30 Muscle-Ups for time.
15min time cap.
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
15 Toes To Bar or AbMat Sit Ups
Choose the workout that will give you a better stimulus. If you’ve sorta got one muscle-up, we’d recommend the Fitness version and some DIY Muscle-Up Practice afterwards.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to CFSBK TFBA Bob S who took first place in his division at the masters competition this past weekend!
- Found Money Clip in coat room from Tuesday with money in it. Email the front desk with a description of it if you think it belongs to you.
Photos with Bekka P
In need of a family photo or headshot? Or want a bad-ass photo for your athlete profile for the upcoming Open? Resident photographer Bekka P. will be offering specially discounted one-on-one photography sessions for members here at CFSBK on Saturday, February 1 from 2:30 pm-6:30 pm.
- $30 for a 15 minute session (3 guaranteed delivered photos)
o 1-3 movements
o Great for individuals & CrossFit Open profile photos
- $60 for a 30 minute session (3-5 guaranteed delivered photos)
o 2-6 movements
o For family photos or group shots (note all families must do the 30 minute session)
You’ll receive a link to download both high resolution and medium resolution versions of your images, no prints are included in these sessions. All of the photos will be lightly edited and will be shot on a solid backdrop (so you won’t be seeing CFSBK in the background). Photos will be delivered by Monday, February 10.
More about Bekka’s work here
Sign-up here by Wednesday, January 29.
Email with any questions.
30 Muscle-ups, Isabel AND Grace done in 10:13 by Rob Orlando
Is the will to workout genetically determined?
Congratulations Bob!
Just as I said earlier, I wanna be like you when I grow up!
Mr. Belding….
Congratulations Bob, that's awesome!
Congrats Bob. As if there was any doubt. I am surprised the other competitors even bothered to take you on.
Congrats, Bob!!
Well played, Bob!
Fitness WOD with situps and 24kg bell in 14:59. Someday I will have more than one T2B at a time. Preferably "someday" = "before they show up in the Open again," which means time for some OG on my part!
6am with Jess and David
Fitness with T2B and 32kg KB. Finished in 20:03. Tough WOD with burpees as the limiiting factor, no surprise there.
The fun part was watching the "muscle up races". Very impressive.
Does anyone have a recommendation for an orthopedic?
I dislocated my shoulder while snowboarding a few days ago.
Woot! Go Bob!
Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I saw Dr. Steven J. Arsht, MD at Beth Israel in Union Square when I had a partial labrum tear. He was very good. Hope you a speedy recovery.
Bob, you da man. Inspiring.
Nice job, Bob. Dude kicks my ass in WODs.
6am with Jess and David. 30 muscle-ups for time: 9:53. Should have been 9:20-ish but I failed the last muscle-up. Need to remember to kip when I get tired. Pretty happy with the result, though. Somehow I've missed the last several workouts involving muscle-ups so I wasn't quite sure how this was going to go. Broke the MUs something like 5-4-3-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1. First time doing this benchmark, so I get to claim a PR.
Today's WOD
15 KB swings (20kg)
15 burpees
15 T2B (scaled to 8)
15:00 flat
I was able to do all 5 rounds of the T2B without coming down off of the bar, which I considered an accomplishment. Still can't string them together unbroken, but I kipped each one and was consistently tapping my toes to the bar. Maybe should have gone for 10 reps each round, but the coaches had suggested halving the volume so that's what I went for. Next time 10! I reallyliked this WOD.
@Pavel, after much research I have used the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan for my recent MCL Grade 3 injury (skiing accident 2 weeks ago), and I am very happy the way they approach the whole issue. They are good in sports injuries. My Dr there is Frank Cordasco 212-606-1636. He is a knee and shoulder specialist/surgeon. If you call tell them it is an emergency and they will squeeze you in.
Well Done Bob!
Congrats to Bob! He's a great guy and inspiration!
Slogged through today's workout at 6AM in 21:45 with 32Kg bell. The T2B were murder – eventually just doing singles and doubles – a year ago I was so much better at them. Sigh. Just have to get back to that again.
