Congratulations to CFSBK super-couple Dave Fung and Aileen Hanna on their recent engagement.
Dave proposed this 4th of July while hiking with friends at Lake Mohonk Mountain House. The happy couple has been together since 2008, Dave started with CFSBK in 2008 and Aileen finally joined in 2012.
- Happy Birthday Steph P., Mike M. and Chris P. (from yesterday)
New Front Desk Staff and Hours!
CFSBK would like to welcome aboard Tim Jonston, Lindsay Silva and Matt Kattz to our Front Desk staff! Look for these three along with Lisa Fernandez (LF DOOM) and Whitney Hubbard (DubHub) working the expanded desk hours:
Monday through Thursday
5:45-9:15am *new
The Front Desk staff is here to help you! The FD answers membership and gym questions, check people in, keep the front area and bathrooms clean and hold the fort down. For those of you who have been with us longer than 6 months, what do you think of the relatively new presense of a staffed Front Desk?
Temporary Tattoo Party
Our own Bekka Palmer wants everyone to know about her company’s 2 year anniversary party this week:
Tattly is turning 2 next week! We want to celebrate with you at The Invisible Dog in Brooklyn. On Thursday, July 11 bring your kids between 2 pm and 6 pm to 51 Bergen St for Tattlys, snacks, Looney Louie the clown, and tons of fun.
This party is open to the public, so bring your kids and their friends for a great time!
Check out this great animation explaining everything you need to know about The Tour de France
On the other side of the sports spectrum… bubble football
Congratulations Dave and Aileen!
Congrats Dave and Aileen! You two make a great team.
Congrats Dave and Aileen!!!!!
Dave and Aileen, Congrats on getting engaged in your CFSBK tees! Cutest couple in the gym! Sorry all other gym couples.
First of all, awesome.
Second of all, awesome ON A MOUNTAIN.
Congrat's y'all. Will Benson be in the wedding? He better be best man.
As for the new Front Desk Super Team: GO!, I'm super excited to be helping out with some great folks. Worked my first shift with Lisa on Sunday and had a blast. Looking forward to hitting up Thursday early morning on my own.
FUNG!!!! Well played! Congrats to you both.
8 AM class to wind down my vacation. Bench 95×5, 107×3, 120×5 (worked for it!). Accessory work: maxed out at 35# DB/5# weighted chins. (I'm so glad we have 5# DBs so I can say I did weighted chins.)
Sounds like Crystal is also apologizing to herself and Todd.
Congrats Aileen & Dave!!! & let's not forget congrats to BENSON also, CFSBK super-dog perfect compliment to this power couple.
Re: the front desk, I really enjoy having someone to bother immediately when I walk into the gym, so it's great.
Congrats Aileen,Dave and benson !! You guys are awesome and
Super friendly and a pleasure to workout with!!!
Is anyone interested in going to the Doubles or Nothing Clinic?
If so, please contact me at berrios.michelle(at)
I'll be out of town next weekend and won't be able to attend after all. Thanks!
Saturday July 20th
@Gina Well, now no other couple can get engaged in matching CFSBK tees or it would obviously just be copying the CUTEST COUPLE at the gym. You know what I mean?
Tim, Lindsay, and Matt I can't wait to hang out on the other side of the front desk with you.
Happy Belated Birthday Steph, Mike, and Chris! Did you have your favorite kind of cake last night?
Congrats, Dave and Aileen!
7am with McDowell. HBBS: 245x3x5. First and second set felt smooth. The last 2 reps on the third set were a little bit grindy. Also squatted on Sunday for 250x3x5 and wasn't terribly happy with the bar speed. Today was much better.
Fun little partner metcon. Fastest round was 1:09 and slowest was 1:22. If anyone wants to go swimming, I left a nice little pool in front of the platforms.
Having a familiar face providing a friendly greeting at the front desk is great, though there seems to be a terminal shortage of damp, mint-scented towels.
You're welcome to use my towel after I'm done with it, Peter. I can't guarantee it'll be mint-scented though.
@MGMT when you place an upcoming equipment order I hope that there will be several loopyballs in the mix.
Congratulations Dave and Aileen!!!
6am with McDowell and Jess. Did yesterday's workout. 100x3x5 on the bench — felt good. Worked on keeping my wrists straight, per Jess's suggestion last week. WOD: push press/lunges with 25# DBs for two rounds and then 30# DBs for two rounds; quad felt a little weird in the last round so did lunges with 25# again. Then on the chin-ups …. did the first round with the cream (?) band and the rest of the rounds with the blue band. Pretty stoked about that! Chris Fox's pull-up club — it really works!
