Fitness: High Hang Power Clean + Below The Knee Power Clean + FSQ
Performance: High Hang Clean + Below The Knee Clean
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×3 with pause
Performance: Heavy triple with pause
Go heavier than the paused 3×5 we did a couple weeks ago.
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CLN/FSQ e3/6
3 Intervals of:
Run 400m or 500m Row
Rest approximately 2 minutes between each effort. Build in intensity with the goal of the third effort being your fastest time.
Post times to comments.
Piked Handstand Push-Ups
Getting Ready To Squat
By Coach Margie
When you approach a loaded bar, make the decision to be there. Develop your Set Up. This is not the time to saunter up, ease yourself into position and expect to manage maximal loads successfully. As strong as you may be, if you are not mentally prepared to own the barbell, well… the barbell will win every time.
As simple as squatting is, it takes all your guts to do it right.
There are two parts to your Set Up: getting underneath the bar, and preparing to squat it.
Getting underneath the bar:
1) Mentally psych yourself up to lift the weight. Get mad, excited, juiced, pumped, jump around, curse at the bar, or go deep within yourself and find that quiet place of absolute certainty. Whatever. Experiment to find your intensity and focus.
2) Now, get underneath the bar and get a good strong rack position. Make sure the bar is wedged in tight between your hands and your shoulders. Build stability by finding tension in your upper body: remember this is where the weight will sit, so you want to create a firm shelf, not some namby pamby, twiggy little thing that will snap in two. If you have a low bar rack, raise your elbows up behind you, and push the heels of your hands against the bar. If you have a high bar rack, grip the bar tightly and push up against it.
3) Take a big breath into your belly, hold it and bear down. Your stomach should get fatter. Now squeeze your butt and stand up confidently with the weight on your back.
4) Walk back two or three steps and set your feet.
Preparing to squat:
1) Let the bar settle on your shoulders.
2) Make sure your rack position is still tight.
3) Take another big breath into your belly and bear down. Get fat!
4) Now SQUAT!
This is your ritual; use it every time you play with a barbell.
Happy lifting!
Watch this video to see exactly what we’re talking about
The 10 Creepiest Buildings in Brooklyn
Chris Knight Vintage Crime Scene Photos Superimposed on Modern NY Streets (Warning: Graphic)
Today is the final veg CSA pickup for the season. See you 6-8:30!
Those are some creepy homes.
I'd still live in most of them though…
Clean work: failed twice at 103 before making it on the third attempt. I knew I could — after all, if I can hit it on the high hang, the knee hang should be no problem, right? Will probably try the same weight again next week, though, because 103 was ugly as sin.
FSQ 140x3x3. This was tougher than I expected!
Time for only one sprint before I had to go to work. 1:51, pretty damn slow.
Worked up to 180 on the cleans. Bar is feeling much more verticle since I started focusing on the hang, but still working on consistent power in the pull. Case in point was fairly easily hitting 180 from the high hang but missing a number of times from the low.
Front Sq 195×3. Tried 205 but only had 2 with decent form.
Make-up post from yesterday: Monday's WOD Rx in 8:45. T2B unbroken but rested way too much on the OHS.
Worked on technique today so kept the cleans on the mid-light side at 115. Working on keeping my feet/body in one place which seems to be my big issue for the clean.
I drew a box in chalk so I could look where I landed after to make sure I am not moving at all outside of my hang position "area". It worked despite the comments of hell I will catch for it so I am calling myself out here before anyone else can.
I also cleaned up the chalk so I don't see the harm.
Front squats where eh worked up to 160's 3X3 with 2 sec pauses. My legs were tired from all the cleans I was doing however so not as heavy as last time. (165#)
This is NUTS. Russian Woman breaking the Clean and Jerk world record. 418#!!!!
10 am class
Performance clean complex – worked up to 185 then failed at 195 before working back down (every day is technique day!). No speed, definitely felt fatigued from doing Sundays DL/WB WOD yesterday so was content with this.
Performance FSQ – fought up to 215×3 with Nate, happy to have a few pounds over what I did for the paused 5 rep sets.
