Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210/120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
Post total reps completed and Rx to comments.
Rich Froning and Dan Bailey take on today’s workout
- At the Paleo Potluck this weekend Rich A won best overall dish with his Bo Ssam Triumph. Check out the link to see how he made it. You can also check out Michele K’s blog, The Daily Paleo for more amazing paleo dishes! Finally, there are always dishes being talked about in the CFSBK LFPB Forums
Schedule Addition!
Effective this week, we’ll be adding a 1pm Sunday Group class to our normal training schedule! Hurray!
Gymnastics with Ken Registration Live
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 6 weeks of gymnastics strength training. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will be composed of 3 to 4 distinct areas, warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), body weight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet) and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next 6 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Sundays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm
1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2
$120 for 6 Weeks
8 Participants
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Lydia Valentin Snatches 124 kgs and Clean and Jerks 140 kgs
Goodnight, Sleep Clean
Utah Ending Homlesness by Giving People Homes
I've only been to one Wednesday class this entire cycle and it was last week. Snatched up to 53# so just wondering what my options are for this wod since I'm an inexperienced snatcher ???
Would like to put in a plug for PUB QUIZ on Sunday! Come on, don't even tell me you'll be watching the Pro Bowl. I'm asking the questions, Charlie is tending bar. There's a picture round, an audio round, and free drinks to be won!
WHAT: Smart in DUMBO trivia night
WHERE: 68 Jay St Bar, DUMBO
WHEN: Sunday, 1/26 at 7 PM
HOW MUCH: Free to play!
6am with McDowell and Arturo, haven't been sleeping well.
48 reps @ 75, 115. I'm happy enough with the count but increasingly annoyed at myself for being sloppy and muscling the bar rather than consistently getting under it. Psyched myself out at the end and missed my last 4 reps for no good reason. Everything McDowell suggested about how to approach this was right but I barely followed half his advice. I need to stay calm during these… I think I could have easily gotten those 4 if I paid attention.
@lauren, my $.02 is, treat this as snatch practice and concentrate on doing each correctly (aggressively getting under the bar) rather then worrying about hitting some number and rushing… I wish I had!
At the 6am class I left a CFSBK thermal near the platform closest to the front desk. Sorry to make somebody clean up after me! Should I just check the lost and found tomorrow morning, or will it be somewhere else?
Hey Lauren,
I would take this workout as a practice session on snatch. Try to see if you can do 30 45# snatches with the best form possible. If you get past there, see how you feel and up the weight incrementally.
You're certainly strong enough in the shoulders to handle more weight, just be cautious.
This was definitely my favourite open WOD.
New favorite WOD.
6AM with McDowell/Arturo.
New to morning classes. Got a lot of "Why are you here so early?!" from a few people. I've been missing CrossFit a lot due to working late on a regular basis, so I'm going to try to get my WOD on in the AM. I'm really going to miss the evening crew :/
Since I've been missing a lot of classes, my snatch game was not up to par. Everything felt a little wonky…and heavier than normal. Also, my callouses are disappearing, so my hands really hurt.
All things considered, I think I did pretty well.
63 reps RX'ed .
Had three good reps and three failed attempts at 100#. Oh well. I'm glad I made it that far.
@Lauren. There is a scaled version of this WOD.
42 reps on the scaled version (55/95). First time really going through the snatch with some weight after foundations.
Realizing there are lots of moving pieces to the lift, need to get some more reps to figure out how it all goes together. Don't think I was quite getting enough explosion on the way up or getting under the bar enough, found myself muscling the bar a bit. Look forward to getting some more practice on the snatch at some point, there are more reps to be had.
Thanks for sharing that link about Utah. The housing first model is probably the best option for permanently ending homelessness. Placing people in permanent supportive housing rather than temporary shelters saves New York taxpayers about $10,000 per person per year. You guys can read more about it here, if you're interested:
Speaking of which, I'd like to put in a plug for the Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE), coming up on Monday the 27th. HOPE is a citywide point-in-time survey used to measure, improve, and increase public accountability for homeless outreach services in NYC. They are definitely still looking for volunteers. If anyone is able to sign up, you can do so here:
< /end plug >
I liked this WOD. Got 61 reps scaled to 35/55/75.
35 was kind of light. I'm pretty sure I could have handled 45/65/85. Next time!
Yesterday! After rowing some CRASH-B intervals, I had the chance to drop into Kristin's Pilates class for the first time. It was really terrific, and I know it helped with the rowing recovery immensely. I love Pilates for enhancing awareness of what your body can do, general recovery and also it seems to go hand-in-hand with creating a really strong core for some of the lifts we do in Crossfit. I used to do it more but was having a tough time finding a class that worked for my schedule and didn't involve a big financial commitment. Kristin is a great teacher — I hope to come to her class as much as possible.
Did this workout last night at 630 with Jess.
Did the scaled version got through the first two rounds with 55lb and 95lb got 5 reps in the 3rd round at 105.
12.2 at the noon class
I was a bit of a head case about this workout because 2 years ago I think I got 41, and last yeas version I blew up at around 44 snatches and underachieved. 60 reps flat today. Would have lived a crack at 165 but am happy to have finished the 135. All doubles until the last 4. Big thanks to McD for the strategy talk, and to DO for the push at the end.
Make-up post from yesterday. Went too light on the bench and probably took it a little easy on the rows. Don't know why I couldn't push it. Rows got consistently better and the last two felt especially dialed in.
65×5 / 59.7
65×5 / 59.3
65×5 / 58.8
70×5 / 58.5
70×5 / 55.4
Total work: 1675 / 4:86
48 reps scaled.
