Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your final Low Bar Back Squat exposure for this cycle. Calculate your total work
Performance: 5/3/1 1 week
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
or 70%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
Perform 5 Intervals of
Row 250 meters
Rest about 2:00 between intervals.
Post each time to comments.
Wall Ball, Where It Pays To Be Tall
- There is NO ACTIVE RECOVERY today.
- Happy Rowing to everyone attending Coach Nick’s Rowing Seminar from 2-4pm today!
- Happy Birthday, Joel Wertheimer!
- Want to get Really Strong? Sign up for one of our upcoming Strength Cycles with Coach Jeremy. To register your slot, check out the online store listings under “Strength Cycle” Slots are going fast!
Subway Series Event 1 Today
Good luck to Team CFSBK who will be taking on “Ladder DT” at CrossFit Queens today. Anyone who wants to come cheer on the team can meet up with some of the competitors outside the church on the corner of 4th Ave and Pacific at 11:45am.
We currently have three slots open now since Whitney Hubbard, Julian Vincour and Steph Paddock can’t make it. To sign up, please email sam(AT)
Jen Stopka
Marian Lai
Rickke Mananzala
Mike Fiore
Ryan Flynn
Todd Cavallo
Zach Hodge
Steve Pokk
Alan Lynch
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Oly Videos
You can also check out the videos CT Weightlifting put up from the recent meet. Below is a link to the youtube and the time stamps where the lifts happen.
DO Snatch: 4:48, 5:35 (first attempt missing)
DO Clean and Jerk 12:04
Clean and Jerk Video 2: 2:08, 10:04
Jake Snatch 1: 7:25, 11:30
Jake Snatch 2: 0:17
Jake Clean and Jerk: 0:45, 6:11, 8:09
Kendrick Farris Does Isabel
Folks can email me directly: whitneymhubbard(at)gmail(dot)com if they want my or Julian's spot for Subway Series tmw!!
Coaches, can I go to the 1pm class and skip the WOD? I'm attending the rowing seminar at 2pm. Doing both might be an over kill and I don't want to miss squats this week.
Michelle- I'm planning on doing the exact same thing!
DO, you kill me. How do you feel about Swiss cheese and the foam on top of bubble baths?
Happy birthday Joel!
9am with Melo, Amanda Allen, and some other badass Australians. I didn't know who Amanda was before this morning, but that didn't stop me from feeling embarrassingly proud/starstruck when she turned to me on the erg and asked what TFBA meant and then that she definitely needed that shirt.
Recovery squats at 135x3x3, erg sprints in :58/:58/:59/:59/:60
Good luck today, Team SBK!
8am with Melissa. Loved all the drills this morning, especially the cartwheels. Squats at 160x3x5. These felt pretty good. Rows at 56-58.5ish.
Recovery HBBS 3×3 at 245. Felt lighter than the same weight did last week.
Row – 42.8 – 46.5. These kill me every time.
Just in time for crush week, I am skipping town! I have several weeks of travel on the docket; then I'm driving west, moving to Palo Alto.
Thank you for five months of early mornings, sore arms, cheerful camaraderie, sore legs, and a lot of fun. Thank you to the coaches for seemingly not tiring of offering me repeated advice, to bar-mates for coping with morning math deficiencies, and to everyone in the community for your spirit and dedication.
You guys are the best.
If anyone has tips for boxes in Palo Alto, I'm all ears. And if you swing through town, drop me a line if you want to WOD together! (virginiacalkins(at)gmail(dot)com)
Squatting partnered with Luca and Julian.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 287.5x5x3
These felt very hard even though the jump from Wednesday was just 2.5 lbs. There were some tough reps in each set, and the fifteenth rep was, to use my favorite phrase when describing these sorts of things–from the late great American pragmatist philosopher Charles Pierce–a baby so ugly that no one would kidnap it.
Anyway, I'm happy with my squats this cycle. I made all twelve exposures and finished 17.5 pounds above my previous PR for reps.
I squatted 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 277.5, 280, 282.5 (repeated this because some reps were called shallow), 285, and today, 287.5.
Accessory rowing with Carlos: 51.5, 51.4, 50.9 -missed one – then 52.1.
Programming these after heavy squats was, I think, prohibited by the Eighth Amendment?
Great starting the day teaching yoga outside, even in a bit of spritzy rain! If anyone ever wants to come out… free all levels class at the South Street Seaport every Saturday (weather permitting) at 9AM with yours truly 🙂
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×2
Solid 5# jump from last week. Started the cycle at 125, I believe, and certainly did not hit all exposures. Very happy with this work. Focusing on bracing sequence, good position, and not slamming all the way down to the bottom of my ROM has been hugely helpful in moving more weight!
mmm. ouch.
i bought a cfsbk sweatshirt this morning and am preeetty sure my life is about to get exponentially better because of it.
Hello! Since im new to the gym i was a little slow on the uptake for this subway series thing. I would love to compete next weekend so if anybody cant make it and a slot opens up definitely let me know! Tryyyyna lift some biiiig weight!
8am with Melissa. Squats at 3x5x150lbs. Second time hitting the squats at 150lbs but actually felt good about them this time. I think I have the habit of starting with the bar too high on my back, which pushes my chest forward, so tried to position it as far down as my arms would allow. This seemed to help.
Rowing intervals between 52-53.1 seconds.
Good luck, Virginia! We'll miss you at 6am!!
came in for the odd group class @1 to stay fresh in between strength cycles.
felt good to actually breathe hard.
decided to go with 225 on squats for sets across which amazingly is only like a medium weight for me now.
started to feel dizzy on the wod after the 3rd set so i called it, times were decent though, i just dont remember them (45-50ish)
the guy snatching after david at 5:40 in the first video is my new hero!!!
12pm Class.
Performance squats, 210×5, 240×3, 270×4.
Could have gotten more but the bar was a little low and started slipping. Need to work on the bar position a bit more.
Rows best/worst: 0:46/0:56.1
My spicy bacon salt experiment was a massive success. Rimmed a glass with it for a mezcal cocktail, it was mind blowing. Then I put some of the non-spicy version on a chocolate chip cookie. It was everything I hoped it would be.