5 Rounds for load and time of:
5 reps Bench Press, followed immediately by
250m Row
Rest as needed between sets. Perform a heavy 5 rep set on the bench press for load, then move quickly to the erg for a 250m sprint for time. Score the Bench Press total pounds and the 250m time. Failing short of 5 reps nets a score of zero for the bench portion.
Post loads and times to comments.Samir C does push-ups in Canyonlands National Park in Utah
- There’s a new post on Inside the Affiliate profiling CrossFit Roots! Get the details about how another sucessful CrossFit gym manages and runs their affiliate! Check it out here.
Male Vocalists Wanted
The Brooklyn Community Chorus is looking for singers! BCC meets every Wednesday night at 7:30pm in Old First Reformed Church at the corner of Carroll Street and 7th Ave. Our new season starts this Wednesday, January 23. No auditions required to join, and everyone is welcome – although we especially need more men!
–Melon W
NYC Subway images from the 60’s and 70’s
Paleo on a budget
Glengarry Glen Ross Speech
Thanks for putting up that picture; that's actually Canyonlands National Park in Utah.
Crush week begins with Coach Nick saying "this WOD makes me want to puke!"
Failed on the last set of bench so gotna zero there. Doh. Shouldn't have upped the weight.
2450lb, 4:05 row
Friendly reminder that if you want to go ice skating on Friday, lemme know today! Mare mare@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Back in August this was my first crush week WOD ever, at the end of my first cycle out of foundations – and Nick's comment pretty much summed it up for me as well at that point. What a difference 6 months and 50+ degrees on the thermostat makes!
3625lbs and 3:57
Hello –
A bit off topic for the CFSBK blog, but Im looking for a iOS developer to help me prototype an app.If you know someone, or can do it yourself, send me an email at hallerk-at-gmail.com The app is training related, just not WOD training, so Im not too off topic…
7am with NickDowell. Third time doing this workout. Brutal as usual. Managed 225 on the bench for all of the rounds. Rows varied from 40.6 (first round) to 45.9 (last round). Totals were 5625 and 216.5. This compares to 5450 and 208.3 when we last did this workout in August. I'm blaming the slower rows on being a wee bit sick still.
YAAAAAAASSSSSS. GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. Love David Mamet, love that play and that movie. Little random fact: that speech wasn't in the play and was written specifically for Alec Baldwin whose character never shows up in the movie again. <3
Well that was brutal. 7am with NickDowell,
Partnered with Raj who was killing it this morning. Started with 135 on BP upped it to 145 on the last 3 rounds. My goal was to get a 250m row under 00:47s, it didnt happen, my fasted was my last at 00:47.2, I can honestly say I gave it all I had on the erg. Legs are jello, but looking forward to this week's insanity.
The old subway photos link is awesome!
Did this at 10am, with 115# for the first round and 105# for the remaining 4. I probably should have gone heavier, buttttt I didn't. Total weight was 2625# and total time for the rows was 4:14.5. Took about an hour for the waves of nausea to subside. Rough.
Make up post from yesterday's class at CFGC. They had "Cindy XXX" on for a fitting prelude to our Crush Week.
Made it through 312 reps in the 20 min. (10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 squats, 15, 30, 45, 20, 40, 60, 25, 17 of 50 push-ups). Squats unbroken, pull-ups held up well, the limiter was (no surprise) the push-ups. Sore in a way I wasn't after my last Cindy or the push-up/KB cash-out.
Belated congrats to Bob and the Masters and happy birthday to CRASH-B alum Ben.
And a massive thank you to all of your kind words and the kind actions of the staff. Saturday was a very special night I won't soon forget. It's been a pleasure to give a little bit back to a community that's done so much for me for the past 18 months.
10am with Noah. Warmed up with 95# on the bar but it felt like it was moving slowly, so I went with 90# for all 5 rounds. I haven't done 250m sprints like this on the row before, so the first one ended up being the slowest and I picked it up from there (ranged between 50 and 55 seconds). 2250# and 4:19 on the row.
