5 Rounds, each for reps of:
In 3 minutes, row 350 meters for time, then perform max reps:
Squat Clean Thruster 165/110*
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Jerks are no-reps. Must be one motion out of the bottom of the squat. Go with a weight you can thruster, not clean and jerk.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Teresa B Overhead
Happy Birthday, Captain Osorio!
Dumbbell Thrusters
The Thruster is a common CrossFit exercise that requires you to squat below parallel with a load on your shoulders then thrust it overhead in one fluid movement. It’s commonly used as a potent conditioning tool and less commonly used as a strength developer. While more total weight can be moved with a barbell, mobility limitations can make it very uncomfortable for many people to rack the barbell on their shoulders. If you have a really hard time keeping your elbows up as you descend and find the movement stressful on your wrists, Dumbbell Thrusters are probably going to be your best bet. Dumbbells also require more shoulder stability and are excellent at developing muscle symmetry.
A common issue with dumbbell thrusters is that as you fatigue your weaker side may begin to collapse inwards at the rack position or fail to lock out overhead. Often the dumbbell will begin to drop toward your chest during the ascent and then barely make it to lock out. This is a clear indication that you’ve got underdeveloped external rotators in your shoulder. To get through the workout, you’ll have to either slow down significantly or reduce the weight of your dumbbells. Trying to gut through a collapsing rack support is ill advised as it could put excessive stress on the soft tissue in and around your shoulder. Below are a few different things you can do pre/post workout to help develop this weak link:
We recommend you do them 2-3 times per week for 3 sets of 8-20 reps.
Joe Defranos Shoulder Health Circuit
What song/album are you currently obsessed with?
Hand Position for the Double Under CrossFit
I'm currently obsessed with: Citizen Cope, The Greenwood Recordings…and Somewhat Damaged by NIN. So good.
Looking forward to putting all into the barbell today at the 11am class. Clusters may just be David's favorite movement.
Happy Birthday David!
Happy birthday DO!
Happy Birthday David!!
Happy birthday to our fearless leader!
Happy birthday David!!! And what a beautiful day it is too- enjoy!
Impromptu rest day for me….Experiencing some serious WOD envy right now….
Nancy- there's a nice, light WOD for you now lol!
As for music- recently I have been revisiting some music from my earlier life- Music for the Jilted Generation by the Prodigy, Rossz Csillag Alatt Szulletett (obscure, yes) by Venetian Snares especially track no. 3 which samples Billie Holliday's Gloomy Sunday. Unreal.
On the other end of the spectrum, I have a fondness for the Talking Heads Pandora station- and my customers think I am some sort of musical playlist genius when I play it in the bar.
Happy birthday David!!!
Today's wod killed me dead. So tired. And deadish.
Happy birthday, David!
9am with Arturo and Fox. 29 squat clean thrusters @ 165#. Rows were all in the 1:07-1:09 range. Managed 6 thrusters per round up until the last round where I only got 5. Limiting factor was my legs. They are completely dead. I'd like to take a nap.
November Birthdays are cool…Rock on David!
Musically…back in the early 90s I was obsessed with Mazzy Star. Hope Sandavol's voice is intensely soothing. Was my go-to nap music in college and also pretty good woopie making music as well. (T. M. I. ) Flash forward 20 years…going to see them on the 20th so I've been rediscovering them.
current ear worm: "royals."
I couldn't believe it was the song played when Bill D took the stage at his election night victory party… weird.
Also, ?uestlove and Elvis Costello's collab, "wise up ghost."
also happiest bday to DO!
Happy Birthday David!
Music: Lori McKenna, a singer songwriter from Boston. I've been obsessed with folksy country singer soongwriters who complain about their lives with good guitar playing. Patti Larkin, Leo Kotke are others.
Any workout with overhead work is difficult for me because of limited shoulder mobility. Because i was nervous about that, I went a bit light on the thrusters, 73 lbs, and was able to hit 37 reps.
In the rowing, my instep cramps from yesterday were absent, so I was able to go all out on the sprints. i forgot to note the time, but I played around with increasing my stroke rate and pushing harder, trying to get all the tips learned last week from Nick involved. Finishing "all at the same time" seems weird but I was working on it. At any rate, I feel like I'm understanding how the various changes in my work translate to the measurements on the screen.
Here is your birthday prescription from your older athlete docs:
"start with some "active recovery" margaritas, move on to lots of meat and potatoes type stuff, and finish with something big and sweet. Oh, and mail in the five dollars in the morning if you can still stand.
Thanks for your time and effort on these older bodies!
Thks Charlie !! You missed a great one!!
11am with Arturo and Melo
Paired up with the amazing Ailleen started with 65lbs and after 2 reps dropped to 60lbs I made 30 reps and now my quads are on fireeeee!
Feliz cumpleanos jefe!
WOD: 31 reps, first round at 73 due to shoulder weirdness, but it went away so I went up to 83 after that (my reps took a corresponding plunge). I should have tried harder for a 6th rep in rounds 2 and 3.
This was a bear.
Partnered with Ryan for this bruiser. Rowing + anything = ouch.
26 reps at 145. Rows in the 1:07 – 1:11 range. I thought the overhead part would be the hardest, but it was standing the weight up out of the bottom.
