5 Rounds For Time of:
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
15 Box Jumps, 24/20″
15 Kettlebell Swings, 32/24kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
Alan C shows off his rope climbing skillz at yesterday’s free Rope Climbing clinic
- We forgot our own birthday! Happy belated birthday (6 years) to CFSBK!
- Don’t forget that on Thanksgiving the gym will be open for 8, 9 and 10am Group classes with a special T-Gives WOD.
CFSBK’s First Blog Post Ever! (8.18.07)
CFBK is still in its developmental stages as our affiliation application is processed and i continue to purchase, make or take equipment as it becomes availible. Classes should be starting in St. Mary’s Playground located on Smith Street between Nelson and Luquer in Beautiful Carrol Gardens. St. Mary’s is equipped with plenty of places to do pullups, open area for running or tire flipping and not to mention our trusty F line right overhead to protect us from the elements.
Due to work constraints classes will only be offered Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. A concrete schedule will be developed once things get rolling and i see what times have the highest potential for people to come out and get fit.
In the meantime please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you might have at osoriod84@hotmail.com and don’t forget to check out Crossfit HQ at www.crossfit.com
Stay tuned for more updates!!
Ben Smith Snatches 300lbs (in nanos)
The 50 best images from the sporting highlights of 2012 Telegraph
Take a Vertigo-Inducing Walk into the Infinite Inside Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Rooms at David Zwirner in New York
aww. hotmail. <3
love the flashback blog post, and love seeing alan climb to the top again! as well as our discussion as to whether there are any other options besides climbing down the rope once you get up there.
lastly, loved today's wod. really fun 8 AM class with fox.
sugar talk. long but absolutely worthwhile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM
11am class
Rx'd in 13:57
Grippy and hard and slow. I broke everything up.
Go G-Men!
11am class
12:46 or 12:56 rx'd.
-yes very grippy. Broke up the pull-ups from the beginning. All box jumps fairly quick and unbroken. All swings unbroken but I really almost set it down in round 4. Chased MeLo's time but just didn't quite catch her. Fun class!
Now, Hunger Games then Cowboys-Giants football. Today's going to be a good day!
12pm class –
Ring rows, 24" box jumps, and 32, 32, 24?, 24?, 32kg kb russian-y swings, finished in 10:40.
Using a lighter kb for two rounds was just a loss of nerve, mad at myself for doing that now. Box jumps were pretty good, did some step-downs but mostly went pretty quick. Legs felt like jelly rounds 4 & 5 but jumping was ok.
Totally lost my grip on the ring rows. I feel really good about this cycle, started coming 5x/week and PR'd all four lifts, but oh man I cannot do pullups, chinups, or ring rows.
Was anyone aware that Belles of Bayside was going on today?
Anyone know of other upcoming comps?
Happy birthday cfsbk! Big year.
Well I couldn't rally for 9am and that was my only shot at class today, but I did venture out for a jog battle with the wind and completed 5 rounds of the push-up/sit-up/jumping-lunge cash out that I missed yesterday. It was really nice to have that idea to fall back on – a plain old run would have been too daunting.
Re: yesterday, congrats to all who broke new ground on their snatch and HBBS. I did not, but I'm happy to have made it to active recovery and to have had the snatch and squat exposure.
Does anyone have any good articles/videos or past posts from here on hand care? Things along the lines of preventive maintenance of callouses and also recovery after wods like today's?
I'm not even going to talk about this WOD because it frustrated me so much. Thanks Janelle for listening to my meltdown afterwards, and for your very valid suggestion of "now go do something you rock at, so you can come out of this feeling good."
I couldn't take that advice right away, because I had to come into the office (which is probably part of why I had a mental breakdown when I couldn't get over the bar — I was already setting myself up to be in a crap mood today before I even came in). But the one good thing about being in the office on Sunday is that I can work on my handstands. I don't have enough space in my apartment to kick up to the wall, and during the week there are just too many people milling around the office to do them then. Anyway, I've been kicking up now and then all afternoon, and I decided to try HSPUs. And I got them! At half range of motion, yes, but I got them!
Now I feel quite a bit better about today.
Been Very inconsistent above 242. Im catching the bar just fine but then dumping it forward…
2 Doubles@ 231
Clean and Jerk
Snatch Pulls
Went with a 24kg bell after yesterday's PRs left me very sore.
Everything else rx
I broke up the pull-ups to sets of five after the first two rounds unbroken. The box jumps went all unbroken and the kettle bells I broke up to a set of 8 and 7 each round after the first.
Did some snatch work and today's WOD at OG.
Worked up to 145 on the snatch. Just cannot organize 150 overhead. Many thanks to McD for the tips – hopefully next week will bring a bit more stability.
WOD in 14:41 rx with American swings. Grip hurt but the swings just crushed my cardio.
I wish I skipped yesterdays workout and came to this one….
@Evan hand care is a daily regime when working out regularly. I use hand cream 2 or 3 times a day. It is important to keep the skin/calluses supple so that they dont rip when moving on bars.
Always keep tape handy. If you think you will get a hot spot while lifting, put tape on it. Yesterday is a good example, the hang snatch can tear up your thumbs. I saw a few people with tape on during the workout.
Some people like to wash their hands in cold water after a hard workout, to cool the skin down, then apply moisturizer. I like to use hot soapy water, I find the pores open up and the moisturizer can do its thing.
Use a callus file to keep them from building up too much, that is when they rip and cause problems. You can use other sharper blades but you risk going to deep and causing problems.
If you do rip during a workout there are ways to tape and treat it so that you can continue… but after you need to take good care of the wound.
So, how do you take care of a rip? Thought you would never ask… Make sure all the loose skin is cut off and the wound is clean. Wash it. and keep it moist. Keep it covered during the day and open at night, but with moisturizer. I have gone as far as putting moisturizer on, then a sock to sleep in.
I dont think I have ever used so many variations on the word "moist" in one post/essay/letter…
You can also google hand care, I know there are some vids out there.
OG with McDowell
Everything I ever dreamed of doing in og, I did tonight. Including hugging jake in a dark doorway to stay warm.
Ran to four and twenty to get pie and then to gym. Rowed to warm up and had the best rhythm /strong pulls. 2:03 500m. Double unders. A couple pretty solid handstands.
Clean and jerk up to 103. Didn't feel right at all but better than not being able to lift an empty bar which happened on Friday.
Worked on catching heavy snatch grip over head. Up to 83-93 but could not overhead squat it. Just wanted something heavier up there. It did not feel pretty.
Muscle ups!!!!!
Weighted chin ups. I lost these. 10# couldn't get 5 in a row. 3,2,1. Worked unweighted for a minute and decided to do the wod with Jenna.
3 rounds: 15 kpu, 15 box jumps, 15 kb swings @16kg 7:50
This might be my last workout for a couple of weeks. Ill miss you terribly cfsbk.
Thanks k2h2!