As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts 315/205
20 Wall Ball Shots 20/10′, 14/9‘
You should have a 1RM deadlift of at least 405/275 to perform this Rx’d. This is meant to be heavy.
Post Rx and rounds completed to comments.
Resident Gymnastics guru Ken H climbing in Kentucky
- Fight Gone Belated happens at today at 1:15pm today!
Looking for a custom men’s shirt to fit your new CrossFit shoudlers? Former CFSBKer (Dan N) has a startup buisness that sells custom shirts online. You can measure yourself with their online videos, or visit they’re showroom at 420 Madison Ave, Floor 12 for a personal fitting. Once they have your measurements, you can order online any time. And if your WODs add an inch or two to your bicep, you can adjust your measurements on the site. The quality is amazing (they only use luxury Giza and Aegean cotton fabrics), and there’s a wide range of fashion-forward styles to choose from.
BEYLER & TÜRK is offering 15% off for all CrossFitters until November 31st. Just use the promo code “CFSB-15” when you check out. Have a look at
Strawberry Spaghetti? Molecular Gastronomy!
Strength, Bands & Staying in Your Lane Cathletics
Good times at yesterday's CRASH B review and 2K row; great attendance with 23 people participating in the erg test — some for the very first time.
Was reviewing old numbers and discovered that I PR'd my 2K time: 7:30.0 vs 7:31.4!
That was unexpected and I'm stoked to see what several months of training will bring.
Cool shot of Ken.
9am class – 140# DL, 14#/9' wall ball. 2 wall balls short of 7 rounds. I found this to be terrible.
Should have been able to pull off 2 more in the remaining few seconds, but I had drifted into I just don't give a crap territory. Could have been some residual alcohol in my system telling my brain what to do. Thank you, Leslie, for trying to get me to do it. Usually that works. Not this morning.
4min row – 42 calories. Had zero delusions of grandeur on that portion. At least I was able to pick it up considerably for the last :45.
The walk home was like treading water.
I can't decide if it was my sub-par condition going in or the diabolical nature of the work-out, but that was 12 minutes of pure fatigue build-up. Always good to have a work-out like that now and again.
6 rounds even, 185# DL (thanks Charlie for the peer pressure — I was going to go 175, but this was the perfect weight). 59 calories on the row.
This was both better and worse than I imagined it would be. Also: SURPRISES ARE MEAN.
Hello from Ohio, where I will be until Friday for a funeral and family time. Took a rest day yesterday since I did yesterday's workout on Friday at 7am before my flight, good snatch work at 68# and HBBS at 115# in my first morning class ever. I had never met Nick or shared a bar with Stella, so those were both pluses.
Just did Angie for the first time in my mother's basement (not a sentence to take out of context). Modified the pull-ups to ring rows on TRX ropes and did the push-ups on my knees. Finished in 22:38, which I'm not super pleased with, but leaves me good room to grow. Short little run afterwards.
I also max repped my double-unders before, at 103. Coming for you, Jess! 🙂
And re: Stella's comment, I'm a big fan of Charlie's peer pressure. I feel it even just reading her posts. I so wanted to do Thursday's WOD's burpees strict like she did, but I'm not there yet. Soon.
Happy Sunday!
7 + 21 Rx
87 cal row
Gonna be sore tom from this one. Great workout.
275 for 2 rounds/ 225 for 1.5 rounds.
I'm walking around my house with the best posture of my life.
I love wall balls. I also love ending up on the ground after a WOD. Satisfaction,
#128/wall balls Rx–7 rounds
Pleasantly surprised myself with that #
Should be sore tomorrow from 140 wall balls.
Great job FGB team 30! Fun to watch & cheer you on.
Another fan/victim of Charlie's peer pressure over here!! On Thursday when I was deciding between weights, she actually walked over and took my lighter kettlebell and put it away. I wanted to hurt her around round 4, but now I'm really glad I went up one. She's the best:)
Today was another toughie!
Made up yesterday's lifts
Did the complex up until 135 then focused soley on the high hang snatch up to 155. Despite the limited time to accelerate the bar up, my body manages to fit in all my classic errors into the fraction of a second I have to pull.
LB BSQ 205x5x2, 205×10
I did 240×8 at Beast of the East but I'm not feeling terribly strong or fit and want to retinker my BSQ this cycle.
This was tough. Still having glute spasms, six hours later. I was 5 walls balls shy of 7 rounds at 195#, and got 63 calories on the row. This kind of goes without saying, but those deadlifts got hella heavy by the end.
Gonna try and post more often. I always like seeing what others in the gym were able to do.
Very fun (and small!) 8am class. Did 4 rounds and 7 WBs at 275#/20#. Last 5 deadlifts I started breaking down.
The row was a nice touch.
I hate wall balls so much but still managed to do 5 rounds with 5 dead lifts at 125 lbs . I felt for a moment I was back at fight gone bad !! I used the 12 lbs ball thinking it would help to go lighter but it was still just as awful as the 14 and did a 1000 m row because I wasn't paying attention during class and thought that was what was said to do!
Congrats on the last FGB team 30 !! I judged Kayleigh who did an awesome job with a 233 score!
Another awesome OG
Clean and jerk
95×3 135×1 155×1 175×1 185×1 195×1 205xC,1 (PR) 210xC,F (Clean PR)
Finally cleaned and jerked over 200 at the same time. Nice bonus PR clean in there afterward. Things are moving these days. Must be all the food I'm eating.
135×5 185×4 225×3 275x3x3
I hate deadlifts. Forcing myself to work through a linear progression again and really focusing on form.
Really struggled today. 5 rounds @225 lb deadlifts and Rx wallballs.
12pm, partnered with Jacqueline (sp?). I've never been good at anything involving a ball, but my lack of coordination was really on display today. Couldn't string together two WBs to save my life. No wonder I like running… Finished ~6 rounds with 20# WB and 155# DL. Ended up aiming for the 9' target and didn't even hit the wall several times. Jacqueline suggested "use your thumbs" which made sense but I couldn't make it work for me today. I think I'm going to go down in weight on these until I can consistently hit over the 10' line. Despite my problems getting it together, I'm happy I gave this workout a try.
62 calories on the row. I was pretty gassed from "part one" and took this relatively easy.
Happy Birthday Pierre!!!
Tuesday 4:30 (after a weekend of debauchery)
5 rounds flat Rx'd
Rested a lot…
Necro posting since I have been so busy…
5 rounds plus 3 wall balls @ 205# and 20#
Row 64 cal
This broke me for the next two days. oof
I wonder how many people look back at these?