On the coaches count, work technique on the following complex: Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Squat Snatch
Focus on a tight set up position, speed through the middle and a balanced and stable recieving position.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds or 16 minutes NFRs of:
Row 30/25 Calories
3-8 Chin-Ups (add weight if needed)
12 Perfect Burpees
Attention CSA Members: Come see where your meat and veggies come from! Meet your farmer! Feast on farm fresh delights and do an optional WOD ON THE FARM. Click to enarge poster and check out the event page for more details.
- Welcome new affiliate, CrossFit Columbia Street! They are having a grand opening party this Saturday if you’d like to check them out. Details here.
- Happy Birthday Michele!
- RXNetworking is hosting a professional networking event in the city for folks who are CrossFitters. Check it out!
Come See Andy Rock For Charity
My band, THE VITAL MIGHT, is playing at Branded Saloon in Prospect Heights this Saturday night. All of the proceeds from our shows this weekend (in Boston, NH, & Brooklyn) are going to the family of Chris Palmer, a NH firefighter who lost his battle with cancer this year.
Fitness Fad, CFSBK
Peter Kotch did a 6 week stint at CFSBK for 7 part article series on what CrossFit is all about. Check out his trip through Foundations and into Group Classes. Perhaps his experiences mirror your own as a CrossFit Newb. These articles went live months ago but we’re just hearing about them now! Check it out.
The Active Times: CrossFit
How your Myostatin expression controls the amount of muscle you’re genetically able to put on
British commentator has no idea how to call baseball game
Worked up to 135 on the complex – felt solid, could have gone heavier.
Subbed runs for 2 of the rows because all the ergs were full. 31 strokes on the one row I did. Chin-ups were BW, +15, +25
6am with Jess and D.O. Worked up to 95# on the snatch complex. Loved the focus on form. Weight felt light. Squat snatch reps felt great, though a little slow. 3 rounds of the accessory work: rows (31, 28 and 27 strokes) and chin-ups (20#, 20#, BW). Arms were beat up after the rows, making the chin-ups challenging.
Happy Bday Michele!!
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm!!
Welcome Max!!
andy's band sounds awesome!
I like the description of Josh in the article: "a body carved out of steel!"
yeah josh!
6am with David and Jess. Worked up to 53# on the snatch complex. Excited to work on this during the upcoming cycle. 3 rounds of the WOD. Forgot to count my strokes on the erg. Used a thin green band for the first set of chin-ups, and then moved to the yellow/tan band for the final two sets (doing 3). Fox's pull-up work is paying off!
Nice series of articles!
I'm super excited to work on snatches for the next cycle…and not only because I can use the phrase "my snatch feels so awkward" (but that is definitely a perk)
that being said…my snatch feels so awkward! I think we did like 32# today…again, looking forward to making it better.
WOD: chin ups with the thin green band. managed to get all 12 strict burpees in the last round! and about 32 erg pulls per round. rowing for calories feels like such a losing battle sometimes…all that pulling and just 1 calorie!? really!?
Final thing: Fox what was that band again? I can't remember my name by the time I leave the gym let alone what was on your shirt. thanks!
Thanks for mentioning our show! Gotta miss my usual Friday noon class, but I jump around on stage a lot, so hopefully that'll make up for it a little bit.
6am with DO and Jess. Loved the mob work. Snatch complex with the lovely Megan at 53. My shoulders and calves are by far the limiting factor on these. Have not worked heavy snatch in–oh, ever!–so v curious about how this is all going to go. (Curious=SCARED.) 3 rounds of triplet with 3 BW chins. Row was 40, 41, 45 strokes for 30 cals. I was totally pausing on those rows.
Loved the article. Except the part where he forgot McDowell's name.
@JB I am so sorry about your dad.
Happy Birthday Michele!
Yo. Dunkin Donuts be getting into the GF game: mobile.businessweek.com/news/2013-06-19/dunkin-to-sell-gluten-free-doughnuts-in-fast-food-first
New phone today. Still want the missing one, had voicemails from my mum on there. Finder fee of beer.
Yo. Dunkin Donuts be getting into the GF game: mobile.businessweek.com/news/2013-06-19/dunkin-to-sell-gluten-free-doughnuts-in-fast-food-first
New phone today. Still want the missing one, had voicemails from my mum on there. Finder fee of beer.
myostatin is the worst
Lindsey – Polygamist. They're awesome.
That baseball thing is hilarious. I knew all along that Andy was a rock star.
7am with Jess and DO
Worked up to #105 on the snatch complex. This is the first time I've ever done an OH squat snatch, and this weight was pretty manageable. Cue from David: I need to stay tighter through the initial lift.
