Fitness: 3×5 across
Leave room to go up over the next 6 weeks
Performance: 5/3/1 “5 week“
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Add 5-10 lbs to your Training Max from last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds As Possible In 8 Minutes Of:
10 Dumbbell Split Cleans, Alternating legs
150m Row
Go hard on the row and take your time bracing and executing every split clean. Go as heavy as you can organize well. After the workout, cash out with 2:00 in couch stretch each side.
Post load and rounds completed to comments.
Yoga With Whitney Hubbard
Whitney will be teaching at Mala Yoga soon. Check out the details below if you want to get your OM on with one of CFSBK’s finest.
Also… I have a regular, weekly class starting up!
Ménage à Trois Radio with a special CFSBK guest…
6AM with Noah and McDowell
1. Great having Noah around in the mornings. I got some great notes during the squats which had me standing up a lot quicker than I did last cycle.
2. The WOD today felt sloppy on my part. Something about counting to ten AND remembering to alternate legs confused my simple mind. Thank god I wasnt chewing gum at the time.
3. Peter, you were crushing those muscle-ups today!
Huuuuuge 7 AM with Noah/McD.
BSQ 120×5, 140×5, 160×11. Very happy with that rep out number!
WOD…bleh, I lost track of rounds. I *think* I got 4 + 5 split cleans with 25# DBs. I *know* I hated it the whole time 😛
6am private with Josh. Snatch technique work for most of the session. Worked up to 139# if I did the metric math correctly. The last rep felt great. Nothing better than the feeling of a solid squat snatch. Conditioning:
2 minutes ME muscle-ups
1 minute rest
6 minute AMRAP of:
50 double-unders
15 burpees
1 minute rest
2 minutes ME muscle-ups
7 MUs, 2 rounds + 15 DUs, 3 MUs
Conditioning with Josh kicks my ass. Last 15 DUs were the best of the day. I think I was spinning the rope faster and not jumping as high. Several misses on the muscle-ups. Wasn't keeping the rings close to my chest as my arms fatigued. With the tape on the plastic rings I was using, it feels like I was rubbing my hands on rough sandpaper. Tender.
@MattyChm: crushing? Sure didn't feel that way. Steady progress, though. Every week the muscle-ups feel a little better.
I can't read "muscle-up" without getting antsy. Is it too late to be sold to a travelling circus?
6am with McDowell and Noah. 140x3x5 for the back squat. A few meters short of 4 rounds on the WOD with 25# DBs. My forearms/grip were pretty tired!
7am with McDowell and Noah. Really excited to try the Wendler this time around, as I did LP last cycle. I'm using a true 90% of my 1RM as my training max, and even that is heavy and hard. Hoping to make some gains this time around. BSQ 130# x 10 today on the rep out – felt good. Loving the bracing sequence, it's really changing the way my squat feels.
WOD: 4 rounds + 10 cleans + 53m row, used the 25# DBs. Forearm grip was fried, it was also just plain hot and sweaty.
Also, @MattyChm: I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only person who has trouble counting to ten when alternating-side movements are involved.
Pro tip: when alternating sides in a unilateral movement (as in today's split cleans) try using 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc until you get where you're going. Helps me a lot 🙂
Whoa. Sifting through my inbox and realized that my 1-year anniversary w/ CFSBK has come and gone, on June 14th!
Thanks, DO + CFSBK, for a year of strength gains; improvements in mobility and focus; a real appreciation for what my body and mind are capable of; some serious belly laughs; loud and hearty encouragement; Benson; tolerance of my subpar football skills; freaking awesome tacos, and some ludicrously fun times with some truly amazing people.
I feel fortunate every day to be part of such a kickass community and am looking forward to more years with all of you wonderful folks.
Did everyone see this?
Hilarious news report, but also why it makes me nervous that we don't have lockers at CFSBK.
well this presents a quandry. on the one hand, i feel like i should start leaving my 9mm magazine at home now when i come to the gym. but on the other, it seems like if i see some bro doing curls in the squat rack, all i have to do is ask them for my stuff back and they will.
