10 Rounds for time of:
3 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Deadlifts, 225/155
12 Pull-ups
24 Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, Washington, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, Alaska, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25th, 2009, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near his vehicle. He is survived by his parents, Paul and Mary, and brother Robert.
Jason Khalipa does “Bradshaw” in 11:49
All SBK girls placed in yesterday’s Powerlifting Meet! In the 148 class, Jess Fox placed 2nd, Melo placed 3rd and Lauren placed 4th. Nicole placed 1st in her weigh class while Sarah placed 2nd in hers. Amazing!
- Congratulations to everyone who competed yesterday! Post experience to comments!
Still Some Room To Get Strong
There are a few slots left in Coach Jeremy’s upcoming Strength Cycles, strike while the iron’s hot!
Strength Intensive-B Cycle-Intermediate
3 classes per week
August 13-October 6
Tuesday, Thursday at 7pm, Sunday at 10am
(4 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-C Cycle-Morning Novice
2 classes per week
August 12-October 2
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
(2 spaces left)
Recomended Reading: Thirteen Training & Nutrition Facts We All Agree On—And 13 Things We Don’t Charles Poliquin
Adding to recommended reading:
Ten American Foods That Are Banmed in other Countries
9 am with Fox and Arturo
The worst part of today: the ending of crush week.
The second worst part of today: the warm up!!!! Bear crawls for laps was tough. I really started thinking that "Bradshaw" was a joke and that we were actually doing the wod.
3 HSPU- strict first round or two. Then an abmat so I had some cushioning for the kip.
6 deadlifts- 105# (I should've gone heavier. I never know weight on bar stuff but this was what I waited for each round to rest.)
12 pull ups- I haven't been practicing these as much and my kip is all messed up. These deteriorated fast to 3's then 2's and by round 4/5 i ripped my right palm open, then a few rounds later ripped my left hand. Kept moving through. Halfed the volume to strict for a couple rounds and then went back to kipping with help from Kevin and Fox with some better taping method.
24 du's- These were bad in the middle. Then the last 3 rounds I got 25 unbroken!!!!!!! I did the du clinic which didn't help me get more but definitely helped me with knowing what I was doing wrong. I used my speed rope today and Fox said something…"faster wrists" and it clicked.
8 rounds, 3hspu, 6 dl, 10 pu.
Congrats strong SBK ladies on all the powerlifting success yesterday! You are all amazing!!!
With that said, can you all post some #s so I can put them on my vision board? (yeah, I'm going to cut the #s out of magazines and piece them together natch.)
Wow ladies you are amazing! Congrats on your performance!
I enjoyed the bear crawl during the warm up. It was a nice of pace from the standard WU. Crab crawls, inch worms, long jumps … it's all good 😉
And, congrats to all the athletes for a great showing at the Power-lifting meet yesterday.
Congrats to the amazing CFSBK ladies for all taking medals!!!!
P.S Sarah making your own singlet for a powerlifting meet is quite an impressive feat. Nothing like adding a little stress and added skill set to the mix.
11am class. Bradshaw Rx'd in 25:44. Trudged along alongside Bjorn. Biggest impediment by far was grip/the threat of hand tear. A nasty little blood blister started to develop on my left pinky about 7 rounds in, a little tape job helped but I definitely slowed down and broke pull ups into smaller sets from there. Excited to see how the "heavy hitter" noon class did on this. I also hope I beat David.
My first full crush week and today (despite Julian and Kristin telling me to turn around and leave as soon as I arrived) was my favorite. The noon class had some pretty awesome energy going on.
Also, my lovely 57-year-old mother has been going to a Crossfit affiliate in Cleveland for a couple months and she was visiting this weekend, so she joined me on Friday and Saturday. Just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who encouraged her and helped her figure things out. She works with cancer patients and is dealing with heavy and sad stuff on a daily basis, and she says Crossfit is the best outlet and has changed her life.
Happy Sunday, and congrats to our inspiring ladies!!
