“Nasty Girls”
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95
There is a 12 minute cap on this workout.
With a partner, altnernate rounds for max work in 25 minutes of:
5 Clean and Jerk 115/75
10 Kipping Pull-Ups (or Jumping C2B Pull-Ups)
15 Air Squats
Post time or rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Sneak Peak Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn
CFSBK Snow Shoe Trip
On Saturday, March 1st, local outfitter Gear to Go will guide us on a snowshoe hike on Bear Mountain, 1.5 hours from NYC, where we’ll hike around historic Hessian Lake and then climb to the top where we’ll take in amazing views of the Hudson Highlands. Not familiar with snowshoeing? Basically, it allows you to travel to areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach in Winter but if you can walk, you can snowshoe. Exertion level will be moderate, suitable for anyone who exercises at least 1-2 times per week.
$80 per person includes:
- all equipment — snowshoes, trekking poles, crampons, and MicroSpikes, as appropriate for the day’s conditions
- roundtrip transportation from CFSBK
- breakfast and on-trail hot cocoa
This cost reflects a 15% CFSBK discount off Gear to Go’s normal prices!
We must have a minimum of 8 people for the trip to be a GO!
Eva T, Nicole and Annie S do “Nasty Girls”
I'm hosting pub quiz again this Sunday at 68 Jay St Bar and you should come! Charlie N is tending bar, I'm asking the questions, and there are free drinks to be won. 7 PM, no cover. Be there!
Wonder Twins together again for today's WOD. I guess we didn't quite do the Rx weight because we forgot to put 1# plates on the 33# bar. I did 5 strict chins per round, and we came out 5 squats shy of 16 rounds total. This one didn't feel bad at all, and I'm pretty happy with having done 40 strict chinups in a 25-minute period!
Nasty Girls : 13:58 Rx.
This is my first time attacking Nasty Girls. Thanks DO for ignoring the time cap. I have been struggling with muscle ups over the past few weeks. I used today's WOD to dial in my form by focusing on 21 singles. While it took me additional time to reset after each MU, I didn't fail and was not gazing at the rings with frustration. The hang power cleans caught up to me quickly but manageable.
Partnered with Brandon who RXed it, while I did it @95# and jumping pull ups for a total of 17 rounds (9 Brandon, 8 Pigeon). A quick fix from DO on the cleans to keep the bar much closer to my body on the way up made my life so much easier, thanks for that. I'm starting to like all WODs involving a moderate weight power C+J.
6am with DO. Did 8 rounds of the fitness version using 83# and jumping pull-ups. I was feeling all of the squatting work earlier in the week when doing the air squats. Tried to focus on bracing while doing the split jerks so my back wasn't doing all of the work while having the bar overhead. Need to make a consistent effort to work on getting pull-ups so I can move on from jumping pu's.
Fitness version with Wonder Twin Stella. 73# bar and I scaled to 7 kipping pull ups instead of 10. We finished 5 squats short of an even 16 rounds. I loved this WOD, it was really fun and I always love partnering with Stella. I realized after the workout that I've done 101 kipping pull ups in the past 48 hours, a feat I would've not thought possible a year ago. In fact, I looked back in my notes, and on February 18th last year, I was doing privates with Josh and we were working on kip swings with him assisting me over the bar. Today I started out doing sets of 4 and 5 unbroken, and they deteriorated into sets of 2 and 3 by the end. Progress!
RE: snowshoe trip–can non-crossfit members go?
please advise, thanks!
@MUXX, yes absolutely!
Fitness 9 Rounds @ 95#
– Felt pretty good although I know that my cleans got a little sloppier than I would have liked by the 9th round.
– I was really able to dial in to a tempo and kept it up throughout which was extremely helpful.
– Next time I'm doing this at RX. I can totally make #115 happen.
On a separate note has anyone else found this cycle to be a bit harsher on the knees than usual? My left knee started bother me last night and after today's WOD it really got to me. Anyone have any recommendations?
Got the Voodoo bands from Rogue last night and wrapped above and below my knee cap. If anyone else has any suggestions please let me know!
