10 Rounds For Time of:
3 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders
– Box piked HSPU or Push-ups as appropriate. If you can’t perform a full range of motion press on the box, it’s not going to be as productive of an exercise. Prioritize range of motion and control.
– Substitute 15 attempts or 100 singles per round
– There is a 20 minute cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Mare L’s picture perfect Front Squat
- There is no Yoga For Athletes this Friday, 11/29. Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey regarding more times for Yoga at CFSBK. If you haven’t cast your vote, please check out the Yoga Schedule Survey.
- We will only be hosting 8, 9 and 10am CrossFit Group Classes on Thursday, 11/28 for Thanksgiving. All other days will be on as normally scheduled.
- Love Handstands? There are two upcoming Handstand Fundamentals workshops taught by Yuri Marmerstein coming up in the city on December 7th and 8th. Anyone interested?
- Crush Week starts today through Sunday. Get stoked.
- There is a new article up on coach DOs new blog, Inside The Affiliate. Please share this post with anyone you know who is interested in CrossFit, if you feel so inclined!
CFSBK Coat Drive for New York Cares
Hey CFSBKers! Winter is Coming! This year, CFSBK will partner with New York Cares, and organization that collects 100,000 gently used winter coats each November and December and distributes them to thousands of men, women, and children who would otherwise go without them. We will begin collecting on Sunday, December 1st and will accept gently used winter coats until Friday, December 6th. So be a good, clothes-eschewing CrossFitter, clean out those closets, and let’s show New York how strong our community can be!
“Grace” with an Atlas Stone CrossFit
What the Heck Is Insulin and How Does It Affect Blood Sugar and Fat Loss? Greatist
Hey all, McKensey and I are moving to Prospect Heights on January 1, thanks to the hook up from DH3 and Rebecca.
Our current 1BR apartment in Cobble Hill, on Clinton and Amity will be available. We have to find somebody to take the lease over until May 1, with an option to renew. Let me know if you're interested, or a friend is interested, or a friend of a friend is interested, and I can give details and pics and such. Email me a joel dot wertheimer at gmail dotcom
45×5 95×4 135×3 165×1 175×1 (BW+PR) 185xF,F
45×5 95×4 135×3 165×2 195×1 215×1 225×1*,F
So 225 would have been a PR, but there is a difference of opinion over here as to what "spot me, please don't help out" means. Got a little hands-on "all you bro" on the lockout on that first rep which I'm sure I could have gotten. Tried again and I got stuck half way up.
135×5 185×4 225×3 275×1 305×1 315xF,F
I WILL get back above 3 wheels some day. Hate deadlifts.
Clean pulls
Lost it a little bit on the third rep. Still can't wait to try cleaning 215 later this week.
I was THISCLOSE to going right back to bed when I saw what the WOD was ๐
I was actually kind of happy when I heard that almost no one in 6 AM finished. Thought to myself, "I guess that means I'm not doing 100 burpees!"
7 rounds and change with piked HSPUs, strict burpees, and 20 DU attempts/round. Today was not an especially good DU day for me. Oh well, not gonna cry about that. Spending more time on double unders means spending less time doing burpees!
15:33 Rx'd
Fun WOD, took longer than I thought it would considering I didn't fail on HSPU or anything. All of the pushing really adds up though and after seeing that so few people in 6 AM finished I paced out the burpees from the beginning.
6am with NickDowell. 9 rounds + 3 hspu Rx. Had trouble with the doubles the first two rounds before settling in. HSPUs were good up until round 8. Burpees sucked throughout.
6am with Nick and McDowell
Hit 8 rounds even before the time cap. Used two abmats for the HSPUs and went strict the whole way because I still feel like kipping HSPUs look scary. First 6 rounds were unbroken but when I lost them I really lost them. Switched to 1-1-1 after that.
Burpees sucked but what else is new. Just need to pace them well.
Totally underestimated how taxed my shoulders would be and the double unders had them burning! First and last sets were unbroken. Middle sets were 15-15 then 10-10-10.
