5 Rounds for time of:
270m Run
5 Deadlifts, 315/205
Post time and Rx to comments.
Yuni C recently moved to the New York from South Korea. Please welcome her!
News and Notes
- CFSBK’s own Cristina G works for Shape Magazine and recently did an article for the website entitled, “The 12 Biggest Myths About CrossFit“. Check out her great write up and see some awesome quotes from the two most popular Abbotts in the CrossFit community.
- Another CFSBKer, Susan P just featured the Fox’s on her food blog, “My Beeting Heart: A Guide To A Healthy Heart, Body and Mind.” It’s a great write up with some fancy pictures of the Foxes and some of their favorite paleo meals.
- Don’t forget to pick up your Veggie CSA today!! There’s seven weeks left in the season (including this week – today) and Andy at Sol Flower is still taking folks into the program. If you’re into fall veg, join now and he’ll pro-rate the fee for you. You still need to fill out the CSA form at solflowerfarm dot com and send it with a check to the Farm. If you have questions, please email mignyc at gmail dot com.
- Teaser.. we’ll be launching 6 new Group classes in early October. Stay tuned.
Primal/Vegan Tasting Table Event
I (Robyn O) get meals delivered from a company called Sweet Roots. They make me “paleo-inspired” vegan meals each week…i know, i know. Anyway, they are hosting a dinner at North Brooklyn Farms in Williamsburg where paleos and vegans can come together and enjoy a meal! ha ha!
Sweet Roots Supper: A Primal Tasting Table
Sweet Roots presents a cozy supper at North Brooklyn Farms during the peak of NY’s Fall harvest. This four course supper is inspired by our ancestral hunters and gatherers and, in true Sweet Roots fashion, both Paleo and vegan inclined humans are welcome to the table.
Arrive before sunset to tour the farm, listen to our live band, sip a seasonal cocktail and chat with Marisa and our chef Kelly Faust. Then settle in for a chest-thumping feast of grilled fish and bison, farm-to-table bounty, raw confections and 3 courses of organic wine pairings. More information here!
Seattle Seahawks Doing Yoga and Metation Yogadork
D-Turn. Acute observation (from your last comment yesterday)
We've lost a few cups, but not very many. The long haul that sticks out to me is that democrats mug that I got before we moved to degraw street.
I think people at the gym got really good at holding onto things, even if they're sweaty.
Just curious about the Fight Gone Bad and wondering if I've missed the information. I signed up and then said I might not be able to attend – but it turns out I can do this. So I wanted to know if the fundraising has started, teams organized, etc.
Also curious about FGB! I like to start fundraising early since it gives me more time to politely ask people to donate rather then send a manic email that I'm competing in this event in a few weeks that's also a fundraiser.
I MISS YOU SBK! Once my deadlines go away by end of this week, my boss promised to release me at a decent time so I can actually make it to a freaking class. So, hopefully see you Friday.
7am with Noah and McDowell.
Went at it with 235#
Finished in 9:31.
My legs didn't feel ready but somehow I pulled off a pretty good WOD time for myself.
I guess that is kind of how life is, you don't think you're ready but you are.
6am private with Josh. Worked up to 231# on a complex of squat clean, hang squat clean, high-hang squat clean. Very happy to have hit the high-hang squat clean at 231. Not a lot of pull from the high-hang, which forces you to get under the bar fast. Some accessory work of RDLs and clean pulls. And then some work on handstand kick-ups and walks. Especially liked the work on exiting from a handstand via a forward roll, though my last attempt was more of a splat than a roll.
Posterior chain is all lit up from yesterday's deadlifts and today's cleans. Looking forward to some foam rolling and lax ball lovin' later.
With the Giants set to disappoint me big time this season I feel I'll be pulling hard for the Seahawks this year. Their organizational mindset reminds me a lot of CFSBK- doing the little things right, thinking deeply about the process and not just the destination, and favoring preparation and reflection over unchecked aggression or intensity. The fact that their QB is responsible for one of my favorite Wisconsin bowl runs ever is a big bonus. And they wear flashy colors!
Enjoyed today's workout. Straightforward and effective. It took me 9.28 at 170#.
Yoga with Whitney afterwards. I love Wednesdays.
:::Block 2: Transmutation Week 1:::
Squat: 325×4, 365×1, 335×3, 335×4 (PR for a set of 4), 335×3
Not bad. Knee felt Ok and wasn't the huge distraction like it's been for the last 2 months. Top set was fine. Not wicked fast, but not too sticky either. That was the most reps I've done over 315. By a lot.
Weird rep scheme yes. What is prescribed is 14 reps within 4 sets(plus the one top single). So basically 2 sets of 3 reps and 2 sets of 4 reps. Plus I chose weights within a range as I go.
