Performance: 5/3/1 “5 Week”
65%x5, 75%x5, 85×5+
Loss of a neutral back position will automatically end your rep out.
Never done a 5/3/1 progression before? Click here for the details
Fitness: 1×5
Linear Progression
Start at roughly 80% of the heavy single from Sunday. If you missed Sunday then find a conservative start weight for this cycle.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e1/6
5 Rounds for max reps of:
:30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
:30 Rest
:30 AbMat Sit-Ups
:30 Rest
:30 Box Jumps
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Dr. Judy raises the bar for all the other grandparents
- Drivers get ready for our Mario Kart 64 Tournament tonight starting at 7:30pm. We’ll have the N64 on beforehand if you’d like to get some practice runs in.
CFSBK Snow Show Field Trip
On Saturday, March 1st, local outfitter Gear to Go will guide us on a snowshoe hike on Bear Mountain, 1.5 hours from NYC, where we’ll hike around historic Hessian Lake and then climb to the top where we’ll take in amazing views of the Hudson Highlands. Not familiar with snowshoeing? Basically, it allows you to travel to areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach in winter, but if you can walk, you can snowshoe. Exertion level will be moderate, suitable for anyone who exercises at least 1-2 times per week.
$80 per person includes:
- all equipment — snowshoes, trekking poles, crampons, and MicroSpikes, as appropriate for the day’s conditions
- roundtrip transportation from CFSBK
- breakfast and on-trail hot cocoa
This cost reflects a 15% CFSBK discount off Gear to Go’s normal prices!
We must have a minimum of 8 people for the trip to be a GO!
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Circadian Clocks May Be Tuned to Vibrations, Too NYT
A Primer on the Eight Olympic Events Debuting in Sochi Smithsonian
The Town That’s Building Life Around Sleep The Atlantic
Hey CFSBK mindhive:
Does anyone have a chain break for a bicycle that I could borrow for a day?
Wendler Deadlifts:
165×5, 185×5, 215×14 – many thanks to Fox for calling this as I could feel my back starting to go.
Triplet WOD: 91 KB swings @24, 85 situps, 55 boxjumps @24''
Deadlift 195×9, not sure whether I stopped too soon or not. I'm always a little more apprehensive about rep-outs on deadlift than with other lifts, so it's entirely possible I was too conservative.
WOD 223 reps total (I just counted reps per round, too lazy to count reps per exercise) with 24kg bell and 20" box jumps. KB felt surprisingly not that heavy, but then I guess it's because these were 30-second bursts.
165# x 9 on the dead lift. This felt heavier than it should have. 226 reps on the WOD, 20" box jumps and 24kg bell. Was going to use the 20kg but went with 24kg after my wonder twin said that's what she was using. I mean, if we're going to be the wonder twins I have to match her weights on at least something!
8am. Deadlift: 305×11. Back felt good, but felt this in my traps which are hella sore from the overhead squats. Metcon: 85kb swings @ 36kg, 105 sit-ups, 79 box jumps. Nice and consistent each round.
So happy I came in today… I went for a run after AR yesterday and ended up straining my soleus after ~3 miles, spent the last 24 hours stressing about it. Eventually decided that's just how it is and I need to adjust my plan for the next week or two.
Anyway, it was really nice to come in and be able to do almost everything. Didn't want to try cycling box jumps but: DL 235×5, pretty easy and will go up 10# next week. 241 total reps on the workout, 2 PD & 24". Everything as fast as I could. Next time we do low rep KB swings I'll try going heavier.
Yay Judy! Perfect overhead positioning, even while being bothered by Cruel Taskmaster Osorio!
8am with Mr and Mrs Fox.
305# x 10 on the deadlift. I should have tried another rep or 2.
Partnered with Peter on the WOD which motivated me to stay as close as possible as him in rep count. 87 Reps KB 36 Kg, 101 Sit ups, 63 Jumps boxes.
Feeling pretty beat up today after lots of merry moshing last night at one of the best live shows I've seen (Murder City Devils). Glad I took class, I didn't want to.
5/3/1 Deads
32kg x 15 x 5
24" x 10 x 5
SU x 15 x 5
Sarah la rosa — I can bring one in tomorrow. I have a private at 11; I'll leave it at the front desk when I get there.
I like deadlifts, but still have a fear of messing myself (lower back) up. A year on from my injury I probably should let the fear factor go.
Worked up to 315 for 11 reps. Got tired but the weight moved ok. Thanks to Fox for the additional pointers.
WoD was a good one. This week has felt more like a crush week than some of our crush weeks. 24" box jumps – 12, 12, 12, 12, 14. Snowball – 15, 16, 16, 15, 17. Sit-ups – 15, 15, 15, 15, 18.
Noon with Melissa and Arturo…
Deadlift – Fitness – 75#, 95#, 105#, 110# – Felt good!
WOD – 16kg KB and 20" box – I pretty consistent across all rounds. 217 reps total with 53 box jumps, 77 sit ups, and 87 KBS
1 pm class with Melissa/Arturo.
Had an absolute blast today! I really, really needed it.
125 on the deadlift. Hopefully that's a sensible starting place (1 rm is 175), but it felt heavy. We shall see.
Decided it was time to put the 16" box in my past. Felt great to move up to the 20" box! Kept it mostly consistent, improving slightly on the last three rounds. I love when that happens.
16kg/20" box: 78 swings, 88 sit ups, and 58 box = 224 reps
Loved this workout!
1 Pmer. 265×13. These felt a bit sloppy as I was going too fast early. My weight was in my toes at the end, I need to stay on the midfoot and keep the hammys involved.
Fun WOD 228 reps.