Hello crush week.
Day One of vacation meant I could come to the noon class again, which was fun and tiny. 7 rounds + a couple burpees. I started doing actual HSPU with two abmats, but switched to piked for the last couple rounds because I kept failing. After two rounds, everything except the burpees were broken. My deltoids have never hurt that badly. Also, I swear, my burpees were so slow they looked dainty. Fox may disagree.
Even though I would have loved to be able to do the HSPU throughout, I have a new goal (which shall be achieved by working on my strict press), and I started drinking beer at 3 pm, so basically, I'm winning overall.
I may come to my first 6 am class tomorrow before heading to Boston for a few days. Hmmmm…
I can't believe how much my arms already hurt, just from the weekend. I feel ill prepared for crush week.
Come to 6am @Kate R! Bedhead, dried drool and pillow creases on faces await you.
10am w/ Mr Noah
Thanks to the wise words from Coach Fox, decided to approach this WOD fully prepared to take on what he would call the "manstand pushup". Started out with 1 abmat at first, then by round 2 the shoulders were already starting to feel spicy…so i moved to 2.
Ended up getting 9 rds + 2HSPUs (2 abm)
Even though I didn't finish, I was glad I decided slow it down a bit in order to focus on establishing some strict strength. I love me some kipping, but I definitely plan on starting out the next cycle with a little more precaution until the olllld shoulder joint feels 100% again. Fun morning overall!
This WOD whooped my ra$$.
At the end of the class I decided to take a try at the Broad Jump. On my 3rd attempt I jumped 9' 7''–a personal best and above and beyond the goal I set for myself this month.
Next, 1 muscle up.
4:30 class
WOD in 16:23 Rx'd
Set out with a <15min goal and a plan to do each round unbroken and rest for the remainder of 90 seconds. Plan held up until the 7th round where lack of lung convinced me to rest 'a bit' longer. Did the HSPU strict and unbroken, the burpees methodically slow until the last round, and tripped up on 2 rounds of DU (one at 29!!). Overall this was harder than I anticipated when programming it. Fun though. If I had been able to pay attention to where Fiore or Jess were I might have been able to push the throttle a bit more. As it was I just got lost in my plan and was unaware of what anyone else was really doing.
I am already feeling sad about not being able to hit more of Crush Week as we leave early Wednesday am…lots of fun in store.
9 rounds plus 3 piked push ups. I usually find myself very frustrated on these WOD's when I get this close and don't finish, thinking I could have gone faster or not rested as much. This one had none of that. I couldn't have done more, I was spent at the end. I liked it.
4.30pm with DO.
Warmed up with group class and then rowed, for a long time. I did not suffer from WOD envy today, though it did look like fun. Enjoying training for Crash-B's so far.
4:30pm class with the Boss Man.
16:45 rx'd.
-honestly, my goal was to finish within the cap so I'm happy with this. It definitely helped that Fox was next to me and was my rabbit. I thought I might have him in the last round. We started the hspu's at the same time and I got down to my first burpee before him. But, he's just faster than I am at burpees and edged me out.
-all hspu's kipping and unbroken. burpees were slow but steady. du's were only unbroken during my last 4 rounds and maybe one other in the middle.
-elbows are pretty flared up right now from all the pullups yesterday and from today. Had Fox voodoo me after class and it made them immediately feel a little looser.
I'm also sad we'll be missing most of crush week, but we visit a great box in Troy Ohio (Practice Crossfit) where we'd probably be able to follow along. Their programming is usually pretty solid though so we might just do what regular classes are doing.
Also, I got my first strict hspu today while I was waiting around for a late client. That was exciting and has been a goal of mine for forever. The only other major goal I have is a muscle up. *sigh*
Approx 7 weeks out from Meet.