Congrats Bob!! Can't wait to see how you perform in the open!
First time I Met Bob he was sitting on the couch with a dislocated middle finger after a barbell rebounded a bit too high. He looks at me and says, "just do it quickly" or something like that. I popped back into place, he tapes it up, and got back to working out. Tough as nails.
Pavel – Louis Catalano, CV Starr Hand Surgery Center at Roosevelt Hospital is your man. Did an extensive surgery on my R shoulder. I've referred several CFSB er's to him, very successfully.
I should have seen Peter's post and broken the MUs up into smaller groups sooner. My first time, so its a good benchmark.
On a side note, Im looking for an iOS developer to build a prototype. If you can or know someone who can help me out, contact me – hallerk-at-gmail. Thanks
7am with Lady Fox & DO
32kg KB first time I use this bugger, burpees broken into sets of 5s after the 3rd round and sit ups, in 14:09, I gave it everything I had in me.
Someone mentioned the Brooklyn Half opening for registration during the warm up and they thought it might be full but it looks as though you can still sign up. Its a fun day if you are the type of person that considers running long distances fun. Sign up here and we can all meet out in Coney for a beer:
Fitness WOD today with 28kg KB scaled T2B to 12 finished at 17 flat. Can't really string the T2B together so decided to scale back the volume but in hindsight feel I should have banged out the 15 seeing as how I made it in under the 20 min cap.
Yes Pigeon you did! I was totally racing you and thinking, "Damn, what's gotten into him?" and you kicked my ass! Well played, sir.
What's the consensus on which exercises and how often to use wrist wraps?
Context: I've got a lingering carpal-tunnelish (pinky-side of wrist) wrist ache I picked up skiing over the holidays – not from a fall, just repetitive pole-planting I think. Or maybe from schlepping all the family's gear around. In any case, I aggravated it snatching yesterday and I'm resting it, stretching and voodoo wrapping it, which is helping. (Thanks Arturo.) After it heals, I just want to make sure I avoid this kind of thing again.
30 Muscle Ups – 10:50
I got the first 18 in about 4 minutes, 3-3-3-3-3-3. Then, my muscle up fell apart. I was doing some weird chicken wing thing. This caused me to fall off the rings and almost eat the rubber mat. Fox's face was priceless as I came out of it. Resorted to singles and false grip to finish out the last 12. I am happy with my first attempt, but still need to refine my muscle up.
Awesome job Bob!
First time doing 30 muscle-ups for time in a long time. Not 100% sure what my previous best was, but I think it was in the 13' range.
This time – 8:17, which I was pretty happy with. Missed the last rep at around 7:50, which was not the best, but shows I could do better with better timed rest.
30 muscle ups – 10:53
6am with the rest of the pre-dawn crew was it's usual awesomeness.
This was the third time I've done this workout and I was about a minute slower than last time. I've been rehab'ing a shoulder issue (heavy bench press tweaked it three weeks ago), and I felt that loose stability during my press-out at the top way earlier than I would have liked.
I was going to do sets of 5 like last time (and perhaps I should have!), but wound up doing 10 for the first round since I felt in the groove. Did 10-5-3-3-3-3-2-1. I was down to the last one at 9:45 and then missed the attempt, tried again, failed, then stood around for 30sec pissed off before trying it again.
Thanks to David for some great instruction at the beginning about how to balance my grip with my kipping.
12pm CRASH-Bs session.
5 chin-ups
10 RDLs 32kg
15 squats 20kg
'Trough' Intervals.
500M,1000M,1500M,1000M, 500M. Rest 1:1
2.00.7 @ 24SPM 2.00.7/500M
4.00.7 @ 24SPM 2.00.3/500M
6.05.1 @ 26SPM 2.01.7/500M
4.04.9 @ 27SPM 2.02.4/500M
1.57.9 @ 30SPM 1.57.9/500M
Again, not as consistent as I would like, but close enough. I might treat myself to a Crush Week WOD tomorrow. I miss group class.
