Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1
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5 Sets of:
5 Heavy Chin-Ups
5 High Box Jumps
Make the chin-ups as hard as you can while still maintaining a neutral head position at the top
The box jump isn’t a max height jump. Work up to a height that challenges you but is still a few inches below what you could maximally do. No misses.
In teams of 2-3, do a plate pinch carry around the block, alternating when someone has to break.
Alex H gets set up to go overhead
- CFSBK Sweatpants are now in stock. Pick a pair up for $35 at the Front Desk!
- Good luck to Aileen H, and Kate R on the Staten Island Half Marathon today. Is anyone else running it???
- Congratulations to Mike O on his 36:20 10K (that’s a 5:51 avg pace and 17:49 5K time) and Megan D on her 43:39 10K. (7:02 avg pace and 21:33 5K) Mike Finished 23rd and Megan 103rd out of 4,114 total competitors. Today they’re competing in the Central Park Duathalon
Thus ends back off week. Please let us know what you thought of the last cycle! We’ll start a new 6 week training cycle tomorrow.
Staten Island half unofficial time: 1:56:42. Not quite my 1:47 at Brooklyn but now tapering for marathon. On boat now trying to get to noon class. May be late!!
OHS: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145 (Tried a 150 but couldn't get it overhead).
Did three rounds of Chinups + Box Squats: 10lb, 25lb, 25lb, – 30-inch boxes.
Rob, you are CRAZY.
OHS: can't *really* say I did 83 because I didn't get to full depth. Something about having the bar over my head makes me get all squirrelly.
Best chinup round: 7.5# DB. Best box jump: 2 rounds at 30".
Made noon class. Time above for Staten Island was my official. Got up to a 70# OHS… Still my weakest lift by far because of mobility. Did a couple 30" box jumps but figured with a half just completed it would be a push to do 25 so did 24" with a plate on top. Used red band for chins and felt strong in first couple rounds, thinking I should have gone bandless. By final rounds was on tan band.
SI half in 1:41:17 which was a PR. Definitively think the AR class the day before made a difference. I did NOT make it to the noon class…
Ended a very relaxing back off week with today's noon class. Four people named Ryan!
Used snatch balance time to get more comfortable under the bar with weight overhead. Still riding down to the bottom, but hopefully the catch position is inching closer to an actual squat snatch position. Work sets at 105, 115, 125, 135, and 145. Stood each up nicely.
Sets of chin-ups at BW, +10, +15, +20 (broken). These were tough–certainly an area I need to refocus on. Best box jumps were a set of 30" + three 45lb bumps.
Walk with the 35lb bumper. No bueno.
Thanks for the love! Ran the half in 1:59:02, which is a PR but not the one I was hoping for. Not my day today, though I learned a lot and am choosing to celebrate the fact that I finished. Sort of feel like signing up for another one soon, while also sort of feeling like never running further than 6 miles ever again. Blessed ambivalence.
Aileen and I joked about going to the noon class. Serious emphasis on joked, because that would be crazy…
Can't wait to start the new cycle tomorrow. My only feedback is that I loved the last cycle so much, am so glad inversion work isn't going away, and the workouts we did during Crush Week were some of my favorites ever.
About 8 weeks ago management asked for feedback on the past few cycles and asked for suggestions on how to improve it. There were so many suggestions and I remember thinking that management must be kicking themselves for even asking. There would be no way to incorporate everyone's suggestions.
I have to say, if they didn't success it sure seemed like they did. The cycle included inversion work, tons of oly lifts, longer wods, heroes/ladies etc… I was extremely happy and now looking forward to the next one even more.
Kudos to management for listening and adapting.
9am class:
Hit three reps at 125# on the OHS and managed a five rep box jump at 41". Both PRs.
i loved last cycle, primarily because when it started i could not do a kick up at ALL and now i'm nearly, NEARLY able to do a handstand. i do prefer when the cycles are a bit more strength intensive. BRING BACK THE DEADLIFT, i say.
also today i jumped on a 20 inch box for the first time in my life and it felt fucking phenomenal.
Mixed bag at OG
Clean and Jerk
135×1,1,1 155×1,1 175×1 185×1,1,1,C,1
Drilling jerk form a little heavier than last week. Kept to 2-min rest, missed one out front but a couple felt really solid.
Stripped the bar to the 45s to try the OHS, failed after 2 on the first attempt after losing my balance, so I kept it at 135 for 5 good sets and really concentrated on locking the bar in place overhead.
Then a one-round FGB pressure test. I hate it. Box jumps were great at least!