Performance: 12 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy Mid Hang Clean and Push Jerk
Fitness: 12 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy Hang Power Clean + FSQ + Push Jerk
Get there quick with the goal of no misses.
Post loads to comments.
2014 LFPB Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then:
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Max Calories Rowed
Post rounds completed, calories rowed and Rx to comments.
Compare to 1.2.14
Voodoo Flossing During Active Recovery Class
LFPB Potluck Saturday, Feb 22nd
We’ll be hosting a second Gym potluck on Saturday, February 22nd where we’ll be announcing the winners of the challenge as well as talk about how to transition out of the challenge. This event is open to the entire community, even folks who didn’t do the challenge. We’ll also have our Farmers from Herondale and Sol Flower farm there to introducce themselves and answer any questions about the CSAs we host. If you’d like to come, please RSVP including what you’ll be bringing!
Endurance Program at CFSBK
If you are interested, we will be holding an INFORMATIONAL MEETING this Saturday 2/15 at 1pm where we can give all of the details behind the program.
You can email Michael at michael.olzinski (at) with any additional questions.
One shot, no special effects: Amazing 63 second ad for Canadian Paralympics
Bicycle rush hour in Utrecht, Netherlands
How Genes Affect Athletic Performance: VICE Podcast
Its snowing again. Here are AT-ATs attacking Olympic skiers to start your morning:
Just a reminder that the deadline for the USAPL powerlifting meeting in Paramus NJ is approaching.
This meet will be at one of Guerrilla Fitness CF gyms in NJ and is a raw-only meet (no bench shirts and squat suits, etc) and is pretty much the closest USAPL meet to NYC you will find.
Anyway, CFSBK is fielding a team and you should join us. Jeremy will be there to guide… Maybe some folks will come to cheer. It'll be a good time.
Info here
Wow the SNOW!
Ahhh shoot! I'm in Cali (I know, cry me a river). Can I do the LFPB test on Saturday morning? If not, I'm guessing OG on Sunday.
108# on the MHPC and push jerk. Clean felt good, jerk was wonky today. 6 rounds + 7 push ups on part one, 44 calories on part two. Did all push ups from the knees, just like last time. Previously I got 6 rounds flat and 42 calories. Looks like I'm performing better!
After 7am class, I rushed to the city through cold, wind, and snow, only to find out that my 9am client (WHO LIVES ON THE SAME BLOCK AS THE PILATES STUDIO. DID YOU HEAR ME? THE SAME BLOCK) late canceled because of the weather. Now enjoying a cappuccino with my free hour.
135# on the hang power clean and push jerk, Jess reminded me its a push jerk and not push press at the 125# marker, that made my life much easier.
8 rounds + RR + PUs, 6 rounds strict push ups, last 2+ kneed, last time was 2 strict rounds and 4 kneed rounds, an awesome improvement I'm happy. 55 calories on row, compared to 45 last time, I gave it everything I had in me, which made the bike ride home wobbly.
Looking forward to an awesome snow week end.
Noon class still a go?
WOD at Flagship CrossFit, a brand new box in downtown SF. Don't hate me, but it's like 55 degrees here. Hope everyone's staying safe and has power!
WOD was a doozy. 10 rounds for max reps, 2:00 work followed by 2:00 rest. Work was rounds of 5 squat snatches 55# (Rx) and 10 burpees, you picked up after each rest period where you left off. Having gotten off a plane less than 12 hours before the WOD did not help. My hip flexors are smoked!
Nice box — the 6 AM class was tiny, which meant I got to hear a lot of "get lower!" on my squat snatches.
What time is the potluck? Not listed anywhere on the event.
6am with the crew this morning. Not sure if the WOD or walking home in the snow was harder (damn that Flatbush Ave windtunnel).
Hit 195# for the Clean and Jerk, used the split at the end. Felt really good and have been focusing on tightening my shoulders at the bottom of the hang.
For the WOD I got 12 rounds plus 7 pushups. Arms were super-rubbery at the end and my stomach was pretty tight, so my row was tough. Hit 42 calories.
Overall a great day, glad tomorrow is a rest one. 🙂
Have a safe and snowy day everyone!
8am with Jess.
