be able to scale 14.5 whatever it ends up being. Haha those thrusters were super freaking heavy! Got 5, 4, 3, 2, 2 and some burpees for a total of 69. Wasn't really gassed by my sedate pace on the burpees but those thrusters are no joke. Got called out multiple times for depth, I've been trying to concentrate on this but it's a work in progress. Meanwhile if 14.5 has thrusters I know what to look out for!
Hell yea to Whitney coaching classes like a BOSS!
@Stella, yes: pressed more than my body weight and not even a PR.</humblebrag>
Hooray Coach Whitney!!
Had Whitney last Saturday! Can't wait to see more classes with her coaching! YAY
10 Minutes SMR work
worked up to 75kgx1
worked up to 85×1
For Time:
500m Row
21 GHD Sit-Ups
21 Walking Overhead lunges, 90lb FAT BAR
500m Row
15 GHD Sit-Ups
15 W Lgs
500m Row
9 W Lgs
Press 155, 165F, 160. Ties my press PR, think 165 is in the cards, I just always push heavy presses way out if front.
Push Press 165, 185, 205 which I think is a PR. Felt pretty good, a bit overextended in the last little bit, but good drive from the legs.
Split Jerk 205F, 205, 225- I was just not mentally prepped for the first Jerk and made no effort to get under it. The 225 had a bit of a pressout, but I'll take it. My Jerk is the weak link of my O lifts right now, needs some rehab.
WOD was gross, 91 reps RX. I hate cycling heavier-than-Fran thrusters.