It's bittersweet. This tendinitis in my thumb snatching a lot or heavy can sometimes bring pain. I keep anticipating it and so it throws off my snatch even when it's not hurting. "Hot stove syndrome"
I was starting to feel the twinges near the end of my 10 minutes. The warm up rounds also left my arms feeling fatigued before we started. Benching yesterday I'm sure added to that. Seeing all this backsliding with my bench and snatching has not been a good feeling. At least my front and high bar squats have gone up along with my cleans.
First time doing this WOD. Did the burpee version last year and couldn't get a rep at 165 at the end.
Got 64 reps so 4 at 165, which I was really happy with. Would have pushed it a little harder if I knew that I would be able to hit some reps at 165 without too much trouble. As it was I paced it out quite a bit to leave myself as fresh as possible at the end and would have liked a little more time at 165.
6am class with Arturo and McDowell
52 reps Rx'ed. I'm pretty happy, because this was about 12 reps more than my high-end goal of getting 10 at #135. My low goal caused me to take a lot of time early on that I might have used to get more reps, had I pushed harder through the #75 group. Oh well, next time?
On the downside, these were some ugly power snatches, complete with crooked press-outs and other weirdness. I at least feel like I have more confidence now with this weight. Hopefully that'll encourage me to work on form and have less of a panicky OMG THIS IS HEAVY I BETTER PULL AS HARD AS I CAN AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE mentality.
12pm class with McD and David.
72 reps total
-First 30 in 2 sets of 15 in just under 1:30.
-Second set of 30 in sets of 5, finishing at the 4:30 mark.
-by the time I loaded the bar and went for my first rep at 100#, I had 4:30 left. So. Much. Time. BUT, considering this is 10# shy of my PR it was just too heavy of a weight for me to move through quickly. Got 6 as power snatches because I couldn't commit to dropping under the bar. Then, my body decided to split snatch so I stuck with it till the end.
-2 years ago I couldn't get one rep at 100 so I'm happy with today. Fun wod.
After a shitty training week I was curious how today would go. Oly meet is this Sunday.
Lbs / Kilos
165/75 x1
175/80 M
175/80 M
165/75 x1
169/77 x1
Power Clean and Jerk
195/88 x1
202/92 x1
207/94 M Jerk
207/94 M Jerk
Both numbers were a bit lower than I wanted but I'm being conservative and want to get a higher total than last time. I've power cleaned 225 and Rack jerked 235 as well as Snatched 185 but they were all rare unicorns that I wouldn't believe happened if I didn't get them on video. Still tinkering with how Im going to open each lift. I'll input some conservative numbers and bump up to what I really want to open with if I'm feeling powerful Sunday.
I keep telling myself… COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS, DO!!!!!
I'd like to hit today's WOD again after the meet. Last year I got 45 reps and this year I feel like I could get close to clearing 135.
6:30 pm with Arturo and McDowell.
60 reps Rx. Thinking of it I should have gone unbroken on the 75# to save some time.
I had 1 failed attempt at 165# with 20 seconds left but with a bit more time I would have been able to organize my lift better. I think also I should have done the last 5 reps at 135 with a full squat snatch to get ready for 165#
Overall very happy with finishing 60 reps which is 22 more than last time.
David, I was definitely envious of your workout! Much more my speed. Looked solid. 🙂
I did cleans today instead of snatches.
30 reps @95
30 reps @115
3 reps @135
Fun timez with da snatchez tonight!
60 reps RX'ed.
-45# was done in two sets of 15. Pretty sure I finished that under 2:00.
-75# was done in sets of 3 the whole time. Just knew I could manage it and didn't need to push it further throughout. Finished this around 9:10, and then started changing plates.
-I put 93# on the bar instead of 100# because… I basically didn't have any time left and 93# is my current 1RM. Time was called just as I got the second collar on. Walked around for a minute, took a sip of water, then tried to pull 93#. I think I may have gotten to knee-level before I started laughing. Toast!
This was really fun. Definitely noticed the tendency to want to get those reps over with quickly, which caused some sloppy technique. To stick with it, repeated two main cues throughout: drop under and punch up.
I have a little crack in the webbing between my thumb and forefinger that feels really ouchie. Winter dry-hand problems. Need to be better about hand salve consistently.
Made those paleo biscuits tonight and man they are good. I might drop the bacon fat to 1tbs instead of 2. Thanks Todd for the recipe.
7:30 pm class with Ro and McDowell
55 scaled. Felt like my lungs were going to explode after awhile! Thanks for some pointers DO and Ro. I do use way too much arm and it's from pulling too early and jumping too late! Glad to use this WOD as practice!!
Ughh, snatches.
Modified, I got 60 even, first round at 75 and second round at 95.
I was going to do 75, 115 but the 115 seemed way to heavy in warm ups.
100# power snatch today!
When these lifts are part of a work-out, it seems easier for me to get aggressive and summon the speed and intensity that I need. It also takes a long time for the intensity to dissipate afterwards though. I felt like I could go straight into a boxing match after this one.
61 reps. All were power snatches and form felt solid.
45# in sets of 10
75# in sets of 2s, 3s, a couple 4s?
100# – Failed 3 or 4 attempts, then got one at the last second on Billy's countdown.
Thanks Billy! You seemed to think getting a few at 100# would be no big deal. I'm glad I didn't shatter the illusion by telling you I'd never attempted that weight before. Your confidence really helped.
Had a great time doing some AR and watching all of you throw down for todays WOD. Made me want to CROSSFIT again ;)) (almost)
Congrats to Big Nick and Matt Katz both killing it with over 10 165# snatches each.
Excited about the 1pm Sunday addition – thanks coaches! 🙂
60 flat rx'ed. I don't think after all those I would have had 165 in me. My pr is 185 but I'm really starting to loooove snatches! Thanks David and McD for the great strategy and advice.