HCPJ: 53×3, 63×3, 73×3, 78×2. I wanted to get to 85# today but ran out of time; 78# felt pretty heavy, so I'm not sure if it would have happened anyway. Shoulder was feeling pretty good today, happy about that. Might be a different story tomorrow tho.
WOD with ring rows: 7 rounds. First 2 rounds got through all the push ups, then 5 full pu/5 on knees for rds 3-4 – 2/8 knees – all knee pu in rd 7. 3min row at 35 cal. Felt like i could have done better on that, but legs are beat. Nice walk home getting smacked in the face by snow and ice.
Congrats to everyone who made it to the box. That walk sucked.
I'm doing the Whole Life Challenge online. It is very similar to the LFPB but I got back from vacation a little late to join everyone else in BK. That said, I definitely will next year. Congrats to everyone at the gym.
I did the capacity test on Jan. 10th. Got 7 rounds and 49 calories. Today I got 9 rounds and 51 calories. My motor is definitely running better but I've gotten a lot of really great kipping help from the 6am crew (Alex, Michael, Peter etc.) and from coaches McDowell, Ro, and Fox. Thanks guys! I was able to do the pull-ups unbroken. I know it is only 5 but that's a good start for me.
So, blessed snow day + another semi-sick day meant I was able to pick up the New Yorker for the first time (embarrassingly) in a month, and right there on the first page of The Talk of the Town is none other than our very own JENNA JERMAN. I won't say what it's about to avoid bringing political ish to the blog, but it was really freaking exciting. I emailed her to share my freaking-out-ness and she wrote back something so witty that when I laughed, I blew snot on my face.
Took my own personal snow day and went to the 12pm class for the first time. Fun, intrepid crowd that made it there in the snow/rain/mess. Got to 83# on the jerk complex, which is good for me and felt pretty smooth. WOD was tough – got through 8 rounds (ring rows and knee push ups) and pretty much died on the row (45 cal).
12pm with Lady Fox and DO.
Clean and jerk complex- I got to 63# and the jerk part felt funny/ kinda sore so I left that part out and did two reps at 73# and 83#. I just got a bit scared so I left it at that. It would be awful if I did something to injure myself before the race on Sunday. I have a hot date with my orb tonight. I need to figure out what is going on with this overhead stuff.
I decided to skip our final hard erg workout in favor of the capacity WOD. 10 rounds plus 10 push-ups (315 reps) 53 cals on the erg. 30 of my push-ups were strict- the first 5 of the first 6 rounds and I subbed ring rows for pull-ups.
This was 34 reps and 1 calorie more than 2/1 ( and 4 extra strict push-ups) I thought I would have improved more on the row, but overall I am happy with this result. This LFPB challenge has been a great experience.
Jenna! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing, Kate!
KH…these Manhattanites… for reals!!!!!
Wow, LFPB capacity test killed me today. I did this in the gym at my building rather than battle the snow and rain to make it in. I know… lazy! For some reason I did this at my building's gym last time too. It probably snowed that day too. Anyway for some reason this rocked me today. Perhaps it was the fact that last time we did this without any strength movement prior to it. I worked up to 135 lbs on the Clean and Jerk performance version. Pulling from the mid hang seemed the toughest of this whole movement. I think the last few times I did the Clean & Jerk it was from the floor and I definitely missed the momentum. Everything else felt good, getting under and catching in a squat and the push jerk was smooth and comfortable.
Then came the misery. Though I have to say the "Cindy" portion of the workout went fine and I think I did an extra round from my previous attempt at this workout. Definitely helped that my building installed a new Rogue rig for pull-ups which allows for my horrible kip as opposed to last time when I had to do them on the weight rack and did them all strict. So 7 res this time plus 5 pull ups and 5 push ups. This felt good – just wish I could cycle the pull ups together and not just hit two then lose my momentum and have to start again from a dead hang. Need to work on my kip. Then came the pain train. The row destroyed me and for some reason I thought it was a 2 minute row and I think that caused me to go out way too hard because I wanted to equal what I got last time which was 54 cals so when I got to around 1:30 and was only at 30 I was completely demoralized thinking I had lost so much fitness that I gave up. Not realizing that I actually had another minute and a half to go. I gave up at 1:45 with 37 cals thinking that I only had 15 seconds left and was nowhere near my previous time. I'm not sure that I could have maintained that pace but I was on pace to maybe hit 60 cals if I was able to which was definitely questionable. Either way I'm a little pissed that I messed up on my timing. But I have to say that the row is what killed me last time too. This will have to be revisited again and I'll have to do it right.
