Partners alternate rounds for 8 total Rounds of:
400m Run
20 Box Jumps, 24″/20″
Post time to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Prep
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 101
- There is NO Active Recovery today as Coach DO is still away.
- Happy Birthday, Brandon B!
9/22/13: CFSBK 1, Tumblr 4
This weeks action saw a shuffled lineup for the CFSBK Fighting Tacos against a very tall and talented Tumblr team. Tumblr used their height and “personnel efficiency” to their advantage, jumping out to a quick two goal lead before a strike from Brian J. (and some lawyerly advocacy to the referee) put CFSBK on the board. Strong and spirited midfield play from Jen S. (in her season debut) and Kate R. kept CFSBK on the attack. Jim A. provided great energy and pressed the action, as Noah A.’s lunch of bbq brisket rendered him in effective for much of the game. Rickke M. gamely stepped up to play goalkeeper, and played like he had never unlaced his “cleats.” 2 late goals from Tumblr sealed the deal, but CFSBK stayed chippy and aggressive throughout. It’s only a matter of time before that energy and conditioning translates into a goal scoring barrage, so stay tuned!
Game Ball Awarded To: Brian Jankowski- Scorer of the lone CFSBK goal, Brian also provided steady defensive and midfield play throughout the game.
Next week’s action (10/6) pits CFSBK against Obi Wan Kenobi Nil at 2PM. This may be one of the last beautiful days to come and experience the fields at BKBridge Park, so come on down and support your Tacos!
Gymnastics Kip With David Durante CrossFit
The Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit
Generic Candy Corn Will Give you AIDS
Sassy Tacos! I think Gina wins for facial expression, with Rickke a close second.
That's a generous write-up of our loss–also more amusing in retrospect than it was live–but I'll take it. 🙂
Loved today's WOD. Partnered with one of the Mikes for the 8am class and we finished around 23 min on a 20in box. RXed the sumo deadlift highpulls and got 26 pulls. It's fun to practice movements with a competition in mind. Also feels really good to get up at 7 on a Saturday morning, who knew?!
I got home after Conan(the best gym movie ever played) and had to shower, eat more cannoli, and pass out and have weird dreams instead of posting my OG experience.
Went in to get kipping muscle ups. Noah was helping me. I did not get them. I'm interested in trying the gymnastic kip. I was so close a couple times but just not getting the turn over with these. Overall I think learning kipping stuff is always a mental block until one day it just happens.
Instead though I did other things with more determination. After getting 5 or 6 sets of 25 unbroken double unders I went for 50 and nailed it! I have to work on not being stiff and pikey.
This WOD was a lot tougher than it looked. Partnered with Daniel and ended up with a total of 22:45 (I think)
Splits were 2:05, 2:19, 2:14, 2:20. Went out a little hard on the first round and started to fade towards the end. Round 2 also included dodging a couple of trucks in the sidewalk.
Fun partner WOD with Tim, we finished at 23:03. I could have pushed a little harder on the runs maybe, bjs were slow and steady.
30 on the stress test. Tried to do these steady and controlled, with FGB in mind, trying to keep the heart rate down. Didn't really work.
MGMT! The PBR 40s in the fridge are mine. Will grab tomorrow. Sorry!!!
Here's a little article that Todd forwarded to me which I thought worth posting….
