Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1
This is a CrossFit style powerlifting meet in which you have three attempts to find a 1 rep max in each lift listed. Your CrossFit Total is the sum the highest successful lift in each section. For a detailed explanation on the event and standards for each movement, please read Mark Rippetoe’s CFT overview here. To see how you rank, check out these strength standards.
Don’t forget to show up during your scheduled sessions. If you haven’t registered yet, there are plenty of spots left in the 8:00 and 12:30 slots.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 12.11.11
CFSBK is very proud to be hosting the 3rd LGBT NYC CF WOD!
- Sunday, June 9th, 3-4pm
- Followed by post-WOD socializing at Die Koelner Bierhalle
- To RSVP, please go to the Facebook event page. If you don’t have Facebook, you can also RSVP by posting a comment to this page!
- This is also the weekend of Brooklyn Pride, so be sure to check out the other festivities, including the Brooklyn Pride LGBT 5K Run
In honor of LGBT Pride month, the WOD will be:
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans 135/95
28 Double Unders
6 Shoulder To Overheads 135/95
9 Burpees
The weight can be scaled to anything that is appropropriate for you and we will provide a double under modification if your doubles are a work in progress.
Who should come to the LGBT WOD?
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer crossfitters. You do not have to be a member of CFSBK — all are welcome!
- Allies – people who may not be LGBTQ, but want to have fun with friends (and working out at 3pm means you can stay out later on Saturday night!)
- People with an appreciation (or high tolerance) for Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Madonna, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and 80s-90s pop jams
After Stonewall
My first crossfit total this morning with the inestimable D.O. watching over my lifts. Squat: 295, 310, 325. Press: 185, 192.5 (*), 210 (PR). Deadlift: 385, 405, 420 (PR). Total: 955. I was worried about my squat today and though I didn't PR I felt solid on the movement. Second lift of the press had a weight mis-loading (should have been 195) and a technical failure as I took a step back with the bar overhead. 210 was a 5# PR. Legs were shaking fiercely on the third deadlift attempt, but the bar kept moving. Great vibe in the gym this morning with so many PRs being broken. Time to go crush a giant brunch.
YAY TOTAL! I knew I was going to PR my press since my 1RM was more than a year old. I didn't expect to PR EVERYTHING.
Squat 195/205(PR)/210(PR)
Press 83(PR)/87(PR)/90F
Deadlift 240/255(PR)/265F
Total: 552. An honor to lift with coaches MeLo and Lady Fox.
First Total today. I was really nervous at the beginning, but definitely won't be next time. I do think my inexperience showed overall as my form was off for at least one attempt of each of the lifts.
My squats weren't looking so good and I think I forgot to give myself my usual cues. Missed my final rep as did not get low enough, which was disappointing.
Missed the first press as I used my knees but they felt good after that.
Deadlifts went well, despite having dropped a barbell on my toe (owie!) Again, the second and third attempts went better than the first, thanks to cues from Fox and Joy.
I feel like I could definitely have done more with the press and deadlift, but hat just means I have lots of room to grow. Roll on next cycle!!
Squat 170 (PR)
Press 68 (PR)
Deadlift 210 (PR)
Thanks Coach Fox for lending your ever-watchful eye and to Joy and Sara for being awesome partners. Also, it was great to meet some peeps I only previously knew from this blog.
Congrats everyone!
8am, my first CFSBK total with Team Fox (Robert & Luke). I really enjoyed the whole program of thinking about the lifts, going with a well-thought out plan and hitting the weights. (Side note: I was probably a whole lot more nervous about it than I should have been). I also found it very helpful to have Coach Fox watching, judging, and cueing – as well as encouraging me to lift more when the lifts went well.
I hit PRโs on 2nd & 3rd rep of all three lifts, but it was the first time I tried a 1RM on the squat & press.
LBBSQT 160, 170 & 185. Press 65, 70 & 75. DL 205, 220 & 230. My overall total of 490 was just ten short of my quarter-ton goal. I really need to work on the press this year and hoping for some improvement to get me over 500.
Thanks again to CFSBK for the coaching (all the coaches), enthusiasm and help along to the way to make this happen.
Congrats to all the PRs today! Stopped by to watch for a few minutes, looked like a lot of heavy weights going up.
Pretty psyched about the CF Total today. Thanks to David for encouraging me to go for bigger numbers. PRed on all three lifts and especially proud of hitting 200 on dead lift! I was shooting for 165/the most I'd ever done was 150 before today. Squat — 125; Press — 75.
