Part A: Handstand Skill Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
4 Kick Ups to the wall
8 Log Roll to V-Ups
If you’re skilled at kicking up then try switching your lead leg.
If you’re comfortable kicking up to the wall and can hold for 10 seconds or more, try gently pulling your feet a few inches away from the wall, one at a time or shuffling your hands around a bit. Read this post for details.
Part B: Inversion Strength Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
2 Wall Walks with 5-10 second hold
8 Dumbbell Presses
8 Renegade Rows (no push up)
5 Rounds For Time Of:
15 Overhead Squats, 75/55
10 Toes to Bars
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jacinto Cleans at the competition this weekend
This weekend Jacinto B and Bob S took on the CrossFit New England Masters Comptition. Both competed in the 55+ category and had a great showing! Bob took 6th place while Jacinto took 9th. See the full results here.
I was not unhappy- first time at a one day multi WOD event- I found it tough. After the firs 3 WODs which ran consecutively I was really sore and stiff. Also I received 15-20 no-reps in the thrusters (I did about 60 to get 40) and 10 no-reps in push press (I did about 30 to get 20) for depth and extension but overall it was a great learning experience. Weights were not advantageous for me relative to the field- too light which favored the smaller faster guys. – Bob
Claim Your Stuff
Once again, the Lost and Found runneth over. Please check out the flickr to claim your lost goodies before they get donated to C.H.I.P.S. next Friday. If you can’t make it to the gym this week, please email cfsbkfrontdesk(AT) and we’ll hold onto it for you.
See Whitney Dance. Dance, Whitney, Dance!
Whitney H is performing in her fifth season with Von Howard Project, a contemporary dance company, and would like you to come see the show! Here are the details:
How: Get tickets by clicking this link!
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule: Aerobics Workout
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule: Brule on Sushi
scaling options for OHS? (wonky hip problems)
Greetings all. Reposting a call for someone to help us out by buying (or amazingly enough, storing!) our meat and chicken CSA next week. Noor and I will be out of town then.
There is no team pic on the Flickr feed for us. Who can we blame for this injustice?
6am with Arturo and McDowell. Only 5 people in the class. Was it something I said?
50% of kick-ups dented the wall. The other 50% were feather soft. Had a number of good 5-10 second free-standing balances where I pulled both feet from the wall. Did the inversion strength work with 35# DBs. Shoulders were nicely burning at the end. Conditioning work Rx in 9:49. This workout looked easier on the whiteboard. Got through the first 3 rounds in just under 5 minutes and then took another 5 minutes for the remaining 2 rounds. OHS were unbroken…barely. Serious forearm burn. Toes to bar broke down midway through the 3rd round. Couldn't grip the bar enough to kip.
Who besides me is running the marathon this weekend?
6am with McDowell and Arturo. It was nice to work on handstand kick ups again, but I need to be more aggressive with launching up. Shoulders started to fatigue after finishing part B. Tried to do OHS, but ended up scaling the workout to front squats, 53# and sit-ups.
Have to give Whitney some props for an excellent morning Yoga session for Rita and me. It's a great deal, and she was very patient with a stick figure / tin man all glued together.
I think the blog ate my post yesterday or perhaps I got confused and did not actually submit it, but it went something like this.
@Stella, Kate R and Bree-
Ladies, stop that now- you are making me blush! Happy to be of service 🙂
I, on the other hand, completely overdid it last week and should have backed off more after Fight Gone Bad. Yesterday should have been a rest day for me but I saw deadlifts and got excited. I couldn't even hit the 9 foot target. I somehow managed to get through five rounds and five deadlifts at 165# with 14# wall ball and 62 cal, but it was awful and I wanted to cry.
Lesson learned.
Congrats to Bob and Jacinto for a very impressive showing at the New England Masters Competition.
