For Time:
750m Row
25 Burpees
50 Squats
25 Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull Ups
50 Dumbell Thrusters
75 Kettlebell Swings
5 Rounds For Time of:
5 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
75 Squats
1000m Row
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK in Playa Del Carmen Mexico!
Look Feel Perform Better Info Session Tonight
Interested in particpating in the LFPB Challenge? Tonight at 5pm Coach Fox will be doing an info session about the challenge, explaining how works, what to expect and answering some questions you might have. All are welcome!
Yoga for Athletes: Schedule Changes!
This is the last week for Yoga for Athletes at 9AM on Wednesday and Friday! There will be no class the week of December 20. In 2014, we’ll start with this new schedule in the annex space upstairs:
Thursdays at 6:30PM
Saturdays at 10:00AM
These classes will start on Thursday, January 2! Payment and sign-in will go through Zen Planner in the new year, so stay tuned for updates.
If anyone would be interested in writing a short testimonial (2-5 sentences) about the Fitness and Performance training options I would greatly appreciate it for an upcoming article on ITA. Basically what you like (or don’t like) about it in regards to your own training. Thanks!!!
If anyone would be interested in writing a short testimonial (2-5 sentences) about the Fitness and Performance training options I would greatly appreciate it for an upcoming article on ITA. Basically what you like (or don’t like) about it in regards to your own training. Thanks!!!
Please email to David(AT)
Fun WOD – first metcon in a little bit for me.
Did the performance version. 15:07 total. ~9 minutes on the first piece, ~2 on the squats and transitions and then 3:45 or so on the row. Struggled on the ring dips with the MUs due to all the pushing on the burpees.
Performance Rx'd
Muscle ups felt off, was swinging to the right after first rep each set and almost missed 2. I HATE missing muscle ups. Burpees slow and steady. Squats unbroken. Row held ~2 min split. Props to the fitness folks, I think that was the harder WOD. And props to RoMelo for running a big class smooth as butter! They got a lot of people with a lot of moving parts through with time to spare.
Fun 12pm, partnered with Doug J on his last day at CFSBK. Good luck in Texas, Doug!
Fitness WOD, finished in 18:53 with 12 strict pullups, 25# thrusters, and 32kg kb. Great "welcome back from vacation" workout 🙂 I was planning on coming to OG instead to make up snatch and squats from last week, but when I saw this chipper posted I had to come in.
Did the first three pieces unbroken, finished the row + burpees in under 5 minutes, squats at a steady pace. Then came the "standing around" part, pullups in sets of 2 and I still lost it on the last set. Thrusters weren't nearly as awful as the kettlebell, which made me feel like one of the Gelflings having its soul sucked out by the dark crystal.
Is it better to start with a heavier weight and then switching to lighter one if you cannot finish the set at the initial heavier weight? Or is is better to go lighter to begin with so you can finish it. I have a strength and conditioning goal so beating a clock is not as important.
Nice to be lifting back at SBK
Backsquat: 252×4, 297×4, 318x4x3
Snatch Doubles: 198, 220, 242×3 (Fail on the very last one)
2 Cleans+Jerk: 220, 242, 264, 275×3
Snatch Pulls 264x4x3
Fitness version, 15 strict chinups, 20# DB, 20kg KB, 17:19. I am learning that WODs are just not the place for me to be practicing kipping pullups. If I can't do it I get so frustrated that the rest of the WOD is ruined. So I'm glad I stuck with strict chins, even though I had to go to singles rather quickly. (Once LFPB starts I won't be doing *weighted* chins any more…)
Alan (and anyone else with the same question because it's a great one) – I'd say it's better to develop a working knowledge of what kind of volume and load you can handle and do your best to choose an appropriate amount at the start. There is an inverse relationship between volume and load. You may, for instance, be able to swing the 32kg kettlebell for 3 sets of 10 in a NFT warm up. This is a very different thing from swinging the same bell for 75 reps at the end of a long chipper, as in today. Changing to lower weight/reduced volume in the middle of the WOD means that you didn't scale appropriately. This is OK, sometimes, and will be necessary for some people, sometimes. If you find it to be a recurring theme it then you may want to keep a better training journal and consider scaling more carefully, and be sure you understand the intention of the workout when the coach reviews it at the whiteboard. When this is all brand new there will likely be many of these little "mistakes" but the end goal IMO is to know how hard and heavy you can push on any given day. As someone who's been training for many years and CrossFitting for about 7, I am 90% sure of what I'm going to be able to do in a WOD. every so often I do better, every so often I do worse, but I'm usually right around where I thought I'd be.
Fitness version: 21:45. Did jumping pull ups because, like Stella, I'm not great at cycling my kipping pull ups, and the thought of 25 in a row in such a hard WOD was too daunting. Plus, I was preeeeetty hungover today, so impressed with myself for even coming in. 20# thrusters (the worst part, by far) and 20kg bell. Lots and lots of breaks during the last two movements. I am a slowpoke.