I have grown to love the world of Crossfit especially within the last six months. I have to admit that I was like the typical strength coach until I met my Smashed Crossfit Head Instructor Pam, and I am going to leave her last name out of this because I am sure that I am about to make a lot of people mad. Pam came to me to for instruction on Olympic lifting and general strength. Her enthusiasm was second to no one! She was a 50 year old lady that desperately wanted to get better, faster, and stronger. What strength coach doesn’t love those types of people? When she would hit a 2 kilo Personal Record, she would scream, jump into my arms, and I would parade her around the gym for a victory lap. She was a member of another Crossfit, and was just coming to me for strength and technique. Pam made me curious about the whole culture and community of Crossfit, so while on vacation I studied The Outlaw Crossfit website owned by Rudy Nielson. Outlaw loves Louie Simmons, and frankly so do I. I couldn’t believe how Rudy was talking about the Conjugate Method and Periodization. I was under the impression that there was very little science within the Crossfit community, and that every Crossfit program was full of random nonsense. I was wrong! Sure there are idiots within the Crossfit world that use absolutely no science and have no idea how to teach the technique of any of the strength movements, but I believe that to be the exception and not the rule. However, this is also true about Powerlifters, personal trainers, and strength coaches. I have seen powerlifters that had no idea how to program or even squat. I have seen personal trainers that are a severe embarrassment to the health and fitness industry. I have seen strength coaches that should be thrown in jail and fed monkey brains for such terrible preparation of athletes. Rudy Nielson, however, could be a Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at any major university, and his athletes are capable of strength feats that are unbelievable.
I am now immersed in the Crossfit world with my podcast “Weightlifting Talk,” cohosted by “The Champ” Jon North and the world’s best Crossfit Coach Ryan Grady. Our show airs every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am at the website: Most of our listeners are Crossfitters, Weightlifters, Powerlifters, and Strength Coaches. We have developed a world where we all get along called “The Attitude Nation.” This Crossfit world is now my family. I love our listeners, and they know that I go out of my way to answer all of their questions. I have learned to love and embrace all of the strength worlds.
I am the owner of Mash Elite Performance, a strength and conditioning facility, that has turned out more Division I Athletes in North Carolina than any other facility like it: I coach a Weightlifting Club and Powerlifting Team called MASHMafia, and our latest venture is Smashed Crossfit. I presently coach 7 Nationally ranked weightlifters including Team Muscle Driver USA’s newest professional weightlifter Rebecca Gerdon, and over 10 Nationally ranked powerlifters including the strongest 242lb Drug Free Powerlifter in history Greg Nuckols. My mission is to help my family at Mash Elite Performance and “The Attitude Nation” not make the same mistakes that I have made, not just in the gym, but in life also.
This long introduction is to explain why I cannot tolerate bogus information. My life is spent informing and helping people, so when I see someone giving out advice that is not only wrong but dangerous, it makes me furious.
Mark Rippetoe is one such guy. Until recently I had never heard of Coach Rippetoe even though he is a self-proclaimed power-lifter and strength coach. His popularity surged from Crossfit HQ between the years 2006-2009 teaching basic barbell movements. (HQ really needs to be careful who they choose to represent their brand, but that is a topic for another article). Below is a video of the way the Coach Rippetoe teaches the squat:
And here is a video that is correctly how to teach a squat:
Here is another coach agreeing with me:
The problem with Rippetoe’s approach is that he is considering the hamstrings only, which is becoming a big problem in sports medicine in America. In contrast, Gray Cook, the best Physical Therapist, is changing all of that. Gray teaches movement and how muscles work synergistically. If you want to know how to squat properly, look at a two year old. They sit their butts between their ankles, maintain a vertical back, and they will not lift the butt or hips first. Not to mention we all learned in intro level Geometry that two levers are better than one, and Rippetoe teaches to shift all loads onto the hip lever. I have watched videos of all the great squatters in history: Ed Coan, Steve Goggins, Dan Green, Chad Wesley Smith, Shane Hammons, and Kirk Karwoski. I know all of these people, and I have talked squat with the best in the business. I have squatted 805lbs raw, 900lbs single ply, and 970lbs multi-ply and all at 220lbs. All great squatters know that the technique that Coach Rippetoe teaches is the very technique that we all avoid. The position that he preaches is what we all call the “point of no return”, or where we are about to get crushed. At first I couldn’t believe that a power-lifter would preach this form, until I looked up his best numbers: Coach Rippetoe only squatted 611 lbs in a single ply squat suit at 220lbs. Rippetoe just doesn’t know any better. Rookie. I would like to coach Rippetoe myself, I could teach him how to have a decent squat. You don’t have to have an elite squat to teach, but if you are going to be the self-proclaimed guru of the squat, then you need to be legit at least, not a rookie. (HQ should have checked him out first.) I would never listen to a poor man teaching how to save money any more than I would listen to a weak squatter teaching how to squat.