Halting DL: 315x4x3
Focused on pulling the bar into my legs as much as possible but it felt like a shortened DL. I watched Rip's video Sunday to get the idea again but I don't know. These seemed more straight-forward last time. More practice required.
Romanian DL: 225x8x3
Back was fried at this point.
Step ups: 5 reps with two 20KG bells and then 2×8 with one 20KG bell
Right knee unsure about this. Felt unstable.
Leg press: 3×10
Like on a machine and stuff. Didn't look at the weight. Seemed Ok and a reprieve for my back after all that pulling.
I miss road trips. Had 1/2 a post written but work interfered…. Gainesville to LA to SF and back. With a rock band. A lot of fun. Even the 13 hour shift I did thru Texas on the way back.
6am with McDowell and Noah. So nice to be back after a mini hiatus for running. Did the WOD at 153# and finished in 11:03. I twisted my ankle over the weekend and right when I started running, my calf got pretty tight so I took the whole thing slow. I made a note to go heavier than I think the next time we do deadlifts — I don't think my 1RM is a "real" 1RM. Looking forward to seeing Inka later this week to get the calf all worked out!
I forgot to mention how foxy the Foxes look. Foxy Fox x2!
Hey so this is way off topic but… I have a couple of extra tickets to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Barclays tomorrow night. Hoping to get face value or best offer. Let me know if your interested at replacements75@aol.com. Thanks.
you guys seen NorCal's new competition oriented site?
http://nccflab.com/ (which i can't help but read as "Ncc Flab" )
some good ideas for OG
WOD in 11:53, 185#. This was quite a pokey time, and I'm thinking maybe I should have dropped a little more weight from the DL. It's not a weight I can't handle or anything, but I was being extra cautious so as not to re-tweak my back. Definitely felt heavier than 185 usually does.
PS, would like to echo others who are itching for FGB team assignments! Would like to continue the tradition of having my FGB team over for dinner so we can all get to know each other prior to the melee.
Israel you crack me up!
WOD Rx'd in 11:something…11:38 I think.
Felt ok, if slow. 315 felt heavy to rep but did em all unbroken.
Also, lots of fun spending the afternoon with Susan. Thanks for making us look good and sound smart.
FGB teams are all finished. emailz start going out tonight.
BOTE Inspired Training:
36' Handstand Walk x 6 sets
For Time:
Row 700m
25 Burpee Box Jumps, 24"
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
right into..
Run 270
5 Deadlifts, 315
Run 270
5 Deadlifts, 315
Run 270
5 Deadlifts, 315
Run 270
5 Deadlifts, 315
Run 270
5 Deadlifts, 315
Row was about 1:58 split average
Burpee Box Jumps and Pull-Ups Unbroken
Runs slowish
Deadlifts all unbroken
I wish I remembered my time for the WOD 1 portion.
Overall happy with my pace and felt like I had enough gas in the tank the entire time.
Second to last session before my meet on sunday.
Power Snatch: 4 Singles@198
Power Clean: 4 Singles@220
Clean Pulls: 2×2 @330
What a beautiful day to sit and chill for a while after working out.
Wanted to make up some squatting in the office today, forgot we hbbs tomorrow so I did:
Front Squat
45×5 95×5 135×3 185×3 215×3
Clean Pulls
135×3 185×3 225x3x3
Then did "Elizabeth" (my favorite) with hang cleans since I can't bail or really even set the bar down loudly in the office.
5:15, which is a 45-second PR for hang cleans. Psyched. Still not really able to use my hands fully. Popeye arms.
Trying to get back into it after my sore hammy..
Did today's WOD @225lbs, finished in 10:19. Took it nice and easy. Happy that the hammy didn't bother me too much – felt a little tight and got a bit sore at the end but it was all good.
4:30 with Arturo
Dead lifts @ 125 lbs finished at 9:08 it's funny how it seems heavy the first couple of times then it feels like I should have added more weight .
@ David your time was a ill after 6 minutes I think it was 6:08
Also did anyone find my gray sweater it's still missing
6:30 giant class w/ McD & Ro
Because of my never ending SI joint/hip BULLCRAP, I subbed in 270m rows.
Because of said bullcrap, I feel like I'm not able to pull anywhere near the amount of weight that I pulled for last cycles heavy 5 deadlift.
I don't even remember my time. Maybe 10:34 #128
In summary: pissed and tired of being in pain.
9:26 at 225. Felt heavy but not that bad, probably could have gone up. All unbroken.
6:30 with McDowell and Arturo
So good to be back! I never want to go on vacation again.
Runs were fast and breathing stayed controlled. Deadlifts felt fast at 125#. I probably should've gone heavier. 8:24?
1. I did not read any of the previous comments…because
2. I am SOOOOO excited about FGB…and
3. as if it weren't possible for me to love the foxes more…because I LOVE THE FOXES MORE! and I haven't even taken the time to read the article yet. I just skimmed.