Recovery Squat
AMRAP 8min
10 DB Split Cleans @45
150m Row
5rnds flat. Uncomfortable but organized was my mantra.
12pm w/ Josh, Josh's hair & McDowell
BS 125x3x5
WOD: split cleans #20, 4 rnds…should've cranked out a few more Split cleans in the last 10 seconds. Growl.
Watched Team Fox crank out the WOD. Inspired.
Noon class with McDeezy, Josh Marteezy and his Afro-Eezy.
WOD: 4 rds + 10 db clean + 10 meters running
#25 DB's … prob couldn't gone a little bit heavier. These were easier than I anticipated.
But I ran, which was awful, per usual.
BSQ 3×5 @ #125
Also watched Team Fox crank out the WOD… first round they were in perfect sync and it was amazing.
Grace & Shaye = tall broad squad.
Woot just saw my first pic making it to the blog.
Huge class at 7am. almost broke 30 peeps. noah and McDowell kept it all organized and moving along.
Today was all kinds of sweaty mess at 7am.
Ended up backing off my squat to 185 for the 3×5
The wod was even more of a hot mess getting put on the erg made 4+ 47meters with 30#ers
Oof i say
Office workout with a coworker:
45×5 95×5 135×5 190×5 220×5 250×7
Hit 255 for 7 last cycle, was hoping for 8 here but I get nervous without good eyes on me so I may have racked with 2 in the tank.
45×5 75×5 90×5 100×5 115×5
Did the press and a little snatch-focused conditioning piece since I won't be in tomorrow either.
3RFT (4:55)
10 Hang Power Snatch 95#
10 Toes-to-bar
This got REAL grippy since we can't bail, all reps re-racked to the hang.
Backsquat: 250x3x5 (gotta get more hip drive, coming up too upright, OLD PROBLEM!)
Accessory WOD @30lbs: 4 rounds + 5 split cleans
Pride is a sin, and I am a sinner. PR's on my squat and press, three sets of five, 225 and 115, respectively. My 1 RM's are higher, but for this volume, this old man is pleased.
DO suggested it would be fun to calculate in foot-pounds, a term I have not used since high school physics, circa 1985. My press moves about 24", and Squat about 32". So, 115(#) x 15(reps) X 2 (feet) + 225 (#) x 15 (reps) x 2.66 (feet) is almost 9,000 foot-pounds.
Math is REAL!
Did some power snatches up to 65 kilos
Then I did some hip power snatches at 55kilos to work some technique on my pull under. Some early arm pulling:
Did some power snatches up to 65 kilos
Then I did some hip power snatches at 55kilos to work some technique on my pull under. Some early arm pulling:
@DO – Your video made me think of this drawing:
That's pretty funny
Morning Workout
HBBS 7X5 @ 75% – rest at least 2 minutes
45×10, 135×8, 205×5, 225×3
12 minutes to work to a max Power Snatch
45, 65, 95, 115, 135, 155f, 145
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 Power Snatch @ 90% of today’s max.
125, 125, 125, 125, 125
12 minutes to work to a max Power Clean & Jerk
125, 135, 155, 170
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 Power Clean & Jerk @ 85% of today’s max.
145, 145, 145, 145, 145
1min rest
Accessory Strength
4XME Strict Pullups – rest 60-90 sec.
12 (grip failure), 60s
9 (grip failure), 60s
6 (grip failure), 60s
4 (muscle fatigue)
Had coffee this morning as part of a new diet Asta is exploring under the advice of Sarah. Felt mentally sharper from 7AM until 3PM, managed to not fall asleep despite the very limited amount of sleep I had.
No dumping or bailing on any reps — makes me much more conservative with the weights than I normally would be.
Right shoulder is a little tender, but otherwise feeling great!
Back squat: 250x3x5 (GRINDY!)
Accessory WOD @30lbs: 4 rounds + 5 cleans