Charmel R, Chris D, Pierre M, Bob S, Keith W and Jay R at this weekends Masters competition at CrossFit North Haven
Overall, really fun time. Was a privilege to compete with Chris, Keith, Charmel, Pierre and Bob. Huge props to Josh for coming out, getting us all warmed up to compete and for his great coaching and cues during the WODs.
Was the first multi-WOD competition for me – I now understand why Jeremy gave me “the look” when he found out I was doing it. Remember thinking that it didn’t look so bad on paper (ha!) but it was really draining. The first event was the killer – 9 min AMRAP of 21 WB, 15 American KB Swings (24kg) with 30 cal row buy-in at the start. Per Josh’s advice, went out sensibly on the row and then broke the wall-balls up 8-7-6 and was able to do the KB swings unbroken. Finished with 3 rounds plus 5 WBs. About what I expected. Strength cycle definitely helping me toss the ball higher but my conditioning is not there.
Second event – 8 minutes to find a one-rep max Snatch. This was the one that I was looking forward to. One of my 2013 goals was to try and achieve some competency here. My PR coming in was 95. Started out at 75 to put a number on the board. Went up easily. 85 went up well also. Went to 95 next and had no problem. JM told me I probably had 105 – 110 in me. So . . . put on another 10lbs and hit a PR at 105. Pressed it out a bit at the top though. Went up to 110 and made my first attempt but w/ more of a press out. Ugly but it counted. Made 2 attempts at 115 but was pretty shot – mentally and physically. Next time. Happy with the 15 lbs PR.
The wheels came off in WOD 3. 7min AMRAP, 9 Deadlift, 7 Power Clean, 5 Shoulder to overhead at 115 lbs. Was surprised by how much I struggled here because I can (usually) clean and split jerk this weight pretty easily. Missed two rounds by three shoulder to overheads (Bob btw finished 8 rounds). I think I was just too tired at this point. First two rounds took a toll and I should have eaten more in between rounds. My forearms were tired and had trouble cleaning the bar. Kept forgetting to put my feet together after I jerked the weight up and had 2 no reps.
That said . . . a great experience. Wouldn’t mind trying something like this again at some point. Big ups to Bob who took home the title in his age bracket – Jay R
I hit 118 reps the first round, a PR on the snatch at 125 (almost hit 130 on my third attempt at it). Last round I got 4 rounds plus 4 deadlifts.
I want to thank Josh again for all of his help with warming up and sideline coaching. The event went pretty smooth (except for Bob’s age group awards getting skipped until after it was all over) I will let him tell his great stories of victory. I think not only did we have a great turnout for CFSBK but for masters in general. Some very impressive athletes. I wish we had even one female athlete show as there was only two so a lock for at least third place was there for the taking. The North Haven CrossFit was a great box, with friendly people and a great atmosphere for the event.
I would certainly do it again. – Keith W
Attention CFSBK Coders and Techies!
We’ve got a big contingent of members from the tech and start-up community at our box, so this one’s for you. Rob U is leading an “Hour of Code” event at PS/MS 282 this Friday, 12/13, from 9am to 11am, for the 4th grade there. “Hour of Code” is part of national Computer Science Education Week, which is going on now. If you’re interested in doing a cool volunteer activity to teach kids to code for a couple hours, send a note to Rob at runderwood5 (at)
Check out CFSBK alums Gabrus and Justin’s new show premiering on Comedy Central Studios, Strong Island
Bench Press: 155x5x3
Feeling better with this finally, excited to rebuild this lift this cycle
Squat Clean: 198x1x9 OTM
All felt good but for some reason missed the 10th rep twice.
Split Jerk: 132x3x6
Working my dip/drive mechanics. Honorary coach JBailz kept me on point.
Some upper back work.
Got an Oly meet in Jersey in a few weeks so I've been biasing my programming a bit.
Loved the Masters recaps! Keith, gimme five years and I'll join you guys 😉
@Stella – just use your fake id from high school. Worked for me.
6am with McDowell and Jess. Worked up to 135 on the snatch complex, but nothing felt solid, so dropped back down to 115 for a few additional reps. The last two reps felt nice and solid. Worked up to 245×5 on the back squats. Reps at 225 felt great and the ones at 245 felt slow. Cash-out was interesting. Used a 32KG KB, but could have gone heavier.
Four more years and I'll be all about the masters competitions!
Last night:
Bench: 70x5x2, 65×5, then a bonus 60×5 set because Elise and I finished early
WOD, scaled for preggo, 3 rounds of:
1 minute pallof press, 10 reps each side
1 minute squat thrusts
1 minute dumbbell snatch @ 25
1 minute rest
Pallof press is such an awesome pregnancy sub for anything ab-related, thanks DO for the idea!
Nice job, old guys!
