In teams of two with one partner working at a time perform the following:
As Many Rounds As Possible In 25 minutes of:
400m Run
5 Power Cleans 185/125
5 Front Squats 185/125
5 Shoulder to Overhead 185/125
Post rounds completed, partner and Rx to comments.
Liz and James go Overhead
- Don’t forget that the CSA Meat, Veggie, Egg and Flower pick ups are TODAY from 6-8:30pm!
Coaching Position at CrossFit Columbia Street
Columbia Street CrossFit seeks Coaching Intern with the potential to move onto a long-term Coaching Role. Candidate must be upbeat, have a positive attitude, cheers for others, have considerable CrossFit experience and the desire to keep learning. Level 1 certification is not required but is a plus. Please submit your resume with a short blurb on why you want to be a CrossFit Coach to: Nate(AT)
Whitney Hubbard Teaching at Bend and Bloom
Whitney H. is substitute teaching some yoga classes two blocks from CFSBK on Saturdays this month:
Saturdays: August 10, 17, 24 AND September 7
Bend & Bloom Yoga
Stars, Gold, Dung Beetles and Us NYT
Why The World Is Awesome, 60 Facts
FreeD, The Future of Sports Replays
Proof on why you shouldn’t make the PAIN FACE: Introducing conscious awareness to facial expressions.
ohai 3:57am. no sleep in brooklyn day.. 13ish? anyway, no zzz's mean i must find things to do while the rest of the world sleeps.. so.. here you go. i kind of might win for life for this. note: if you refresh the views change and each page is different.
ps: monster shoutout to melo for making crush week happen for me. since i'm basically a walking zombie she has quickly found scaling options so i've been able to get through the workouts safely yet still participate. means the world. you rule lady – thanks a ton.
6am private with Josh. Worked up to 80kg on a clean and jerk complex: low hang squat clean + jerk, hang squat clean + jerk. Felt some nice solid jerks today. I think I've been focusing on pushing the bar up too much instead of pushing my body underneath it.
Conditioning was 5 rounds of 3 muscle-ups, 6 deadlifts (315#), 12 burpee box jumps (20" box): 21:46. Burpee box jumps were slow after the deadlifts. The last 2 rounds of muscle-ups were unbroken and better than my first 3 rounds. Kipped my hips higher and pulled through more explosively. Josh said the reps looked easier and they certainly felt that way.
7am with Noah and McDowell. Partnered with Eric for the WOD @ 105# – we finished 4 rounds right at 25:00. I feel like I screwed this one up (and not just because I smashed myself in the face with the bar, which, winner!)… I wasn't sure about either the weight to use or how fast to take the runs. In retrospect I think I should have run faster even if it meant more panting at the bar. The cleans were pretty easy but I think I was just muscling it up.
@jb – who doesn't love to wake up to meowbify?? You are way more productive in insomnia than me 🙂
8AM with Noah. I <3 morning classes!
Partnered with Mark for the WOD. We did this at 95#.
3 Rounds each, finished at 26:51.
-Cleans were fine, and I found I could sort of half control the bar down for the first three and keep my hands on the bar. Took the fourth and then fifth separately so I could breathe/prep before front squatting. Each round squats were unbroken. This was the hardest part. S2O — did push jerk for first two rounds, but could feel my back was definitely hyperextended. Tried to really brace and hunker down b/c I knew it was sh*tty, but damn…
-Went with split jerk on last set for cleaner form. Also way easier and faster for me to get that OH that way since my confidence is there with the split.
my Cash Out:
2 rounds of 1:00 forearm plank hold and 8 super slow ring rows with pause at the top. working on really pulling low into my ribs and keeping shoulders packed back.
-get one muscle up (either strict or kip). this is quite lofty and my "real" goal is by the end of 2013, but I want to push it so I put in the work to get there
-mash/mobilize my calves, adductors, hamstrings, and quads 5x/week. I had an insane 2.5 hour Thai Massage last week and walked out with new legs and my knee pain disappeared. I'm inspired to keep that good feeling going!
-C&J 125#
Also… COME TO YOGA! It will be fun and interesting and useful! 🙂
7am with Noah and McDowell
Started at 185 and made it through two jerks in the first round before realizing that I'd be doing all the jerks as singles in the later rounds and dropping to 165. After that jerks were unbroken and then 2/3. Cleans and FSQ weren't a problem.
This was tough – glad that I challenged myself to at least try it at 185 though.
Also – worked with Dave Elwell and we ended up doing 4 rounds each
This is pretty good:
A measured and funny response that hits all the right points. We should hand this out during Teaser class.
I interviewed a chemist a few years ago who said something along the same lines of that lovely NY Times article on stars and dung beetles…
“All of the elements that make up our bodies first existed in stars. Iron that’s present in the hemoglobin our red blood cells, for instance, was initially produced when a star blew up as a supernova—an explosion that expels a star’s materials. Eventually, after a series of supernovas, these excreted elements reformed to create the elements that go into one human being.
Poetically, you could say we’re all made of star dust. More prosaically, you could also say we’re made of nuclear waste.”
