Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Toes to Bars
3 Kettlebell Swings, 72/53
6 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Toes to Bars
6 Kettlebell Swings, 72/53
9 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Toes to Bars
9 Kettlebell Swings, 72/53
Continue going up in increments of 3 reps until time is called.
An efficient handstand kick-up requires that your keep both knees full extended on the ascent. A bent knee on either leg usually leads to an over extension fault at the torso and a loss of balance. Handstands are an awkward and unfamiliar movement for many in the beginning, keeping the knees straight decreases the number of variables in the system and makes getting upside down much easier. Practice tuning into what your legs are doing with heel taps against the wall and halvsie kick-ups on the open floor.
New Group Classes Starting Next Week
Effective Monday, October 7th we’ll be adding 6 new Group Classes to our weekly schedule:
Monday: 10am
Tuesday: 10am
Wednesday: 10am
Thursday: 10am
Friday: 10am
Sunday: 8am
This brings up our weekly WOD class offerings from 52 to 58. Get stoked!
Graphic Designer Wanted
Glorietta Baldy, a new bar at 502 Franklin Avenue in bedstuy, is looking for some local (hopefully not killer pricey) graphic designer help for their small food menu. They pay in both cash and in alcohol. The owner learned how to play with barbells at Crossfit South Brooklyn back before it was cool so there’s that. Anyone with the bona fides feel free to email them at ben at bargreatharry dot com.
– I played soccer for the first time in about a year (I injured my knee last time). I survived. I was unable to find an opportune moment to hocus pocus someone:
– OG: I'm restarting my strength work. 5×5 back squat @ 240, 5×5 press @ 112, 275×5 deadlift, 2×5 Pendlay rows @ 135. I mixed in a bunch of blue-band back levers and iron crosses on the rings between sets. Oddly, the back levers felt unusually weak but the crosses felt easy?
– Climbing at BKB. I really like the pullup boards; I guess they're similar to doing a no-leg rope climb. I also got just about the most perfect handstand of my life while resting my fingers.
Smallest 7 AM class in a long time! I mean, not that I minded, but embrace the Crush Week, y'all! (Especially if, like me, you pigged out at Atlantic Antic yesterday.)
Scaled everything, including the KB swing — now that I've done it at 20 I think I'm ready for the 24 again, but I'm glad I didn't take chances. Finished the round of 12, then 15 piked HSPUs and 27 situps.
This week at work is going to be a beast. I hope I can make it in for more of Crush Week!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Got 14 HSPUs into the round of 15 when time was called. Kipped all of the HSPUs. Toes to bar and kettlebell swings were rest periods. Moved smoothly through the rounds of 3, 6 and 9 before the HSPUs started to get a little wobbly. Managed the round of 12 in sets of 2s and 3s. Started to fail reps on the round of 15. When HSPUs go, they go fast.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Scaled today's workout as follows: 20' box and 1 abmat piked HSPUs; K2E (these were not pretty and most would have been no-repped, but I wanted to practice); 20kg KB. Got through the round of 15 and then got 5 piked HSPUs. This one snuck up on you. Cardio wise, I was fine. But strength wise, not so much. I think it's time that I start trying out the 24kg KB ….
6am with Nick and McD. Partnered with Isaac.
Did this RX'd except for the two massive Abmats under my head for HSPUs. Got through the round of 15 without a second to spare. HSPUs were strict the whole time but ended up at sets of 2 or 1. T2B were okay and mostly unbroken (grip was limiting factor) but I still need to work on getting a smooth kip. KB swings were all unbroken.
Hey y'all – I'm moving at the end of the week, which means I'm getting rid of some of my stuff. If anyone is interested in buying an Ikea Ektorp love seat + chaise lounge (it's more of a sectional) or a cheap barbecue grill, let me know and we can work out a deal.
I'm also looking for someone to fill my room in Prospect Heights (Pacific and Washington) for Oct. 5. It's a cheap room ($833 a month) with lots of space in a huge apartment with a backyard and two roommates.
Let me know if you're interested in any of this – I'm at mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com.
Crossfit's new rap video.
Compared to the other Crossfit music stuff out there (yes, this exists) I didn't find that video too, too horrible. They looked like they were having fun making it, it was fairly self-effacing, and it had Miranda Oldroyd in it.
Soooo I did my first 5k run yesterday The Merrel down and dirty mud run and it was great I loved it the obstacles were manageable and i finished at 45:09, but the sad part is that after the 2 mile mark I twisted my ankle really badly but I didn't stop running I continued my last mile jogging with a limp which I probably should have not done, but my adrenaline didn't let me stop. so as I finished and stop to take pics I felt my foot expanding to the point that I could not walk so ended up getting carried out the park (because all the ambulances were all bringing other ankle injured people to the hospital) and drove to the hospital and thankfully it was not broken just a severe ankle sprain. So no crush week for me which has me in tears right now! one thing I must say due to all the people going down in the rocky course they should fix that up!!!
Owwww Nancy! Feel better!
LOST: one pair of black "Again Faster" wrist wraps. I probably left them behind last Wednesday when we did DT. Any leads are much appreciated. Thanks!
nancy im sorry!!! ๐ i am missing the beginning of crush week cuz i am sick so i feel some of your pain. i hope your ankle feels better with a quickness.
Thanks for adding the additional classes MGMT (especially the Sunday 8am option for those like me who prefer to spend Saturday night sobbing quietly at home).
