Performance: Work up to a heavy single deadlift
Fitness: Work up to heavy triple deadlift
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*If you came yesterday and got your deadlifts in you’ll work on the following triplet instead:
12 Minutes NFRs of:
10 reps per leg dumbbell reverse lunges
20 Calorie Row
:30 L-Sit Hold
For Time:
Run 5K
If you’ve got a stopwatch, bring it! We’ll be running the following route
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What are these CFSBK show shoe’ers so excited about? Maybe it’s the our awesome Flickr account!
- Good luck to Ryan J and Todd C who will be competing in an Olympic Weightlifting meet today in Garden City NJ. Resident oly lifter Jake L will be helping them warm-up and hit their lifts. This will be Ryan’s first meet and Todd’s second.
- Thanks to everyone who came out to the Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Brooklyn Get Down event last night. They sold about 120 tickets and we had a great time!
Yoga moving to 7:30pm
Effective this week Yoga for Athletes with Whitney will be moving from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Thursday evenings. Come down and get your OM on a little later in the evening!
Programming Note
Due to the Open, we’ll be extending the current cycle a few weeks so we don’t wind up Crushing or Backing Off in the middle of it. For the next few weeks we’ll follow a similar template to the current cycle, with a Back Off week starting on Monday, 3/31.
CFSBK Endurance at Red Hook Today
Hey athletes! If any CFSBK’ers would like to sweat it out on the track today, feel free to come by our endurance session at the Red Hook Track. Interested athletes should show up at 9:45am to support the endurance athletes finishing up and then take on a 8x400m set with Mike O’s guidance.
Here is a description of the planned workout for the day.

Brent Fikowski’s 151 rep 14.3 performance CrossFit
I’m A Man Who Knows What He Wants And Goes After Something More Realistic
NYC Half in 1:30:40 which is a PR by about 6 minutes over my previous best back in November – on a course that had 0 elevation gain and it was 60 degrees. The course today had the lovely hills of central park and then a nice 20mph headwind on West 42nd street. Overall, was a pretty fast course though and was cool to run through Times Square.
Big thanks to Michael O (and to David for introducing us back in December) – he had me running intervals up and down the manhattan bridge all winter in sub zero temps (along with a lot of other workouts similar to what the endurance group is doing now) Excited that today shows that program is already paying off for running season this spring.
@evan awesome job! That's a huge improvement in just 4-5 months!
I think I left an Iphone 5 charger at the gym today?
Recovery 5K in 25:41. Felt good to run outside.
14.3. 101 reps (5:35). Had about 2 minutes for 275 but it was heavy.
Fun AR, maybe the most vocal to date.
12pm class
5k in just under 30 min. Slooooooowwww. Glad I did it though.
You all who didn't show because it was a 5K run are lame.
Did the Endurance Session over at Red Hook track today. Legs were like tree trunks after yesterdays Open WOD but felt good to get out there and just RUN!
Michael O is awesome!
3 Rounds NFT of:
50 Double Unders
12 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Minutes of HS walking practice
25:00 flat
I feel like a "true" CrossFitter by running a 5K. Truly something I don't enjoy but its nice to know I can do it. Thanks to Noah for running with me. I feel like I need to take a warm bath and nap now.
Yeah, DOs!
5K in 32:14. Yeah, we were jogging but I thought we (I was in a group with Jess R, Shawna, and Carlos) were faster than that! I blame traffic lights. 😉
Should have run faster to get the full hour of AR in. Oh well, even starting 10 minutes late it was just what I needed.
I admit I skipped class because the 5K sounded truly horrible.
Went to AR though and it was an awesome class! Just what I needed. Thanks Fox!!
Lots of running today, what a day indeed 🙂 Group at the track NAILED it today, and I can say that I do believe everyone's strongest run was their last 400, you couldn't ask for a better execution. Strong efforts kept the warmth up.
8 x 400 @ about 5:30 – 5:45 min/mile pace, last rep @ 1:05 or 4:20min/mile pace.
Time to DEADLIFT tomorrow for the open WOD! Lovin it….
I saw the 5K on the board and said, aww, hell. And the first thing that popped into my mind was MeLo's tee which says "Running makes me tired." But I am very glad I did it. I know I have gone sub 25:00 in the previous decade; this one was 27:26, which given my DL non-performance felt great.
305×1 (supinated my grip)…
325x ouch!
Rest, ibuprofen, heat, arnica, shiraz (Amon Ra, 2006, amrap). Oh, and hamentashchen. Happy Purim, y'all!
NYC Half 1:42:37. Achilles has been hurting these past few weeks so ran it as more of a fun run than a race. I think it was a smart move, felt good at the end.
Combo of 14.3 yesterday and 5K run today knocked me out this afternoon. Slept HARD for a good hour but felt GREAT! The need for AR today drew me to the gym, definitely not the run, but in the end, glad I did group class because having a skull sweatshirt to keep within eyesight in front of me kept my pace up!
Thank you, Josh…you were a wonderful Foundations coach, and were impeccably helpful and so patient. Most recent memories of your help: identifying my heel lift issue contributing to my high bar back squat mobility challenge, getting me to start using a weight belt to better feel bracing through my core, and encouraging me to start PIlates (KH: still hoping we can coax you into adding a non-Tues class!)…and also filming our snatches in the last cycle.
Was just asking someone yesterday morning where you had been…and missing your presence. Wishing you all the very best at your new gym and beyond.