BJs @ 24": 15, 13, 14, 12, 13 = 67
SUs: 18, 16, 17, 16, 16 = 83
Russian KB swings w the dirty snowball (36 kg): 15, 15, 15, 16, 17 = 78
Noon class was fun (but the block run).
220 with a 6 rip out. I forgot to chalk and tape my thumbs. Grip slipped so I had to call myself at 6. I think I had at least 2 more.
WOD was fun with Chris and Ricky. 272 reps with a 30" box and 24kg bell.
Numbers kept going up by 1-4 reps in places each round. Best round was 4 with 19 kbs/15 box jumps/23 sit-ups.
10am with Fox and Arturo.
Deadlifts- 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 4, 185 x 3, 205 x 5.
'Hell Too'
20 x 500M
Ave: 1.54.5/500M 32 SPM
Way more consistent this time and 4 secs/500M faster than two weeks ago.
Great to see so many of my fellow CRASH- Beasts today kicking ass. It's been a hard week of rowing and I think we are all looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
11AM class was great today.
Warm-Up 2
8ea rvrs lunges (focused on keeping hips even, full foot planted and driving through on left side)
8 push-ups… i messed up the first two sets and forgot to tempo. last round I got my sh*t together
chin-ups… did 3, then 6, then 3 in each round. haven't tried these in a while b/c my wrist couldn't handle the twist in the grip after my lil bike accident. but felt good today.
95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×5. should have switched grip. kept double overhand and it was slipping a bit on the last 2 reps. used weight belt. felt good overall. 180# would've been 80% of my 1RM, so i cut it back a little bit to leave room. That's the heaviest set of 5 i've ever done. excited to work DL this cycle.
WOD: 290 reps. 20" box, 20kg bell. something like this…
BJ: 20, 20, 19, 20, 20 … 99
ABs: 20, 19, 21, 20, 21 … 101
KB: 17, 18, 18, 19, 18 … 90
love this kind of workout. short sprints with enough rest to go hard every time but never truly redline. box jumps felt great, except i think i tweaked my achilles/calf on the left side a bit. thanks to Ro for reminders to fully extend at the top.
1pm with Ro and Melo. Got 10 reps at 200# for my rep out. Felt solid. This is my first time straying from a linear progression, and I am excited to see where it takes me. 253 reps on the wod with a 28kg bell and 20" box. Only wanted to use the 24kg bell but I succumbed to peer pressure, and was glad I did.
I was feeling a little under the weather today, but as soon as I started the (cruel and unusual) warm up (/cool down?) lap around the block, all of my phlegm dried up like magic! Or maybe the DayQuil just kicked in.
@matt Cohen
Thank you, thank you!!
10am with Senior Fox.
Partnered with Jason and Dan on the deadlift. Had a good set of lifts:
5 @ 210
5 @ 240
7 @ 280 (rep out)
Even thought we haven't deadlifted in a while, I feel like a lot of positioning we go through for the overhead stuff has helped me with my starting position and translated well to the deadlift.
For the conditioning, I did
Situps 106
Box Jumps 69
KB's 89
I do step-downs on the box jumps since I get worried about achilles and calf issues (had them before from soccer).
Overall a great Sunday WOD and then follow-up AR with Fox.
95×5, 125×5, 145×3, 155×5
– I never feel great about my deadlifts and today wasn't different.
– Pretty sure my back wasn't bending as much as it usually does.
– Need to make sure to keeps chin down and not to finish with closed hips.
32kg KB, 20" Box
222 Total reps
– I didn't count each movement but I did notice that they were very consistent rounds.
– Felt good but my quads were also feeling tired from yesterday.
Hang Snatch
**Focusing on speed under the bar here. Felt snappy and good.
**This was the hardest most brutal squatting workout ive done to date, both physically and psychologically. Very excited to have completed this.
50 Dips
50 Pulls ups
Super fun OG tonight
40×2,2 50×2,2 60×2,2 70×1 75×1 80×1 82xF,F
Real consistent today up to PR territory but wanted to save some juice so I didn't push it.
Clean and Jerk
70×1 80×1 90×1 95×1 100×1 (PR)
Super psyched to finally hit this after cleaning it successfully for weeks. Big PR total at 180kg today.
Front Squats
135×5 185×4 235x3x3
Romanian Deadlifts
135×5 185×5 235x5x3
Then as I promised myself I would, I did Open WOD 13.4 (7 minute C+J and T2B ladder). I'm still coughing. Finished the round of 12 C+J and could only manage 2 T2B singles with a solid 30 seconds left. 50 reps beats my 47 from last year though!
Friday OG:
Pause FSQ 118x3x3
Deadlift 110×5, 125×5, 140×10 — mentally called it quits after 10 on the rep out
Accessory work — pull-ups are getting easier!! Did 10 pull-ups and 10 chin-ups
OG tonight:
Snatch balance + 2 OHS — just testing the waters, worked up to 63# and stayed there for 4 rounds
Rack jerks — again, just testing it out, worked up to 83# single. Tweaked my neck a little so I called it quits.
50 push-up cash-out
11am with Melo and Ro
Deadlift – 350×5
WOD – 40 box jumpbs 30 inches, 82 sit ups, 88 KB Swings 32 kg
OG/N64 session tonight:
43kg, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70F,F
Behind the neck position felt the best it has in weeks, but I need to regain comfort dropping underneath the bar. Snatch balance and high hang practice are in order. Would like to be able to open safely at 62kg for the meet.
Clean and jerk:
Was inspired by Todd's great effort before I started.
50kg, 60, 70×2, 80, 85, 90×2, 95, 100×2 (PR+2)
Jake called the first rep at 100 a two-white light. Felt better about the second jerk, though I caught the clean forward. Need to finish my deadlift before exploding on the clean. Would like to open at 90kg for the meet.