New to this game, so wasn't sure what to expect on my first day @ 6am. Nick had me a bit concerned when he made that comment about throwing up, but I managed to survive. 3225#/4:14. My main takeaway today was that its gonna be a while before I warm up to the erg…..
Now that I've been at CFSBK for about six months, I think I'm getting pretty good at identifying the qualities of a workout before it starts – e.g. painful (deadlifts as part of WOD), muscle melting (excessive wall balls), expletive producing (anything involving DUs). Today's was a no brainer: Barf-o-rama. There is just no way to do this without feeling ill. Had great support from partners Worm and Francine. Pretty happy with 75# bench and 250m sprints all around :55.
A bit off topic –
Im looking for a iOS developer. I need a quick prototype made. Email me – hallerk-at-gmail.com if you can help or know someone. Its not fully of topic, the app is about training. Thanks
Thanks for the birthday and master's love.
Hit the nooner and my QOD answer should have been making the blog in a near death puddle, trying not to puke. Thanks Jess, good bday laugh.. The Master's event was an unorganized shitshow with a whole lot of waiting around. They had so much room, it was a shame. Our coaches could have had wrapped it up by noon with that much space, but it took them all day. We spent about 8 hours there for < 20 minutes of work. The WODs were pretty rough and I did not do very well, though I did get screwed over a bit with a defective prowler. Otherwise, I was top 5 for sure! The best thing about the day for me was the company, hanging with the Foxes, Bob and Pierre, all of whom crushed it. The quality of athlete was much higher than I expected. Lots of guys did the last WOD (50 WBs, 40 SDLHP w 70# kb, 30 BJs at 24", 20 PP @ 95#, 10 cals on the erg) totally unbroken and several did it sub 5 minutes.
Today's WOD is in my tiny wheelhouse, but it is deceptively sucky. Bench was 215, 225, 225, 215, 215. I did it at 225 across last time but don't have that at the moment.
Rows were 44.5, 42.5, 44.6, 45.5 and 45.7. I maybe held back a touch on the first row knowing how nauseating this one gets. Row game is off a bit, Fox said my arms were lagging behind. Good times working with Master's superstar Bob and Steve. We were pretty wobbly after.
@Linda – your chicken from the potluck was awesome! Could I get the recipe? Thanks!
Feeling out of it today after spending 2 meals worth of time in a bar watching football and drinking beers yesterday. Thus, didn't want to come back in tonight after a long morning of coaching so I did this at home subbing 25 push ups each round for the bench.
25 – 48.8
25 – 49.8
25 – 49.1
25 – 49.2
25 – 49.2
The push ups were all unbroken but got hard and slowed down a bit. Rested exactly 3 min between rounds except for the first when I rested about 5. The sprints were what Peter M would call "inconsistent".
4:30 with Arturo…
The last time we did this workout, my partner snuck out after round 3 to throw up, and I laid on the floor for ten minutes after, totally incoherent, unable to add up my times. I had to stop on my way home (four blocks) and rest against a wall until it no longer felt like my ruptured internal fascia were allowing my insides to seep into new, unwelcome places. Felt out of sorts for a few hours.
The workout went much better this time. I was only incoherent for a few minutes, and I made it home without once wondering if I needed to see a psychologist about my time in the pain cave. Score was 3750 / 3:52, splits :44, :44, :46, :49, :49. The last two sets were "hard 10 pulls, easy 5, hard to the end" so the easy 5 gave me enough space that I didn't melt down on the last hard set of pulls. Worked pretty well for me, trading a potential meltdown for a definite 2 seconds or so. 150 bp was relatively light for me, but I just wanted to worry about the rows.
Can this workout have a nickname? Maybe "The Devil's Kiss," or "Fuck You (for thinking I don't look that hard)"?
