5 Rounds for Time of:
20 Wall Ball shots
40 Double Unders (sub 20 calorie row or 20 slam ball for doubles)
10 Pull-Ups or jumping pull-ups
20 Wall Ball shots 20lb,14’/14lb,9′
40 Double Unders
4 Muscle-Ups
For both versions, rest 2 minutes between sets. Score total time including rest.
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Check out more pictures from TTD by Brian Hotaling here.
You can also see the pictures along with other from our in house photogs Asta and Bekka P on our Flickr stream.
CFSBK Member To Do List:
- RSVP for the potluck this Saturday at 7:00pm.
- Register for the CrossFit Open on team CrossFit South Brooklyn
- Check the Flickr page to confirm that you left ALL YOUR CLOTHING EVER at the gym, then go pick it up.
- Make a mental note that there is Active Recovery is no longer available on Thursdays at 7:00am but now IS available Sundays at 11am.
- Consider getting your “Yoga for Athletes” on tonight at 6:30pm with Whitney H.
- Have an insanely nice day.
2000m Rowing Race this Saturday!
Come watch the “CRASH-Beasts” race this Saturday at 2:30. These folks have been training with Coach Nick since late October for the CRASH-B Indoor World Rowing Championship in Boston in mid-February. The race on Saturday is their final test – they’ve already done one 2K and two 6Ks – and will be projected on the big screen. Cheer them on to new PRs!!
1984 Olympic Men’s Single Sculls Rowing final
separated spine from a 3RM TNG snatch…very sad.. I hope he makes a full recovery
Very sad about Kevin Ogar. Have been following online, looks like the first two surgeries went well. Barbells for Boobs has created a website for donations to cover medical bills. I'm sure CF HQ is also in the process of doing something.
Make up post from Wednesday:
Snatch Fitness Complex (w/o OHS) #98…for some reason I have not been able to get to my PR of 108. I wanted to try 103, but ran out of time.
LBBSquat–instead of doing heavy 5RM, I was all set up to do my regular west side wide stance squats with the 16' box for 3X5 when Ro threw a wrench in my plan and told me to get rid of the box and work up from step 1. Well, I was pretty scurred. Warmed up with just the bar and we really nailed in some technique and positioning work.
….according to Ro, I "twerk" at the bottom of my squat. I have to admit, I am somewhat proud of this mishap, but am working hard to correct it. Biggest thing for me right now is bracing. I found it really helps to exaggerate the valsalva technique –aka goldfish face. Kept it really light at '65…which I secretly hated despite the fact that I was not squatting on a box for the first time in 6 months.
Accessory work (no tabata's for me says coach)
weighted walking lunges #17.5 & #20
20 hip raises 3-2-1 tempo
45 sec plank hold
Coming up my 1 year CrossFit anniversary and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's frustrating to have been working hard for a year, but to be LITERALLY back at square one with squatting. I'm trying not to let it negate all the other accomplishments I have experienced but I'm really sick and tired of this hip injury which is all due to my knee surgeries that have been plaguing my life for the past 10 years.
@Dee – thanks for the link, I've been following online also but a little difficult to find some details. Don't even want to see a video, prob a bit too disturbing for me. I'm amazed how the CF community has come together, proud to be a part of it!
Great 6am class with David and Jess.
Partnered with Alex for a really fun WOD. Going into this I thought the Wall Balls would be the limiting factor but those went unbroken the whole way. (I did stop at 15 for two seconds on the last set because the ball hit me in the face and I dropped it but I could have kept going.)
The big limiter was the double unders that fell apart pretty quickly. The first two rounds were unbroken but by the third round I felt like I was wearing ankle weights.
Pull ups were done 6-4 the whole way through with no real rest in between.
Final time 20:55.
18:26 with 25 DU attempts and 5 strict chins/round.
I really need to start coming to OG every week so I can get my kipping pullups back.
A couple of responses to comments in yesterday's post:
@Pierre: I like the word 'deproving' a lot. I think it could also function as a kind of synonym for 'refutation' as in: 'Smithers, while your argument seems superficially plausible, I can just see a bright student of mine easily deproving it.'
@Willie: I wouldn't go so far as to call them 'great numbers' but they were encouraging after last-week's shitfest.
Hi anyone that wants to answer and has the appropriate knowledge to.
I'm doing the zone challenge. My daily meal blocks are 4-1-3-1-3-1.
The first week was great. I wasn't hungry, I remained relatively satisfied all day and all was great.
Week 2 – 2.5, I am freaking starving. I usually eat my 4 block breakfast at 8 or 9, a 1 block snack before lunch. 3 block lunch at 1-2. 1 block snack at 4-5. then go to the gym. then eat a 3 block dinner. and then a snack.