@David- what were the wrist wraps you recommended again?
Also be sure to focus on your forearms and elbows in an effort to help you with carpally tunnelly type things. Your median nerve, which is usually at the center of such injuries, can be restricted all the way up your arm. It is very often restricted in the carpal tunnel because the carpal tunnel is extremely narrow and because many of our repeated stress injuries are wrist related, but might also be losing some slack in your forearms. I have had some success with self-massage on my forearms, especially in the parts that get gunked up around the elbow, but also by planting my arm down on a lacrosse ball, and blocking it out with the other arm while sitting at my desk. I was amazed at the relief I got from that.
@henry, @joel
I had a similar experience. I’ve found it helps if I focus on not resting my forearms on my desk when I’m working. Another good way to self-massage is to put your forearm on the ground and mash it out with your knees.
Is anyone doing the Brooklyn Half Marathon?
Great Lifting at Liberty Barbell in Philly.
**All my lifts felt really solid. Snatch was snappy and the jerks were all strong.
Back Squat
Does anyone own/use one of those wake-up light things? You set it as/with your alarm and it gradually gets brighter as it gets closer to your alarm time, mimicking sunrise. I just heard about this for the first time and am curious if anyone has personal experience. Seems like an interesting idea… because especially at this time of year it's a struggle for me to get out of bed with any sort of ease/happiness/speed and without multiple snoozes.
Mack and I have this one and love it. It definitely makes it easier to get out of bed, especially if you don't get good light in your bedroom.
I'm signed up for the BK Half.
I'm doing the BK half!
5:30 class with the Foxes. 20kg KB + 7 K2E (not done very well) in 15:58. In most of the intense workouts, I can usually still say that I'm enjoying myself, but one round into this and I was having Spartan Race flashbacks, which is to say I was most definitely not enjoying myself. Thanks to Fox for helping me work on my knees to elbows after class. I probably should have just done sit-ups for this workout, since I tend to just try to swing my legs up instead of engaging my lats. Lots of good things to work on!
And for whatever reason, I came home and felt like I still hadn't had enough, so I did 100 air squats, 25 strict push-ups, 25 v-ups with some holds, and some good stretching. The extra energy might have come from finding my new fav workout song today. It's called Salt Carousel by Evian Christ, and seriously, it's so damn good.
Philips HF3520/60 Wake-Up Light With Colored Sunrise Simulation, White.
I have this for about 1.5 years, and it is the best thing happened to me re waking up early on a dark morning. It simulates the sun rise very slowly and eventually fill the room with warm sun-like yellow light, and then the birds starts to chirp slowly (my choice of sound), but by then I am already wonderfully -and surprisingly happily- awake. It is of course possible to "hit" the snooze, but the since the process id very gradual as opposed to a sudden alarm going off, it is much more effective.
It is not very cheap but I love it. It also has a function where it simulates sun set if you want to use it while you are falling a sleep… Slowly the light turns orange, red, and then darkens. I do not use that function that much.
By the way I have just realized that this is my third post on the blog within 24 hours: a definite PR! Ha! Is there an award for this?… or a penalty for being too chatty!? But hey all posts are for justifiable reasons, that's for sure.
Here is the link to the lamp at Amazon.
@whit my wife has one which she uses sometimes. She likes it; I am a very light sleeper and it wakes me up the moment it starts to get light, so if she sets it to 6:00 I wake up at 5:45 when it first turns on. Still, it's a gentle way to wake up, and I usually get up well before she does anyway so it doesn't bother me.
6:30 class with Fox today… in a nutshell: overconfident, melted down. I've been having a lot of luck challenging myself lately but it didn't work out today; I can't string together t2b so shouldn't have tried for 15/round. Did 8+7 in the first round, then a hard 4+4, then 4… + … 4… and missed the last one, so I switched to 20 situps the last two rounds. Should have scaled to 7 or 8 per round which I think would have been fine. Used a 32kg kb & finished in 17:38. Allison crushed it, I think she might have lapped me at the end!
