Benson being a Gooooood Booyyyyyyy
We love when you bring your Dogs to the gym. We LOVE it. That being said, there are a few guidelines to consider. If your dog bites, jumps on people or they cry/bark while you take class then we kindly ask that you do not bring them to the gym. Barking or crying dogs especially can be create a very abrasive distraction to the ongoing classes. Thanks!
- There is NO Active Recovery Today while Coach Fox is in Florida!
Zen Planner Reminder
If you recieved an email from Jess about switching to Zen Planner you MUST TAKE CARE OF IT ASAP. Once you get that email your current membership is inactive and we’re officially broken up. Don’t make us stalk you, just take the 5 minutes to reactivate your membership on the new system!
Other Stuff We Sell
We sell a few other things beyond shirts and memberships. Check out the list below and see if you can’t benefit from picking up one of these items.
Becoming a Supple Leopard: $30
The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury and Optimizing Athletic Performance. Dr. Kelly Starrett’s textbook on how to perform all the movements we do at CrossFit, a template for understanding movement restrictions and tons of mobilizations you can do to help get you into better positions and increase performance. 400 pages with full color photos.
Lacrosse Balls: $2
You have no excuses to not own at LEAST one lacross ball. This is the “fine brush” in your mobilization tool box. There are countless ways to inflict some soft tissue love (hate) on yourself with these guys. Great for sore muscles, adhesions and general stiffness.
Fish Oil: $25
Balance out your Omegas, decrease inflammation, defeat your enemies and look better naked. Nuff said.
Private Training: Variable
People often consider themselves to be either a group class member OR someone that does Personal Training. Group class members should consider some once off or even semi regular private training to develop skills, trouble shoot movement issues and understand how to accomplish their goals. On top of our packages, we also offer 1/2 hour sessions for $55 and single hour sessions for $90.
We want to host another Movie Night. Post suggestions to comments!
It is shameful that we haven't screened Conan yet.
I'm holding out for SHARKNADO!!! @JB can I get an AMEN on this?
@Lindstar – FOR REALS. MGMT. Sharknado. And we can do a drinking game. PS: Elysium is opening if there is any interest in a CFSBK one-off movie club adventure.
Hey does anyone watch Breaking Bad and perhaps have a tv and wants to share? Season Premiere is the 11th. Would be rad to watch and yammer with others. I offer snacks as a bribe.
MGMT I left two bags in the coat room last night, sorry, am out of it. Will get tonight.
Mad Max2: The Road Warrior
"YOU! You can RUN, but you can't HIDE!"
The Room!
7am with D.O. and McDowell. Did Monday's row/bench workout:
205 – 40.0
215 – 41.0
215 – 41.6
225 – 42.7
230 – 43.0
Missed every bench exposure this cycle, so I started conservative. Too conservative in hindsight. Pretty sure the first round was a PR for a 250m row. Complete body fatigue after this workout. I am destroyed. More crush week please.
Road House. Because everyone likes Swayze. Everyone.
I also second Conan.
6am with Noah and McDowell. Did yesterday's bench/row workout.
These were mostly better than my 250m intervals from last week's workout, so feel good about that. Glad Val gave me some peer pressure to go for 110# and not drop the weight. Yay, crush week!
Is spencer h spencer hendel? Where is AUSTIN?!!?
Movie suggestion = The Godfather pt I, II.
Yesterday's workout.
Training has been erratic so it was fun to do something like the bench row wod. Hit 210 on the bench and kept all my row's below 43.
My legs feel like that gelatinous substance that you find at the bottom of canned cranberries.
Double feature of Sound of Music to be followed by Purple Rain or single feature of Velvet Goldmine.
And for those of you against seeing Conan, there are profound life lessons (apparently 10) to be learned from Conan:
david, do we have comp class tonight?
6am with McDowell
Tomorrow's workout, partnered with Isaac, although we didn't do the Isaac WOD:
#115 (I dropped down after the first round at #135 crushed me on the shoulder work, but Isaac kept going at that weight) we got 7 rounds and 15 seconds of run between us, but folks were kind enough to let me finish my fourth round.
Got some really good cues from McDowell today.
Need to concentrate better on form when I'm feeling exhausted.
Cashed out with 3 rounds of 50 DU's, last set unbroken (first set almost: tripped the cord on rep 47) Making big gains on these.
Since my research has told me that Sharknado doesn't come out on video until September 3, (also couldn't find reliable streaming sources…if anyone can, please do!) my backup vote is for Kickass so that we can all prepare to go see Kickass2. Because Kickass kicks ass.
Or God Bless America.
Or Drive.
Or Conan. I'd definitely watch Conan.
Made up yesterday's WOD
205 – 42.3
215 – 43.7
215 – 44.0
215 – 44.4
215 – 44.9
5325 – 219.3
Bench might have been a little light but I was worried about failing. Row was painful. First interval was a PR!
Ooooh! I second @DH3 on The Godfather I and II.
6am with Noah and McDowell. Opted for Wednesday's WOD after Nick told me 2 people puked yesterday. I am wimpy like that. Liked this one. Scaled down to 95# as my jerk PR might be 125#. I need to practice that movement more–catching dynamically overhead scares the #*!@$ out of me. In the end it might have been a little light–coulda done 105,maybe–but I was able to move through all the reps unbroken which was good. I was partner A with an imaginary partner B who got the same times I did, magically. Finished 4 rounds in 22:14. Rounds were 3:03, 3:11, 3:14, 3:18. The last run was slooowwww.