Cashed out with a 3 mile treadmill run in 23:09 which was moderate intensity after the other work. Then a little TABATA 30sec/30sec max double unders and handstand push ups with 2 ab mats.
Sorry for the long post. But it's a snow day and what else are you going to do but read long ass posts.
Luke, the gym in your building has Rogue racks? Mind blown.
After being working out at CFSBK for a year now, by far my funniest year of fitness, it’s definitely about time to start posting some comments here.
7Am. Worked up to 135# on the MHPCPJ, need to be more aggressive on the push jerks. Probably need to be more comfortable being under the bar to, this exercise sure was a step forward for that.
Got 8 rounds + RR & 9 PU for the Wod. Have to work on my kipping Pull-Ups. Got 58 cal on the erg. I've never done this wod before so I don't have any previous result to compare to. My goal is to do it Rx’d next time, and to get 60 cal on the erg.
Noah – it's actually a Rogue wall mounted rig. Still fairly mind blowing. We also have drop plates, an ERG, a new set of rings and a brand new 20lb wall ball. Sadly no kettlebells yet. All credit goes to a one of the guys on the gym committee who is also a CFSBK member. Not only that I believe his name is also Noah. Consider your mind doubly blown.
@KH, I love you.
6am with DO. Only made it in based on the idea that things would be that much worse outside if I slept in till the 7am class.
Only managed to get 105# today. Like Luke, I thought pulling from the mid-hang was the toughest part. Shoulder felt a bit wonky reaching up for the jerk press so I didn't want to push it much further.
First time doing the wod, managed 8 rounds of strict pull ups and push ups (ok, so there were 3 chin ups mixed in there somewhere) with an extra 2 pull ups and 53 cal on the erg. After 30 seconds my legs felt shot….bleh…
4:30pm class with Josh….
Got up to 68# on the clean complex. Still working to get the split jerk just right. My front foot being the issue. My cleans have really come along though which I'm happy about…
WOD – I basically did the same as in January. 7 rounds + 5RR and 3 PU's. The push ups slowed me down and felt a lot harder than last time. Maybe because I tried to do more strict in the first 2 rounds than last time. Rowed 1 more calorie than last time for 36.
Fun times at 4:30 after three days off. Worked up to 113# on the perf. C&J, failed at 123#.
Capacity test: 10 rounds + 5 RR/10PU/3 squats (modified push-ups), which is one round more than last time. 46 on the row, exactly the same as last time, but I'll consider it an improvement since this time felt so awful and like I had zero fuel.
Worked up to 145 on the performance complex. Squat cleans really take a lot out of me.
Capacity Test with strict chin-ups.
6 rounds + 5 chinups + 10 pushups
Calories: I think 43. I was shot by this time.
4:30 class with josh.
I got up to 145# the 150 was there but didn't get low enough and fast enough on the last chance.
The capacity test… I don't think I've ever pushed myself as hard. 10 rds +4 pull-ups. (Last time was 9 rds + 9 reps.) The rest was a blur, as was walking over to the erg. I remember pulling and pulling but that's it. 56 calories (I rowed 58 before)
I was close to collapsing after I got off the erg. Total mess but happy with the results.
Hit a nooner due to the snowday which was awesome! Decided not to go over head… thought I was ready with all the mobility work I have been doing on my shoulders and did the snatch workout a couple weeks ago and f'ed up my shoulder. So…
Hang squat cleans –
95×3, 135×2, 155×2, 165×2, 175×2. with room to grow. Much more comfortable in catching in the squat.
Capacity test (not doing the challenge) 9 rounds plus 5 pullups and 5 push ups – a whopping one extra push up from last time.
row came in at 63 cal – up from 59 last time.
hell yea rob is! ill be competing at the meet as well. we're all wearing the ass-less singlets in solidarity right? j-fish is wearing his for sure.
@ Keith W
Sorry we have no internet at the gym and I got home and passed out. Always assume class is on unless it's loud and clear on the blog. A little snow isn't going to stop elite Fitness!
@ Andy,
Potluck starts at 7:00pm. Thanks for the catch, I'll update the event page. Hope you can make it.