Congrats to all of the strong ladies! Amazingness!!
10am class with Fox and Arturo.
Attempted the wall walk-up for the first round but felt I was over-extending and my lower back felt odd, so went for db push presses for the following nine. I was going to use 20# dumbbells but they magically disappeared (thanks Coach Fox) so I was forced to use 25# ones instead, which went ok.
Scaled to 115# deadlift which actually felt a bit light.
Double-unders sucked as usual but they were better than the last time and didn't make me want to cry.
Jumping pull-ups on 16" box were not unbroken by any stretch, but went pretty well. Finished with about a minute to go, I think.
2 x 500m row as cooldown. Still unable to keep it at 16 strokes per minute but my heart wasn't really in it if I am honest.
Liked this workout. LOVED Crush Week. BIG smiley face.
Good luck to the gentlemen lifting today.
Congrats strong ladies of SBK!! Can't wait for deets.
Awesome work Team CFSBK!
Extended my (needed) rest day through this morning, really just didn't want to do that many heavy-ish deadlifts before getting on a plane, I've made that mistake before! I'll be in for OG tonight instead.
26:35 as Rx'd
HSPU: Easy, strict, unbroken
Deadlifts: This took the most gas, did them all unbroken though
Pull-Ups: The hardest, broke down to sets of 3 after the 5th round. Used rubber pads on my hands. #nevertear
DoubleUnders: Easy, active rest
Enjoyed this workout, kind of a slow grind. I stayed consistent from round on, doesnt feel like a workout I could push too hard on.. otherwise it would push back a lot harder
Jason Khalipa is not human.
Wow. Congratulations Jess, Melo, Lauren, Nicole and Sarah!!
Had a pretty crush-worthy work-out at Crossfit Portland this morning:
300 DUs (8 min cap)
Missed my speed rope and foot cramps were a problem.
5 min rest
400m sandbag run
21 kb swings (16kg overhead)
21 pull-ups
400m sandbag run
15 kb swings
15 pull-ups
400m sandbag run
9 kb swings
9 pull-ups
400m sandbag run
21 kb swings (16kg overhead)
21 pull-ups
28:28. Steady pace. No hand tearing!
Super fun and inspiring! Congrats to all the ladies, Rob and Coach Jeremy who placed as well!
Correction. The last round was just the sandbag run, not the 21 other stuff. I got a little over-zealous with the cut and paste function.
Ive been doing a lot of training on Long Island for the past week due to studying for a major test at the end of the month. Easy living when mom makes you all your meals…came in at 12 for some platform time.
American Open Quest Training (APQT)
Snatch Doubles@85%
225x2x4. I missed the second snatch on two of these.
Rack Jerk: Heavy single
319 (Pressed it out I think, 2 red lights….)
Front Squat@95%x1x5
Thanks for the love everyone!!
Yesterday was a lot of fun.
Deets as follows:
Squat 215, 230
I missed my first attempt because I got confused about when I was going, when they called my name I was totally cold. I rushed through my warmup so I could get in my second attempt. I had set the squat at something that I knew was safe for me. I'm still not fully recovered from my injury and wanted to play it safe, but put something up.
Bench 155, 165f, 165 (10#pr)
First attempt went up nicely, second I failed after getting the bar off my chest and abou 4" up. I froze, had a mini mental freak out and asked for a spot. I was pretty upset, because this is the one lift I was really looking to test. Jeremy gave me a bit of pep talk, I reminded myself to drive through my heels and went back out for the 3rd attempt. The bar moved great, no hitches. I'm still not entirely sure why I froze the second time, but it was really nice to have the bar move so well on the 3rd.
Deadlift 300 (15#pr), 314f, 314f
Opener was sweet and fast. Felt fast. The second two I got stuck just below my knees, which is historically an issue for me. The first time it got stuck I immediately thought "my back!" (even though I didn't feel anything) and put the bar down. The 3rd attempt was pretty much the same thing. I'm not ready to push a max attempt and possibly reinjure. I'm so pleased at the pr and the fact that I'm finally lifting more than before I was injured.
