Fitness: 3×5 across
Focus on your bracing strategy as the weight slowly goes up. Be master of your domain.
Performance: 5/3/1 “3 week“
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
or 70%x3x3
Add 5-10 lbs to your Training Max from last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
For time:
400m Run
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Pull Ups or C2B Jumping Pull Ups
400m Run
10 Deadlifts 225/155
10 Pull Ups or C2B Jumping Pull Ups
400m Run
5 Deadlifts 225/155
5 Pull Ups or C2B Jumping Pull Ups
Teresa B working ring handstands
Meat and Vegetable CSA Pickup TODAY
The regular meat and vegetable CSA schedule is in effect for today, Wednesday, July 3. Pickup is from 6-8:30 PM. If you’re taking the 7:30pm class, please claim your share before you take class. Thanks!
Independence Day Schedule
The gym will be open for OPEN GYM tomorrow between 8:30am and 12pm. There are no classes in the evening! Your evening WOD assignment is to be OUTSIDE and see some fireworks!
This post looks awful because I had to do it from my iPhone which made me want to pull my hair out. I'll fix it later when I'm at the gym. Damn you time Warner
Anyone see the article on Glassman and CrossFit as a Company? Remove the spaces after "http"
http ://
Monday followup:
67.5 on bench. The first 8 I can bang out and then at 9 it literally doesn't go anywhere, even using all the tricks and fighting it. Partnered with my holiday buddy in crime Ariel who I love to see back in at SBK. I really liked the lunge/pushup combo even tho I had hilarious T.Rex arms at the end. The band trick allowed me to do 2 full rounds strict and then removed it and did round 3 on knees sans band.
Yesterday followup:
What did I accomplish in June? I made it in despite the universe doing its best to beat me down. Finishing out the month with a broken toe was kind of amazing.
July? No broken bones. Work on not walking like a pigeon. Stand straight – I really try guys! Move my 3 strict pushups to 5. Convince Dino BBQ to give me wings without sauce or at least sauce on the side. Install the ice maker in my freezer. Bench 3×5 at 67.5 I WILL GET YOU STUPID WEIGHT.
Have a great day everyone!
6am with Josh. Worked up to 154# on the snatch, a 4# PR. Missed 165# 3 times. Had it on the second attempt and just dumped it for some reason. Dropped back down to 132# to work on a hang snatch + snatch complex. July goal: 170# snatch.
Metcon was 3 rounds of 1min ME HSPUs, 2min of 12 toes to bar and 12 DB push press at 45#, 1min rest. Managed 12 HSPUs the first round and something like 4 or 5 on the remaining two if you count some of my partial reps. Got through 2 sets of T2B and 4 push presses the first round and then 12 T2B and 12 push presses on the next two rounds. Shoulders are fried.
@Kevin, congratulations on the new baby! Your daughter was super cute and friendly this morning.
Squat – 225×3, 250×3, 280×8 – Felt a little tight so I didn't push it. Had at least 2 more at that weight
Metcon – 7:53 Rx'd. Runs were rough, but happy with how I pushed through it.
Congrats Kevin!
BSQ with Brad, who was very nice even though we turned out to be not the greatest weight match for each other. (Only my last Wendler set came within 25# of his 3×5…sorry Brad!) 130×3, 150×3, 170×8.
WOD Rx deadlifts, jumping pullups, 10:23. I think my new goal for July is to do another private kipping pullup session with DO. I can get over the bar once or twice, but chaining them together is proving to be a big fat goat.
If anyone wanted more ways to say jacked, check this out
@Stella – it was a pleasure. i was enjoy a barbell math in the morning, it keeps the mind young.
Sometimes I wish I didn't check the WOD to avoid WOD anxiety. F.
3×5 #130
WOD with jumping pull ups and #115 in 12:23
also I left my lifting shoes and belt out on the floor after the 7am, I AM SO SORRY. This is why I don't take morning classes, because I am braindead before 9 am.
I did this workout yesterday and it was brutal.
