Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 3 week
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
or 70%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds As Possible in 7 minutes of:
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
7 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Jason Khalipa takes first in the Burden Run with 28:58
See more at The CrossFit Games website.
Kettlebell Kitchen at CFSBK Today!
Want to make eating healthy Paleo meals easier? We are excited to announce our new partnership with Kettlebell Kitchen– your go to for Paleo & Zone meals! Food for CrossFitters by CrossFitters, Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to get top notch nutrition delivered right to the box. We’ve tasted the food ourselves, and we think it’s great!
Today from 8:45am onwards they’ll be in house to let you taste the food and learn about how the program works. Check them out before or after your class today!
They will be delivering food every Monday & Wednesday, the order cutoffs are:
-Wednesday evening by midnight for Monday delivery
-Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
The complete menu, along with ingredient lists and nutrition facts can be found here: MENU
Ordering instructions and FAQs can be found here: FAQs
I Believe I Can Fly
100 lb back squats today. triple digits! fuck yeah!
Folks, just wanted to ask again.
Noor and I will be out of town during the next CSA pickup. Would anyone like to purchase our share or hold it for us till the 12th?
Samir (samirchopra1 AT yahoo DOT com).
Threw in some HBBS for recovery squats. 245x3x3 – felt lighter than I expected
WOD – 8 rounds + 4 burpees at 45#. Hardest part was actually the grip.
Squat burpee w/ worm looks awesome!!!
Programmed a WOD for Matt and me to do at his family's place outside Pittsburgh. Wound up with some similar movements to today's SBK workout.
Knowing no other way to warm up, Matt and I started with DROMs, intros, and a question of the day. Seriously.
Here's what I came up with:
For time, in a team of two:
75 DB hang squat cleans (30 lbs)
100 burpees
125 DB push press (30 lbs)
While one partner works, the other partner runs 200 meters. Continue alternating runs until the work is completed.
Don't have a time, but we each ran 10 or 11 times. This was fun.
Squats partnered with the Nuge.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 282.5x5x3 (I repeated Wednesday's weight in an effort to get it right; Josh video'd me on I-coach and gave me some useful tips. Thanks – much appreciated!)
WOD @30lbs DBs: 5 rounds + 2 cleans. This felt terrible after the heavy squatting.
Squats partnered with the Nuge.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 282.5x5x3 (I repeated Wednesday's weight in an effort to get it right; Josh video'd me on I-coach and gave me some useful tips. Thanks – much appreciated!)
WOD @30lbs DBs: 5 rounds + 2 cleans. This felt terrible after the heavy squatting.
Spent the last two weeks upstate and going to Hudson Valley Crossfit. A very nice box. Their focus is a bit more heavily tilted towards olympic lifting than the last few cycles at SB have been; I think my C&J and Snatch are starting to get a bit more organized, but I'm wondering if I'll have to back up a bit on my press when I get back. Yesterday I rowed my first sub-8 minute 2000 meters. 7:59.5 to be exact. Yay! I'll be back in SB on Tuesday.
Did the half marathon C2 row. Miserable last 10k. Time at 1:38.20 or 2:19.8 per 500m. Completely mental WOD. I hope my back is not shot.
Recovery Squat: 255x3x3–still working on keeping my knees out as I get used to a tighter stance
WOD: 8 rds +4 burpees @ 50lb DBs–crazy how close Dan L. and I are on most of the met-con stuff
By the way, my last day in NY is a week from Monday. I've talked to a few of the 6am crew about getting together for a beverage. If anyone is interested, we're going to do it this Tuesday, July 30th at the Cowgirl Seahorse (259 Front Street in Manhattan) starting around 6.
It's also Taco Tuesday at the bar, so there's that.
Parker: "you will fear the beard"
11am with josh and melo
Finally progressing with squats made 120lbs!!
WOD 5 rounds with 5 cleans with 20 lb DB felt pretty good.
Finished with an awesome time learning new things at ring class!
Holy crap, Bob!!! Way to drop the gauntlet!!!
I asked Melo to write me a workout. Here's what she came up with
800m Run
9 Clean and Jerks @ 165lbs
21 Toes To Bars
400m Run
6 Clean and Jerks @ 165lbs
15 Toes To Bars
230m Run
3 Clean and Jerks @ 165lbs
9 Toes To Bars
Most of the time was spent on the runs, which would be generous to call them that. The clean and jerks felt pretty light and the toes to bars were only broken up to preserve my hands. No ripping ever!!!
Bob, that is so impressive.
Ryan, what was the question of the day? You guys are cute.
Rich froning is back on top. Here we go again.
Impressive performance from rookie Jordan Troyan who is hanging on in the top 10.
Fun sqauts, feeling great here. Got 255 x 5 for my 3-week rep-out.
WOD, with Coach Josh's "Max, scale up" challenge was… challenging. 5 rounds + 2 cleans with 35# DBs. Doing this with 50% bodyweight on the DBs really hit in round 4! Great fun though.
Been bothering me…
"According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the exercise was named in the 1930s for American physiologist Royal H. Burpee, who developed the Burpee test. He earned a PhD in Applied Physiology from Columbia University in 1940 and created the "Burpee" exercise as part of his PhD thesis as a quick and simple way to assess fitness. The exercise was popularized when the United States Armed Services adopted it as a way to assess the fitness level of recruits when the US entered WWII. Consisting of a series of the exercises performed in rapid succession, the test was meant to be a quick measure of agility, coordination and strength."
Happy to have made it in for 1pm. If you ever have a 3 yr old bday party followed by a 2 yr old bday party I recommend recovery squats and a 7 min amrap of db cleans and burpees in between. Nice little recharge.
Hope to get a bike ride in later. This weather feels pretty fantastic.