Hang Snatch+Snatch
Back Squat
Split Press
1. Epicurious released this morning two gluten-free stuffing recipes if that's your jam:
2. This has killed me all day and I can't stop singing it. Its so terrible. A cover band in Vegas did a version of Run to the Hills in the style of Michael MacDonald. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyCE8DVIOs0 I'm currently listening to Iron Maiden in hopes to crush this out of my brain.
3. Just in case people have not been on the interwebs today, Seth Rogan and James Franco did an exact version of Kanye's Bound 2. It is brilliant. Their chemistry is off the charts. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/11/25/watch-james-franco-and-seth-rogen-s-hilarious-parody-of-kanye-west-s-music-video-for-bound-2.html
DMAK! If I had seen that you had done 9 rounds + 3 piked, that would have changed my strategy entirely…
9 rounds even, and I was super-smoked. Piked handstand pushups on a 20# box, unbroken doubles for 8 rounds + 1 round of 29+1. Derp! There was noplace to hide on this puppy, just work.
Eye of the Tiger on the PA in the middle made it quite awesome.
7:30 with DO + RO. 13:08 – Piked 20" box. I paced it all out from the beginning and did it all unbroken save for a few shin slaps on the DU's. I just told myself not to stop and not to rush the burpees till the last couple of rounds. By the last round I was able to speed up to finish. Probably this means I should have pushed a bit harder sooner. Would have really liked to have done this RX'd but my HSPU blows ๐ Very fun!
5:30 class with David and Arturo
Between rope climbing, gymnastics and all these wods and not having a rest day since Friday my arms feel like noodles. I wasn't able to even pike. I really wanted to do the 2 ab mat HSPU but I knew my arms were not going to make it so I decided to do the dumbellls finished 8 rounds and really enjoyed doing all the burpees with Gracie face to face and making sure we did not let each other stop!
Looking forward to rest day tomorrow
nice jess! that is so awesome! my current goal is a hspu with two abmats. i'm about an inch shy, i think. it feels like a mile but ill keep at it.
i did not like this workout. whenever there are double unders i just cant do the workout the way it's supposed to be done. too much time whipping myself with the rope and not enough time jumping over it.
hahaha JB!!! i thought i should watch kanye's version first. i havent even gotten up to the spoof and i'm already cracking up. what was he THINKING!
Bad workout for me. Bad, bad, bad. Spent so much time tripping over the rope or staring at the rope. Subs galore… 17.5# DB press, squat thrusts, 20 DUs (including attempts). 7 rounds + 1 DB press. Bleh. I will say… I didn't want to go today because I knew the DU's were going to be a problem. So I guess that's the bright spot – that I showed up. And I remembered to order Kettlebell Kitchen last week so now I have food. Good job, me.
5:30 with D-RO
After smacking my head on the corner of my trunk door this morning, I decided that symptoms of a slight concussion were worth over looking for crush week. It was going well…until the 3rd round when I landed hard on my DU and jammed up my knee and couldn't jump back up. I yelped. I was pissed because each round I had gotten through 15 DU unbroken. LIKE WHAT THE SHIT?!?! That's unheard of for me and then KABLAMO, no mas jumping. I did the last 4 rounds on one leg (burpees and single leg singles).
Burpee face off with nancy was the only thing from keeping me from thinking about the tenderness in my knee cap and stopping. I owe her this one…
Ps: willie suggests that they should just take me out back and shoot me….I'm starting to wonder if my injuries will ever improve ๐
I was looking forward to doing this today. I haven't done a longer one like this in a while and these are manageable sets of these movements for me.
My main problems were my arms feeling fried on the burpees and getting tripped up on the DUs more than I should have. In addition to my usual unexplainable DU mess-ups, there were some hair/wardrobe issues that could have been avoided. I should have been able to get most of these sets unbroken, or at least one! All this aside, I'm happy to have finished.
HSPUs – 3 rnds strict 2 abmats, hands on plates; 7 rnds kipping 1 abmat, hands on plates
Burpees – pretty much steady but slowed down due to the arm burn phenomenon
DUs – most in sets of 2 or 3 and a few train wreck sets for aforementioned reasons