Fitness: High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + OHS
Performance: High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
add 2.5-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 2×5, then 1 x max reps <10.
Start at 75% of your recent 1RM if you were not here last week. Otherwise, add 2.5-10lbs based on your rep out number from last week and continue onward.
Post loads to comments.
BSQ/Sn e2/6
4 Rounds NFT of:
100m Goblet or Zercher Carry, heavy
15-30 second L-Hang
100meters is to the light post towards 3rd avenue and back.
And then this happened
- Happy Birthday Megan D and Dave B!
- Last chance to pick up your FGB scorecards. Any remaining cards will be recycled Sunday night. Please pick up your card at the front desk this weekend if you’d like it.
- Fight Gone Belated is happening tomorrow (Sunday) after the last class at 1:15pm. Folks are encouraged to come cheer on team 30 as they take on FGB!
Claim your stuff!
Once again, the Lost and Found runneth over. Please check out the flickr to claim your lost goodies before they get donated to C.H.I.P.S. next Friday. If you can’t make it to the gym this week, please email cfsbkfrontdesk(AT) and we’ll hold onto it for you.
See the pics here
Pork: Did Leviticus 11:7 Have It Right? Perfect Health Diet
What Stella said.
Dropped in at CrossFit Shrewsbury in NJ today. Friendly folks and an attentive/encouraging coach. The WOD was the Filthy Fifty, slightly modified: 50 box jumps (20'); 50 jumping pull-ups; 50 KB swings @ 15#; 50 walking lunges; 50 K2E, counting attempts; 50 push press @ 35#; 50 supermans; 50 walls balls @ 14# and counting anything near my target; 50 burpees; 100 single unders. Finished in 32:25. Very happy that the coach encouraged me not to scale the weights or the reps.
10am with Josh and Jeremy, then AR at 11. Snatch complex up to 120, a little wonky but basically ok – having trouble locking my arm out today which is different. Dropped down to 95 after and did 2 rounds at that weight, felt super smooth. HBBS 200x5x3 felt really light, definitely going to make a 10#+ jump next week.
Skipped the cashout so as not to miss AR. I regret not doing the cashout after though, I left feeling like I could have worked harder. I guess, that's what tomorrow is for…
Hey SBK!
This was posted on the blog about ten days ago, but I wanted to share again…
I will be dancing in a modern/contemporary performance at the Ailey Citigroup Theater next Fri 11/1 and Sat 11/2 with Von Howard Project. It's really happening!
And… we are having a ticket sale TODAY!
Discount code = 10
Go to this link and punch in that discount code when you order your tickets:
Would love to see some of you there 🙂 Thanks!
First AR class in ages. Feeling super limber and generally great!
@Whit H – Awesome that you're doing it! I hope I can make it.
8am with D.O. Worked up to 144# on the perf snatch complex. Same weight as last week. Missed the first high-hang attempt at 144, then nailed the second one and the mid-hang. Shoulder, ankle and hip mobility felt great today: bottom of the OHS was no problem. But pulling was weak and the barbell felt heaver than last week. High-bar back squats: 230x2x5 and then 230×7 for the rep-out. Wasn't feeling any bounce on the squats. Cash-out carrying sand-bags and the keg zercher-style.
Snatch Complex: #53, #63, #73, #78
Skipped the OHS and did some accessory work from position 1-shrug. Can't remember the name of it…RL something or other.
And the squat probation continues…and I don't know what to do about it anymore. Have a follow up Dr. Appointment Nov 5.
Snatch grip deadlifts 5×3 @ #115
cash out w/ #55 DB
Left my phone at the gym in my post 2k row muddle. Think it is probably over by the couches somewhere. I'll be there for 10am class tomorrow. It's a black iphone 5 and it is definitely somewhere in the building. Sorry and thanks!!
Snatch complex- fitness. Worked up to 63#. Felt good!!! HBBS 140#x5x3. AR was wonderful. Excited/scared about crash-b's but my lungs hurt!
Worked up to 150 on the complex. Felt pretty solid, but did let the pull get away from my body a bit on the second rep.
Squat 245x2x5, 245×10. This went well. Will go up 10# next week.
CrashBs kick off and 2K race yesterday. Excited and scared. Note to self: next time do not eat a brisket platter at Dino an hour before a 2K.