For Time:
400m Run
40 Toes to Bars
40 Box Jumps 24″/20″
40 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/20kg
40 Burpees
400m Row
There is a 20 minute cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Happy Birthday to Ben W! Here’s Ben after the last event at the Shorline Masters competition yesterday
- Thank you to everyone who came out for our first Paleo Potluck last night! Here is a short video of the event in full swing.
- Don’t forget to RSVP for our upcoming Ice Skating trip by tomorrow AND we’ve got a Paleo Bunch at Iydea on Sunday, details and RSVP for that here.
- We’ve currently got 50 particpants signed up for the 2014 CrossFit Open on Team CFSBK. That currently makes us the 5th LARGEST TEAM IN THE WORLD. Stop sandbagging and register
- Also, don’t forget that today is the first Sunday Active Recovery at 11am. Get supple!
Inka Hodes at CFSBK
Structural Bodywork
Inka has been studying Structural Integration (AKA Rolfing) with Tom Myers. As part of her program training she is offering a “three-series” at a discounted rate of $200 (normally $100/ hour).
Structural Integration is a new way of exploring your body and its structural relationships. The intention of the three-series is to initiate change for the better in your posture, your movement, your energy, and your knowledge of how your body works. More details about this here:
LFPB Massage Club
Inka is offering massage at a discounted rate for the duration of the LFPB challenge. For only $40 per week you will receive a 25 minute massage 1x week geared towards improving mobility and freeing up fascia that is stuck. Each week will focus on a different area of the body. Mobility can mean the difference between a rep and no rep and massage can help you get there. Take advantage!
Hours: Friday night open gym 5:30-8, every other Saturday, every other Sunday, and Sunday open gym, 6-8.
Ice Quakes, Your Brain on Pot & the Body Language of Victory
Annie Thorisdottirs world record event 2 performance at the 2012 Regionals
16:49 on the WOD today, with K2E and a 20kg bell, Russian swings. Both Fox and my partner Maggie suggested I do K2E so I could practice kipping them, since I have pretty strong T2B but just can't seem to string the damn things together. By far, burpees were the worst part of this. Sluggish as hell. And after the run outside, my lungs were on fire from breathing in the cold. I finished the workout a half hour ago and I'm still coughing.
Oh, also, Fox told a really funny joke today after class. He was like, hey guys, Crush Week starts tomorrow! And we were all, oh Fox, you're such a jokester. And then he was all, I'm serious. Today was just a regular WOD. Oh Fox. You so cray!
Wait, one more thing: Fox also informed me that Mr Bob Simmons placed first in his age group at the Masters competition yesterday. Way to go Bob, and to all of our Masters that competed!
8am with Fox. Been sick for the past 3 days with body aches, throbbing headaches, fever and chills. Was hoping for a nice gentle reintroduction to the gym. This was not it. Rx in 16:50. Felt like there was lead in my muscles. Could have sworn other folks around me were doing half the reps, but reality was that I was moving at half speed.
Really bummed to miss this WOD.
@nancy I know you're thinking I must be sad as shit to say that about 40 burpees. Wish we could do them face to face again! My burpee buddy!
sad to sit out on crush week for the first time since I started almost a year ago. 2nd day and I'm missing crossfit like woah. Balls.
Kill it today folks!
Congrats to yesterday's master competitors!
Active recovery yesterday with David which was as sweet as always. Using the orb a lot which has been a great new discovery.
I then headed out to CF Strong Island to meet the Starting Strength PowerLifting team for a workout. This is a lot of fun and all of us on the team (8 showed up) are SS coaches so there's always at least 3 coaches watching you lift.
Paused Squat: 235, 255, 265 x5
I think I'm starting to understand why this lift is important. Removing the bounce seems like you are just making the lift harder (and potentially practicing the lift incorrectly) but staying tight for a full 2 seconds in the hole is no simple thing. The practice of "nothing changes" during the change of direction (from going down to up) is no easy matter. Good stuff.
CG Bench: 165x6x2 and 175x6x2
I totally under-estimated my loads for close grip and this is still light. That, or I'm getting stronger.
Was sorry to have missed the pot luck last night but a friend had a birthday dinner that I couldn't skip out on. That was the first pot luck I've missed since they began, bummer, as I'm sure it was a blast as always. And yummy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN! Didn't realize you were a "masters"!
Congrats Masters!
And thanks everyone for making my birthday potluck so awesome ๐
I'm sad I didn't wake up on time to make it to this WOD…like for serious…but, y'know, birthday.
9 AM. 17:50 on the WOD. Apparently I messed up when I wrote on the board. I put RX but I actually used a 24kg bell. I forgot when I wrote it that the "suggested" weight as Fox put it was the 32kg. Probably could have done it and still been under the 20 min cap. Next time. Everything else RX'd.
@Gracie I knew you wasn't going so I decided to stay home and dedicate this rest day to you!!
Congrats on yesterday's masters!!
Happy birthday Ben!!
@Amy I knew you can do those squat cleans that's why I told you to go for it you a tough chic!!
Can't wait for crush week tomorrow!!
Also can we please keep snatches and clean and jerks next cycle pleaseeeeeeee!! They are my favorite!!!!
I'd say I'm sorry to have missed this WOD, but I'd be lying.
Back either tomorrow night or sometime Tuesday, depending on whether my flight lands on time. Miss you guys! (Also sorry to have missed the potluck, bet it was epic!)
