5 Rounds for Time of:
Run 400m
21 Deadlifts, 185/135
Today’s deadlifts should feel medium/light given the total volume. Scale accordingly.
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Coat Drive for New York Cares Starts Today
Hey CFSBKers! Winter is Coming! This year, CFSBK will partner with New York Cares, and organization that collects 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. We will begin collecting on Sunday, December 1st and will accept gently used winter coats until Friday, December 6th. So be a good, clothes-eschewing CrossFitter, clean out those closets, and let’s show New York how strong our community can be!
How Heavy is Too Heavy? Choosing Training Weights Cathletics
CrossFit Cheaters Anonymous: “Rx’ing” WODs CrossFit 781
Stella says
WOD 18:41 Rx. It's good to be back! (although I'm going to be out of town again soon — going to Nola for a work trip on Friday)
Nick Peterson says
15:10 Rx'd. Oof. Fun workout!
pcker says
WOD 17:46 @ 135. Kept up with Nick for the first two rounds, but: no way. Yeow.
Nancy says
WOD 18:45 105lbs
Cash out for me was hollow holds over the toilet vomiting! I over ate this week and also gained 10 lbs I seriously have to start eating healthy again
ariel c says
You still look beautiful nancy!
Although maybe not during your personalized cash out. I'm happy not to know that.
Chrisfoxnyc@Gmail.com says
18:33 Rx'd
That was different than I expected.
KMo says
Dropped in at a local box. Forgot my notebook, so I'll document here.
FSQ: 113x3x5
Then, 3 Rounds:
10 Hang power cleans @ 83#
15 ring rows
20 squat thrusts
Accessory work:
3 Rounds:
GHD static holds ~:30
Back extension static holds ~1:00
Side planks/pillars ~:30 each side, although it was probably more like :20 or :25 and then :10 and :05 because I kept losing my balance
Nancy says
Lol thanks Ariel!!!
Janelle says
Strength Cycle recap –
162.5×5 (heavy 5 PR),
Bench Press (close grip):
Xmas bands – 6, 8, 8
Felt really beat up this morning. Happy that the 162.5 moved well. Sets of 10 in squats and bench press was an interesting change of pace. The weight felt light but the burn by the last couple of reps was intense. Feeling strong. It was nice to end Nov and start Dec with PRs.
lady fox says
What Chris didn't mention in his post is that we just spent 11hrs in the car and then went straight to the gym to do this Wod.
17:27 rx'd for 4 rounds so a big fat DNF.
-moved well during the first 3 rounds but back got so heated during the 4th run that it pretty much stopped me. Took me over 3 minutes in the 4th round to finish those dl's so I called it.
-cashed out with some hollow rocks and low back stretching.
-I knew I wouldn't handle this wod well after being in the car for so long and because my low back has been tight for the past week. Definitely an appropriate finish to crush week!
Laura Mc says
Finally made it out of my turkey haze and into the gym for open gym. Decided to do snatch work and Isabel, mostly because I was too cold to run. Got up to 105# on the power snatch (a pr), and finished Isabel rx'd in 6:30. Slow, but it's at least a number to work at beating. Felt really good to move my body after sitting in the car for so many hours over the last few days.
Carlos says
18:55 rx. This was a good one for me. I treated the run as recovery and did the DL's as quickly as I could.
Thomas says
18:34 at 135
Whit H says
Ran 1.7 miles to the gym as a nice warm-up on this sunny sunday!
18:37 at 115#.
First set of DL's unbroken. After that: 11-10, 12-9, 12-9, 12-9. Something really helpful about getting over half of those bad boys done in one chunk, taking a breather, shaking it out, and finishing up. Happy with this scale… was able to focus on staying tight and not hyperextending in my upper back as well as driving thru heels to stand the weight up. In the runs, stayed focus on a bit of ab tension and falling fwd so as to not crunch my back. During the third and fourth round, I definitely walked the first 10 steps on the sidewalk before starting to run again.
Cash Out: carry a (hopefully) week's worth of groceries up the hill to my house, and then cook a big frittata and a giant pot of soup to eat this week!
Lauren says
Yoga class this morning.
Really nice to be able to go to open gym as well today.
1500m row
Deadlift – 175×5 good
Bench press – 90x3x3 maybe should have gone heavier, bar path not the best
Some "yogi-style" handstands — working on straight legs coming up in unison
runderwood5@gmail.com says
24:37 at 135# in "extra innings" (open gym). My back will be sore tomorrow. Thanks Melo for running tips.
A couple nut jobs were doing "The Don". A couple more nut balls were pulling the sled outside. Filming was happening too. It was a fun night, great vibe.