Ive heard people say that if you're hungry you should up your fats, but what does that mean? Does that mean I add an extra block of fat to a meal? eat an extra snack with just a fat block? I need someone to tell me what to do.
I tried zone on the 13 block too and I had the same problem. All my lifts all suffered. I was speaking to Fox during the Information Seminar on the challenge and he said I should be on more of a 15 block plan.
I would try three 4 block meals, and a 2 block snack and see if that helps.
If you up your fats, depending on how much more you want to add–add (1 or 2 blocks) to each meal, or all additional blocks to the meal that leaves you feeling still hungry an hour later (usually lunch or dinner)
tall broad squad problems.
There are 3 parts to this link, but I believe there are a total of 5 videos. These are all super helpful for zone questions/adjustments.
Rack Jerks
Worked up to 185. Was having some technical issues that I could't resolve today. Bar felt heavy, I felt light.
Squat cleans
Worked up to 195lbs
Today's Performance WOD as Rx'd
R1: 1:31
R2: 5:32
R3: 9:24
R4: 14:08
Total: 19:18
OOF. I did not like that. Real gasser, 2:00 rest felt like :30.
Feeling a little nauseous now.
8am with Fox, WB 20# @9', SB 20#, PU boxed
16:37 This workout is HEAVY on the legs, but was glad that I only rested for 5 seconds on my 4th WB round. Will go for the 10 foot marker from here on out on the WBs.
Make up post from last night
Snatch: 40×1, 50×1, 55×1, 60,f, 60×1, 65f,f,f,
I just keep missing these when they're over my head mostly because I'm not catching them strongly. My pulls have improved greatly this cycle thanks to the positional work, but the transition and the catch need a lot of work to catch up to the pulls. snatch balances and OHS here I come.
HBBS: WU, 275×5, 305×2, 325×1, 345×1, 365f
345 I assume is a PR on the HBBS. It felt really light, so I was perhaps too aggressive going to 365. I think I have 365. I popped out of the bottom, got forward, and failed. C'es la vie.
@Shaye- at Fox's suggestion, I have been playing with the timing of my meals and snacks. For example, I tend to get hungry in the evenings so I reserve some extra blocks for then or if I know I am rowing a longer piece which, it seems, makes me really hungry, I make sure I get at least three blocks in as soon as possible after the workout. It has been working really well so far for me. I would say try moving some of you breakfast blocks to later on during the day and see if that makes a difference, unless you are especially hungry first thing. That's what I would do anyhow. Good luck!
@Noah- sorry to hear it wasn't just a 'tweak'. Get well soon.
I completed my 2K race last night since I’ll be out of town this weekend and will miss the official Crash-B test on Saturday. I was surprised (and very happy) that my time was much faster than my target and I wasn’t totally destroyed at the end. Of course the feedback from Nick was that it meant I could go harder so I probably shouldn’t have confessed it wasn’t that bad. The Crash-B experience has been great (minus the workouts correctly titled “Hell”) and many thanks to Nick for coming in last night and for all the on-going awesome coaching.
I have been Crossfittin' for a little over two years now and I am still not very comfortable with the squat, even though it is the lift we train more than others. My technique has a lot of flaws and I am frustrated at times that I am not better at it or lifting as much weight as others in my peer group. IMO, the only proper response to this thinking is to keep coming back and train more. Your improvements may come slower than you would like, but they will come if you keep at. The squat may never be your best lift – but this only means that there are a lot of other ones that you are better at.
I started strengh cycling last year because I wanted to focus on the squat – break it down completely and then build it back up the right way – and it has been a great experience. I have a long way to go and am not improving by leaps and bounds but I feel like I am moving in the right direction. If you can, I would suggest you sign up for a cycle. Since you squat 3x per week you can experiment with things and get some great 1v1 coaching from jeremy the barbell wisperer.
I would go out and celebrate your one-year CF anniversary (within the boundaries of the LFPB challenge of course) its a big accomplishment.
Performance WOD as Rx'd
17:15 total. Rounds slowly increased from about 1:30 to 2:00 over the course of the WOD, but I didn't note the exact times.
DUs were surprisingly a little slow for me on this one. Kept tripping up for some reason. Moved well through the rest though.
@Gracie — what Jay said. You might be frustrated with your squat, but man, I would KILL for Oly numbers like yours and I've been CFing for 3 years now. Yes, there are the Iceland Annies of the world who can be good at everything, but most of us have to be happy with being good at something (or, at least, I tell myself this when I fail an Oly lift that's way lighter than I feel like I should be able to do, and want to throw the bar across the room).