Partnered with Ryan for this bruiser. Rowing + anything = ouch.
26 reps at 145. Rows in the 1:07 – 1:11 range. I thought the overhead part would be the hardest, but it was standing the weight up out of the bottom.
Happy b.day D.O.!
Keys to Your Heart by Joe Strummer
Haaaaappppppyyyyy Biiiirrtthddaaaaayyy, David!
Loved today's WOD. 29 reps at 80#, each row just under 1:30. This was mainly a mind game for me to stay focused and organized and commit to getting each rep. I got 5 or 6 reps in the first four sets (failed one in each of the 5's), and then pulled out 7 on the last one… which is yet another reminder that my limits are actually beyond where I think they are. I could feel each inch of muscle in my thighs on the squats. Love this shit.
We have a double-header soccer game tonight at 6 and 7. Who doesn't love sitting on chilly bleachers at Brooklyn Bridge Park and cheering on the Fighting Tacos? Anyone?
Happy Birthday DO!
Would love a playlist of the 8am picks.
Did 29 reps at 125#. Maybe time to try 135# as my shoulder position was decent.
Very fun WOD.
Happy Birthday, David!!!
A very happy birthday to you, David!
Can't stop singing Neko Case, especially her latest album. I wake up in the middle of the night singing her songs in my head. Big thanks to Ellie for introducing me to her.
Missed this morning's WOD because I was on my way home from the Catskills. While I'm feeling generally grateful for the gym and all this functional fitness, I'm pretty happy to miss the dreaded clusters. Looking forward to a low key OG after a long-ish hike yesterday.
WOD Rx'd 30 reps
Happiest birthday, David. Thanks for this place that has made my life and those of many others unmeasurably better.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes and happiness! A profound understatement would be to say that I'm so happy and lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.
Made up yesterday's Below the Knee Squat Snatches
Worked up to 160lbs and missed a few times at 167. Was not finishing my pulls today.
Afterwards I did about 10 power snatches at 133lbs every :30. These were fun and fast.
Today's WOD at 145lbs
Total: 31 reps
Was happy to do this with the one and only Matt Katz!
And thank you to Sarah for the vaccine!
Happy Birthday David!
Today's WOD with Zubin got 31 reps at 115. Was really happy to have Zubin encouraging me through the WOD. I was certainly having it rough the 4th round.
Music I have been feeling:
I went to bed just after midnight last night and checked the blog before I went to bed. I am SURE that instead of "WOD 11.10.13" like it says now, at 12:15 AM it said "ClusterF@#K."
I'm not hallucinating, right? (Also, that name is much more accurate than "WOD 11.10.13")
Oh- as is obvious to anyone who has been taking my classes lately. I'm obsessed with the new MIA album.
Did today's WOD with the birthday boy. Rx'd at 165
Round 1: 11
Round 2: 10
Round 3: 8
Round 4: 9
Round 5: 8
Total: 46.
This was my jam, but it still really, really sucked. Glad to do it with David so we could cheer each other on.
Noon class with MeLo and Ro.
Partnered with Doug. His assessment on the clusters was right–the shoulder to overhead was the easiest part of the motions. Cleans felt snappy–think the high hang practice is paying off.
All rows between 1:11 and 1:12. Then, rounds of 5, 6, 6, 6, and 8(?!) at 145lbs. Agree with Kate — those last three minutes reminded me that I can probably push myself a bit more than I sometimes do.
As for music, MeLo and Ro have been killing it at the Thursday 8:30 classes.
11am class. I did the WOD at 95# and did 31 reps. 6-7-5-7-6 as I recall. I really enjoyed this WOD (seriously).
My current musical obsession remains Art Blakey and some live Freddie Hubbard that was released only in the last 70s but recorded in the 1960s. There are also some excellent recordings I have only recently discovered of Miles Davis' '67 European tour. I have also been listening to a lot of Bluegrass, especially really old bluegrass from the 50s.
Happy Birthday David!
Yesterday I did private with the Captain to work on my cleans. It was just another confirmation about why CFSB is so awesome: because the founder is so awesome.
David helped with my power clean– I developed a nasty little 'hitch' in my pull and he basically tricked it out me. It was pretty magical really. He kept putting on more weight and I kept doing doubles or singles. I couldn't really keep track and it was in kilos but at the end I had cleaned 185 for two singles was a pretty big PR.
I'm still obsessively playing Black Sabbath's "13" which is quite good (although some of the lyrics are pretty dumb and annoying, some are really good)– the songs and playing are great and sound that Rick Rubin got out of the band is perfect: modernized Sabbath, very heavy.
@Stella– you are not hallucinating!
Happy Birthday, DO!
Happy Bday to the DO!
Clean and Jerk@90%
Snatch Pulls
Snatch Grip Press@120#sx5x3
Standing High Jump@48 inchesx3
Chill OG presided over by the birthday boy. Hope it was your best one yet!
Snatch Balance ad nauseam. And I would have kept on going..
4RNFT: L-sits, Hip-extensions, Seated weighted box jumps. Ugh L-sits. So hard.
Fun working on all of the above with cousin Dolce.
Hope you had a great day DO!