Even more infuriating is that this rookie is charging $600 per person to teach them how to squat incorrectly. Hey Crossfit community, stop giving your money to a phony rookie. I know a lot of people are going to be upset about the harshness of this article, but this has to be said. If you are going to a seminar, watch some videos of professionals performing the movements. Then if the person teaching the seminar is teaching something completely opposite, leave the room immediately. World record holders and world champions lift weights a certain way for a reason: because it is the best way. There are a lot of seminars out there with great information, so do your research.
Here are three questions to consider about the presenters:
What is their background?
What is their education?
Who have they coached?
If you want to learn about Powerlifting movements ( Squat, Bench, and Deadlift), I recommend Chad Wesley Smith, Brandon Lilly, Louie Simmons, or check out a Mash Elite Powerlifting “Learn 2 Lift” Seminar. If you want to learn about the Olympic lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk), I recommend my man Jon North (, Coach Glenn Pendlay, or check out a Mash Elite Olympic Weightlifting “Learn 2 Lift” seminar. I promise that if you attend any of these seminars, you will benefit from great information taught by experts, not rookies.
At MASH Elite seminars, if I am teaching the back squat, I teach both high bar and low bar. If your goal is to improve in Olympic weightlifting or athletic performance, the high bar back squat is best for maximal depth and range of motion. If your goal is maximal weight in powerlifting, then low bar is better for a center of gravity advantage. This isn’t an article about the squat, but
if you have been a victim of Rippetoe, let me give you some pointers from a World Champion:
Absolutely lift your chest first when coming out of the bottom of a squat.
Knees and hips should lock out at approximately the same time; the last place that you want to be is with your hips as high as your shoulders or even close to that position. When the hips shoot up like Rippetoe teaches, all the weight is shifted to the low back and most of the time the bar pulls the lifter forward, “the point of no return”.
Muscles were designed to work synergistically, and in the squat the quadriceps are attempting to extend the knees while the hamstrings and glutes are extending the hips. The muscles were designed to work together at the same time, maintaining two fulcrums at the knee and hip until completion. They were never designed to work independently.
I spent last Monday night Skyping with one of the best Olympic weightlifting coaches in America (I will leave him anonymous to protect him from the fallout of this article). He agreed that this article needed to be written because this Rippetoe thing has gone way too far. He told me that Coach Rippetoe’s only experience is working with the general public and middle aged adults, which is an admirable field and one that I love. However, don’t pretend to be a Squat guru to athletes when you have no idea about coaching athletes, or to actually un-rack a decent number. Stick to what you know and leave coaching athletes to the experts, Rookie.
Travis Mash has been strength training for over 21 years and has been working with athletes on their strength, speed, and athletic performance for over 15 years. Travis has worked with athletes and non-athletes of all levels from NFL and Olympic hopefuls, to 7-year-olds just starting out, to a 70-year-old senior seeking increased mobility. Travis is a published author for several strength and conditioning journals and continues to work with several colleges such as University of North Carolina, Wake Forest University, Appalachian State University, and Wofford University. Travis is a current world champion in powerlifting and has held the all-time pound-for-pound world record. He was also an Olympic hopeful in weightlifting and was recruited for the U.S. men’s bobsled team. Having been a world champion, Travis is able to share his champion mentality with his athletes and non-athletes alike.
Website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Aargh don't associate me with that!!!
Todd in no way endorsed said article. I just thought it was an interesting read…
Another moron who can't distinguish between squat technique for raw and geared lifts, not to mention the fact that he doesn't have a clear understanding of the model he's critiquing. Travis name drops a whole bunch of lifters and perhaps he has spoken with them. But I'm not sure he's watched them squat. The nice thing about YouTube is that you don't have to take anyone's word for it, just watch great squatters. See how they lift, forward inclined torso and hip drive? Or a sitting back onto an imaginary box with chest up?