Any of the photographers of CFSBK available for a short job (<1 hr) thursday night. Need a zoom lens and some james bond skills. shoot me an email at . it's not as shady as it sounds
Great photo and impressive job fellow oldies! Hopefully I'll join you next year! Special congratulations for Bob who got the title in his age group!
ohey – rip is in huffpo:
hey fox I will be there next year and I won't be only old I will be old and fit!! HA!!!
Tomorrow's WOD:
Snatch Complex:
88, 88, 110, 110, 132, 132, 154, 154, 165, 173(f)
This included the cleanest catches I've had at 154 and 165. 173 was just a little early. Could have stood it up but didn't want to reinforce a bad position
Kept it reasonably light as my back has been a little tight lately.
KBS at 32kg. Could have gone heavier.
Right on Masters!! One of these days I hope to join you all!
Gabrus, dude, that was some funny shit. Very excited for you guys!
I like exclamation points!
Second and last post from Crossfit North Industry in Livonia, Michigan.
Strength: Work up to a heavy 3 of sumo dead lift. Got to 175# and felt my back quietly complaining a bit so called it there, even though I wanted to do more.
WOD: 21-15-9 of: wall balls (14# @ 9'), overhead walking lunges (35#), and double unders. RXed in 6:43, with the hardest part being the lunges.
Sad to come back to the daily NYC
grind but excited to come back to my peeps at CFSBK!
Did yesterday's workout at 4:30pm. Been low energy and kinda brain dead since the weekend, but I was looking forward to this one.
Bench press 75# x 5 x 2; then 12 on the rep-out. Stopped there because of the cap, but there were more. Oh the possibilities at the beginning of a cycle
149 points on the work-out.
– T2B – 20, 16, 20 in 2 or 3 sets each, hit a good rhythm.
– Burpees – 17, 16, 16, slow but steady.
– DB Snatch #25 – 16, 14, 14, winded and grip started to go, but I like these.
Thought I could do this as rx'd, but Jeremy rejected that notion after witnessing my pathetic left-handed attempt at 35# and then 30#, and it turns out if I could do math it would have been closer to 40# anyway, so… not even close. But I swear I get better at these as the work-out progresses.
Wednesday's workout at 8:30 with Josh.
This was my first time practicing the full squat snatch… I definitely have a habit of going into that 1/4 squat instead. The three pauses also took a lot out of it for me – I find it much, much harder to load my hamstrings when pulling from the bottom. So much more to work on, but I kind of love the snatch. Worked up to 115 then went back down to 95 to practice catching low.
HBBS 220x5x3, felt heavy but room to go up. Then cashout with 32kg, I'm really happy with how this weight has gotten easier and easier for me to manage. Run was brisk and felt good.
Off to sunnier places for a few days, back in class on Monday!
Also – Gabrus, Funny stuff. Congratulations! I look forward to checking out more,
And congrats to the Masters who competed last weekend. Sounds like an awesome experience.
those snatches got the best of me, that's for sure.
and then it turns out that in two weeks time i forgot how to high bar back squat.
i am the worst at every-goddamn-thing. BUT! i keep coming. one day… just watch. one day, i will be good at something. YOU JUST WAIT.
Good work, Masters!!
Snatch worked up to 73#. Made two, missed one. Didn't feel great going into the night, and all of the pausing didn't help my confidence (although I'm sure it helped something, my muscle memory maybe). Every rep felt wrong. Wah wah.
HBBS 115x5x3 Felt a little heavy, but in a normal way
Cash out with 20kg KB and 600m row
50 push-ups for time: 7:51, somehow faster than last Friday even though they were mostly doubles. Felt so hard, but happy that I displayed a little self discipline for once.
4.30pm after two consecutive rest days.. I did a ton of foam rolling, orb-ing, lax ball-ing and ouch stretching over the last two days. I even found a way to lax ball my knee at work in an acceptable and unnoticeable manner. The bottle fridge is just the right height.
Bench press with Marie- 90 x 5 x 3. This may have been a little heavy for the first exposure as I finished the last cycle at 95# but it did not feel difficult so we'll see.
I skipped the WOD and rowed instead- I got through the two 20 minute pieces, but my heart wasn't in it today.
Stayed on for a fun and productive AR class afterwards. Love the new space. I am going to try to get into as many AR classes as possible until my knee stops hurting.
Loved reading about the Masters comp. Well done you guys and Nancy I will come cheer you on you when you do it next year.
Glad to be back in the gym tonight after a looong vacation full of bad food and little real exercise.
Bench: 195×5, 5, 10
Did the workout with a 60# DB and went 40/38/32
Left anterior delt felt no bueno in the 3rd round, probably the mix of benching, then kipping, then burpees, then decelerating the db. Took it slow but now its a bit tender to the touch. Yowch.
Gabrus and Justin…Art imitates life.