Fitness: Mid Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + FSQ + Split Jerk
Performance: Mid Hang Clean + Clean + Split Jerk
Front Squat
Fitness:3×3 Across
Add 5lbs from last weeks front squats.
Performance: 90% (of 3RM) x3x3
Post loads to comments.
C&J/FSQ e4/6
I kick off the new year all fresh and clean with my own polar plunge. Air Temp: 33.9°F Sea Temp: 46°F. Happy new years!
– JB
- Check out Coach Noah’s advice in Shape Magazine. Thanks to CFSBKer Cristina G for putting him in the article
- Yoga for Athletes kicks off it’s first weekend class TODAY at 10am. Please sign in then head upstairs!
- Similarly, Active Recovery will be held at 11am AND 12pm on Saturdays moving forward!
Stanford’s Distinct Training Regimen Redefines Strength NYT
License to Sin: How to Dodge a Devilish Self-Control Loophole Psy Blog
31 Delicious Low-Carb Breakfasts For A Healthy New Year BuzzFeed
Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits NYT
If anyone would like an extra workout, I think some folks, mostly parents, are going to clear the PS/MS 282 school yard of snow so that the kids can get back to recess Monday. A great great way to get an extra workout and help kids get a chance to keep active. Want to join? Early afternoon today. E-mail me at runderwood5(at)
Went to CFSBK yoga for the first time this morning, I enjoyed it! Every teacher I've had has their own style, this reminded me a bit of the Iyengar they teach at yogasana on 3rd, lots of focus on hitting poses just-so rather than just trying to keep up with a set of moves as best you can. Not that there is anything wrong with going through some sun salutations and calling it a day, but I appreciated the focus of this class. It's a nice complement to S&C training.
Hit the 11 class after, kind of insane but also kind of cool to see so many people there. I'm really uncoordinated today, completely messed up my first attempt in a kind of "what am I even doing / why am I still alive" way, and I'm not that great at split jerk on a good day. Worked up to 155#, not really happy with that but not every day can be sunshine and roses. Then fsq 210x3x3, pretty happy with that. Wanted to go to AR after but couldn't, oh well.
Thanks to McDowell et al for making space for four of us to do the LFPC test this morning. 7 rounds plus 5 ring rows with knee push ups. I went to hard on the first minute on the erg and so was too spent for the last two. Now I know for next time…
Mixed success at le gym for me today.
C&J Complex (kg)
80-90-95-100-100(missed jerk) meh
Last week hit 245x3x3 with no real trouble. This week I was way off (forward). Bailed the 3rd rep on both sets, and jammed my right ring finger on the last one. Left knee is cranky. I'm not happy.
Then AR for only my 2nd AR bonus point this week. Great way to head to brunch.
Oh, so THAT'S why there were people doing Turkish getups on the mat!
10 AM class followed by AR. Reminded me why I prefer to squat on Friday mornings — OMG, so many people! Performance clean complex (since David urged me to do squat cleans last week), maxed out a very ugly 103. Apparently I am too far forward not just on my clean, but on my jerk as well. Sigh. Thank goodness for FSQ, which restored my self-esteem. 155x3x3, got to squat with Jess and Janelle. Yay!
Big old 9am with MeLo.
Hooray for the split stance — these feel so much more comfortable when trying to get underneath the jerk and not press it out.
45lbs, 95, 115, 135, 155, 170, 185, 195 on the performance complex.
215x3x3 on the FSQ. Nice to lift with Chris and Alex.
Good to be back in the gym after a few days off. 60, 80, 90, 95(missed jerk), 95. Felt a little rusty so I called it there.
FSQ – 225x3x3 – LP is back on track after an off day last week. This felt pretty solid.
Went to Yoga at 10am – great class Whitney!!! Can't wait for the next one!
Then hit the 11am group class –
Went back up to 63# for the C&J's which made me happy. Getting under the bar a lot better!!
Made a huge jump to 80# for the front squats today!!! Very excited about this one ๐
WOOT JB!! You make doing something that's absolutely EFFING NUTS look good!! I'm almost *almost* tempted to join you next year. You have ~361 days to convince me.
Slept super late and made it in for the 1 class with McDowell and Josh
Performance Clean Complex
95 115 135 155 165 175 185 195
This was a LOT of reps and felt pretty brutal by the end, but all the cleans were crisp and I didn't miss a jerk.
Front Squat
135×5 185×4 220×3 240x3x3
Definitely nearing my limits here, last rep on second set and last 2 on the last set I could feel myself pitching forward and getting into "not great" positions. We'll see what happens next week.
11am with McD and Ro
Fitness – 32/52/62/72/82 and one at 88 that felt a bit sketchtastic at the top of jerk. This was my first exposure to the split jerk since my saturdays have been eaten up and i REALLY liked it! Unfortunately, it'll be my first and last for a while since I'll miss next saturday resting for TTD and then the saturday after that I have class for grad school all day. But i digress…
LBBS (work for TTD)
45/5 95/5 125/3 135 3/5 (a PR for me!) Thanks to my lift partners whitney and meredith – you both gave great adjustments. I always manage to line up to the left too much. And Josh noticed i was rushing down to the bottom…gotta take my time and use control getting down there…mental note.
Then AR with David at 12. I really like the new space upstairs!