Anyone know where I can buy a weight vest in the city? I tried paragon and Modell's but no luck
@mig if you read this, can non crossfit folks do CSA? thanks. made those steaks this weekend there were some big fans.
JR — I'm pretty sure the answer is yes.
Work out at Crossfit Flagstaff in Arizona. If you are ever in the area I would highly recommend this box. People and coaches are awesome!!!
50 L-sit pull ups
50 squat clean @ 115#
50 L-sit pull ups
Time: 26:51
This was more challenging than I expected. After 25 cleans i had to go to singles all the way to the end. I realized after the WOD that I was at 7000' and that probably had something to do with it.
2 minutes of each
GHD sit ups
Inverted burpees (that was totally new to me)
Here is a demo
then same for 1 min each
Total: 100 reps
KH, love that! Progress indeed.
Fun little 10am class with Jess on my first day of mini-vacation. Fitness version at 75# with banded pull-ups scaled to five each round. Really fun being partnered with Lisa, whose encouragement is so genuine. We each got eight rounds and she was starting her ninth. I was able to move pretty smoothly through this (could have made my pull-ups harder?). It was nice to have so much exposure to the C&J and be able to practice my form at a quick pace.
Cash-out with Tyler and visiting Corinne doing more TABATA-inspired stair sprints (with three people, we each got a minute of rest).
I also got a large box from Rogue yesterday that's helping me fill out my little mobility kit. Grace and I were geeking out about it last night.
JR – yes, they can. Have them go to herondalefarm dot com slash CSA, fill out the PDF, and select CFSBK as their pick up location. The completed PDF and payment info should be sent to csa at herondalefarm dot com.
Questions? Hit me at mignyc at gmail dot com.
6am with DO…
This was no joke!
Partnered with Amy and we completed 6 rounds each @ 63# C&J's and 5 banded pull ups. Pull ups felt good so maybe I can graduate to the next band. Felt my form going in the last 2 rounds from fatigue. This was hard work but fun!!
10am with Lady Fox ( and Fox's voice coming from the platforms each time I messed up a jerk)
Partnered with Rio, who I can't believe is new to CrossFit.
9 rounds @ 73#, 5 thin green pull-ups.
Soooo… I went into this thinking I could not do the jerk part because I have been getting a really weird pain each time I have tried this lift this cycle plus I missed a few exposures and I felt like I had not done them enough to attempt to do so many reps.
However, it felt fine during the warm-ups and actually this is the weight I was at which I practicing singles, so I was really happy to get some more practice in today. I did each rep pretty slowly and tried my best to concentrate on form.
In the beginning I kept forgetting to stand up after the jerk part. I think my reps mostly got better as I went on but maybe I am not dropping under the bar enough yet. Other things to watch out for: knees out, reposition feet for clean, weight on heels, keep bar close….. Many things, but I do feel I am getting somewhere.
Pull-ups- I scaled these because I am attempting to back off a bit this week. My air squats are feeling better and more controlled.
Thanks to both Foxes for their ever-watchful eyes.
8am with Fox.
Fitness, 8 rounds @ 73#. Partnered with Jess who was much faster, and went heavier. she was great to watch. I have kipping pull up envy.
First 2 rounds with banded pull ups, which was tough to get to 10 by round 2. So i switched to jumping pull ups for the remaining rounds. Maybe should have just added/switched bands; but even with jumping pu's this kicked my ass.
A few jerks were not perfect – I could feel a small lean back on a couple, and needed to push up harder. I'll be more conscious of that next time. Nor were they cycled well – It still feels like a lot of weight to control down to the floor, so it was not smooth between reps.
I loved this workout, I had to really push for it.
Noon class with lady Fox
Partnered with the man, the myth, the legend.. the WARRIOR, Jacinto Bonilla.
We went Rx'd on the Fitness version and got 15 Rounds +11 reps
This was a fun workout, exactly thought it would feel like. I did clean and push presses for my first five rounds and then did clean and strict presses for the last three rounds just to spice it up.
All pull-ups unbroken.