Half an hour later, I feel pretty normal. Looking forward to Wednesday!
Had off today so I slept in and met up with several other 6am'ers at the 10am class with Noah.
4625#, 237.7s row
First time doing this workout, started with Noah saying "this workout has caused David to puke." Awesome. 😉 Had a great time working out with Matt and Dave.
Stayed with 185# the whole time on the BP, my shoulder is still dorked up but getting better. Would like to try this with a heavier weight next time. I am slowly but surely getting better at rowing; my first 2 runs were 2 of my faster 250m sprints.
I could not get over how dizzy and fatigued I felt around round 3. My round 5 my quads were completely bricked. The crazy thing was I was barely sweating; it's like your heart rate goes bonkers but its over so fast you never heat up.
6:30 with Noah and Ro
I underestimated my self on the amount of weight I'd move. Figured 225 was a good weight to get all the reps. 1st set was easy so I went up to 245 for the next two, they felt good and decided to go up to 255 for the last two. 255 was the right weight. This is probably not the ideal way to do this workout and I'll remember this next time I do it. Never the less the workout was still a killer and I rowed as hard as I could.
Loved this work out because it mimics a rugby match. Basically run around get your heart rate up do something physical for a few seconds small rest, repeat.
6125lb on the bench 225.3s on the row
Great to get back on the platform after Saturdays false start
Snatch: Worked up to…
Clean and Jerk
Back Squat@ 365x3x3
Pullups and dips and planks at the end
Had a great moment upstairs watching Noah try to figure out how to teach his father to Low bar back squat. Just wasnt working, he was uncomfortable with bar so low, and his shoulders lacked the mobility to hold the bar comfortably. After a couple of failed attempts, Noahs shrugs and says, "well, lets try high bar!" Dad unracks the bar and proclaims, "OH, now thats comfy"…proceeds to squat. I said "RIP CAN SUCK IT"…good times all around.
12pm class with Fox. 3150# for bench and 4:44 on the row.
Wish I had gone heavier on bench but since I havent been lifting as much wasnt sure… Did 125# for first 4 sets and bumped up to 130# for the last set which felt remarkably easy.
Rowing will never be easy and as hard as I try I cant seem to do 250M in less than 55 seconds. Must be something wrong with my technique.
Good workout but cant wait to really get CRUSHED this week!!
5:30 class with Arturo
Total load for bench was 4375. Total time for rows was 3:40 (220.9 seconds). Kept four of my sprints under 45 seconds, which I was psyched about. Next I want at least one at sub-:40.
I did 175 for all reps on bench. Definitely could have gone a little heavier, I think…at least for a couple sets. Oh well. Next time!
8:30 (yes, really). Worked w/David, whom I hadn't seen in a while. 2725 (105, 105, 110, 110, 115), and 4:23.5 on the erg, very consistently around 0:53 every single time. Which probably means I needed to go harder…but I did go hard enough to give myself a headache, so there's that.
Nice workout, total leg killer
140x5x5 on the bench total 3500
41.2, 44.5, 43.6, 44.5, 44.8
total 218.6, 3:38
Jake, I'm glad you found amusement in someone's mobility issues.
I was so just messing around. Apologies to any and all who found my LBBS comment/Rip rip offensive. I was so just playing around. Sorry…again.
5.30pm with Arturo
2475#- (95, 100,100,100,100) on bench and 4.34 on the erg sprints (50.8, 51.2, 51.9, 53.2,53.2)
Freaked out a bit warming up because 100 x 3 felt heavy and last time we did this I had missed a whole round because of a failed fourth rep at 105 so I was kind of afraid I would waste points BUT by the second round I was feeling pretty confident so I added it back on.
By round 3 I was feeling pretty dizzy. The erg sprints were bad and actually I know I should have been way more consistent, especially with all of the practice I have been getting of late.
However the whole thing was 525# heavier and 22 seconds faster than August 8th, so that's pretty good, right? 🙂