For Time:
Run 800m
Performance For Time:
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jacinto B pulls a 350lb Deadlift PR at 74 years fit!
- Congrats to CFSBK superSTAR Lauren Howe who’s getting married today!
- Good luck to everyone competing in the Civilian Military Combine today at Floyd Bennett Feild!
- Be sure to check out Million Second Quiz on NBC tonight where our very own Stella Z. might make an appearance!
Gymnastics Strength Series Starts Today.. Still 2 spots left!
There are 2 slots left for the gymnastics strength series with Ken H starting today. If you want to register you can still get in on 4 weeks of getting better at bodyweight movement.
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will be composed of 3 to 4 distinct areas, warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), body weight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet) and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next 4 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Saturdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm
9/14, 9/21, 10/5, 10/12
*please note that class skips 9/28
$80 for 4 Weeks
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Register Here!
Making It To The Games CrossFit Games
The Russian Swing with Jeff Martone CrossFit
Jacinto = certified bad ass.
Jacinto es un guerrero!
That's a solid target to aim for – a 2x bodyweight deadlift at age 75. I'm on the case. Once I fix my hamstring, of course.
For today's class, David suggested I sub 95-lb deadlifts for the swings. I did so, got a decent workout, but forgot to note my time. The 'true' pushups were interesting and challenging.
A beautiful day outside – hope everyone can get out and about.
Performance Rx in 16:20
4:00 first run. Felt light and fast but wasn't.
KB 30/15-15/12-10-8
MU 5/3-2/2-2-1
second run was awful.
I have to shop for a suit today. I'm dreading it.
Like Samir, I subbed light (65#) deadlifts for the KB swings and am glad I did. The last time I touched a kettlebell was on Monday when I tweaked my back the THIRD time, so I was definitely relieved when DO suggested a substitute.
12:54 with regular pushups.
Watch Million Second Quiz tonight (8 PM, NBC). I've been called to compete and I might be on the primetime show tonight (!!!!!!!!)
MGMT, I left my claddagh ring with a hair tie on top of the board, to the left of the iPad. If possible, can someone please grab it and put it in a safe place?? I'll grab it on Monday! I'm a dummy and will be a little heartbroken if I lose that…
Surprise kipping pullups today for the first time ever, thanks to encouragement from dynamic duo of Nancy & Willie. AOTMs, indeed!
AHHHH!! Mary, that's so funny! I'll make sure he sees it.
So, apparently I stayed up WAY too late and somehow thought this was 3 rounds WITH a 400m run in each round.
17:50 w/ 24kg KB, muscle ups, and an extra run.
Fox, try Suit Supply. For off-the -rack they have very nice construction at prices that are reasonable for the quality. I know WAY too much about men's tailored clothing.
is this robb stark taking up too much space on the train?
did the 10am class today.
i kind of knowingly set myself up for a long one on this workout. i wanted to do strict push-ups all the way through and went for the 20kg kb because i'm trying to keep myself from going back to the 16kg unless it's like 4/5 rounds combined with other awful things.
11 AM with Josh and McD. Fitness version w ring push ups in 11:24. First run felt hard, kb swings were unbroken, ring push ups went away in round 2 (8/7, 8/3/2/2, and 3/2/2/2/2/2). Finished the 2nd run pretty strong.
Stayed and did some super frog (w/Superfriend Josh), voodoo ankle work and the banded front rack stretch. Felt pretty good after. One hip is waaay tighter.
11am with Josh & McD
Tall Broad Squad is back in action. Pumped about that.
somehow learning to love these WODs! Programming is definitely increasing my strength and endurance. Pumped about that
13:08 w/ Row, #16 KB.
"What, cause I'm fat?" King Willie's line of the day. I believe in you bro 🙂
30 Minute Nap on the wrestling Mat
3 Rounds:
18 Walking Lunges with 16kg KBs in Front Rack
9 Ring Push-Ups
6 C2B Chin-Ups
Today's WOD:
-2 Pood KB
– Strict Muscle-Ups
19:11 as Rxd
My motivation tank was on E after teaching all morning and afternoon. I figured I'd nap and hopefully wake up with a little more in the tank. I felt like I had no conditioning on this workout, Also easy to take lots of rest when you're alone #excuses
@ Courtney we knew you could do it!!
@ Gracie we are still laughing about that one!!!
16kg kettlebell
knee push ups
my arms were jelly for gymnastics this afternoon!
MEAT SWAP: Anyone want 8 packages of Herondale hot dogs? Willing to trade for, you know, not hot dogs. Email me: melonw @
Klokov does DT!!!!!
Klokov has to be trolling us
not hot dogs. that post cracked me up. thanks melon.
10am tried the muscle ups.
Too sore from the pull-ups wed and the snatches Thursday in my last to make it through all 3. Switched to strict push-ups after I almost fell on my last muscle up of rd 1. Went with 24kg, I should have just done push-ups for the whole thing.
Jacinto, you are one bad motha! I may be light, but for me 350 is pretty close to my PR and I'm only 39. SOOOO inspirational. I have told a lot of my friends that although YES, watching peopel l;ike Khalipa, and Froning, do WODs is impressive and inspirationa, wathching real people, who are not 24 and practically workout for a living, do WODs and excell is much more inspirational to me. Watching those maters men and woman compete always gets me going.
Jacinto is not only an inspiration regarding how fit he is, he is very humble and always willing to help others and spread his wealth of experience. What a great person.
Congrats on a new PR brotha.