Good to be back on the platform today after a long a long layoff. Congrats on the good result Bob. On the other hand, I learned that I was the 2nd worst Rx performer at FGB, good to know my role.
dan, you are so jealous of me for being the WORST rx performer at fgb, its not even funny. reign it in, buddy, see you on the big boy platform.
Stay tuned to the blog for a special WOD called "Race To The Bottom" programmed by Dan and Uzef.
Got into my favorite gym finally yesterday…
Kudos to the Fight Gone Belated team for going thru with that wihtout the party afterwards…
Deadlift: 345x2x2 and 315×5
These were pretty easy.
Bench w/ slingshot: 215x5x3
Been using this about 10 days now. It basically allow me to bench regular grip while my shoulder heals. Pretty cool tool.
Close-grip Bench: 190x3x3
Hang Power Cleans:
135×2, 145×2, 155×2, 165×2, 170×1 (slow right elbow and ugly), 155×2, 165×2, 170×2
@Dan E – Next year, instead of rowing for FGB, you should back squat the erg for reps.
I want to be on Dan's team next year.
Meatheads – I will see if I missed uploading your photo on accident or purpose!
wooo, that team photo upload is all jacked up. i'll clean it up tonight and delete the mistake doubles which were cancelled and snuck on there anyways.
and yes, my phone spells my name Astra.
"race to the bottom" was also the name of the gay porn that I starred in college…just kidding I didn't go to college
Inversion work at 8am this morning. Making progress on handstands. Had several unassisted for a few seconds at a time kicking up near the wall. When I did go into the wall it was relatively soft.
Strength work at 40# across.
WOD in 5:39 Rx'd. Grip was the limiting factor on the T2B
I would pay good money to watch Dan E squat the erg.
I am very much enjoying the inversion work. I'm feeling better about kicking up gently and in control, now if I can just get my shoulders to cooperate….
The WOD kicked my ass. I did this with 25 front squats at 75# per round and toes to bar. 13:16 or something like that.
Goddamn I love Mondays.
6:30 with Noah and Arturo
My hip bones are so swollen and gross. 🙁
Handstands are weird. I may be staying more hollow, not sure.
20# db throughout. I had to break up the presses for the last 2 rounds.
Felt horrible going into this workout. 37# ohs and strict t2b. 8:30. Didn't have much drive but didn't feel completely like dead weight.
Mondays!! So hard. So fun.
Part A: kick-ups were quiet and more consistent. Log rolls remain a challenge.
Part B: can't really walk my hands anywhere on wall walks, but holding for :10 is getting easier. Focusing on staying hollow. 15# DB on that piece.
Part C: 53# (!!) and knee tucks or whatever – 10:53. Happy and surprised to come in under the cap. Thank you to Noah for encouraging me to scale up. Wrists did not like the OHS though. Some voodoo action after class.
Speaking of voodoo… I'd like to officially request Labyrinth for our next movie night. I was hiking on Sunday with some strong women from our gym and we did a pretty fantastic rendition of Magic Dance. That said, I'd love to experience the real deal again, especially on a big screen, with you all.
8:30 with Noah, who, I'd like to point out, demonstrated every single piece of this work-out while explaining it. That's a lot of upside-down, face-to-the-wall and hollow-hold talking.
The highlight for me tonight was being able to hold my handstand for a few seconds almost every time I pulled away from the wall. This is getting exciting.
11:07 Rx on the last piece. At first T2B were fine and OHS were shaky. Then it flipped. Rounds 4 and 5 were my best on the OHS, and I lost my grip and had to go strict T2B on the last round. Felt slow but solid.
Everything was tough. I am really appreciating the level of difficulty and variety this cycle is bringing.
My legs were unusually sore today from yesterday's work-out, and I was feeling it during class, but now they feel fine. Hmmmm
Also.. Way to go Jacinto and Bob!
This was good… most of my kickups were to just free standing.
WOD 9:05 RXed
I could have gone faster if I went lighter with the DB presses and Renegade Rows at 35#