The CFSBK Rowing Team pulled a collective 42,195 meters in 3:04:08.9 with an average split of 2:10.09. They were raising funds for the Emergency and Trauma Fund at Boston’s Children’s Hospital, where some victims of the Boston bombing are being treated. If you’d prefer to donate some money over rowing 42K meters, donate here!
- Congrats to our softball team, the CFSBK Calveras who won their game this week 14-2 bringing their overall record to 7 and 2. Their next game is tonight at 6:15 at the Red Hook Ball Fields where they’ll probably be taking on the New York Yankees, right?
Meat and Vegetable CSA Pickup TOMORROW
Also, thanks to everyone who came out to the Farm this past weekend to meet their meat! You can see some photos from the outting in our Flickr Page! If you went, what did the experience do for you?
Some More Awesome From This Past Month
Todd C Snatched 159lbs
Jake L Front Squatted 340, Benched 320
Keith W Squatted 265 and Deadlifted 292
Coach Fox PRd his CrossFit Total at 1,010 with 355/170/485
Bjorn B made it to class 4xW for 2 weeks in a row!
Ryan J PRd his CrossFit Total at 875 with 325/150/400
Marian L held a plank for 8:20
Laura Mc got her first chin up.. and then 6 more!
Charlie also got her first chin up!
Michele PRd her bench. She didn’t write the number so lets say 400
Isaac PRd his Back Squat at 250
Stella Z PRd her CrossFit Total at 552 with 210/87/255
Emma Lisa reached an assisted banded chin-up volume PR with 5×5
Coach DO PRd his Clean and Jerk at 206
Leaderboard Performances
Joe F ran a half marathon in 1:21:37
Gareth Ran a 5K in 18:26
Dan L performed “Helen” in 7:46
Coach Lady Fox PRd her CrossFit Total at 675 with 260/100/315
Jake L Clean and Jerked 317 and Snatched 265.5
Rickke M performed “Nasty Girls” in 7:59
Serene K Back Squatted 250
Matt K Clean and Jerked 275
Dan H Rowed 500m in 1:22.2
What did you accomplish in June? What would you like to accomplish in July?
Super late night lifting session at the gym
High Bar Squatted 215x3x5
Bench Pressed 135x8x3 (still working out my issues with this lift) Easy on paper, but I keep defaulting to internal rotation on the ascent.
Did a reverse Tabata L-Sit. :10 on / :20 off x 6 Rounds
My goals for this month are to compete in the oly meet with Jake and feel good about my performance on the platform. I don't have any particular numbers I've dialed into wanting to hit yet, just want to perform as best I can on game day.
June accomplishments: See above. Also, I did sing Mariah Carey at my birthday party.
I have a goal for the beginning of August but haven't really thought about July. My goal is to get on the TV show "Million Second Quiz." I have a plan. You have been warned.
Gym friends, I'm out of town tomorrow night, and looking for a buyer for my very delicious 15lb meat share. Or a hero who wouldn't mind holding it until Monday the 8th? Please email atilney (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!
I can't even imagine a world where I would be able to hold a plank for 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Damn, Marian.
6am with Jess and McDowell. 95x3x5 on the bench press — between concerns that the june bug was running over my feet and hitting the rack with the barbell, the whole thing was a bit wonky. Yesterday's WOD at 35#; made it through 3 rounds and a handful of lunges. Realized in the third round that I was only doing 10 push-ups instead of 15. Whoops!
Congrats to everyone on their amazing accomplishments!
July goal is to get in a brick workout every weekend to prepare for my second tri in early August.
Congratulations to all the Awesome-ness from the past month. I had a few accomplishments – the Total and the Murph a few days before June; as well as hitting a nice round birthday number just before the start of June. July goals are to work on my DU's at the clinic and progress in this cycle of lifts. Over the long-term my goal is to figure out my shoulder problems and complete one OHS.
6am with Jess on the bench press: 115 which is where I ended up last cycle. My first set was slow and I thought I'd fail. But the second and third sets were fine, fast and not as bad.