205# dead lifts left me with 12:06. From the weekend's heavy activities and dead lifting Sunday and crossfit Monday my Tuesday was a wreck. Hit my numbers on my squat.
Big thanks to Noah and McDowell for letting me get my Thursday in today since I'm out the rest of the week. Would hate to have messed up my week.
Have a safe and happy 4th everyone.
6am with McDowell and Noah. 145x3x5 on the back squat. These were not particularly pretty, so depending on how I feel next week, I might just stick here. WOD with 113# deadlifts and jumping pull-ups from the 16'' box, finished in like 11:34 or 11:54 (can't remember — remembering times/reps really needs to be a July goal for me!). Looking forward to resting the ol' legs on the beach tomorrow!
Kevin — congrats!!!!!
My last workout until next Monday – anyone have any suggestions for vacation workouts with no weights, no pullups, and just a jumprope? I'll look through the blog or my notebook – but just curious if anyone has any favorites.
LBBSQT – thanks Noah and McDowell for helping with my squats and the cues on the work this morning. I didn't feel quite stable in the warmups, but hit 145 3×5 ok. It looks like I'll start making smaller jumps – 2-1/2 instead of five's since I'm shooting for 12 exposures more or less.
The wod was fun although I don't enjoy the run so much. The fun moment was the simultaneous "all the way down" from both coaches on my last jumping pullup rep. Deadlifting at 135 slowed me down, it was probably a too much for me since my training max is about 170. finished at 11'18".
happy fourth, stay safe, see you all next week.
@Josh: That collection was pretty good, but it missed out on the all-time greatest way to say 'Jacked!' – due to our very own Marcos Martinez:
Squat: 205# 3×5.
Completed the workout in 12:22 with 155# and jumping pull-ups.
Finished the wod today in 13:31 with 125# and kipping pull ups. Pretty diappointing – i really need to start working on cycling those suckers. The good news is i am getting higher over the bar than i was before.
today is the meat and veg and egg CSA pickup
6-8:30 PM. please bring bags for your stuff, and remember that folks taking the 7:30 PM class need to pick up and pack up their shares before class. looking forward to seeing you all tonight!
"Swollen Powell."
My day is MADE.
Went to 6:30p last night for the bench work:
Bench: 85x3x5
Felt good, might go for one more 5# jump before TTD and then do smaller increases for the rest of the cycle.
WOD: 2 rounds + 30 lunges + 5 push-ups
35# plate for 1.5 rounds, 25# for the rest, banded push-ups with white* band. Push-ups were slow and broken up toward the end but good to get strict push-up practice in since this is a gooooal of mine.
*Noah called it a white band, if those bands started out bright white, I'm concerned.
Attn: Horror fans,
I rented VHS2 on iTunes this week and have yet to find someone who wants to watch it with me. I was thinking of screening it at the gym this Friday after OG. Anyone interested???
Here is the trailer:
Let me know if anyone is actually interested and I'll confirm Friday morning
I won't be buying beer though..
Hey all –
Lauren and I (and I think we roped Chase in as well) are doing Fight Gone Bad for OG tomorrow at 9am. We'd love some more company if anyone wants to Fight along with us.
David- will I understand VHS2 without seeing VHS?
Samir, you are forgetting the ripped authoritarian dictator, Swoll Pot.
I am afraid of my shadow. I will be there.
Recovery Day
Moved to dynamic reps on the 2nd set. Had to get out of the way of the noon class and only had a minute or so rest between 1st and 2nd sets. Will see how bench goes, might have to pull the press back to move the bench forward.
Wish I had a swimming pool!
@ DO, yes. I only wish the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was added to the list. I still haven't seen that…
TCM and The Thing were both already screened at the gym, LF DOOM.
Noah. I saw the first and I barely understood it. Basically it's a found footage horror complilation by a bunch of directors. So.. there's not really a set storyline beyond the people watching all the films. so yes
Horror Movie Night…In like sin! The trailer is confusing and therefore intriguing. Can we bring snacks? I'll make cookies!
Then I guess I missed the boat. I wish we could reincarnate it, though, along with the CFSBK Misfit tees.