5:30 with mr and mrs fox!
18:04 slow motion.
15 kb swings 16kg. This was good for me. 20kg would've made me give up.
15 burpees. Having no energy was perfect for these. I just slowed down and got through them pretty painlessly.
15 t2b. Still no kip but I had a little more momentum maybe?
And one muscle up before the 20 minute cap.
Not heartbroken, but disappointed that I couldn't do the muscle up version. This is a huge goal of mine. I look forward to getting stronger, learning to kip, and tackling it in 6 weeks.
Noon class today…
Went 24kg 15/15/15 toe to bar
14:40 ripped on my last set of toe to bar… Last like 5 reps.
Big shout out to Ken killing the muscle ups. Zachary doing the bar muscle ups was equally impressive.
6:30 with Fox and Arturo.
10:02 for the 30 muscle ups. Super happy about the time since it is a 4 minute fast than my PR.
broke it down 3,3,3,2,2,2 and then 15 singles. I really need to work on my false grip and dip kip.
Make-up from yesterday. Kind of disappointed about 12.2 last night. 39 reps. So many fails at 75#. Big thanks to Ellie and McDowell for cheering me on.
Tonight, WOD with 20kg KB swings, SLOPPY burpees, 2 rounds 5 T2B / 3 rounds 20 sit-ups: 16:16. Blerg.
Surprise 2.5 hour commute home meant I missed this one — I'll be ready for 30 MUs next time it comes around!
Took the 5:30 yesterday and managed 46 reps Rx'ed. Goal was 45, though I wasn't pleased with many of the snatches at 135.
14:25 @24kg bell and 20 situps.
Great day at the gym today coaching classes. You all are alright. 😉
6:30pm group class:
Fitness version in 16:16
15 28kg Russian swings all unbroken. 15 slow but steady burpees. 15 t2b.
-All KBS unbroken, burpees were slow but steady. First 2 rounds of t2b in 5-5-5, then mostly 3's and few 5's for the latter rounds.
-this got very difficult, very fast. my grip was losing the bell but I forced myself to hang on to it. t2b were the time suck in this.
Very jealous of the muscle up crew. Someday…someday.
Oh, and the Foxes just signed up for the Brooklyn Half! It's been about 4 years since I've run anything over a 5k so this should be interesting! I'm planning on starting an hour before Dolce just so that I can try to keep up. 😉
7:30 pm class
30 Muscle Ups in 9:14
Opened with a set of 5, then 4, then some 3s and then 2s until I was one away. Back when I first started CF the idea of doing one muscle up was daunting, let alone 30 of them in a row. Thus, I've managed to avoid this benchmark for a long time. Glad to have done it. 2 misses in there which I wasn't stoked about, and some journal fodder for how to better approach this next time.
I signed up for the Brooklyn Half…you guys will have to wait for me at the Russian beer garden. Have a cold Baltika #9 waiting, please.
6:30pm. This did not go well for me.
Used a 24kg kettlebell with American swings. I went into it planning to do 7 toes to bar per round, but after the first round I couldn't manage any more t2b and had to switch to k2e. Burpees were painfully slow (and, I'm afraid, pretty ugly), leaving lots of room for negative internal monologues of self-doubt and despair. God I hate burpees. By the second round I wanted to just walk out of the gym, so I consider it an accomplishment that I finished at all, in 18:08.
All of that whining aside, I'm glad I made myself go in for this, instead of giving in to the ever-present temptation to skip the workouts that I know I will suck at. Builds character.
6AM with DO and Lady Fox
32 KG Kettle Bell
Abmat Situps
This felt really good. I found a rhythm early on and stuck with it. My strategy was to go unbroken with the KB swings (I was challenging myself here with 32KG), rest as little as possible during burpees, and catch my breath during sit-ups. It seemed to work really well because I was going through the movements seamlessly – it was still challenging though. I got really mad at myself for not breaking the 15:00 barrier. I could have probably sped up the sit-ups in the first rounds to shave off some time. But I'm happy with how it felt.