Part A:
Work kick-ups to a partner and learn how to spot handstands.
Part B:
Fitness: 5×5 Piked Handstand Push-Ups on Box or 5×3 heavy triple DB Press
Performance: Complete 30, 40 or 50 Handstand Push-Ups in as few sets as possible.
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Kettlbell Swings
20 Goblet Lunges
10 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ken H doing some One Arm Chins
Tips on How to Fundraise For Fight Gone Bad
Step 1: Make sure you’ve created your account on Crowdrise.
Step 2: Take a moment to learn more about The Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They’ve granted a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with. Here is a quick list of ALL their grants
Step 3: Write a short email to your friends, family and colleagues. Compose a standard message that everyone will get and then personalize each email with a quick intro. You might include examples of grants that the person you’re emailing would appreciate. You could also.. CALL! a relative and discuss what you’re doing. After a week or two, follow up with the people who haven’t donated, many people respond after that second nudge.
Step 4: Post to the social media outlet of your choice. Easy peasy!
Step 5: Lead by example. Either start your donating efforts with a donation to your own fund or coordinate between you and your team to donate to each other.
CFSBK is currently at over 7K raised for charity!
Yelp Us Out
Get it?! Yelp us…nevermind. Speaking of feedback, CFSBK has been very fortunate to have gotten 40 5-star reviews (14 Filtered) on our page at Yelp. If you’d like to share your thoughts on our humble gym with the world we’d love it. All we ask is you be honest and tell everyone how awesome we are. Just kidding! We thank you in advance for giving folks out there your opinion of CFSBK.
1000w Power Clean
Mike Tyson Throwing Darts Blindfolded
Awesome Moments
Someday, Nick's Remedial Handstand School will get me to the wall. Someday. (Clearly, I need to stay after class. A lot.)
WOD 8:49, 16kg, pushups. I was pleased not to feel any weirdness in my low back this time. Road to recovery!
Also, I would like to retroactively change my answer to this morning's QOD ("What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?") I said "chicken feet," but actually, chicken feet are, well, food. Cheez Balls are WAY weirder (what are they made of, styrofoam and Yellow No. 5?), and I used to INHALE those things as a kid.
6am with Nick and Arturo. Kick-ups were ok. Need to work more on keeping my forward leg straight and bringing it up to meet the back leg more smoothly. Too often it trails far behind, limp and useless. After a tip from Arturo about looking towards my toes, had a few nice moments of handstand balance. Did 40 strict HSPUs (8-6-6-5-5-5-5) followed by 10 kipping (4-3-3). Compares nicely to last week when I did 30 strict and 20 kipping. Felt stronger today. Metcon with a 32KG kettlebell and ring dips in 9:45. Goblet lunges provided major forearm suckitude.
AH, just to clarify that photo… I was practicing 1 arms… Negatives. I cant go up, so Im trying to get strong holding and going down slowly.
Fox – maybe we can start the next version of your club? I could use some help and companions.
Fun OG yesterday.
Worked up to 78# on snatch complex (HPS+OHS). I should have gone for more, but I was being lazy.
HBBS 115x8x3. Again, I was lazy and just dropped to the bottom on a few reps. Good cues from Noah and easily corrected for the following rep(s). I like these a lot.
Then, ugh. JJ and repeated a WOD we did back in June. Basically a short Kelly. 3 rounds, for time: 400m run, 30 box jumps (20''), 30 wall balls (14#, 9'): 16:38, which is over a minute slower than the previous time. And now my quads are filled with regret.
8am with Arturo
Kick-ups were pretty much the same as usual for me: had a few or so with 3-6 seconds of balance at the top. One I walked around to keep from falling, so I don't know if that "counts" but it felt pretty good to begin using that option to control my fall.
HSPUs: 5 – 3 – 2 strict, then about 15 kipping in several sets (first time trying kipping HSPUs)
5 unbroken HSPUs was a big PR (previous PR since forever was 3). Not sure what happened, they just felt easier today.
WOD with 2 pood kettlebell and pushups instead of dips in 10:15. 1st round, I did everything unbroken with American swings, but that kind of wrecked me. I went to Russian swings after that and everything in two sets, with about 15 breaths in between.
