5 Rounds of:
8 Ring Rows
12 Slam Balls
16 Kettlebell Swings
:32 Lateral plank, each side
Front Squat
Work up to a medium heavy 8
Work up to a medium heavy 5
Use this as an opportunity to find your starting weights for the next cycle.
Post loads to comments.
The Mighty Dog Sled!
Dog Sled Demo
- Congratulations to everyone who competed in yesterday’s Subway Series workout! We’d also like to thank all the volunteers for helping us put on such a smooth event.
Today is the last day of back off week. Starting tomorrow we’ll enter another 6 week training cycle. If you missed it earilier this week, below is the template we’ll be using:
- Inversion Strength: Develop strength and familiarity with being upside down on your hands. We’ll cover everything from Handstand Push-Ups to basic wall walks. Programming will gradually increase in difficulty and be split between fitness and performance.
- Short WOD or NFT Assistance Work
- Heavier, medium length time domain WOD.
- Snatches
- Back Squats
- DIY Cash Out
- Longer Duration WOD
- Cleans
- Front Squats
- DIY Cash Out
CrossFit and The Military, A Way Forward by Noah Barth
The Burden Run: Males
The Burden Run: Females
Yeesh. I've successfully avoided front squats (other than the light ones that show up in WODs) for so long that I'd forgotten just how much harder they are than back squats. Not to mention my quads were already fried from Subway Series yesterday.
Thanks to Rob U for goading me into extra kipping pullup practice after class, and thanks to Fox who I think has given me the tip I needed to troubleshoot. I got them every time I tried today, and I tried about six times! Gods willing, I may finally have those suckers figured out.
Yay Stella! That's amazing! You looked so awesome doing them!
10 am class today with Fox and Arturo.
I remember not being able to do slam balls last time I tried, but I could today! The 'warm-up' was fun.
Front squats felt great- I had absolutely no idea what weight to do but worked up to 100# and probably have done more. I'm excited to work on these again, though I remember having permanent bruises on my collarbone the last time they were featured in a cycle! It's almost scarf season though, so that's ok :).
Cashout- 1000m row. Still not managing 16 s/m. Wish I had longer legs.
Noon class with Melo & Ro
Loved today's "warm up"/WOD. Got through 5 rounds.
Front Squats are back! Eeeep! Kinda scurrred of these, not sure why. Wasn't sure where to start so worked up to medium-heavy #100. Managed to work with the new Ohio bar. Loved it.
Cass is home & on the mend! She even stopped and insisted on playing with some dogs on the street at home! She's rockin a goofy E-collar and always bumps into things but she's back in action and up to her old tricks. Hope to bring her by tomorrow. Thanks for the love & support fitfam!
Ps nothing beats DFungs "ab roller"
9am w/Fox & Arturo
4 rounds of the WOD
65 lbs front squats, which felt light.
I actually like front squats. I think my technique is better than back squats, so I'm excited to work on them again. Which means I'll have to do Cleans as well… ugh (insert grummy cat face meme with cation: I cleaned once..it was awful).
Fun DIY today: DROMs, PVC dislocates
W/U: 3 rounds of 10 reps each of OHS, Push-ups, hollow rocks.
5 min of double under practice.
5 Rounds, NFT (cos I nearly died after each round…)
12 each:
20# Wall Balls, 10' target
20# Slam Balls
Kettlebell Swings, 16 kg, American style
Wood splitting cash-out. I feel great.
Marathon OG session.
Power Snatch / OHS
40×1 50×1 60×1
60×1 65×1 70xF,F,F
Wasn't getting snappy pulls so gave it up for some EMOTM work.
Snatch / OHS @60k – 10min OTM
Then a fun cashout "Annie" with Julian and Spencer, 7:13.
I forgot:
Front Squats
60×5 75×5 85×5
Back to BK from my study hole on long island for the day..
2 front squats+Jerk
308 F
297, 297
Some dips and GHD situps to keep the the abs and chest sizzling.