11am, 17:00 flat rx-ish. I say "ish" because my last 5 t2b were just attempts and my KB swings were Russian+a little bit. KB took my reserve energy so the burpees dragged on forever, was moving pretty well until then. I thought the row would go faster. Fun WOD, rough while doing it but I felt fine 5 minutes later. My new benchmark is going to be, can I do this workout almost as fast as Peter, if Peter has been sick for three days and is delerious with fever?
Love chipper style WODs, especially with 47 other people. This was a good one.
16:31 on the WOD today with v-tucks and dropped to 12kg KB so I could do American with good position! Burpees were brutal and the rowing was not much better!
Congrats to all the Masters!!! ๐
11am with Arturo and Melo
14:59 Rx with Russian +++ Swing as mobility was a factor to get the KB all the way up.
Tried to keep an even pace with 5 seconds rest in between sets
Toe to bar 20,10,10
Box jump 10,10,10,10
KB 20,10,10
Burpees 10,10,10,10
1:37 split on the 400m row
I really really loved the Sunday WOD this cycle.
The pot luck was so much fun- the food was scrumptious, especially the pulled pork.
Congrats to Ryan! I teared up a little when this happened last night. This is obviously much-deserved and I'd like to add that Ryan is also always so full of supportive words. I know I am not alone in appreciating that about him.
Whitney! Amazing! So excited that you will be coaching! I am a huge fan of Whit's Yoga for Athletes class, which I hope to return to soon. It will be awesome to have her as a coach as she is always an attentive, gentle and encouraging presence. And she knows more about my weird inflexibilities than I do myself. Congratulations!
Jake- thanks for sharing your experience yesterday with such honesty. This made for a very interesting read and it sounds like you have a really great attitude about the whole thing, so kudos.
Congrats to Bob and the Masters participants and all my fellow Crash-Beasts who put up some incredible fights with the ergs yesterday.
My goal for CRASH Bs was to get a sub 8 minute 2K time and I did it yesterday!! It was so painful especially for the last 400M but I somehow got through it in 7.58.1 and I am really, really happy about that. Thanks Nick for everything. Except maybe the workout you so aptly named 'Hell'.
No WOD for me today because, um, Lindsay's birthday? Got home kind of late and chose to get a point for sleep as I already had 5 points for workouts and I felt like I needed it after yesterday. Even though I love chipper WODs. There will be more of them, I guess!
Last but not least, happy birthday Ben W!!! Great pic!!!
9am with Fox and Ro. Finished in 15:00, with tuck ups and 20kg kb. Burpees were the hardest part. The pot luck last night was great. It's so nice to see people in normal, non-spandex clothes and try all of the tasty dishes!
Makeup post from yesterday – 103# on the clean and jerk and 160×3 for the front squat (new pr!). I'm pretty happy with that after only getting a few exposures in this cycle while prepping for TTD. AR after that to boot.
Thanks for the Naija CF shout out. I will miss working out in the sun but will be great to get back to the gym in 2 weeks!
I have been hitting the rowing more this week coming back from being sick – feels terrible and awesome to be on the erg that much again.
Big shout out to Lindsay and Ben Birthdays and jealous of the Paleo Potluck!! Backing Paleo Plantain Brownies to be a joiner from afar.
Congrats masters, and HBD BW! Jake, you'll get em next time. Glad to be able to learn from your experiences.
Potluck was fun (and delicious) last night. Bo Ssam was as good as Ssam Bar!
Last heavy OG before I taper for the meet:
45×5 95×4 135×3 165×1 185×1 (PR) 190xF,F
Front squat
135×5 195×5 215×3 225×2 240×1 250×1 265xF 260×1 (PR) 265×1 (PR)
Made up yesterday's front squats after my OHS test. The first 265 I just didn't bounce out of the bottom properly. Both of these are 10# PRs.
Rack jerk
185×1 195×1 205xF,F,1 215xF 135×3 165×3 185×2/F
Trying to find some consistency here, and Noah's cue to "throw the bar behind you" on the 165 triple really helped.
Cashed out with 3×10 strict/straight toes to bar and 3×20 v-ups.
@Charlie: Thanks for your kind words!!! I'm excited ๐
@all the masters folks: ROCK ON!
Today's WOD, relatively Rx'ed…
T2B, 20" box, 20kg bell above face height, + burpees
toes to bar were the time suck. lost the lats and grip and was doing singles towards the end. everything else moved at a steady pace.
went to the box and just decided to do all step ups, alternated 5 each side and didn't stop. kb swings were in 2 sets: 23 and 17.
burpees were 10 at a time, slow and steady
row in 1:47
Happy birthday Ben. Masters? You don't look a day over 39. ๐
OG. Nice and quiet. Worked on c&j on the minute.
83,83,93,93,103,103,f,f I should've done 98 after 93. I think this time I've learned my lesson.
Rested 3 minutes. Went for 110. Still chasing that pr and thinking I may never get it again.
Deadlifts 103×5, 123×3, 135x3x5
Handstands, pull ups, I wanted to row a slow 2k and gave up after 550m, and rolling. I'm not sure if I'm ok…I'm not excited about crush week. I feel blobbish.
WOD was what I liked…lots of box jumps and toes to bars.
16:16 went with 24kg bell and RXed the rest. The cold killed my grip. The 32kg was just too much weight for me American style. I did 5 and knew I could not keep form and switched.
Big congrats to the masters!