Work up to a 1RM clean in 7 or fewer attempts.
Post loads to comments.
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Squat Clean 135/95
Ring Dips
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 10.13.11Jen S doing a hang Squat Snatch
- Happy Birthday Ryan J, Melissa P and Stephanie H!
- Happy belated 30th, Alan L!
- Another reminder, tomorrow we’ll only be running classes at 8, 9 and 10am.
Got Meat? New CSA Options!
You spoke, and Herondale listened!
By popular demand, Herondale Farm has expanded their meat CSA options to include a 20-lb value share. They’ve also rolled out a la carte ordering for all current CSA members, so if you’ve been itching to order extra steaks or a big roast for the holidays, they’ve got you covered.
In addition to Herondale’s meat, chicken and eggs, we also now offer shares in the Jacuterie Salami Club, which features monthly delivery of delicious cured sausage made with Herondale’s all-natural, pastured pork.
For all the details, plus updated information on our vegetable and egg CSA programs, please visit the revised CSA info page.
Ask the Doc: I Have Lower Back Pain! Tabata Times
5:30pm class on Tuesday.
(83, 103), 123, 133, 143, 153, 158, 163f, 163PR
-i just didn't commit to anything on my first attempt at 163. wasn't even a good high pull. took rest and then kept muttering to myself, 'commit and get down'. it worked!
-it's really scary to jump underneath a heavy barbell but I have to trust in my strength to stand it up. again, putting it out there but a pipe dream goal of mine would be a 185 clean.
rx'd the squat cleans but scaled the ring dips to 9-6-3. if not, I would probably still be there.
-did my best to kip them, but basically it's ends up a silly frog kick followed by a strict, wobbly dip. need to practice this!
Cashout: ~2mins each side in couch stretch.
plan on lax balling during the long drive today to Ohio. hoping this storm isn't as bad as they're making it out to seem.
630 Tuesday class – worked up to 215 on the clean for a 10# PR. Big thanks to lady fox for telling me to get the body down and those elbows up faster. Really helped feel more stable in the catch.
Wod 13:41 rx. I've done Elizabeth a few times with power cleans but never full squat. And my lower back was rather unhappy about the change.
Hey All. I found a pair of forest green ear-buds + cord in front of the front desk this morning. I put them up on the desk so hopefully their owner would see them as they left class today. My guess is someone in 6 or 7am.
If they're yours, come stop by the desk and inquire!
12pm Tuesday
Hit 205 on the clean, which is only 4# off my PR. Tried 215, racked it, but was not able to stand it up.
15:31 on Elizabeth scaled to 15-9-6 on the ring dips.
6am private with Josh. Worked up to 243 for an ugly jerk. Had some prettier reps at lower weights, but I can't convince my body to drop when the weight gets heavier. Josh showed me a video of a missed rep and I'm getting the bar more than high enough, just not getting down. Worked a few sets of jerk balance. Feels good when I keep the bar moving straight up, but too often I move it forward as well. Need to work this drill more. Next, I worked up to 243 for a heavy bench press triple. Lastly, Josh had me do tomorrow's workout: 328 reps. A bit off my previous mark of 357, but I'll point to all the earlier work today and yesterday's Elizabeth as an excuse. Went home and devoured a huge plate of leftover steak and sauteed kale. Time for a nap.
Hey everyone!
If you're going to be back in town on Sunday night, I'll be MCing a bar trivia night for the first time at 68 Jay St Bar in DUMBO, where Charlie N tends bar.
I would be most appreciative if you would come (and bring friends). If we get enough butts in seats, I might be able to host pub quiz on a regular basis. Which would RULE!
Sunday, 12/1, 7 PM, 68 Jay St Bar. Be there!
Power Cleans…
drills @ 33# and 63#
83, 103, 113, 113, 113, 123F. Did three reps at 113# because the first one was ugly. it didn't get much better. not extending thru my hips fully, bar is coming fwd, grip too tight. landed them on my sternum. tried for 123 as a last ditch effort, but i don't think it got past my hips.
118# is my previous 1RM, so seeing as I'm still coming back from wrist injury and haven't been working these… I'm happy and confident there's more in the near future! Throwing it out there: my bold goal is to clean my BW by the end of next cycle.
Elizabeth: 21-15-9, 75# power cleans and blue band ring dips.