First Total today. I was really nervous at the beginning, but definitely won't be next time. I do think my inexperience showed overall as my form was off for at least one attempt of each of the lifts.
My squats weren't looking so good and I think I forgot to give myself my usual cues. Missed my final rep as did not get low enough, which was disappointing.
Missed the first press as I used my knees but they felt good after that.
Deadlifts went well, despite having dropped a barbell on my toe (owie!) Again, the second and third attempts went better than the first, thanks to cues from Fox and Joy.
I feel like I could definitely have done more with the press and deadlift, but hat just means I have lots of room to grow. Roll on next cycle!!
Squat 170 (PR)
Press 68 (PR)
Deadlift 210 (PR)
Total: 448
Thanks Coach Fox for lending your ever-watchful eye and to Joy and Sara for being awesome partners. Also, it was great to meet some peeps I only previously knew from this blog.
Congrats everyone!
Weird day of Totaling.
Squat: 375, 395, 410(f). 405 was my PR at the strength cycle total in March. I was very happy with my first two lifts. It's nice to own a number that was previously a goat. 410 was a gravy lift, and just not there.
Press: 150, 160(tied pr), 165(f). Same as above. Felt very close on 165, which would have been BW. I think 162.5 would have gone up. Tying a PR from strength cycle total, a very different beast, was great.
DL: 385(f), 385(f). Done. I was trying to reform my set up, to start from the top. My warm up reps felt great doing that, and then I went to try at a heavier weight, and there was just nothing there. I'm OK with this. I spoke with Todd afterwards who recently reset his DL, and I think I need to do the same.
I think in years past, this would have really ruined my day, but I think all in I'm content with today and ready to just work on things that need working on.
First CF Total! Very awesome event — great to see folks hit big numbers and meet/exceed goals. As always, the Coaches were great. Thanks for putting on the event!
I didn't know what to expect, especially since I didn't do a lot of deadlifts or press this past cycle and I had not previously tried 1RMs or heavy singles in anything other than deadlifts. So super excited to establish 1 rep PRs in all my lifts and to experience lifting in a "total" format:
Squat: 160, 170, 180
Press: 70, 80 (no idea how we ran out of time, but we did!)
Deadlift: 165, 195, 205 (PR)
Wow, Rah Rah Rebecca, we could have been partners – almost the exact same numbers!
Squat: 160 / 170 / 175 – FAIL (5# PR)
Press: 75 / 80 / 85 – FAIL (2# PR)
DL: 200 / 210 / 215 – FAIL (8# PR)
Everything went smoothly, I was very happy with what I did, and I had a great time! Thanks to the coaches, as always. This gym really is incredible.
Mixed results on the total, super fun regardless.
Squat 295, 305, 315(F)
305 Ties my strength PR. It came up slow but I wanted to go for 3 wheels for my final attempt and it just wasn't there.
Press 135, 140(PR), 142(PR)
Might have had 145 but happy to have some room for the next time.
Deadlift 305(F), 305, 315(F)
This was where things got weird. I knew I'd have trouble hitting my 335 from the total now that I've totally re-vamped my setup and pull. I actually couldn't get 285 off the floor during the first Wendler 1 week, but hit it for 5 this past 1 week. All told, I'm happy being able to pull over 300 with my new, more organized setup. Now to keep at it and strengthen the missing link muscles.
Also my first Total, and it went way better than I expected:
Sq – 185 / 205 (PR) / 225 (PR)
Press – 105 (PR) / 115 (PR) / 120 (PR)
DL – 255 (PR) / 275(PR) / 290 (PR)
Big thanks to Coach Noah for pushing me to go heavier than I otherwise would have, especially on the presses.
ALSO Gay WOD 3.0 was SO FUN !! Best WOD music ever (seriously, please let the gays handle the music from here on out.) The WOD was brutal after totaling, even with hardly any weight on the bar. Managed to squeak out 3 rounds + 6 squat cleans + 22 DUs @ 83#. Thanks so much to David O. for hosting the event and to the others who helped organize it. I can't tell you how much this kind of thing makes me love CFSBK even more than I already did (which is hard to imagine). Was sorry I couldn't stay for the beer :'(
Loved the energy in the gm today, and super psyched to have PR'ed on all my lifts.