Almost no sleep last night: my 2-year-old daughter insisted on sleeping in our bed, apparently so she could practice some WWE routines in her sleep.
Ken, I saw a bunch of guys at BKB last night doing *weighted* one-arm chins :O I felt pretty pleased with myself when I showed them MUs and they couldn't do them haha. Then again maybe they were just tired from the *weighted* one-arm chins…
Damn you Ken! Will add these to the list. I am far from a one armed chin up today…
Hey, if it's on IG, it's a free for all :
@Allen – There are some really strong guys over there. Weighted 1 arms is damn hard. Glad you could still show them a thing or 2.
@Crystal – I have to say 1 step ahead of you… 🙂
4:30 class
Solo kick practice – no partner
40 HSPU in a bunch of 5, 6, and 7 rep sets.
WOD with 24kg and ring dips in 7:46
Dips were harder than expected and I had to break up the sets.
Kickups were hard as usual. Did a little better on the piked handstand push-ups on the box.
DId the WOD @24kg bell and ring-dips. Took me forever as the dips broke down into singles halfway through the second round. Lunges felt surprisingly hard on the back. I probably wasn't braced well enough through the midline.
6:30 class with Noah and Arturo
Still having trouble staying hollow-ish on handstands. Working on it.
Dropped the abmat for this week's HSPU and boy were they harder. Got through 10 strict (singles by the end) and then 5 more interspersed with about 15 kipping.
WOD in 7:37 with a 24kg KB. Glad I opted not to use the 2 pood. Kept moving pretty much throughout and it was a tough one.
Fun QOD w Noah's 7:30 class…
7:00 @ 24kg, pushups instead of ring dips. I felt pretty beat from yesterday: 2hrs of lifting and rings at OG followed by an hour of bouldering.
6:30 with Noah and Arturo
I got to work with Lady Fox for handstands. First round I couldn't remember which leg to kick up with and went with the wrong leg. After I figured it out I dealt with the same issues of not being/staying hollow.
Got through 31 strict HSPUs. First few rds i got 5, then I used an abmat for a couple sets of 4's, then went back to the hard floor for 2's and 3's. I worked on kipping for the rest of the time. These are getting fast and I stay on the wall! Fox I will work on coming down all together.
12kg bell and 5 ring dips. Everything was going well until I started failing with 2 ring dips to go. Couldn't lock it out. Took a break and got them done 1 by 1. 8:29
Afterwards I tried kipping it up with Jon's guidance and it worked! Have to get kipping muscle ups now.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Run 400m (on treadmill)
16 DB Thrusters, 50lbs > 40lbs
3 Rounds +200m
Wanted to go heavy on the Thrusters, got through two rounds at 50lb bells then dropped to 40s. The swaying of the boat made it really hard to stabilize the dumbbells overhead and I actually had two reps that were overhead when the boat shifted and caused some discomfort in my left shoulder. Started to feel impinged so I dropped down to 40s to be safe. It was also weird on the treadmill since sometimes the boat would shift you towards the front of back and it was hard to keep balanced. The 20 minutes felt like 10.
Afterwards I did
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
65 DBs x12x4
Cash out: lose room key card and then get to the comedy show late enough that they were at capacity.
Handstand practice. It's coming together. If only I didn't have to breathe.
40 strict HSPU with one abmat and one textbook in 6s, 5s and 4s.
9:24 with 16kg and 10 banded ring dips. Not a lot of gas tonight.
6:30 with Noah & Arturo
Handstands are feeling and looking good. Biggest thing I need to remember is to not over extend…tall people cheats.
WOD 8:08
felt shot through out the entire process. lunges really hurt my hip, but kept them weighted through out..good or bad, i dunno.
love inversion mondays
I am very much enjoying the inversion training. Feeling more confident in going upside down and building strength!
WOD with 1.5 pood and ring dips in 7:46. Nice one.
@DO…if you have a kindle by any chance you HAVE TO read an essay by David Foster Wallace entitled, "A supposedly fun thing ill never do again." Its about his trip on a cruise ship, its both brilliant and hysterical.