Signed up for the open, but the site won't seem to let me list SBK as my affiliate. I select SBK from the drop-down list and click "join affiliate," which serves only to reset the drop-down to "select affiliate from list." Am I missing something obvious? Anyone else having the issue?
I signed up yesterday and did not have any problem. Could be browser related, which browser are you using?
Make-up post from Wednesday
95 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1, F, F
140 x F
Hit 155 but it was sloppy so i wanted to redo it. Totally failed. Busted my ass on the second fail so I dropped the weigh on Melissa's advice. Needed to build up my confidence again. Failed once more and called it a day.
135 x 5
185 x 3
235 x 5
250 x 3
265 x 2
280 x 1
315 x 1
340 x F
I realized incorrectly calculated one 1RM because 280 was easy. So I jumped to 315 which was also easy. So I decided to jump to 340. Failed. I came off my heels and had to bail.
Noah – Feel better dude.
@Spencer – I had the same issue while using Safari. Hopped on a PC at work today and didn't have any problems signing up.
Spencer — I did it from a PC earlier today and had the same problem. But just now, on the same computer, I tried re-entering my team and it worked. So I think it was a glitch that's been fixed.
20:25 this morning doing the Fitness version… the first round went almost all unbroken which came back and bit me in ass. DU's started tripping up after the second round and never got the rhythm back until the last round. I dropped the ball down to 9 feet at the end as my arms where just not working anymore at that point.
Had no trouble signing up for the Open. Crossfit South Brooklyn came right up. Go Apple! =P
Not doing the zone diet but this morning eating 1/2 an avocado and 2 eggs left me satisfied until about 2PM.
Hey all,
Thanks for the well wishes about my back. Woke up today feeling much better, I'm slowly starting to descend from "full lockdown" mode and am decidedly less crooked. Will still be a few days before I can really assess, but thinking it might just be a week or so off (and not a year, like last time!!!)
Gracie, hang in there- I'm reminded of the Cavafy poem Ithaka about the gratification and learning experience of a long and slow journey. Cherish the small steps and relentless progress toward a goal, and enjoy it that much more when you arrive. Although it must be great to inherit a mansion, there is a different type of joy in building it brick by brick, by yourself.
Ok, psuedo-psych-losophy rambling over!
When signing up for the open should I be signing up with SBK as both my affiliate and team or is team only if you are entering as a team?
The WOD today is an example of organized chaos. Thanks to all the morning classes and upcoming evening classes for managing it all so well.
Was lucky enough to get to do this WOD today with 4 other fine coaches:
Today's Fitness WOD (14#ball/9ft, pullups)
R1: 1:27
R2: 1:52
R3: 2:01
R4: 1:57
R5: 2:17
Total Time: 17:35
-that was hard. all wall ball unbroken, du's were a shit show and tripped up several, several times each round except the first one. pullups were unbroken first 3 rounds then in 6-4 during round 4 and 5-5 for round 5. I should have pushed for these unbroken all 5 rounds.
-developed a serious side stitch during my last du's and found it hard to breathe. also had a headache for a bit afterwards. did I mention this was a hard one?
6am with Jess and DO
Had a good time with this WOD. Early on I took a 5-second breather from the wallballs before deciding I could get through them all unbroken. Glad I did. Apart from that one breather and two or three trip-ups with the rope, everything here was unbroken. All rounds under 2:00, I think.
re: Kevin Ogar, if anyone is interested you can get to his fundraiser at kevinogar.com. It's super easy to use.
Also, Noah, feel better man.
Fact: I train at a gym where my coaches talk about Cavafy.
Cavafy! Now here's a thread after a Latin teacher's heart. (@Gracie — The poem is called "Ithaka," if you're interested. Though maybe you already knew that. )
Super short and light last workout before my meet Saturday.
Power Snatch
Power Clean+Jerk
Front Squat
220×3, 252x3x2
Sots Press
I have to cut some weight before Saturday. Hoping i can hit the same numbers I hit in the gym when I'm 8 lbs lighter!
6:30 with Josh and Arturo. Partnered with Roy.
Went with 20# @ 9' for wall balls because I had trouble with 16# @ 10' last time (the 30-20-30-20-30 WOD). These weren't bad at all today, so maybe I'll try 10' next time.
Crushed the first round in 1:35, after forcing myself to breath for 5 breaths in between two sets of 20 DUs because I didn't want to knock myself out. Mistake! I did anyway! So I might as well have had a better first round. This was my first time doing 10 kips in a row, I think they were ok.
Rounds 3-5 were fine on wall balls and pretty fine on doubles, but I totally lost my pullups the last three sets and was reduced to attempts. Tried singles in round 4, this is actually harder than stringing multiple ones together so that didn't help. My abs said "stop now" after five attempts in round 4 so I did. Round 5 was 3, 3, 2, 2 though, so just something about round 4 got to me. Slowest round was 4, just under 3 minutes. Rather than moaning about my rounds going from 1:35 to 2:56 I'm going to say I got a better stimulus by being less awesome.