WOD: I tried the ring pushups which were fine for the first 15 – but my back fell apart after 3 in the second round so I switched to pushups and completed four rounds (hugging a 35 plate, can't get the OH).
If I could get the time off from work, I'd be in on that game in a second.
June accomplishments basically all have to do with mobility. I think I averaged 20 minutes plus per day on mobility, which is completely new for me. I also have spent a lot of time figuring out how I set up my deadlift/olympic lifts and even kettlebell swings. For the first time feel like I have some grasp of what I'm supposed to do.
July goals: Pull 405 cleanly.
6am with Jess and McDowell. Back squats (high bar): 240x3x5. Some reps I nailed the bounce out of the bottom and the rep felt effortless. Other reps were more grindy. Hip flexors are feeling good. Metcon Rx in 9:23. Ran into partner traffic on the last round which would added ~10-15 seconds. Felt really good on this metcon which contained 2 movements I usually dislike together.
June accomplishments: 210 press (PR), 420 deadlift (PR), 955 Total (325/210/420). My first Total, so it was by definition a PR.
Does anyone else have trouble finishing warm-up 1 (OHS, push-up, ring-row) this cycle? With all the tempo in the movements, I'm often only on the last set of OHS when 8 mins is up.
Awesome accomplishments everyone!
Does anyone want a pair of NB Minimus Trail Running shoes? They're pink and women's size 8. I've only worn them 2 times so they're basically brand new. They're just too big for me.
This is what they look like:
send me an email lindsayksilva(at)gmail(dot)com
Any chance of post open-gym 4th of July festivities? I need to get my America on. That's what you do on Independence Day, right?
June Goals – workout 3 times a week + 2 yoga classes
July Goals – workout 4 times a week + 1 AR & 1 yoga class. And eat better…
7am w/McDowell & Jess
60 Bench Press, good weight, controlled movement
WOD Terrible, not sure why, but terrible. Bad coordination, mobility, movement, technique, etc.
Nice 400# bench PR, Michele.
Very inspired by all the June accomplishments!
For me in June… turned another year older. Went surfing twice (and actually caught a lot of waves each time!). PR'ed everything in my total… Squat 170, Press 75, DL 210. Hang squat snatch 73#. Got a couple new yoga teaching gigs. Made business cards for the first time.
Goals for July: CLEANLY deadlift 210. Squat 175. Bench 120. Run to the gym (or equivalent run) at least once each week. 4 strict chins in a row.
Throwing it out there… a muscle up by the end of 2013.
Michelle – don't let yourself off that easy…what's one issue you had difficulty with on the WOD and what's one thing you can do to improve it?
Michele – congrats on the 400, maybe give old Jake and the rest of us a few tips? I hope to squat what you bench.
June: handstands, back levers with a green band.
July: free handstand pushups, free back levers, 4x+/wk attendance.
Kudos to all of those accomplishments, and Mare, I think I'd get hungry enough to stop or fall asleep before completing a 8:20 plank (which I obviously would not even come close to doing). Damn, girl.
July goals: PR – tentatively, 165# squat, 85# press, and if the clouds part and the universe smiles down on me, something close to 200# for a deadlift – on Titsday; work more on becoming a not-ridiculously-stiff leopard; STOP DELAYING and start working harder toward the goal of achieving a pullup.
Same end of 2013 goal as Dub Hubs (whispering under my breath and laughing at the far-fetched ridiculousness of saying that out loud).
June was awesome. This post just made me realize it was over.
I hope that July is as much fun. I want to get outside "the box" for more workouts in nature with rocks and stumps and whatever. Maybe 25 kipping pull ups in a row or 5 strict muscle ups. A bodyweight clean and jerk. I got the jerk but my cleans SUCK. Walk 4 floor mats on my hands. Make it to class on Thursday and practice, practice, practice. (Anything I write about THE snatch just sounds like a bad joke, so Thursday.)
Vanity goal: I kind of want a six pack just like Annie Thorisdottir!
My first CrossFit total was 1065.
I started CFSBK the first week of the last cycle.