I second Jay's comment. Although I don't ALWAYS spend my Saturday nights sobbing quietly at home. Sometimes I just eat an entire pint of ice cream, quietly and alone.
Guys, we should form a club!
We can sob, eat ice cream and if I may add, listen to some Cure records every Saturday night. No one is allowed to talk to each other either. Just shuffle their feet around and keep to themselves.
I'm SO HAPPY to be back from the cruise. While I can't really complain, and it was nice to be with family, it was exactly what I expected. Basically a floating mall and buffet line. I can't wait to go back to work later today and see all you wonderful people.
Thanks Stella and so sorry your missing crush week too Ariel hope you recover fast!! Glad your back David !
wow you guys are making me wish it was saturday night right now so i could be home sobbing while eating ice cream on my couch.
i'm in for the club.
no eye-contact right?
I didnt realize there was a bunch of shoe gazers here… Can we rotate in some Siouxsie and the Banshees?
Jay… hmm, interesting. I thought you were the type who would spent the saturday nights sobbing, bawling, wailing quite loudly on the fire escape while oozing all the sinusoidal fluids into that very pint of ice cream… like me.
Sick with flu for the last 6 days. Keep missing my strength classes. Hiding under the blanket in shame and guilt.
That's Friday night
@MGMT — yes, thanks for the new classes! And welcome back, David!
If there is crying at home on a Saturday night, there has to be some Smiths.
Guys! I can't wait to cry and eat ice cream!
I saw a pair of again faster black wrist wraps on the gym stairs last Thursday. I gently borrowed them for snatches (figured they belonged to one of the coaches) and then placed them right back where I found them. I just checked and they're still there so those might be yours!
Black eye liner is required for sobbing shuffling and ice cream to the Cure. I wonder if Ben & Jerry's could make a flavor for us called The Ungroundable.
Why did nobody ever post DAVID IS ON A BOAT!?!? Geez. Welcome back yo.
Left work early today and went right to bed. A fierce bug has latched on to me.. hopefully I can get this thing under control. Typhoid season has apparently begun. Achoo.
6am with Nick and McDowell
Ken and I partnered up to "rep the grayhairs" today. In true crossfit fashion, Ken shrugged off a shoulder injury and did, I think, 58 strict HSPUs during this 12 minute WOD. Wish my shoulder injuries worked like that. I started out kipping, then started the 12s round with 2 abmats under my head (thanks Nick). I came in about 5 kettlebell swings short of finishing the round of 12. Had a 2-pood bell.
this afternoon: 1.5 mile warmup run to the track, then 4×400 m sprints with 1 min rest between, going for consistency, followed by 1.5 mile run back to the office. Slightly more consistent times than last time, laps were: 1:22, 1:16, 1:16, 1:17. I backed off too much on the first lap.
yesterday: 20×4 with 1 min. rest between sets, of Dumbbell front squats, then ring rows, then Dumbbell RDLs. #45 dumbbells. Grip is definitely the limiting factor.
Got through the round of 12 today, then managed 15 piked push ups and 5 T2B. RXed the T2B and 24kg KB, and scaled to piked HSPU, 20" box with 1 ab mat. I'm gonna be sore from this one!
I love crush week! 6:30 with Noah and Arturo.
Kipping Hspu(into the 9's or 12's I got an abmat. Slow descent was using up my arms and a started failing), t2b (still can't kip so they felt really slow and time consuming), 20kg kb. Got through the 15's. 5 rounds.
The run snapped me back into reality. That was a great beginning to the week.
6:30 with Noah and Arturo
I knew I should have gone with an abmat or 2 all the way through. Made it through 15 HSPU and T2B and 5 swings. Started with plates and an abmat, HSPU fell apart in the round of 12, took a few minutes. Dropped the plates for the round of 15, made it with a minute to spare and got as much done as I could. Everything but the HSPU were unbroken throughout.
6:30 with Arturo & Noah.
I love me some crush week!
15 piked HSPU + 15 K2E + 10 KB #24
"The workout starts at 12…"
Shit, I'd argue it started at 9.
Starting a whole 30 tomorrow if anyone is interested. Pretty strict during the week, now I just gotta clean up the wknds…this is going to suck during football season. But last whole 30 I did was ruined 3 wks in by national donut day. Can't blame me for not wanting to miss on that one.
omg i will cry and eat ice cream any night of the week. count me in.
Shout out from Gabrus!!!! How the hell you doing?
Todays workout – 12 round plus 15 piked push ups and 11 toes 2 bar – 2 pood on the swings which were the rest period.
Silly 8:30 class with Noah and his lovely assistants Melo and Arturo.
WOD – 17.5# DB press for HSPU // 2x sit-ups for T2B: through the 15's and 3 DB presses into the 18's. Presses definitely slowed me down, but I'm happy I did them because I need the strength work.
Psyched to see Charmel in the gym tonight. I love, love, love seeing OG SBK folks; their energy and perspective reminds me what I loved about the gym when I joined. Here is to keeping that spirit, and all it entails, alive.
Will there be any Ministry played as well with said ice cream?
If my mom was not coming to town to visit, I'd be all looking down and eating ice cream.
7am with Nick and McDowell
Made 4 rounds and died at 10 HSPUs for the 5th round. Used one ab mat. 28kg bell and the toe to bars.
Legs still feeling it from the box jumps and sprints. Great way to feel starting crush week.
Welcome back David.