EMOTM for 10 minutes
Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (1+1+1)
EMOTM for 10 minutes
2 Squat Cleans
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure weight.
Performance Heavy 2
Attempt to best last week’s triples by 5-10lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Clean/FSQ e2/6
If you DID the Saturday Wall Ball WOD and your legs are smoked, perform:
3 minutes each side either Couch Stretch or Foam Roller Quad Mash
If you did NOT do the Saturday WOD then perform:
3 Rounds Not For Time:
270 run/300m Row
20 Dumbbell Thusters
Choose a weight you can go unbroken for at least the first round.
Post load and implement to comments.
CFSBKers carrying sandbags during the CMC
- Team CFSBK is playing team Tumblr today at 3:00pm in soccer. CFSBK is way more culturally relvant than tumblr so an epic win is just about a lock.
Good luck, Jake and Brandon!
CFSBK wishes the best of luck to Jake L and Brandon R who are competing in the Rudy Sablo Memorial Weightlifting Open in Garden City today. Jake L is attempting to qualify for nationals in the 207lb weight class. His current PRs are a 270 Snatch and 323 Clean and Jerk, he’ll need to hit 275 and 335 in order to qualify. Brandon is also hoping to hit some qualifying numbers. His current PRs are a 202.4 Snatch and 242 Clean and Jerk.
Best of luck, fellas. CFSBK is rooting for you!
This is what it looks like when you strap a GoPro onto an Eagle flying through the French Alps
A different kind of CSA. Community Supported… Art
Quick reminder guys:
The CFSBK FIghting Tacos are taking on Tumblr at 3PM at Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 5 today!
Take a break from football and watch some futbol! Come on down!
Noah, is it too late to sign up for soccer?
Good luck today Jake and Brandon! QUAL-I-FY!!
Jake post some videos on Instagram
Great 9am class with Fox and Arturo. Squat clean breakthrough. Thanks, Arturo
FSQ felt good today, too.
Was feeling bad about skipping out on yesterday's wall balls, so I was grateful for the punishment cash out.
Another gorgeous Sunday. Go Tacos!!!
who writes the blog? that person makes me happy.
@David – From your post yesterday – I used to work on a cruise ship and there were barbells in the Crew gym. Maybe sneak down there when no one is looking? Haha
EMOTM Squat Cleans: 135 for first 6 rounds, 145 for last 4
Front Squats: 210x3x3, 215×2
Good luck Jake & Brandon!
Heads up: Michael Fiore is standing in 4th place in the Pump Games as of last night! Good luck today man! Go get'em
Good luck to my fighting tacos 🙂
And good luck to Alan L in the pump games today!
CFSBK doing big things 🙂
Cleans OTM 170-180-190
FSQ 235×2
Cash out 3 min each foam mash AND couch stretch
Go Sizzle Chest!
Good Luck Brandon and Jake!!!!
@KH really enjoyed the Pilates class!!!! you were great!!!
Nancy, thank you so much! And thanks to everyone who came to the Pilates workshop today. I had a blast teaching all of you and I hope you all had fun taking the class. Now scoop your abs!!!
Good luck to everyone competing today!
Took Kristin's Pilates class. It was awesome and the good kind of hard!
I also did KH Pilates, and my ass was on fire! (in a good way)
@KH are you going to do another anytime soon?
Long time, no post/workout. Tried to get back in the groove post-Europe but the crazy work schedule has made that impossible. Now on a 4 week bender to whip my ass back into shape for premium FGB performance.
Squat Cleans @ #85 which is very very light for me, but was concentrating on form and not killing myself.
FSQ 3×5 @ #85 also very very light for me, but the same mantra went for these as above.
Cashout 3×270 and thrusters 15# db's.
Feels great to be back in the groove. I missed everyone.
Good luck everyone!
11am with Arturo and MeLo. Cleans were wobbly and slow at 75#.
Front squats- I felt inspired by KH and Bethany and added 10# to last week's weight to make myself feel better about the cleans. 3 x 5 at 120#. Felt pretty good!
Having done yesterday's workout on Friday , I felt I had no excuse not to do the thruster/ running cash out. Just about managed with 20# dumbbells, but not unbroken.
