Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps and Rx from all 32 intervals to comments.
We are ONLY holding 8am, 9am and 10am Group Classes today
We’d like you to meet Albert William “Billy” Forsythe, born 11/3/13 at 6:35 am. Born to two CFSBKers and delivered by another, midwife extraordinaire Jessica Goldman. Now an advanced three weeks old, Billy is already tired out from his PRing with his barbell rattle.
CFSBK is Thankful for you!
We’ve posted this as an athlete of the month article however the language and sentiment keeps being appropriate! We coaches would like to honor you all, and this is the forum to do it in. You come to Degraw street from near and far, even spending up to an hour on a bike or a subway car to train with us. You come to us early in the morning before work or school, you make time in your lunch hours to WOD with us, and you even make it in in the evening after a long day spent at a desk or caring for kids. You do ‘shifts’ at the gym, caring for your children while your spouse gets their WOD on. You’re willing to hold someone else’s kid so that their mom or dad can finish up at the end of a class. You make time for not just the fitness aspect of CFSBK but you also put in hours and energy to volunteer at events both in-house and on the road. You do your best to learn the names of the people who are squatting and skipping rope next to you. You cheer, hoot, and holler encouragement at your people. SBKers are YOUR people…You lift hard, you row hard, and you push yourself and everyone around you to be better. You are coachable. You are humble, and eager to help a new member feel right at home. You travel and visit CrossFit gyms around the country and world at large and represent South Brooklyn well. You are proud, if not even a little conceited, that you work out at CrossFit South Brooklyn. You bring your dogs into the gym so the dog-less among you can get a little canine love in the form of a belly rub or a lower leg tongue bath. You socialize outside of the gym with other SBKers and know how to show love the Brooklyn way, whether or not you were born here. Most of all, you ‘get it’. You are not selfish and you love to see people do well, which is a big part of why we do well.
Thanks to all you special people who make CFSBK what it is and are part of our team. It doesn’t exist without you.
What is one thing your’e thankful for and where do you find yourself on Thanksgiving/Hanukkah today?
The Benefits if Bulletproof Coffee
10 Things I want my daughter to know about working out
A Stroll Around the World
Congratulations you guys! I have been working out alongside Maggie for a long time and she is the balls. Hope you have a wonderful holiday this year with your new little one.
And a Happy Thanksgiving to all my dope peeps at CFSBK. I love this place. Now, for the next 12 hours, the WOD is AMRAP stuffing!
We are in Providence where Nick just taught his mom to back squat. I'm thankful that by the time I'm her age I'll have been squatting for 38 years. And I'm ever thankful that Nick did that makeup shift at the Park slope food coop with Margie almost five years ago that got us both here.
Congrats Maggie and family!!! So good to get some news about you- I was wondering how you were getting along. You guys look so happy! Hope to see you soon.
Surprise WOD was fun this morning! Iloved this workout!! I got 367 reps with ring rows and push-ups with orange band. Ring rows fell apart so fast!!! Wow! I was so sore from yesterday's push-ups and I am glad that I successfully managed to use the band as last time I tried it was all sorts of weird. I made up the numbers on the sit-ups and squats and then somehow found energy to do some rowing afterwards with some of my fellow Crash-Beasts.
Fun morning at the gym. Thank you all for being so awesome. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
I am thankful for this day and this question which has made me realize that I am thankful for too many things to start listing them here. So thanks for asking,
Many Mazel Tovs to you both!! This WOD looks super fun, a little bummed to miss it.
This year I'm at my sister's for Thanksgiv-ukkah. The fam is spread out all over the country so I'm thankful we all get to be in one place at one time!!
I'm also very thankful for having CFSBK in my life!! A little over a year ago, I walked into the box to check it out and ask questions (thanks Noah!). I started foundations with Josh, who made me realize I was in the right place from day one! I'm thankful for what I have learned about our sport and what I have learned about myself! I'm thankful for being part of this community and thankful for the people that make it so!! I'm thankful to the coaches who are some of the most inspiring teachers! Thank you CFSBK!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND HAPPY CHANNUKAH!!
Happy thanksgiving! And congrats, Maggie and Eli!
I'm thankful to be spending time with family today. And that I'm married to the kind of gal who gets up to CrossFit with me on Thanksgiving morning…
Team WOD
1 min each for reps:
Jump squat
Pull up
DB Snatch 75
2 minutes:
Complex of 5ea DL-HPC-FSQ-PJ-BSQ @135/95
Partners chose one of the movemts. I did jerks, and of course Jess joined me and 3 other guys and did the FSQ at 135.
21 minutes of fun. I lost count early on. Fun to move around and make some new friends. Now I'm settling in for whiskey and turkey!