Accessory work:
30 calorie rows via 27, 29, 31 pulls
my chinups just checked out after the rowing: I managed 8, 6, and 3 strict chinups, chest to bar
burpees were a walk in the park today
Finally tried Dinosaur Barbecue with Todd and La Rosa last night. It's a block from the gym and you should go because it is delicious and cheap.
I'm really excited about the next wave of t-shirts.
JB, so sorry to hear about your dad. Thinking of you and him.
If you need an iPhone and have Verizon, I have a 4S that you're welcome to use until you buy/get a new one. I can drop it off to you at home or at the gym tonight. You have my email (and I dropped you a line there, too) – hit me up and let me know!
Happy Birthday Michele!
I am anxiously awaiting FARM WOD. So cool!
Ahhhhhh. I just looked up how much a bail of hay weighs. There are 2 types.
Type 1- 60-130 lbs Blocks
Type 2- 1500-2000 lbs Wheels
Courtney! You are so awesome. I used my lifting shoes money and went to the Apple store at the crack of dawn this morning. Every time I finally have the bucks and am I'm ready to pull the trigger on lifting shoes, something happens. Maybe I should forget about The Swole Shoe Dream. Thanks bunches – you too Charlotte!
Lindsey – Polygamist seriously rules, totally agree with Fox. Its one of the owners of Saint Vitus' bars band and they're playing Rocks Off next week. Metal on a boat, woo! You should get tickets.
Thanks Fox and JB! Love it. And I love Rocks Off cruises…are either of you going? m/
I'll be at the polygamist show.
Power Snatch. Did a bunch of doubles at 135 trying to catch the bar as high as I can. Ive been having a lot of 2nd pull issues lately so I wanted to trouble shoot my finish position. Too much squat snatching lately.
7 Squat clean singles at 198
Then I did some jerks, only to 155 before I had to eat and run.
Myostatin is the WORStT
5:30 with Jess – my first class out of Foundations! I'm excited for the snatch, it was one of my favorite lifts so far. Kept it light to start with, 22#/32#/42#. First attempt at chin ups as well, definitely a long way to go on those.
Double-post make-up.
Paused Squats
45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 255×5 265×5
Matt K convinced me to go up after my 255 were pretty quick. It was a grind but was psyched to get them all done at 265.
Went heavy for the workout and only ended up getting through 2 rounds (30# wallball, Jerry Cans, 45# plate sit-ups)
Hang Power Snatch / OHS / Hang Snatch Complex:
75, 95, 105, 115
Super psyched to have this in the cycle. Hopefully will be able to use these complexes to drill finishing the second pull, keeping the bar close, and hitting bottom on the squat.
Made it through all 3 rounds for the workout today. Rows were in 30, 32, 32 pulls. Chins were 5,5,4 at 25#.
Happy bday Michelle!
New phone, hello iPhone 5, and a damn rad 6:30pm class with super bonus of Gina and Aileen. I think this was the best WOD/class overall I've had in a long time – still miss my 7am posse fiercly. Awesome to laugh and be a nerd. Worked up to a simple 42 and the entire thing felt great – I even ran! And I didn't fall over! I'm really suspicious of this but hey.. whatevs.
A big thank you to everyone who reached out with well wishes for my pops as well as offers of phones. I was not going to share his being ill, seriously!, but thought it might help people search through bags and such and that I wasn't just being a whiny bitch. Anyway, means a ton. Still hoping the old telefono pops up but am pleased to be back on the grid.
All the JB love to SBK. I'm kinda tiny but my wingspan is VERY large so big hugs to the masses.
Oh! @Lindsay – I'll be at the Polygamist show.
DO: have discussed whether mathematics is real (and broke down the film you posted; the narrator is a baller) with the greatest scientist I know, my son Ben, age 11. We both advanced the same arguments to each other – for example, Poison Ivy leaves are always in bunches of three. Two or four leaves is a genetic mutation. Yes, I understand that this is grafted on to biology in one sense, but it also is the case that biology depends on mathematics. The number of fingers you have, the number of leaves in poison ivy, math drives biology. We just have language in places to express mathematics, the same way we do for a noun like a stone (geology) or mitochondria (cellular biology). Take lifting. Instead of squatting 225, you could say "two wheels" and I would know that it is 225, or if I lived in a world without pounds, the iron would be just denominated in terms of "wheels."
Michele, happy birthday.
Joel W. – huge +! for the suggestion to sautee the radish greens. An omelet for the record books.
AWESOME! JB and DO, we could carpool! (aka "ride the train together")
Late post cuz I forgot…
Snatch work.
Drill @ 33#
Then, 53#, 63#, and 73#
All felt good. able to catch at the bottom on the full squat, which I've barely done previous to this. right wrist felt a little flexed and funky, like it wasn't getting locked out all the way. positioning feels pretty good. need to keep ribs down and torso tight, not overextend.
wod was alright. rows felt like a slog. burpees felt strong. 3 strict chins each time.