Overall the day was great. It was so nice to have a great, strong group of girls there- all showing off some stellar form and strong lifts. It was wonderful to have Jeremy, Noah and fox there to have our backs and the cheering section to scream our names when we hit the platform. All in all a really good day.
OG w/Cassidy puppy!
Press 92# 3×5
4/4 for 5 sets w/full recovery
Great crush with and a fun finish today.
Bradshaw with 30 min cap… got through 6 rounds + 3 HSPU + 6 DL + 5 pull-ups
-I can do HSPU's with one abmat! that is new for me. didn't know it was possible, as I used to only be able to do a few strict with like 2 or 3 abmats, which is sort of silly. so today I played with using the kip and it came together. some rounds were all 3 in a row, others were singles. a couple failures in there, but this was FUN!
-DL @ 125#. all unbroken. not bad at all, probably could've gone for 135.
-Pull-ups took the most time. Just knew I needed to pace myself so I could get every rep up and over and not be just reaching my chin. taped up but the tape slipped a bit on my left hand so i tore that palm. also tore both thumbs. alternated grip and did sets of 4. a few sets of 3's and 2's towards the end.
-Doubles were almost all unbroken and this felt pretty restful.
recovery: 3 fish tacos with guac and da BEACH!
Congrats to the SBK ladies on their medal haul!
Congrats to all you strong ladies!!! Damn impressive!
The USAPL meet yesterday was definitely an experience. Very strange, slow, soul sucking environment to lift in. You definitely have to work hard to keep your head in the game, which I did a terrible job at. Definitely felt like a rookie, and certainly out of my element.
Squat: 315, 330F, 330 (10# PR) My 2nd squat oddly popped out of my low bar position when I stood up and ended up on my neck. Never had that happen before. I'll take the PR but I think I had more in the tank, would have liked a 3rd attempt at something bigger.
Bench: 260, 275F, 275F Very confusing, since I hit 270 at the gym last week and it felt like a heavy single, not a 1RM attempt. It felt crushingly heavy yesterday. It was weird looking at a different ceiling.
Deadlift: 365, 375 (10# PR), 385F Not really happy with any of my pulls, felt sloppy.
Overall a weird experience for me. Cutting about 8 pounds in a week and the long day really drained me, and the meet environment drained me more. Definitely have had big gains in strength over the last 10 weeks, and really enjoyed training with my training pardners for the duration. Jeremy likes to say a meet is a performance, and I felt like mine was a bit shaky yesterday. That said, repping 225# DLs now feels like a breeze and I'm more confident handling heavy working sets with my squat. Overall it was a good experience. The girls were amazing and crushed their work with grace and calm. Big thanks to Fox who kept me from totally losing my shit.
The highlight of my day was the kid who fell over backwards immediately upon unracking the bar. Ask me about it.
Noah! If Jeremy hadn't been there I most likely would have continued to lift everyone else's weight but my own….Ugh!
It was hard to even warm up..3 platforms for about 100 lifters, it was insane and erratic.
I don't even remember what I lifted except for the DL's…
I watched your lifts, you were great.
I missed the kid who fell over….i was most likely busy lifting some other girls weight!!!!!
Bradshaw was hard but I think the back to back Friday and Saturday wods set me up to really make this a slog. That and the bear crawls… XP
Partner with Brad who besides being a beast tearing through this helped keep me on pace to finish. The 175# dead lifts were difficult near the end but my grip and lats were absolutely fried. I had to drop to jumping pull ups the last 3 sets as I had no grip. The easiest thing was the handstand push-ups for me and the double-unders… I had more issues with the rope hitting the bar or the hanging rings and weight rack than just doing them. The last round just before the cap I managed to get a big free space and just crank out the 24 unbroken to make 29:11. I fear for tomorrow as my upper back, tris and forearms are smoked.