Here's a few examples:
You'll notice that those are all guys named in the article
But all of this is besides the point anyway. This whole thing is simple, the anonymous weight lifting coach that Travis quotes is Glen Pendalay, current head coach of Team Muscle Driver. Glen and Rip hate each other, have for years. It's just an attack piece on a friends behalf. If it gets people to sign up for his own seminar, so much the better.
So I wrote a long response that nobody will see thanks to our awesome comments section. To sum up:
Travis is attacking Rip on behalf of Glen Pendalay, the unnamed lifting coach in the article. Travis knows little about Rip and less about his method, which is why he doesn't really spend much time criticizing the technique Rip teaches other than some pseudo-scientific shit about hip fulcrum that's there to confuse people who don't know any better. Rip and Glen have been fighting for years and this is just another salvo, don't be dumb enough to get caught up in it.
If you want to see how great Raw squatter squat, watch some videos, there are plenty of them out there, Google all the people Travis mentions; Green, Karwoski, Chad Smith. Watch other greats like Sam Byrd or Malanchiev. See if they have a forward inclination and drive with their hips. Compare that to the upright chest leading squat that the mutli-ply guys that Louie Simmons teaches. You don't have to take anyones word for it.
Lastly I find it hilarious that he uses Rips lowly 600+ squat to criticize his coaching abilities (when they aren't really related) but leads his article praising the coaching of Rudy from Outlaw an un-athletic wife beater.
Partnered with the speedy Marco for this one. We finished in 21:24. I banged up my shin pretty good in the last round. Third time I've done that recently. Melo was nice enough to minster to my wounds – thanks!
On a an extremely funny note, i went to a globo gym for the first time in at least 5 years. I am not an eloquent enough writer to truly summarize correctly the assclownery that was occurring there. However there is one exchange i must share…
I was squatting and some guy in a wife beater approached me and after a SOLID 5 seconds of silence and a very puzzled look on his face he says, "What are you Greek?"…no "What are you Italian?"…no… "Well what do you do for a living Fireman, policeman???" no…. At which he points to my stomach and says, "Whats going on under there?? let me see." !!!!!! i was so thrown off guard and caught up in the moment that I obliged. His eyes went wide as silver dollars, he siddles up closer to me and with an oddball smirk says, "BRO…whats the deal??? cmon man, whats the deal…" I think at this point he was insinuating i was on steroids and that he wanted to buy some. I told him i really had to get back my squatting and turned around….
Another snippet of conversation i heard was, "BRO!!! Do you know what size my waist is???? 28!!!"…
Its really worth the experience if you find yourself bored with nothing to do. Go check one out.
Here's a good rebuttal to that article that Jake posted:
The Fit Coach
What's hilarious is the way the article got torn to shreds in its own comments section. I generally like the Juggernaut stuff, but this was just dumb
Yeah someone sent me that rip article when it came out. Theres no substance to it. That's about all I got, everyone else did a fine job rebutting it.
Released a few comments from purgatory. The blog has been quite compliant lately but there was an actual spam comment about how to get your ex girlfriend back with a "spell caster" that might have woke up the old blog police? Otherwise I think successive links get flagged.
Also, the blog hates Samir so one of his was in there. 🙂
I think one thing these ongoing spats about lifting technique–between 'big-name' coaches–reveal is that–not that this wasn't already known–Crossfit is big bucks and a huge market. There is bound to jockeying for the spot of Top Lifting Expert, Top Squat Guru, and all of the rest. Think of the giant market that awaits in seminars, expert advice, certifications and the like.
At this stage, I suspect it's not just about technique and science, but also who can position himself as the Man To Turn To for the CF community.
Wait. There's a spell caster that will get my ex-girlfriend back?!??!?!
Release that link David!
I too want that spell caster!!! Also, agree that there is zero substance to that article. Its interesting to see how catty these guys get towards one another though. I guess thats what happens when big money is on the line. I am still reeling from my globo gym experience.