I usually train sumo deadlifts but that's not valid for CFT
So I'll be training conventional deadlifts and hopefully after this next 6 week cycle, I'll break into the leaderboard.
My goal on the the CFT: 1300
Press: 250
Squat: 450
DL: 600
July: Less iron in my diet.
June was my month to get back into group classes following Strength Cycle and vacation!
June accomplishments:
Survived Spartan race
Got back on the Paleo wagon
Gave up alcohol (duration unknown)
Started pull-up club work
In July I'm looking to keep those last three June items going strong.
The trip to Herondale was a great day. I have to take a meat CSA break since I'm facing a freezer capacity situation but visiting the farm definitely solidified for me that I want to get back into the CSA when I've got the room for it.
Made up yesterday's WOD
Bench – 175×3, 200×3, 225×8 – 1 more than a 1 week last cycle that I did at 222.5
WOD – 3 rounds + 30 reps.
Keeping the weight overhead was rough. Lots of extension between the bench, overhead plate holds and the ring dips.
My left leg was cramping up, but more than that, I felt like I was off balance and couldn't pull it together. I've actually been trying to focus on the warm up with the lunges (although my overhead squats need some serious attention).
I got the impression things weren't going to go my way when we practiced the WOD, maybe I should have asked McDowell if I could switch to dumbbells instead.
Really put in a lot of time working the Snatch in June. Lots of help from David and Josh and Dmitry Shirtsoff at open gym got me a lot closer to my goal of a BW snatch than I expected to get in one month. I'm not gonna jump the gun and make that a July goal, I'll keep it at "by the end of the year" and just say that keeping at it and making some progress will be the goal for July.
Also, since the gauntlet has been thrown, a strict muscle-up. I got one once, last year when I was 12lbs lighter, when the stars aligned and i hit the transition perfectly. Going to do a lot of transition strength work as prescribed by Ken and recommended by Alan.
And finally, to echo Crystal, I need to start getting out and doing some other outdoorsy stuff. I think I'm finally going to go climbing this Friday. I need to plan and execute a backpacking/camping trip soon too. Any wilderness camping pros want to help plan a CFSBK outing?
I love CFSBK, such an encouraging community.
Brandon and Elyse, you guys are so rad. You're Funtime magnets. Cheers to many years of bliss.
Rebecca C you rock! Just thinking about doing a CF competition gives me butterflies.
July goals: more AR (in and out of the gym), moar chinupz, and do my very best at the Total.
June: first CF total, PRs in Squat (300) and DL (375). Got back to snatching after 3 months of injury time-off.
Major accomplishment: coming to the gym 3-4X/week even with a newborn baby and 4-6 hours of sleep every night!
Goals for July: Keep improving my mobility and core strength, where I feel Im making progress, hope my arm is well enough to start doing pull-ups again. Practice double-unders.
It's so great to have my arm back! Thanks to Josh and Dr. JFid for their help in recovery.
Today was a great day for me at the gym. My squats felt really smooth and deep and I did a rep-out of 10 reps at 245lbs.. I loved tomorrows's WOD – 11:01 with Ring rows instead of pull-ups and RX weight.
I know we all love Dinosaur BBQ, but watch your stuff while you're there:
I hit my first PR's of 2013 in June. It's been a tough 6 months of training– recapturing lost ground and repeating work, but I ended up with in June:
Squat: 365×3
Deadlift: 385×4
Bench: 227×2
I hope to keep growing these numbers thru July. 395×5 on DL would be sweet.
I was going to try to beat Michele's bench number on my squat (405 has been a long term goal of mine) but probably won't attempt that again in July.
@MattKaz… interesting. I know at a restaurant I almost always leave my bag/purse on a chair behind me, although sometimes between my feet under a table. But in other news… don't carry $2200+ worth of stuff on you? (At the very least not all in one expensive-looking bag.) Yowch.
Noon class with Jeremy and McD today.
Warm-ups… loving the tempo work, though it meant I did two slow and thoughtful rounds instead of three rounds.