Squat: 185 – 200 (PR) – 215 (PR)
Press: 80 – 85 (PR) – 90 (PR)
Deadlift: 230 – 250 (PR) – 260 (PR)
That last deadlift felt slow, but everything else moved really well. Spending the remainder of the day eating everything in sight.
CF Total today was really great. I felt awful when I woke up and wasn't sure if I was going to come in – so happy I did.
Squat 145/155(PR)/165(PR) – 25# PR
Press 55/58(PR)/63(PR) – 8# PR
Deadlift 165/175(PR)/185(F) – 10#PR – I think I gave up on 185 way too soon.
The atmosphere was amazing this morning and I had a lot of fun with my lifting buddy Amy and appreciated Fox pushing me to do more weight in the press. I love seeing all these big numbers that people hit today. Now I have some new goals for the next cycle and Tough Titsday.
Great to see the CFSBK Totalers today. Was really happy to see Noor put up some big numbers!
Today was great from a coaching perspective and as an athlete!
(45×5, 95×5, 185×2, 215×1)
235, 250, 260PR (5#PR)
(45×5, 65×3, 85×2)
92, 97PR, 100PR (5#PR)
135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1)
275, 295, 315PR (15#PR)
Very happy about going 9 for 9 and PRing in all of my lifts. I know there's more room in all and it was great to get some numbers to set goals for my meet in August. I'm looking for a 275# squat and a 330# deadlift.
It was great to see so many folks lifting big. And I don't just mean the people with the highest numbers in the gym. Sure that was great, but I much more loved the folks who surprised themselves with what they could accomplish. Nice work all!
Post workout/classes brunch with Noah and Fox at Bogota. Steak and eggs plus 2.5 adult beverages. Came back to the gym to 'watch' the LBGT wod and then we all of sudden decided to jump into the last heat. What?
3 rounds plus 6 squat cleans, 28 du's, 6 S2O, 1 burpee rx'd at 95.
-ugh, felt so full and sloshy throughout this. Whose idea was this anyhow…???
-really great wod though and would love to do it again not full and tipsy.
-great atmosphere during the wod and at the after party.
God, I love my job.
Great day at le CFSBK! Fun to coach the first 3 classes, and then total myself. It's been a minute. Public congrats to the Mrs. who owned her lifts righteously today.
Not happy with missing a number I "own" but…moving on.
170 was easy and 185 would have tied an all time PR but it didn't budge, despite all my raging about…
445/475/485 (PR)
This sets a 10# conventional deadlift PR for me. I knew I needed to pull the 475 to total 1000 (which was my goal).
Upon reflection I realized that I tried to conjure up a lot of angry energy today to fuel my lifts. It didn't work out well for me.
Then, without thinking about it much, post 1 Bandeja Paisa and 2.5 cocktails, jumped in on Gay WOD 3.0…oof.
3 rounds + 6/10
Felt a bit vomitous (put that in Websters) from the first burpee on. Happy to be part of this event and happy to work at the place that hosted it. Love my gays ๐
Awesome time at the 8am CF Total this morning. Big thanks to DO for encouraging me (and everyone else) to throw my plan out the window after the first attempt when it was clear I'd been WAY too conservative. Ended up finishing about 70lb heavier than I'd planned to! Still a long way from where I was as a high school athlete, but after today I'm not curious anymore if I'll get back to that… just excited to see how quick it happens.
305 – 325 – 345
345 felt good. Squats have always been right in my wheelhouse.
120 – 135 – 150
125 was my estimated ORM based on the calculator and the 3x5s. Was planning to go 120 – 130 – 135, so thanks DO for pushing me to make the big jumps.
320 – 355 – 385
First time I've put on a belt at CFSBK. Can't believe I got 385… shaky legs during and starry eyes afterwards.
Saw TONS of PR stars on the board after just the 8am. I'm guessing there was more of the same all morning. Way to go everybody!
I'm very grateful for today, especially since I wasn't even planning on coming in because I though it out of my league. Specifically, I want to thank:
Charlie (the girl) for telling me yesterday I should do the Total
Coach Fox for not letting me go home five minutes into the class
Adele for being a great partner, listening to my insecurities and nudging me along
Coach David for coaching me through my first Total and helping me make my numbers
Squats 115/125/135
Press 55/62/67
Deadlifts 125/145/165
My first CF total! Super-fun atmosphere of encouragement.