Started taking antibiotics for my "eye incident" on Sunday and I think it's related (maybe, maybe not) to a gnarly virus I've picked up this week which has unfortunately gotten worse or stayed the same. Joints ache, low energy and got a gnarly sharp cough/sneeze.
Can't wait to get over this stupid bug.
7:30 class tonight
Worked up to 145 on the fitness complex. Everything felt pretty good and like I have more room there. I need to remember to keep the bar closer as I'm pulling.
Capacity test (did ring rows + strict push-ups): 7 rounds + 5 ring rows + 10 push-ups + 10 air squats. Tried my hardest to get 8 full rounds, but the clock beat me this time. Still, an improvement of two full rounds and 15 reps from six weeks ago.
Hit 73 calories on the row, up 12 from last time. Fell short of my goal here, but it's progress and I'll take it.
7:30pm PT with Josh,
Worked on Mobility for Hip flexors and shoulders.
Capacity test
10 rounds + 7 Push ups and 59 calories
Improvement from 9 round + 6 squats and 50 calories.
Everything moved well but as expected the push ups became the limiting factor passed round 5.
8:30 with MeLo.
Have been fighting something for the past two days and felt well enough to get back at it tonight. Would've liked to have been 100% for the capacity test, but that's life.
Hang squat clean + jerk (split, with the upcoming meet)
115×2, 135, 165×2, 185×2, 195, 205
A couple cleans felt speedy, others like they were too much arms. Jerk at 195 was stable but I dipped forward, 205 was more upright but narrow and shallow. Nice to be able to feel these problems and confirm with MeLo, and to know that if I really commit I have more in my jerk.
Capacity test:
7 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 push-ups (+8 reps)
73 calories (no change)
Pleased with this result. Push-ups still my nemesis on Cindy. Felt a bit sluggish on the erg, so was surprised to hit 73 again.
And on that note, good luck to the CRASH-Beasts this weekend!
Trudged through the slush (with no boots), and successfully navigated all slush puddles of unknown depth until I hit the northwest corner of 4th and Degraw where I encountered the unavoidable full submersion of my right foot.. Mission failure. However, I did bring a change of socks in preparation for such a contingency.
Recovery HBBS
Planks W/25kg plate :45 secsx4
My wrist got jammed on a missed clean two days ago and Im a bit worried…
Whole foods with Rik and Kate was the best part of my day…
5th class, 1st time hitting two in one week!, 1st time posting!!
I got to 63# on the Hang Power Clean + FSQ + Push Jerk. It's been really exciting to feel my body start developing some trust and intuition around this weight training stuff.
I made 8 rounds + 5 ring rows on the WOD. I accidentally did 10 ring rows to start. Oops. I did all sorts of push ups! Those really slow me down, but I made up time flying through the air squats. Those are fun.
I hit 40 cals on the erg but I think I started a few seconds early. Sorry for cheating.
I'm having a lot of fun here at CFSBK! Yall are awesome :)))
7:30 class
Worked up to 145 on cleans which felt like I had some room to grow. I've been nursing a lower back tweak and didn't want to push to hard on the lift. Will go up next week.
Cindy Row went awesome. Did RR's and PU's from my knees. Got 9 rounds + 10 pu's, up 69 reps from Jan 2nd. Row was a bit hard but managed 61 cal up from 54 cal.
Feeling great about the challenge and excited to incorporate it into post-challenge life. I dropped 18lbs throughout so super psyched about that. Hoping it will open up some more body weight movements for me, like all strict push-ups, and getting off banded pull-ups.
Clean and Jerk
Worked to 215. Felt good.
11 +5/2
59 cals
Hang Clean and Jerk – worked up to 102. Didn't go any heavier because my back's been a little tight and didn't want to risk injury.
LFPB Challenge WOD
9 rounds + 5 pull ups + 4 push ups (279)
49 calories
TOTAL: 328
At the beginning of the challenge:
8 rounds + 2 pull ups (242)
50 calories
TOTAL: 292
I was zonked on the row this time, but i'll take my 36 point increase!
Late post: 8 rounds and 1 RR. Did push ups on the rack at 28 notch. Last time: barely missed 7 rounds and did push ups on the 27 notch.
Calories: 39 (37 in first test)
Meh. But yay for progress.