LBBS: Wendler 3–225×3, 250×3, 285×10 (last two weren't great, probably should have called it at 9)
WOD: Rx'd in 8:48–This was harder than I expected. Tried to keep up with Dan L on the first round, failed, and the gap between us got bigger and bigger. Fell of the bar on first set of pull-ups just from fatigue after run+DL. Everything else was UB, but second two runs were SLOW.
About the baby, thanks, guys. Jack is doing great and so is his mom.
@fox you guys should come on Friday with Team Broad Squad! Bring the puppies!
Squats #130x3x5 …didn't feel great…at all
11:43 WOD: DL #95 (so glad I kept it on the light side), RR
The runs were significantly horrible. Body has been in full revolt lately. *welp*
6:30 last night with Josh.
LBBS Wender: 105×3, 120×3, 130x 11 or 12? Lost count.
WOD with 100# DLs and Ring Rows in 11:13
It is arguably harder to do a WOD by yourself – misery loves company. That being said, I just went as fast as I could and was pretty happy with my time!
Worked up to 165lbs
Hang Squat Snatch
Worked up to 165lbs
5-4-3-2-1 Reps
Unbroken Muscle ups
@ Noah – Swoll Pot, Ha!!
Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×3, 225×10
WOD in 10:34 @205 and kipping pull ups.
VHS is the creepiest movie I've seen in a long time…I loved it. We have friends in town this weekend but may make it in on Friday.
I hear there's a big UFC fight this weekend. Invite me to your screening of it, please? I want to jump on the boat.
4:30 with Arturo.
Did Wendler 5 week because I missed it. Plan to do 3 week on Sat.
250×9. Knees.
Wod Rx'd in 12:25. DLs 10/5 then 6/4 then 5. Pull ups and runs were slow.
also that movie looks plotless and amazing.
also this is ariel c.
OMG! After being away for 1 week from the gym coming back and feeling like I just started again. This s#%! Sucks!! Excuse me while I go and cry!
Another exciting night at the gym!
6:30 with Melissa, McDowell, and Arturo
Second squat exposure. I definitely feel like I'm starting from scratch. Arturo had me squat with a bench blocking my knees, keeping weight in my heels. I'll warm up with that next time. I don't feel like its too heavy I just feel off. 115x3x5
95# deadlift/kipping pull ups 10:39 in the pouring rain!!!!! So much better than sunshine. First time doing kipping pull ups since murph in a wod? They felt so good, weightless.
I'm sorry, Whitney thankfully reminded me to get my meat and then I forgot my shoes. Tsk tsk
Squats partnered with B-Dubs and Ryan.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2
WORK: 260x3x5 (some shallow reps in first set, after that everything went fine)
WOD @165 lbs, 9-6-3 strict chins: 9:50.
Oh, and yes, SWOLE POT, what a DESPOT.
First post in a long time.
Legs still a bit wobbly from the rowing marathon on Sunday. Nick surprised me at the door with the message that I'd be rowing 7,000 meters instead of 5,000. Yikes. Averaged around 1:57 on the piece at about 21/spm. Was on the erg for about 27 minutes.
Recovery squats with Samir and BW – 230x3x3.
WOD in 11:05 @ 225lbs. Runs were slow, DLs unbroken, and pull-ups in 10/5, 5/5, 5.
Fun times at SBK today!
Noon class with McD and Josh
Squat… 45×5, 95×5, 125×2
heart rate elevated after 2 reps. holy humid. all felt good and decently fast. love this experiment of not going to bounce-of-the-bottom crazy depth. very different. feels easier and more put together. bracing strategy = winning.
WOD in 11:37
95# DL, nice and light, just under 50% of my 1RM. all unbroken and quick. this was the resting portion.
kipping pullups. kind of all over the place until mcdowell helped me get my kip under control. don't start launching off of a box/bench. start from dead hang and keep the kip tight. hands did not tear… hooray!
running was so SLOW!!!! getting there, though…
muscle up practice afterward with Julian and some tips from Arturo… maybe end of August is possible???
followed up with protein shake and giant meal at dino