I think I made a few mistakes planning my lifts but I was overall pleased with how I did – reflected my progress in 10 months of crossfit and I know I can keep progressing.
Squat – 285, 300 (PR), 315 (F)
Press – 135, 145 (F), 145 (F)
Deadlift – 375 (PR), 405(F), 405 (F)
Definitely could have gone heavier on DL but that 30 lb jump was a mistake
Came to the stonewall wod with my partner and boys just to show my support – since I can't do cleans yet because of my arm – and already had used up my "free time" pass for the day..
BSQ 155-165-175 (10# PR)
Skipped press
Deadlift 180-190-200F
Was rushed on my last deadlift attempt. It's by no means a strong lift for me, but I think I have 200 in me. Overall thoughts… Today was so freaking fun. I could not wipe the sh*t eating grin off my face. Exercise rocks.
Took a little break, then Stonewall @ 75# with knee burpees. Felt so great and powerful for the first 6 squat cleans. I was like, wow Katie, you are a goddess. And then it kind of fell apart after that ๐ I vaguely remember walking in circles thinking, WTF, why do I feel so crappy? Still had a great time and would love to try this one again. Thank you to David for hosting!!
A very quite OG…
Clean and Jerk (Work up to a heavy single)
312 (PR)
Snatch (Doubles)
330×4, 330×2, 341×2, 351×2
Chocolate croissant
Chocolate chip cookie
3 Rounds FT of:
Run 270
20 Walking lunges holding a 65lb dumbbell overhead
15 GHD Sit-ups
Took it at a very leisurely pace and really just enjoyed being outside.
4 Rounds + 6 Squat Cleans @115
I love you all! Now I need to not do anything for about 2 hours.
First CF Total, first heavy singles, first 1RM, first PR, first Gay W.O.D., first squat clean, first injury? ๐ I'm grateful for CFSBK. Even if I won't be able to walk tomorrow ๐ My only regret is that I didn't discover this place and all of you awesome people sooner.
Yay Michelle! Well done!
The blog keeps eating my posts, so not sure if this will work…
First Total today. I was really nervous at the beginning, but definitely won't be next time. I do think my inexperience showed overall as my form was off for at least one attempt of each of the lifts.
My squats weren't looking so good and I think I forgot to give myself my usual cues. Missed my final rep as did not get low enough, which was disappointing.
Missed the first press as I used my knees but they felt good after that.
Deadlifts went well, despite having dropped a barbell on my toe (owie!) Again, the second and third attempts went better than the first, thanks to cues from Fox and Joy.
I feel like I could definitely have done more with the press and deadlift, but hat just means I have lots of room to grow. Roll on next cycle!!
Squat 170 (PR)
Press 68 (PR)
Deadlift 210 (PR)
Total 448
Thanks Coach Fox for lending your ever-watchful eye and to Joy and Sara for being awesome partners. Also, it was great to meet some peeps I only previously knew from this blog.
Congrats everyone!
@ David T: Thanks man, it waslovely talking to you. I felt really happy with this total. I think I got to my true 1 rep max on all three of the lifts, and feel super psyched to be back at my pre-pregnancy, first strength cycle numbers (155 backsquat, 83 press, 225 deadlift). Great to lift with the early morning class and see people experience their first total!
First Total was great! Having the powerlifting meet in June under my belt was helpful, as I felt decently confident with how to warm up, what numbers to choose, etc. Great working with KH and Shaye, with Lady Fox as our coach and guide.
warm-up … 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×1
150 / 160 / 170 (2# PR!!)
warm-up … 45×4, 55×2
65 / 70 / 75 (5# PR!)
warm-up … 95×5, 135×2, 160×1
180 / 195 / 210 (5# PR!!)
total = 455
wahoo! was not expecting these results with PR's all around, esp since I missed most of this cycle. maybe eating massive amounts of bread, oil, and sugar while not really working out much helped my strength?
The last dead lift at 210 was quite rounded. Losing the thoracic spine a bit. 195 felt a bit soft (and was), but not bad. 210 was not healthy. But it came up. This is probably the lift where I'm truly hitting my ceiling and need to work strength in other areas of my body to keep moving fwd here. Now that I've been lifting for a while, my single focus seems like it could really be front body tight. keeping my lower ribs relaxed down and a hollow body position, rather than constantly over-arching my spine.
great day. maybe even more nervous for TT in july now, cuz i'll have some even bigger numbers to beat!