Afterwards I did
2 Strict unbroken muscle ups on the minute for 10 minutes
three sets of :15 L-Sits with :45 rest
Noon class partnered with Fraisur.
16RDs plus 3 pull-ups at FIT RX. (115)
Everything unbroken but the pull-ups which I broke into 5s.
Fraisur killed it on the last round trying to get us to 17.
Noon class
Nasty Girls in 10:49.
After the first round was done unbroken and in 2:12 I thought I was in for a huge, potential leaderboard, PR. It was not to be. I missed a few muscle ups in there and it cost me. I had clients and classes straight from 6am on and wasn't sure if I was going to train at 12 or come back in tonight. I should have come back in. Wah…It was awesome as it always however, to be in the same class as Jacinto. I hope I'm half as good as that when I'm 74.
@Pierre – funny. Jess and I visited CF Flagstaff in October and agreed it was one of the least impressive coached class experiences we'd ever had. Glad you had a good experience. 7000' is no joke.
Fitness version Rxd with Joey as partner. I did mine with 5 strict chin-ups and got eight rounds. Joey completed seven and got into the C&Js of his eighth round as time ran out, so we got fifteen and change.
My last round was the fastest thanks to 'Angel of Death' coming on just as it started. Brilliant.
WRIST issues…
Hang Snatch Doubles
Clean Pulls
Jerk from behind the neck
6:30 with Jess and Ro. Partnered with Courtney on this, and we got exactly 8 rounds each. Did the first round with 75# but then bumped up to 95# for the rest of the workout. I think I finally figured out how to cycle c&js without letting the barbell drag me back down. Subbed 5 banded pull ups. Jumping might have been the better option metabolically, but I'll take all the pull up practice I can get. Fun one!
Came back in to press and front squat
Really hoping to being my clean up and hadn't cleaned or front squatted heavy in a minute
Wednesday (on Tuesday)
I liked getting some weighted planks in for the warm-up.
– LBBS 160# x 6
– Burpee/KB workout w/20kg – 1:44 and 1:49? I kind of blew it on time-keeping and I failed clock math in 3rd grade, so this data is not entirely reliable. I might have over-paced this given the 2:00 rest.
7 rounds at 75#
– C&J felt light, worked on cycling them.
– Pull-ups felt better compared to Monday's C2B. First 4 or so rounds were sets of 5 until I started tearing more callouses. Need to rebuild the hands and commit to gripping the bar the right way.
– Cool down run was nice, as promised. I wish I had kept running.
I love this line from David's post… "and then did clean and strict presses for the last three rounds just to spice it up."
Mobilized sub-scap and pecs, lat and tris with orb/bar.
As the shoulder stuff continues, I figured I'd have to scale this and just do Cleans (maybe add some weight) as opposed to C&J. But… as I was warming things up… it felt ok!
Focused on keeping the bar REALLY EFFING CLOSE, and catching it high and close on the clean. Then keeping that straight bar path in STO, not letting bar come away in front at all. Whatever combo of rest, mobilization, and good form I had tonight… it was the right stuff! Didn't have pain in the STO transition! During a few reps, I felt that twinge creep back in, and it was when i got sloppy and let the bar come fwd. Slowed down the c&j a bit to keep focused there.
Did WOD at 73#. After 5th round, hands started to fall apart, so I scaled to 6 PU's for one round, added in 10 sit-ups, and then scrapped PU's AND did 15 sit-ups in lieu of PU's for the remainder. B/c I couldn't grab the bar. So… 8 rounds total for me, and I think Marie was the same.
Tore in 3 places, almost a fourth. I should know better after 4 years to tape my thumbs. And I obviously haven't been doing enough PU/t2b grip work lately. I keep trying to grip higher in the hand to avoid the skin smash, but it's not going to be an instant solution obviously.
4;30 class with Jess
WOD partnered with Allen we both got 8 rounds warmed up with 75lbs and my left wrist hurts, so dropped to 65lbs. This felt easy but something is going on with my left wrist when I turn it to the left or right I feel pain. Hopefully it will go away.