I am thankful to have some amazing people in my life who make me laugh, spark my interest, and inspire me to strive to be better.
I am thankful for my health and that of those I love.
I am thankful that there's an extraordinary place a few blocks away that is welcoming, fun and supportive, that I somehow found it, and that it has changed my life.
I haven't even had any wine yet.
I'm proud to be a CFSBKer because of all you guys. And I'm very thankful for that. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I'm thankful that I'm at a place here this kind of post gets written… And that by dumb luck when I decided to check out crossfit, I stumbled into the best box in Brooklyn. Maybe even the country? We did host 13.2… I think that says something. I hope everyone has a great t-day… I will now attempt a turkey ambap (as many bites as possible)… No time limit.
@bradd, best in the world even??? Though I am thankful for my welcoming CrossFit family over here in Manila while I'm a temporary expat, I can't wait to get back to Brooklyn to work out with all you bad-asses again.
CF MNL OG again (until they program a shorter WOD or one without 60+ burpees!)
45×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 255×1 275×1(PR) 295xf,1(PR)
Didn't keep my chest up on the failed attempt at 295, but I knew I had it, got it up (sloooooowly) on the second attempt, linked above. This was a 30# PR over last cycle's heavy single, and only 10# off from my post-Strength low-bar PR. I think I like this GSLP stuff!
Weighted chin
BWx5 20×3 35×1 45×1 55×1 65×1
Max Height Box jump
24×4 30×3 36×1 38×1 40xF,F,F,1
Psyched myself out after the first miss at 40 but 38 was so easy I kept at it until I committed again and got one. These are fun.
5rft (5:40)
10 wall ball 20/10
10 kb swing 2pd
5 pull-ups
Figured I needed to do SOME conditioning before eating a giant Thai Thanksgiving dinner. This was planned out as EMOTM for 5 minutes but the first round took a minute, so it was just a matter of holding on and not stopping to the finish. All 3 movements unbroken for all rounds.
Spent the day in Jersey. I'm happy that I could easily be with my immediate family, something I get reminded of not taking for granted on days like today.
I'm thankful for all the CFSBK coaches and staff for being the glue that holds this whole thing together. I'm also thankful for their seemingly endless patience with me.
I'm thankful for the community of people who walk through out doors and give us the privilege of coaching them and letting us into their lives.
I'm thankful that I get to ride my bike to work everyday and in general for my fitness.
I'm thankful to Greg Glassman for starting CrossFit. I have no idea where I would be in my life today without it, and frankly, don't want to know.
I'm thankful that I live in Brooklyn and have access to so many interesting events, people, art and culture.
I'm especially thankful to all the people who post on the blog!
I'm also thankful for naps. naps are the best.
i am so fucking grateful for cfsbk. i love it and the ripples it makes through the rest of my life, making everything else so much more awesome.
any chance that, since today was a thanksgiving wod, there will be an alternate wod tomorrow, so that people can come thurs, fri, and saturday? just thought id ask. 🙂
oh and also… i love the "10 things i want my daughter to know" link. thanks for that.
I am thankful for my parents and their support .
That said, I am also eternally greatful to CFSBK for getting me through several difficult points in my life the past few years. It has made all the difference and has helped in ways far beyond fitness and being in shape.
Happy day after thanksgiving all. I spent mine in the Philippines with Todd for the second year in a row.
I'm so thankful that cfsbk has made me love crossfit so much that I never want to stop pushing myself further. As I said my goodbyes to my coach here he said I wouldn't be allowed back if I get any better. <3
We did 12 minutes of 2 reps on the minute power clean and push press in one fluid movement. My movement was not fluid and I smashed myself in the face in round two while being guided through it. Was I looking at the bar? Always something! I also think at some point we started getting more time between lifts. I went 65×2, 75×2, 95f-90×2, 95×2, 100×2, stayed with 100 for 1-2 reps. Tried 105 and just didn't get under it. Finished with 1 at 100. Something like that.
Then 100 ohs, 3 burpees on the min.
55# first minute ohs, then burpees started. 16,7,3 this started feeling unmanageable. So I went down to 45# 7,5,2,5,5,4,6,5,/,5,6,6 faaaaa burpees were snakey and I did not care and couldn't have pushed straight up if I wanted to.
42 burpees, 82 ohs. At the 15 min time cap. I love crush week.
I spent a couple moments to write down the 100 things for which I am thankful. It is at One of these is our amazing box and the CrossFit community. What a wonderful community.
I did the 8am yesterday. I didn't get many pull-ups in, even with blue band, but my other 3 exercises were good and I pulled off 287 reps.
David posted about the PS/MS 282 chess team campaign on the blog today. I hope you'll consider a donation at Remember to use the promo code INSPIRE in the promo code box at check-out.
Happy Thanksgiving!!