Then, pullup practice, 6×2.
Fun workout.
Movie vote (though I have yet to make a single movie night): The Princess Bride. Duh.
Raiders of the Lost Ark? Anyone?
Tomorrow's WOD with Al(l?)ison, 8 rounds total plus a little running on her end. I almost turned around and went home when I saw a 25-minute AMRAP on the board, but this really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Chose my weight just right (88#), such that this was challenging but I wasn't ever just staring at the barbell. Yay! Usually I'm too conservative, so I love when I get it right.
Okay, forget I said Raiders of the Lost Ark because WHAT CHARLOTTE SAID.
@charlotte PRINCESS BRIDE is good option.
Charlotte, I believe I made it three people at around 9:20 PM last night. That WOD always messes me up. It especially messed me up bc I think I did my fastest 250m I've ever done to open last night, something like 44.7 (side note: i hate rowing). Biggest thing I focused on was not whacking myself with the handle and throwing it back as fast as I could after I pulled. That helped.
The Warriors. "Come out to play-yay. . . . "
Wondering if should have push myself more because wasn't even close to nauseous… somewhat disappointing (I can't believe I just wrote that)
60 – 102.7
60 – 103.7
60 – 104.3
60 – 108.4
60 – 105
Yes, your husband is teaching it
Go Paleo! 🙂
"Quest for Fire" a Jean Jacques Annaud film
No "dialogues", no "subtitles" and fun.
Movie suggestions: National Lampoon Summer Vacation. Airplane. And I'd vote for My Cousin Vinny, too – happy to lend my DVD to the gym.
I third DH3 on godfather.
Looking for a bit of help friends. Would anybody be willing to sit with/play with Cassidy tomorrow during a group class? Mama needs to get a WOD in but we're currently living in the city at the fams while some things in the new apartment get fixed up. We'll be in BK tomorrow, for an all day Verizon appointment (obviously necessary) for Internet installation and I don't want to drive all the way back to the UES to drop her off and drive back to BK to WOD.
She's a gem and will most likely fall asleep but I don't want to run the risk of tying her up and ruining anyone's class. However she did fine yesterday at Dino BBQ and just slept and watched the world go by.
Obviously no clue what class I can make yet but if anyone is around before or after their group class to be around for her–I'll try to coordinate. I'd really appreciate it. Going crazy with moving and the inability to take her to day care cause she's got 1 more shot on Friday. Need me some crush week.
"leave the gun. take the cannoli".
or Conan.
I like all of the suggestions here – one can never have too much Thulsa Doom, and I will gladly contribute my copy of Princess Bride on Blu-ray to the cause.
I would add the Alien/Aliens franchise, and any movie of any kind, based however loosely, on the works of Philip K. Dick. Even the bad ones are good ones.
Yes to PKD. How about a Conan / Total Recall double feature! More Ahnold.
I want Conan and The Princess Bride. Not that I'll ever make it to movie night.
Really enjoying the work outs so far this week.
They've also been great examples of how partners can make a huge difference. Quick shout out to Bekka and David for making me work harder and making it a lot of fun.
I would like to add my votes to Godfather part I & II. Maybe we could even get that version where they mix together I & II in sequential order! NERD OUT!
I'd also enjoy My Cousin Vinny of course, or I will just recite Ms. Mona Lisa Vito's "pretend your a deer" monologue for anyone who asks upon request.
Because I'm into I's & II's how about…Kill Bill.
Came in yesterday to start the crushing:
2125# on the bench and 274.something seconds on the rowing.
My Cousin Vito Corleone!!!!!
Ooh I could get into Kill Bill too.
6:30 with MeLo and Josh for yesterday's workout:
175# across on the bench for a total of 4375#, may have been able to hit 180 or even 185 across here but didn't want to fail, and managed to keep my butt on the bench for every last rep!
Sprints were 49.0, 50.3, 48.7, 48.6, 47.6 for a total of 244.2 seconds.
Somehow this workout made me feel like a million bucks…after I sat and rested for 10 minutes.
Suggestions for for movie night: Wes Anderson double feature or
Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead / Hot Fuzz)
I vote for a Prince double feature. "Purple rain" and " Under the cherry moon". Particularly since i've never made it through under the cherry moon. Or "Graffiti bridge" which for some reason I've never seen.
Conan is looking like the strong favorite.
Took the 7:30pm Group Class:
Partnered with Teresa and did tomorrow's workout and got three full rounds at 145lbs.
Was able to do the PCs unbroken, then rested, hit the FSQs unbroken, then rested, then hit the S2Os Unbroken.
135 would have been really safe and fast, 145 was a little out of my comfort zone but I was feeling really sore from the 6K row/150 push-up workout I did on Sunday. In retrospect, I think I should have gone for 155, which truly would have been "Crushing". Next time!!!!
Monday's WOD at 7:30. It hurt.
43.1, 44.2, 45.2, 47.5, 46.3.
Weight was about right as the 25th rep was sticky.
Quads got wobbly after round 3. The last one crushed me.
I think the Godfathers would be awful for movie night. It's a great movie, no doubt. Still, should be something fun and weird and awesome.
I vote for Wizards, the awesome 70's animated/historical footage Ralph Bakshi movie. Its so awesome.
Conan, Princess Bride, Indy, etc are all also aces in my book.
Its gotta be Dazed and Confused! great summer movie, and I know for a fact DO has NEVER SEEN IT!!! which is a crime in some states….
Oh shit, it's after midnight so nobody will see this, but YES to Dazed and Confused.