Bench: 45×5, 65×5, 85×3
work: 98x5x3 (3#'s up from last week). all had decent speed. fifth rep on 2nd and 3rd rounds was a bit slower, but nothing terribly grindy.
-used 25# plate for OH reverse lunges
-pushups: 1st round ring pushups (3-5 at a time), 2nd round regular pushups (5 at a time), 3rd round pushups with red band support (about 5 at a time). definitely tuckered myself out going for glory on that first round. glad I did; it was fun to try those out and get the extra stabilization work.
accessory work…
-1 min forearm plank. 3 min jump rope (singles and skipping). 1 min forearm plank.
-outer hip and deep rotator stretch for L side which is STUPID TIGHT. hamstring stretch. one L-shaped handstand hold for fun.
1. OMG Gretchen Reynolds says we should all squat! Almost to full depth! But not heavy. I guess we can't have everything…
2. Accomplishments in June: 21 workouts. A non-embarrassing total. The re-entry of capoeira into my life.
3. Goals in July: 21 mobility sessions. At least as many workouts. 6 capoeira workouts.
(Who said that half of life is showing up?)
Dino BBQ is right next to the Hess station where my phone was stolen last week. And not too far from CFSBK.. but I pity the fool…
June – Awesome. For me, so much better than April and May. Congrats everyone : )
July – Lock out the MU. Focus on oly lifts. And get more sleep.
Damn, good to see Bjorn back in the house!
Bench went something like: 45×10, 95×5
120×3, 135×3, 150×9
Then the WOD, 30 lunges with 55# plate at the chest (no overhead for me) and 15 ring push ups – max rnds in 10 minutes – 4 rnds plus lunges and 3 push ups. First round was with 45# plate but too easy.
Two for Tuesday
AR with Fox, Baz had me hurtin' so good.
Bench with Noah
45×5 95×5 140×3 165×3 185×8
Finally got one more on a rep-out at an equivalent past weight, feel like I've been fighting for that for a while.
WOD rx'd, 3 rounds plus 5 lunges. Thats definitely all I had in me. Broke the dips up into 5's from the start, devolved into 2's and 3's by the second round. What a great workout!
Ladies love muscle ups! We should start an all girl muscle up squad. Attach rings to scaffolding around the city and collect money for our matching outfits!
AR with fox was really good.
7:30 with Noah and Josh.
5x pause pull ups all unbroken! Air squats to save my legs for the lunges. Hollow holds still hurt.
25# plate for all first 3 rounds unbroken. Then 4th round went 20, 10
Modified to 10 ring dips. 3 rounds plus 3. I started off in sets of 3. round 2 on was doing 1's. Loved it!
I forgot we bench pressed too. 68x3x5. Fin
The moment when you get home from the gym, start handling a bunch of food, and suddenly realize you haven't washed your hands… Oh wait, that's just me?
I got my first chin-up last month, too! July goal is getting out of my ankle brace and settling into this cycle.
Hey CFSBK growly metal fans (you know who you are!) Come see my friend's band Malignancy play at St. Vitus on the 13th.
only $15!! It'll be a hoot.
Good little workout today…
I started with some MOB's and mobility work. Good to have some extra time to work on it.
Press: Wender 5/week: 135×8
Good solid set. Where I want to be to get to my body weight press in 6 weeks.
Chins: 9, 7. 8
9 ties my PR. I really should have had 10! I'll have to add 3×10 as a goal for the summer– I'm gonna do it!
Just saw the last 3 innings the no hitter Homer Bailey pitched. Pretty cool. Too bad he's not on my Fantasy team! Speaking of which, I'm going to start my own league next year. Grab me in the gym if you're interested.
Congrats to everyone on their awesome accomplishments in June!
I'm starting small on goals, but they'll both be a challenge for me in July:
1- start posting progress to the blog. I always feel motivated reading other people's posts, so I feel it's time for me to join in! (I don't know why it's so intimidating to me…weird, I know.)
2- strict push ups throughout workouts. I find that I switch to knees earlier than I should to get through workouts, but I hope to move away from the habit by the end of the month.