The latter interpretation isn't quite as inspiring, but it's all awesome regardless.
Also, I look like I got beat up last night from all the bruises on my shoulders and collarbone. Need to work on getting my elbows up higher when I shoulder the bar. Loved the whole class though!
After spending 3 weeks in Mexico living a very non CrossFit/Paleo life I hit CF Empirical down here in Ft. Lauderdale. Nice group of people. Hit a PR on my 1RM press (shocked by that) and then did Blackjack WOD which was brutal. I'll be using this box for the next 2 weeks that I'm down here. Coach mentioned that a another guy from CFSBK was in there a few months back. I recommend them.
6am w/ McD and Noah – I partnered with Val who is THE JAM and we kept each other alive during this WOD crusher!
4 rounds @105# – New territory for me. The PC's felt solid, the FSQ's felt completed, and the fu*$&%n press was really difficult to stabilize at that weight. I appreciated the run to recollect myself and find a moment of zen so that I could go in and kill it each round. I got a healthy stretch in afterward and now I'm just BROKEN. The road to recovery has been 3 breakfasts so far and I think I'll need a nap (under my desk). I love being crushed.
Sort of off-topic but the Instagram threw me off
– how did I miss the Fox's Pull-up club?! Any ideas when the next one will be?
Where will it be announced?
I want in!
Emma-Lisa… this is the link to Fox's article from a while back: Developing Your Pull-Up
It's listed with a whole bunch of other great stuff under "CFSBK Articles & Media" on the left hand menu/panel of the blog.
Check it out and jump on it! I'm pretty sure a few people just band together after regular group classes to do the accessory work in solidarity 🙂
Emma-Lisa — it's totally informal, and ongoing as far as I know. A group of 8 AM regulars started it, but anyone who decides to follow one of Fox's programs is part of the club, even if you're doing it all by yourself. Do it!
YESSS! Emma-Lisa anyone can be in pull-up club! Whit and Stella are right. We usually stick around for a few extra minutes after 8am group class and work on it, but I know people are doing it after other class times too and even at home! So exciting.
Also, that NYT article made my day. I remember when my 5th grade science teacher (who is still my favorite teacher ever!) told us that! And thus my lifelong love affair with *science*
Banned from the gym by teh doctor-man WOD: Take stairs between 6th and 9th floor repeatedly.
Thank you lovelies! This sounds awesome, I'll be having at it ASAP with any willing 8am buddies !
Lately I've been doing "the handstand club" after class with great success :))
Ooofda, overhead sucks.
4 rounds each at 135 partnered with Brad who was a beast.
Went to crossfit Warrington today while traveling and it made me really appreciate everything I have at our box even more.
Took some time off from coming to the gym because I was feeling beat up and beat down, but I got it together in time for some crush week. Partnered with Jess B, and we finished up three round each just before the 25 minute mark. I did 105#, which felt heavy, but I was able to do all of the barbell work unbroken. This was fun, in retrospect!
@Rob F – I really enjoyed Crossfit Emperical. Nice vibe, good coaching and not too much BS.
Today's WoD was so much harder than I was expecting it to be. Liking the heavier WoDs and tough conditioning on tap during this crush week though.
Since I did today's WOD yesterday, I played with some gymnastics work today
Ring Work:
Front Lever to Back Lever x2 Two sets
Skin the Cat to Back Lever to Front Lever two sets
Muscle up, forward roll to front lever, skin the cat, back lever, L-Hang one set
Mat Work:
1-10 Log Roll V-Up Ascending Ladder
Parallett Work:
Static handstands 5 Holds
Excited/scared for tomorrow's workout.
6:30 with McD and Noah
Went with 145# and its a good thing I did, since I had to break the jerks into singles by the end of the last round. Since Mario (partner A) had to do 4 rounds, I went for an all out 400m sprint after finishing my 3rd round. Ouch.
1000m cool-down row and farmers carry of 2 meat-shares home afterward.
I feel destroyed right now, I think I need second dinner.
6:30 with McDowell and Noah
Partnered with Gina
I wanted to get cool points for not going heavy and taking weight off mid wod. Did not go heavy enough. Did the first round at 65#, did the last 3 rounds at 70# and then got in a 5th run. Time went off as I passed the gym.
I'm sorry I disappeared on you Gina. I took a cool down walk and remembered too late that I needed to help put the bar away. Sorry.
I hated the front squat portion the most. Cleans and push press were the least painful. Running actually made me feel a little sick and achey.
Back tomorrow, yeah I'm back tomorrow…
Woo! Foxes back!
My appetite is back too, now that the weather has cooled down. Fueling for Saturday's meet: fish oil, 1# of beef and some veg for dinner.
Squat and Bench at 75% 3×5. Felt good. Sore from yesterday's lifts and pullups, but was nice to get some blood flow going. Getting excited for this weekend!
thanks to everyone who didn't pick up their meat share, fantastic spoils for the 8:30 crowd.
Tomorrow is going to be DL, mad mobility work.. and finishing my singlet.