5 Rounds, each for time of:
25 KB Swings
20 Lunges
15 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
5 Rounds, each for time of:
30 Double Unders
10 Burpees
3/2 Muscle Ups
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Post time from each round to comments.
Over the past five years I (Mary) have tried all kinds of work out regimes, everything from long sessions of cardio, to spinning, to yoga, and even half marathons. While I’ve seen marginal changes to my physique, I still hadn’t gotten the results I was after. Then last April in a final (vain) attempt to look my best for my wedding, I signed up for a foundations class. Since April, I have slowly watched my body trim down and develop muscles I never knew I was capable of having
More importantly, I was completely surprised by the awesome community. Thank you Crossfit South Brooklyn for encouraging and guiding me down a path towards a body revelation. And lastly, thank you for enfolding me (and now my husband, Dima who is also a regular) into your awesome community. We are such big fans of the box that we decided to have a couple of wedding photos taken there. See a few others on the Flickr Page
Support the Brooklyn Rugby Club
Running a rugby club in NYC presents a number of challenges but funding is always our biggest challenge. One of our biggest fundraisers is our Men of Brooklyn calendar. The calendar is meant to be a cheeky take on the famous Stade Francis calendar of the famous professional French team. Cheeky because, while some of us do CrossFit, we aren’t built like Greek statues like they are. It’s our first year doing the calendar and we’ve already sold over 100 pre-orders. If you’re interested in helping us out, please check out the link!
–Alex, Jason and Mario
Friendly Platypus
Bathroom Prank
Dinosaur Prank
That's just god-damned adorable, congratulations Mary and Dima!!!
Congrats Mary and Dima!
Those pranks are some of the meanest things I've ever seen. I would absolutely pee myself.
But Mary and Dima sure are sparkles of sunshine! Congratulations, you two!
Mary, your dress is SICK!
LOVE these photos!! Congrats Mary and Dima!
The Raptor is funny. The bathroom thing is just wrong!
Congrats, Mary and Dimitri! You guys look great.
What's 3/2 muscle ups?
that bathroom prank is messed up… the raptor is amazeballs. I always like to prank my students…keep the good ideas coming…unless it's scary dead women in bathrooms.
Congrats guys! Love these pics!!
I nearly died, watching the bathroom prank. That's just evil. The dinosaur one is brilliant.
10am (I love 10am) with Jess. WOD- somewhere around 25 mins with 20kg KB and all no-knee burpees, which is still a really big deal for me. Five rounds of anything is a lot. Those three minutes rest between rounds were sweet and the cool-down lap around the block felt amazing. Well, the cool air felt amazing.
Stayed after with Lisa to do some pull-ups and got some tips on kipping and toes-to-bar from Katie and Steve, our two magical performance folks. Thanks guys!!! These two things are very far away for me, but I have decided to at least start getting comfortable swinging on the bar. Have to start somewhere!!
@julianv, three halves of a muscle-up, obviously!
Do you, Mary, promise to love, cherish and no rep Dima if he does not achieve full extension . . . (oh forget it)
Dino prank is hilarious! Bathroom prank is traumatizing, i'm crying for them!
Congrats Mary and Dima!! Mary, your dress is perfection!!
I also now need & want my own friendly platypus…when can i expect a shipment to arrive at SBK??
it's all fun and games until someone gets stung with platypus venom
312 muscle ups! I can't wait!
3 for boys, 2 for girls
Noon class
Performance Rx'd in 17:16
All rounds just under or over a minute. Had to stay fast so Rickke wouldn't catch up and lap me.
Thanks for the continued support and guys!
And I'm just going to say it, the platypus feeding totally melted my heart!
I watched the prank ones first, so I kept waiting for the platypus to crap all over the guy's hand or suddenly reveal a row of piranha teeth.
i want a friendly platypus and a rugby calendar. i'll probably never be able to use a public bathroom again. thanks.
congrats mary & dima!
Bench Press
135x5x5 with 1:00 rest between sets
Today's Performance WOD as Rx'd
Split Times:
18:16 (total time)
I don't see how it's possible to do this any faster! Everything was unbroken!
WOD. Pood. Knee Burpees…near death. 23ish minutes or something.
Dinosaur Prank. Awesome.
Bathroom Prank. F-you. I'll never be able to pee in public again.
Platypus is officially my favorite animal. Ever.
@Luca. only the males are poisonous. if we get a shipment of females we're golden.
430 with Josh.
Finished in 19:28. Fastest round was the last one at 1:03. Slowest was the first – thanks to rope 'issues'. Finished that one in 2:04!
@lindstar what about tha kittehz? we iz not ur favrite enymor?
@all tha catz you'll be my favorite again when Julien LeChat stops clawing me in my sleep. 😉
6:30 with Josh and Arturo… finished the "fitness WOD" aka "ab doom" in 22:46. Fastest round (2) was 1:57, slowest (5) 2:28 or so. Used a 28k kettle bell, which felt almost light, but also a little bit like I wanted to throw up on each of swings 76 through 125. Everything unbroken except for a few seconds breathing on the last round of burpees…
I didn't catch the name of the person next to me, but it was nice to have someone at almost exactly the same pace.
@DOs – I am incredibly éleet
@pcker I think that was me? If so, you were smoking me by the end of it. 🙂
22:57 with a 24kg bell, Russian swings. Speed deteriorated pretty rapidly in the later rounds. 1:57 – 2:00 – 2:10 – 2:19 – 2:31.
My right calf cramped up really bad on the cash out run. Dehydrated I guess? Oof.
Also, love these pics! Congrats you two.
team photos up on flickr!!!
maybe that could be my job. to announce new photos on flickr. it's a responsibility i would take quite seriously.
my legs are smoked.
Next Sunday I am running the ING NYC Marathon (soon to be "Tata NYC Marathon" – yes really). Who else is running? Anyone else looking to make open gym following the race for the Sunday metcon?