& finally got to meet the famous Lauren K!
Warm up: 6 minutes of varied slam ball and ab work out (it was really tough!)
Work up to heavy 3 * 5 strict press (165lbs)
WoD: 10, 9, 8, 7 … 2, 1
Push press at 135lbs
Jump over bar burpees
Slam ball (20lbs)
13:07 – great WoD. Really tiring though!!
Meanwhile, a guy in their competition group did a 3:48 minute Fran. I was mighty impressed with that effort.
@stella – recipe will be tested this weekend at some point. Looks fab
Make-up post from last night:
SNATCH PR, YAY. 83#. I was an aggressive bundle of energy and excitement, and it was really fun working with Marie. Arturo filmed me so I could see that I'm leading too much with my back, so more to work on, but hopefully that just means I'll keep going up in weight from here. Came forward on the final 83# a bit, but still felt like I nailed it. Thanks, Arturo!!
LBBS 5RM at 160, felt nasty. My back is still really sore from Sunday.
So, tonight. I GOT STUCK WAITING FOR THE METRONORTH FOR AN HOUR, after not peeing before leaving the office. I thought my extremities were going numb and that I was going to miss class, and I just kept whispering to myself, "I accept this, I accept this." I was one minute late for the 7:30, which has maybe happened once. Partnered with KMo in the sea of Kate/Katies, did jumping pull-ups, finished somewhere around 18 min. My DUs suuucked (perhaps because I was attempting tricks during the warmup), but whatever. I was so thankful I had a wonderful gym to sprint to tonight after the ugliness that can be commuting in NYC. Thanks to Jess for organizing said chaos, and my apologies for contributing to it.
Thus concludes my novel for this evening. I'm interviewing MeLo on Monday for her UTH; everyone should tell her how excited they are to learn about her life so she can't back out.
Wah wah. Bad day at the ol' gym for me. Finished in 19:06 with 14#, 9' wall ball, 15# slam ball, and jumping pull-ups. Felt like crap and had a crappy attitude to match. Thanks to my partner Kate and coaches MeLo and Jess for staying positive even though I was being grumpy. Skipping accessory work and prioritizing sleep tonight.
Can't wait for MeLo's UTH!!
Weird day at SBK. 8:30 with Jess.
Things didn't quite feel right on any movements today. Wallballs, :60 of doubles, 2 muscle up attempts each round.
Wall balls unbroken, got to 40 DUs in 3 of 5 rounds. Muscle ups were F,F / F,1 / F,F / F,1 / 1,1
First time with MUs in a WOD. Thanks to Jess for letting me try. Felt best when I got my grip dialed in and kept the rings close. The rep in round four felt really good.
Can we please all agree to stop talking about MeLo's UTH? GROSS.
Tried this with two muscle-ups in each round.
Got 2/2/1, 2 fails/1 fail, 2 assisted/1 fail, 2 assisted
Took me forever as a result, I think 22 something.
Oh and many thanks to Arturo and Josh for helping out on the muscle-ups.
Luke, yes join the team!
Dear double unders,
I will defeat you.
This workout made me mad! grrrr. I guess being exhausted, stressed out, and overloaded on caffeine isn't the best combo for a long metcon. My jump ropin skillz were a MESS and i felt very weak on the bar… although I did enjoy the Katie corner. Finished up around 20:33 with strict chin-ups (cut the volume to 5). Had an awesome partner who was dropping in from San Diego who helped me feel not so crappy about being lapped -___- ….I believe her name started with a "J"…hoping this shoulder stuff gets better sooner rather than later because its really cramping my style. But thanks to MeLo and Jess I was able to push through all 5 rounds!
Thanks for the responses on the affiliate registration. Tried a different computer tonight and all's well on that front. Team SBK!
WOD was a different story. Did the 530 class. 22:30 on the performance rx. First round was a disaster as I couldn't string 5 double unders together after setting a PR in the pre-WOD practice. Arturo told me to relax on the second set and something clicked back into place. But first round ended up taking like 3:30 as a result. WBs and MUs unbroken through the first 3 rounds, broke them up the last 2.
DU issues aside, this was still surprisingly much harder than I'd expected; unusually woozy after. I'd like to hit this one again in OG in a couple weeks.
7:30 pm class
Performance in 19:12
WB and MU unbroken. Doubles gassed me. Wanted to quit. Stumbled on my words for about 10 minutes with my 8:30 Foundations group so I guess I was a little messed up by this.
Noah, heal up well. You are the "power" in our Power Hour.