Took 11am class today
2 Squat cleans EMOTM for 10 mins:
-did this at 133# again like last week but today felt so much harder. I swear my back is still fried from that heavy deadlift wod last week.
(135×2, 155×2, 175×2)
185×2, 195×2
-elbows definitely starting to drop. thankful for the belt though. my lofty goal for a 1RM is 215. I'd at least like to hit 210 though.
*Cleans at 85#
After months of hard work…i didnt qualify, but i did have a great meet and I hit 2 PRs.
Opened with 260, hit it, felt good.
Second attempt went for 275# (5#PR)…Got it, fuck ya, that was my goal
Third attempt, went for 282, just missed it….ok, still made a 5lb pr, was feeling good.
Clean and Jerk
This is where i knew i was going to have to be really strong. My current PR is 323, i need to make 335 to qualify.
1st attempt at 335 missed the clean…ok, no worries just did pull hard enough.
2nd attempt- hit the clean (12lb pr), stood up with it, but holy shit was it hard. I was seeing stars and felt close to passing out. just missed the jerk forward. I knew i had just emptied the tank on that lift and it wasnt to be today.
3rd attempt-didnt even really go for it.
All in all, it was a great meet. I hit 2 PRs, one being a 12lb pr, and came pretty close to my goal. I actually have until november to qualify so i am going to train hard for another month and do another meet. I honestly feel like i could have done more heavy (as in 95%+) clean and jerks. Also, I really need to train on some jerk blocks…I am going to need to utilize those at least once a week for the next month if I want to qualify.
Even though i was unsuccessful in qualifying today, i had a great meet. Back to training on tuesday…
Alan and Mike!! Sorry the pump games were off my radar when I was writing the blog! I know you guys killed it!!! Please send me pics!
Jake, Overall a great meet. You're so close, no doubt you'll qualify next meet.
Ariel, It's me! Thanks! I aim to please.
Amy, Great tip. What line did you work for? I'll investigate.
Day 1 on the Cruise with the family.
A bit of a culture shock here… I kind of feel like I showed up to the wrong party…
Gym inventory:
Okay, so they lied about the Concept 2 erg and it's confirmed there are no barbells and there is no where in the gym to do pull-ups. I'll have to get creative with that on deck. Also, for the first time I'm grateful to be short since the gym ceiling is about 8" above my standing reach so I can at least put a dumbbell overhead. It's mostly a wood floor with a bunch of treadmills and recumbent bikes, then one little 10'x10' padded area with some dumbbells that go up to about 60lbs.
This is not ideal with BOTE only 10 days away and I'll be on this boat for the majority of the time I have left to train.
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 OH Rev Lunges, 30lbs
10 Push-Ups
10 Bent Over DB Rows 40lbs
20 Janda Sit-Ups
Then outside to the concrete track for some sprints
10x158m Sprint
:38 (warm-up)
Counter Clockwise
:47 (cool down)
Really hard to run fast on concrete. Once my form drifted at all I would feel myself crashing down on my feet and it running up my shins, had to auto regulate and not go all out. I did about 20 minutes of soft tissue work on my leg on one of the guard rails afterwards.
OG session
Clean and Jerk
95×3 135×2 155×1 175×1 185×1 195xc,c,f
Felt like I was running on empty, no drive on the jerks, couldn't get one up at 195. Dropped down to 155 and did the 2 squat cleans OTM for 10min. All pretty crisp.
Then did a version of Annie with Julian, subbing 25-20-15-10-5 toes-to-bar for the sit-ups. Made an error in calculating the t2b volume, that was brutal. Finished in 7:52 and apparently had demon-red eyes for 30 minutes afterward!
Also awesome job in the competitions across the board! Jake I was researching DIY jerk blocks. Maybe if we can find some space for them in the gym we can build a set!
I got some video of my 275# snatch thanks to brandon..
and the link to my 335 clean, but jerk fail…
Clean work – 176×3, 187×4, 198×3. Front squat was the challenge here
Front squat – was pretty tired from the squat cleans but got 235×2. First was probably a little shallow. Second was better. Matched a PR but I'll count that as progress given how fatigued I was