@Fox – Thanks for the input. It was very helpful. So, it is better not to change weights in the middle, but chose something that is challenging and doable during the whole WOD.
18:42 – Having Jess tell me I was not going with anything lighter than 20s on the DBs and KB was good advice and a vote of confidence.
I think I kept steady breathing and a manageable pace throughout. My kipping pull ups were really disjointed — coming way far away from the bar and doing that knee tuck pause thing at the top. I don't know if it was shoulder fatigue from the push-ups on the burpees (I'm trying to stick with strict when it isn't a sprint-type high volume burpee work-out), or if it had to do with my hands which are healing, or if I just forgot how to do this.
However, I think the small sets (couple 5s and then 3s and 2s) gave my shoulders a rest and made the last two pieces more manageable. Having sets of 50 and 75 (of my least favorite things) at the end was a mental challenge, but it was helpful to break it up into smaller sets (5's for the thrusters and 15, then 10s of the swings). I actually liked this.
Now I'm looking forward to finding out more about this Lean Mean Muscle Machine challenge!
Great to be back at CFSBK today after a LONG 8 days in the miles and miles of farmland variety of the midwest where my parents now live… not quite the Chicago, IL or the Columbus, OH variety where I was raised. By day 2 I was itching to be back in Brooklyn.
Had a fun Christmas Eve "12 pains of Christmas" WOD at CrossFit New Albany, which was almost an hour away from my 'rents new habitat:
1 Burpee
2 Pullups
3 American KB Swings
4 Goblet Squats
5 Situps
6 Wall Balls
7 DB Push Press
8 SDHP w/ Kettlebell
9 Box Jumps
10 Barbell Thrusters
11 Toes to Bar
12 Calories on the Concept2
I have to say, this was not a great experience – fun, but not great. There was no Rx for anything, and the time target was determined by some of their top dogs having done the WOD earlier in the morning. Based on that, there were lots of guys using really light weights on the KB and Dumb Bells in order to fly through the thing – and then claim they had beaten so and so. Also, there were not really well organized partners, stations, etc., so there was a huge bottleneck at the wall balls, box jumps, and the erg (they only had 4!). Made me really appreciate the fantastic coaching, and the incredibly efficient space management with big classes at CFSBK. I don't know if you guys do drawings or something to figure it all out, but things seem to go off without a hitch and it amazes me after being at a few places where it doesn't. Maybe that's a topic for one of David's ITA posts?
Other than all of that, great Christmas with lots of CrossFit oriented gifts. There's going to be a new Rogue Ohio Lifting Belt under the benches on the East wall as soon as FedEx catches up with me. All should feel welcome to use it if it fits you – and I don't already have it!
Check that… 6 days. I told you it felt long.
23:15 Rx it was pretty brutal after the third rounds. I could not longer do set of 2 MUs and had to do singles all the way to the end. Squats broken down in 3 sets of 25, my legs were still pretty shot from the front squats on saturday. Rowing was steady but past 500m, I had a hard time keeping 2:00/500m pace. Overall happy with the result, but I have to work on false grip MUs which is still challenging for me.
Huge 11am class with RoMeLo, who like Fox said did a great job of managing us all through a long wod.
Fitness version in 18:04
-row in 3:00 flat
-all burpees and squats at a steady pace.
-pull-ups in 8, 5 then 3's to get through.
-DB thrusters at 25# were the worst. Started with a set of 10 but then could only hit 5's. lost a lot of time here.
-Russian swings at 24kg. Started with a set of 10 then hit 15 then 10's to the end.
OG for more olympic auxiliary work (and a little conditioning)
45×5 95×4 135×3 155x3x3
Power clean
135×3 165×3 185×3
Clean pulls
205×3 225x3x3
Weighted squat jumps
45×5 75×5 95x5x3
Those squat jumps felt like conditioning to me, but I felt bad seeing everyone suffer through today's WOD so Noah helped me put together a short little thing:
21-15-9 (7:51)
Ring Dips
KB swings (2pd Russian)
with 1:00 of plank before each round
Ring dips were broken up from the beginning, swings were all unbroken, planks should have been but the last one I had to drop for 10 seconds or so after the first :30. It's hard to plank when you're gassed!
Thank you for the amazing 11am class RoMelo! I started regular Crossfit classes in April 2013 and this was my first Sunday ever! Thank you for making it such a rewarding and positive experience and for your encouragement and the amazing encouragement from the Foxes and co-members. Probably one of the most fun and rewarding Crossfit days of the whole year for me! What a great way to go into 2014. THANK YOU! I was wobbly going down subway stairs and could barely lift my arms to hang a shower curtain when I got home!