Time: 9:12
Cleans felt fast and pretty fun, was able to keep moving and didn't take much rest. Would cycle the first 2-3 in the first two rounds, then then just control-bailed the bar after that. Ring dips felt like a good choice with the band. 7-7-7 first round, then 5-5-3-2, then 4-3-2. After all the pushup and burpees I've done lately, it was good to mix it up — the stabilization component really changes everything 🙂
Yay!!! What Stella said! Come join- it'll be fun!
Shitty sleep last night meant I only made it to 12pm class today and did not have time to row afterwards. Sad face.
Got to 108# on the power cleans- pretty wobbly, but a PR nonetheless.
'Elizabeth' in 10.05 with (questionable) power cleans at 83# and strict push-ups. I feel like any time we do high volume cleans, I kind of forget everything I have learned and practiced but I guess/hope they probably looked more like cleans than they would have a few months ago. I failed on the push-ups on four separate occasions, so this slowed me down a lot, but I just refused to drop to my knees because it is one of my goals not to do knee push-ups anymore. Even if they are in sets of one or two.
1RM power clean @ #133 PR
Power Elizabeth: #87, push ups (knees) 9:11
Hips/SI joint feels out of whack/alignment and knee is still tender from jamming
it in DU on Monday. Strict push-ups felt super crappy. Couldn't get the support from locking out my knees/strong legs because of my hips/knee so went to knees.
Cleans from the floor didn't feel great. Organized them in 5s as best I could. Feel like the bar comes too far forward from the floor but not quite sure where that starts to happen.
Hit 165# on the power cleans. I failed twice at 185#
I would love to rx this WOD. Naturally.
Did mine with 115# power cleans and push ups 6:20.
I should have gone for the full squats, but it was the first time I've had cleans in a workout, and I didn't know how I'd feel with the volume.
I practiced rings dips afterwards. I have a long way to go.
Noon class yesyerday.
Clean – 231. A few ponds off a pr but an easy make
Elizabeth Rx'd in 9:38. That bar felt so light after heavy cleans. Was anxious about all the squat cleans but felt and feel fine!
102 on my cleans all full squats from the bottom!! Whoop whoop!!
Tried 105 dropped down fast and caught it but could not front squat it all the way up! I tried it 3 times and could not bring it up ,So took the 2.5 plates off and got the 1lbs and was able to do it I caught it at the bottom and front squat it all the way up!!! So happy I have this movement looking pretty!
After all that trying I was exhausted for Elizabeth tried 65lbs and was dead tired our class had a 10 min cap which sucks because it's crush week and we should be able to complete our benchmarks so I got up to the 6 out of the 9 cleans and I did them with knee push ups .
6:30 tonight with Arturo.
Went 80, 100, 110, 115Fx2 on the cleans (kg) That's a 242# clean, definitely a PR. Came into the cycle with a 225# PR so pretty jazzed about that. A little soft at the bottom, but a good pull and fast drop. Failed 115 twice, out in front.
Elizabeth RX in 9:17. Pacing on the cleans was a bit slow. Never took any real rest, but just didn't move with enough urgency. Ring dips felt fast until the very last one, which I failed! Added about 10 seconds to my time- stupid!
I came face to face with death this morning.
On a few hours of sleep I went to 7 am crossfit. The warm ups are exactly as I remember. Fast,fast,fast.
8 mins 2 reps on the minute. Snatch. Started at 55#. 2nd round 65#. 3-4th round 70#. Started to not get under it and muscle it up but thought I was just getting to 65# and wanted to push through being weak. Went back down to 65 for the rest and had much better form. I do not feel like I'm missing crush week.
Not much rest. Should not have gone into this one like this. Paid with the scary reality of almost fainting. 10,9,8,7….1
Thrusters 55#
Med ball cleans 7kg (had a moment of shrug clarity here but legs got destroyed)
Pull ups.
Got through 7 strict and went to kipping. Only made it to 4 thrusters at the 16 min cap. I was not interested in finishing this wod. If I had panicked about the breathing it would've been much worse. I got home and ate and am drinking a lot of water and juice.
95×2, 135×1, 155×1, 165×1, 175×1, 180×1, 185×1 (pr) 190 (f)
185 felt fine and 190 felt impossible… strange how that happens.
Did Elizabeth at 115 with full squat. Made it through the 15 round at the 10 minute cap. Doing the full squat took more out than I thought it would.
PR-ed the cleans at 125#. After a rough cycle of feeling like I was regressing on the cleans, they came together today. Willie said that 115# looked easy on me which was the right encouragement. I have the strength, but not the form and mobility to lift more — it felt good to do a bit better today.