3x400m (didn't really want to do this but then Jess suggested that we run them with the dogs, and I grabbed Molly). Messed up my watch on the first 2 and ran them too fast (I blame Molly). Only one I timed was 1:40, I imagine that I ran the first one a few seconds faster.
Bitter sweet picking up the last veg share today. On the one hand I'll be happy to have more control over what produce I'm cooking each week. On the other I'll miss the little surprises like last week's purple fingerling potatoes and this weeks (Kuri?) squash. Going out with a bang and roasting a few pounds of vegetables this week!
Made it to yoga with Whitney at 9am this morning, It had been too long.
10am class with Jeremy- worked up to 83# on the (fitness) clean complex. It felt ok. I know I can go heavier but this feels like a 'safe' weight for me right now.
Paused front squats 135 x 3 x 3. This was 10# heavier than the weight I did the 5 reps at two weeks ago and the same weight I did last week. It was heavy and slowish going up but it happened.
Fun on the erg afterwards with some of my fellow Crash-B friends.
7am, I realized this morning that I can clean as much as I can snatch, which is great because it probably means I'm doing something horribly wrong and when I figure out what that is then I'll be able to lift more! Until then, I went up to 125 today (same as snatch on Sunday). It was OK but I have some bad habits.
Front squat, 175x3x3, felt fine but heavy. Only had time for one sprint, went pretty hard but not 100%; 1:17.
Clean+front squat+Jerk
286Failed Jerk
Clean and Jerk
Clean Pulls@ 374# 3×3
I am so grateful for the incredible level of attention I get (we all get!) at the gym every single time I walk in the door. Since the moment I came to David with my knee injury, every coach has made it a point to check in on me, and today David cornered me into an impromptu quad mash that was at once glorious and the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Seriously, I almost cried in front of the entire 6:30 class. That'll teach me to slack on my A/R…
Thanks again, David!
8am private session with Josh
Worked up to a heavy single on the Split Jerk. Hit 222# (PR by 7), then missed 225#. Feeling pretty good about this.
Jerk Balance, 4×3 @ 165#
Split Press 3×5 @ 125#
Then threw in a little conditioning piece:
1000m row
4 rounds of:
10 push press @ 95#
20 double unders
Finished in 6:07. Slipped up a couple times on the DUs and lost a few seconds.
6:30 Class with McD and Ro
Performance Clean Complex
135×1 155×1 175×1 185×1 195xF,1 205×1
That last one was a grind and pretty ugly on the footwork on the second clean, but it came up nonetheless. A double in what used to be the top-end of single territory for me only a week ago feels great.
Paused Front Squats
135×3 165×3 185x3x3
Felt pretty easy.
500m Row Repeats
1:39.6, 1:41.4, 1:43.5
These were rough. Had to go hard to try to keep up with that first one.
Did the Performance Complex plus a split jerk at the end of it
High Hang Squat Clean
Below The Knee Squat Clean
Split Jerk
Worked up to 187 which I did 3 sets of, then
Afterwards I did 70 kilo x3x3 with the pause. Power cleaned then did the front squats.
I thought it was heavier than it actually was (154) oops.
Finished with some front lever work.
You're welcome, Lily!
6:30 with McDowell and Arturo
Performance Clean complex up to 93#, then 98# only mid hang clean.
Front squats 108x3x3
I rowed. It was awful and I openly hate rowing again and I cheated(myself). 450mx3 and I got slower every time! I kept track of what it would've been for a 500m- 2:04, 2:08, 2:10. I am either doing something wrong or I just should not row.
Up to 235#, attempted 245# and got the HHC but missed the second rep from the hang posn.
PFS – 245#, didn't do these last week so wasn't sure where the ceiling was. Prob had a little more here.
1:30, 1:31, 1:34 – fell apart on the last one, legs were shot.
Felt much better than I thought it was going to feel today after Mondays horror show. Worked up to a good feeling 165 on the clean complex and then 3×175 on the pause squats. Didn't time myself on the runs but they were each in the 1:15-1:30 range.