I also (just for my own record) I benched and DL'd yesterday at open gym:
Bench – 3/5 at 75 (with Shawn and Becca) and DL – 1/5 at 165
Both days I used a belt for the first time and really felt like it helped make me aware of breathing and core stability. All in all – a good weekend at CFSBK! Everytime I go, other female lifters are so friggin helpful. I'm looking forward to my first TTD!
Was pumped to have a nice crew for our first 10am yoga class today — thanks to those who came out and gave it a go! It's a treat to have that space up there, as well as the mobility tools that secretly turn into yoga props…
11am class with McD and Josh.
Very sore from all the pull-ups and push-ups in the LFPB test!
C&J complex (fitness):
drills @33#
63#, 83#, 93#, 103#, 113#-F, 113#… failed my first try at the clean at 113, which Josh said got plenty high. What is my deal — just GET UNDER THAT BAR, sheesh! Second MHPC was good, then the PC from the floor was UGLY, caught fwd with elbows low. Fixed the rack position, FSQ was fine, readjusted for jerk and it went up pretty well! McD made the note that I was dropping too fast/jolty before the jerk, so need to just slightly relax that dip under. It worked; something to focus on next time.
45×5, 95×4, 125×2, 135×1
145x5x3 !!!
This is the heaviest I've ever squatted for sets of 5 across, which is shocking to me because a couple weeks ago I was having trouble getting through reps at 135.
Key things that worked: controlling down (not dropping to the rock bottom of my range of motion), staying super tight at the bottom in my whole torso (weight belt!), and DRIVING heels down and knees way out on the way up. Surprised to have speed on that weight.
I'm in Boulder, CO for a few days and might drop in to either CrossFit Roots or Sanitas. Anyone have experience at either of those boxes? I feel like I've seen a post about Sanitas on the blog a few months ago… Thanks!
Please pardon my iPhone grammar. Yikes!
CrossFit Roots!!!
Not that I know anything about the other place. But CFR is legit I hear
Slept in, went to 1PM today. Cleans feel like they're coming together, and I feel like I'm doing a much better job of getting my knees out of the way and exploding upwards. got up to 185 on the complex. Because of my ankle injury, I went switchstance and used my left foot as my front foot. This felt better! I thought about it and maybe it should be? I hit a baseball with my left foot forward. Started a complex at 195, nailed that hang power clean, and then was just too tired to get the rest of the weight up.
FSQ: 255x3x3. Crisp.
LOVE that Times article about Stanford's strength coach. Those slide boards are awesome. I looked up the Functional Movement Screen tests, and one of them has you do a lunge while holding a PVC pipe behind your back, which seems like such a great idea! I also love how at the end, he says scouts should be looking primarily for ankle mobility. If I get another life, I want to come back as a college football player with strong, supple ankles.
Worked up to 108# on the performance side of cleans with Shaye. Cues from McDowell to come off the floor more fluidly; I was leading with my legs too much, which I was also doing a bit while deadlifting last night.
145x3x5 on LBBS, which was heavy, but the good kind. Also my heaviest yet, so high five, Whit! ๐
I think the FMS is snake oil! (mostly)
Almost no time to train today post all my sessions and then getting ready for something this evening.
145×1+2 OHSx3
Just needed to groove some pulling mechanics at light weight
10am group class:
Performance Complex on C&J:
83, 103, 123, 133, 143
-hit at least 2 reps at each weight because the first didn't feel great. My best rep of the day was the last at 143. I was able to actually drive the bar off my torso and drop down fast. Called it there to end on a positive note.
(135×3, 155×2) 175x3x3
-90% of what I hit last week and today felt fast.
Then took 11am Active Recovery class with DO. Bonus point, check.
A "Functional Movement Screen" should include, er, functional movements. I can't seem to remember any time other than when I underwent a FMS that I inline lunged with a PVC behind my back or squatted like they ask you to. Bollocks! Grey Cook is a great salesman.
Fox, you don't regularly step over thin little hurdles to see how balanced you are? I don't believe you.
Did a bunch of the performance complexes at 135
Front Squats: 210x3x3
11am with Josh and McD
Fitness Clean & Jerk with Melo!
This is the 2nd time I've ever trained along a coach and I find it really intimidating but super inspiring and awesome! Melo was a really great motivator and helping me get under the bar and commit to what I was doing.
#63 #83 #113 #123 had trouble getting this from the floor on the first attempts, but got them on the second. The clean from the floor was a bigger struggle than the split jerk today.
West side wide squat with 16" box @ #135x3x5
Up 10 lbs, and no pain on the shorter box.
Very pleased ๐
11am AR then 12am class.
160 perf. Failed jerk at 165.
165x3x3 Fsq with room to grow.
Wanted to do the yoga but I have a guitar lesson conflict. That said, I am excited about the offering and hope to participate. I actually hit 3 yoga classes at B&B this week to great effect but would much prefer to do this work with friends at CFSB. I'm not exactly a full subscriber but I'm into getting the stretching, alignment, and therapy in a programmatic way and open to the meditative aspect.
11AM with Josh and McD
Fitness Complex on C&J
75, 95, 95, 105, 105
– My clean has really improved overall, I'm definitely feeling it more than ever.
– The jerk was another story. My back knee wasn't bending and found myself correcting my landing position almost every time. Next time.
– Opted to stay in a rather familiar weight territory to work on technique.
95×3, 135×2, 150x3x3
– Could have used another WU in there but felt warm from the complex already.
– Mostly good once I anchored my toe and kept it from popping up and out. When I stayed tight with my elbows up the bar speed felt good. I'm feeling good about where I'll land on the 6th exposure.