And, congrats again, Dave and Aileen!!
Congrats Dave and Aileen! Those pictures are adorable.
CONGRATS Dave and Aileen! You guys are just too cute!
Super happy to be part of the FD super-team. First shift today, and despite the shortage of minty towels, I think things went pretty well. I had a great time anyway!
See you all bright and early on Friday 😀
Congrats Daileen! I know that spot well, I was a bartender at the Mohonk Mountain House many years ago.
Lots of awesomeness here tod
Dave, Aileen & Benson: so happy for you all and it's always a joy talking to you. And that epic proposal pic makes me teary-eyed.
I have a friend who just moved back from living in Italy for 3 years. She's looking for a place in the Brooklyn area starting Aug 1. She is an awesome, responsible, jovial, sweet person. Please email her at LizzieMax (at) msn (dot) com if you know of anything. <3
The Front Desk rules. I love them
Happy birthday to all. Shout out to Steph Paddock who was in the inaugural Foundations cycle back in the basement of the lyceum. CFSBK OG
I like both the links today. The TDF finally makes sense and the other thing is just amazing.
Sheiko Week 2, day 1
Squat (no belt)
Bench (first rep paused)
DB Press
DB Bench
Front Squat
Good Morning 185x5x5
Fucking Marathon
oh no facebook wants me to like this…
holy! amazing. I would be SO into playing bubble football.
Congrats Dave and Aileen! Yay!
So cute! Congrats Dave and Aileen!
Sweaty nooner with McDowell and Jeremy.
Bench Press at 87.5 – felt pretty good.
Today I was reminded that my left arm is about half as strong as my right. I used a 20# db for the first round, but had to drop to 17.5 for the rest as my left arm just would not stay vertical at all for the reverse lunges.
Also, planks (yawn)- I used to be able to do a 3 minute plank but I only managed 1.5 today. Maybe I should start doing these more often. This is the only 'movement' which has gotten worse for me, but I'm kind of OK with that.
Echoing what Rebecca C said- Fox's Pull-Up Club really does work and I'd recommend the programme to anyone/ everyone. I did one un-assisted chin-up from a dead hang for each round, then for the first two rounds used an orange band and for the second two, used the bench to push myself up. Which felt AMAZING!
this is pretty badass:
Oh my gosh I'm so excited for Fung and Aileen! Amazing, couldn't happen to nicer people! Benson is going to make the most dapper ring bearer.
@charliethechick – seriously looking into your endorsement of Fox's pull up club. I have said I'm going to do it constantly, and I never do , and that's my fault. My goal is to be really dilligent with it so I can nail some pull ups in the next couple of months.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Tour, I have a friend who has been posting a series of videos on his blog called “How The Race Was Won”. Each video is s a SportsCenter style highlight of the important moments in the race. They’re great.
Guess hubs and I need to look for a new apartment. Broker recommendations welcome, or any leads about 2BRs or big 1BRs.
PS, stellavision at gmail.
aileen! dave! benson!! i'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!
Thanks guy!!
@MattKatz – I was thinking FungAi. A family of "Fun-guys".
Happy bday to all!!
Congrats again to Aileen and Dave!
Another "Two for Tuesday" with guest AR coach DO and Josh on Squat duty.
Had some crazy test-retest changes in the bottom of the squat, may have gotten a little TOO loosey-goosey between that and the heat.
45×5 135×4 185×3 230×5 250×3 280×4*
*Reps 3 and 4 were a little shallow, I think I just psyched myself out today.
Then that beast of a workout nearly killed me. 24Kg, Finished in 17:50-something with super-partner Julian. I was so out of it I forgot my phone. Twice. When I came back to get it I realized I had left it out with my lifting shoes, and after I put the shoes away I forgot it again on the desk. WOD-drunk or heatstroke?
Congratulations again to Aileen and Dave, and happy birthday Steph, Mike and Chris!
The front desk was a stroke of genius and the front desk staff rocks!!
Volume day today with MeLo, and boy oh boy was it a hot one. Luckily we had 'power' cherries to distract ourselves between sets. Totally helped.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 175×3)
-fairly good speed on all but shifted forward in some reps.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)
-hate that my bench is so weak. had to really focus on keeping my elbows from flaring out.
then accessory work, 3RNFT:
10 GHD situps
5 chinups
Belated congrats Dave and Aileen!
Congrats Aileen and Dave! What a great proposal! 🙂
Just watched the animation for Tour de France – awesome.